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in verts_in v
in faces_in s
in s_param s d=0.2 n=2
in depth s d=3 n=2
out verts_out v
out faces_out s
#Gyrovector space for making hyperbolic polyhedra
# Porting R code below to blender python
# source:
# Source objects are needed to be triangulated in advance
import numpy as np
import math
import copy
def dotprod(X, Y=[]):
return, (X if Y==[] else Y))
def betaF(A, s=1.0):
# f = lambda a1, s1: 1.0 / math.sqrt(1.0 + dotprod(a1) / s1**2)
# np_f = np.frompyfunc(f, 2, 1)
# return np_f(A, s)
# np_f = np.vectorize(lambda a1, s1: 1.0 / math.sqrt(1.0 + dotprod(a1) / s1**2))
# return np_f(A, s)
return 1.0 / math.sqrt(1.0 + dotprod(A) / s**2)
def gyroadd(A, B, s=1.0):
A_ = np.array(A)
B_ = np.array(B)
betaA = betaF(A_, s)
betaB = betaF(B_, s)
return (1.0 + (betaA / (1.0 + betaA)) * dotprod(A_, B_) / s**2 \
+ (1.0 - betaB) / betaB) * A_ + B_
def gyroscalar(r, A, s=1.0):
A_ = np.array(A)
Anorm = math.sqrt(dotprod(A_))
return (s / Anorm) * np.sinh(r * np.arcsinh(Anorm/s)) * A_
def gyroABt(A, B, t, s=1.0):
return gyroadd(A, gyroscalar(t, gyroadd(-A, B, s), s), s)
def gyromidpoint(A, B, s=1.0):
return gyroABt(A, B, 0.5, s)
def gyrosegment(A, B, s=1.0, n=50):
# gyroABt_func = np.frompyfunc(gyroABt, 4, 1)
t = [i / n for i in range(0, n)]
# return np.transpose(gyroABt_func(A, B, t, s))
return [np.transpose(gyroABt(A, B, t_, s)).tolist() for t_ in t]
# verts = np.array([])
# edges = np.array([])
# for i, edge in enumerate(edges_in[0]):
# a = np.array(verts_in[0][edge[0]])
# b = np.array(verts_in[0][edge[1]])
# verts = np.append(verts, gyrosegment(a, b, s_param, division))
# edges = np.append(edges, [[i, i+1] for i in \
# range(i*(division+1), (i+1)*(division+1)-1)])
# verts_out = [verts.reshape(-1, 3).tolist()]
# faces_out = [edges.reshape(-1, 2).tolist()]
def gyrosubdiv(verts, indices, s=1.0):
# indices of original triangle
i0, i1, i2 = int(indices[0]), int(indices[1]), int(indices[2])
# new vertices (middle points)
M12 = gyromidpoint(verts[i0], verts[i1], s)
M23 = gyromidpoint(verts[i1], verts[i2], s)
M31 = gyromidpoint(verts[i2], verts[i0], s)
new_verts = [M12, M23, M31]
new_indices = [len(verts), len(verts) + 1, len(verts) + 2]
new_triangles = [[i0, new_indices[0], new_indices[2]], \
[i1, new_indices[1], new_indices[0]], \
[i2, new_indices[2], new_indices[1]], \
[new_indices[0], new_indices[1], new_indices[2]] ]
return new_verts, new_indices, new_triangles
def gyrosubdiv_loop(verts, triangle_faces, s=1.0, depth=5):
new_verts = copy.deepcopy(verts)
new_triangles = copy.deepcopy(triangle_faces)
remain = depth
while (remain > 0):
added_verts = np.array([])
added_triangles = np.array([])
for triangle in new_triangles:
new_vs, new_ids, new_tris = \
gyrosubdiv(new_verts, triangle, s)
# added_verts = np.append(added_verts, new_vs)
added_triangles = np.append(added_triangles, new_tris)
new_verts = np.append(new_verts, new_vs).reshape(-1, 3)
new_triangles = added_triangles.reshape(-1, 3)
remain -= 1
return new_verts, new_triangles
# def extract_new_edges(new_triangles):
# edges = np.array([])
# for triangle in new_triangles:
# edges.append([triangle[0], triangle[1]])
verts, faces = gyrosubdiv_loop(np.array(verts_in[0]), np.array(faces_in[0]), s_param, depth)
verts_out = [verts.reshape(-1, 3).tolist()]
faces_out = [faces.reshape(-1, 3).tolist()]
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