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Created June 13, 2019 07:26
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data Last : List a -> a -> Type where
LastOne : Last [val] val
LastCons : (prf : Last xs val) -> Last (x :: xs) val
Uninhabited (Last [] val) where
uninhabited LastOne impossible
uninhabited (LastCons _) impossible
isLast : DecEq a => (xs : List a) -> (val : a) -> Dec (Last xs val)
isLast [] val = No absurd
isLast [x] val = case decEq x val of
Yes Refl => Yes LastOne
No contra => No (notLastOne contra)
notLastOne : (contra : (y = v) -> Void) -> Last [y] v -> Void
notLastOne contra LastOne = contra Refl
notLastOne contra (LastCons prf) = uninhabited prf
isLast (x :: xs@(x' :: xs')) val = case isLast xs val of
Yes prf => Yes (LastCons prf)
No contra => No ?b -- (notLastCons contra)
notLastCons : (contra : Last ys v -> Void) -> Last (y :: ys) v -> Void
- + Errors (1)
`-- CheckEqDec.idr line 84 col 56:
When checking right hand side of block in isLast at CheckEqDec.idr:83:41-53 with expected type
Dec (Last (x :: x' :: xs') val)
When checking argument prf to constructor Main.LastCons:
Type mismatch between
Last xs val (Type of prf)
Last (x' :: xs') val (Expected type)
Type mismatch between
x' :: xs'
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