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Created May 24, 2017 16:00
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extension NSDictionary {
func lastof(path: String) -> Any? {
var r: NSDictionary? = self
let ar = path.components(separatedBy: "/")
for a in ar.dropLast() {
if a.isEmpty { continue }
r = r?[a] as? NSDictionary
if r == nil { return nil }
guard let last = ar.last else { return nil }
return r?[last]
func string(path: String) -> String? { return lastof(path: path) as? String }
func array(path: String) -> NSArray? { return lastof(path: path) as? NSArray }
func dictionary(path: String) -> NSDictionary? { return lastof(path: path) as? NSDictionary }
func int(path: String) -> Int? {
let r = lastof(path: path)
if let s = r as? String { return Int(s) }
return r as? Int
func bool(path: String) -> Bool? {
let r = lastof(path: path)
if let s = r as? String { return s.lowercased() == "true" || Int(s) != 0 }
return r as? Bool
var jsonData: Data? { return try? self, options: []) }
var jsonString: String? {
guard let d = jsonData else { return nil }
return String(data: d, encoding: .utf8)
public extension Data {
var json: Any? { return (try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: self, options: .allowFragments)) }
var jsonDictionary: NSDictionary? { return json as? NSDictionary }
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