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Last active August 29, 2015 14:19
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JSON Date reviver performance investigation
isoDateRegex = /^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\.\d{3}Z$/
isIsoDate = (value) ->
return value unless typeof(value) is 'string'
isIsoDateOptimized = (value) ->
return value unless typeof(value) is 'string'
return value unless value.length is 24
dateReviver = (dateTestFn) ->
(key, value) ->
return value unless dateTestFn(value)
return new Date(value)
data = for i in [1..10000]
date1: new Date( + i * 1000)
number: 1
string1: "Hello there"
string2: "Here's a slightly longer string."
obj: { a: 1, b: "2", c: '3'}
json = JSON.stringify(data)
startAt =
JSON.parse(json) for i in [1..10]
console.log "No reviver: #{ - startAt}ms"#, parsed
startAt =
JSON.parse(json, dateReviver(isIsoDate)) for i in [1..10]
console.log "Regex reviver: #{ - startAt}ms"#, parsed
startAt =
JSON.parse(json, dateReviver(isIsoDateOptimized)) for i in [1..10]
console.log "Regex reviver optimized: #{ - startAt}ms"#, parsed
No reviver: 148ms
Regex reviver: 633ms
Regex reviver optimized: 917ms
Surprising to see that the additional length check in isIsoDateOptimized
actually slows this down. The regex engine in node must be doing this
kind of optimization already faster than JavaScript.
Some of the time here is spent in new Date(). If we assume that consuming
code of the parsed JSON would be doing that conversion of string to Date
also, we should get rid of it in this test. Changing lines 16-17 to just
`return value` results in the following:
No reviver: 179ms
Regex reviver: 284ms
Regex reviver optimized: 258ms
So most of the time is spent actually converting the string to Date, not
checking to see if it looks like a Date.
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