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Last active March 3, 2017 21:42
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# FISHEYE_HOME: The path to the FishEye installation. It's recommended to create a symbolic link to the latest version so
# the process will still work after upgrades. Be sure to update the symlink itself when upgrading.
# Example: ln -s /usr/local/atlassian/applications/fisheye/4.2.0 /usr/local/atlassian/applications/fisheye/latest
# FISHEYE_INST: The path to store Fisheye data.
# The 2 lines below should be uncommented only if you don't have the environment variables set in /etc/environment file.
export FISHEYE_INST="/mnt/fecru-3.9.1_fisheye_data"
mkdir -p $FISHEYE_INST || sudo mkdir -p $FISHEYE_INST
fisheyectl() {
if [ ! -f "$FISHEYE_HOME/fisheyeboot.jar" ] ; then
echo "Error: Could not find $FISHEYE_HOME/fisheyeboot.jar"
exit 1
"$FISHEYE_HOME/bin/" "$1"
case "$1" in
fisheyectl start
fisheyectl stop
fisheyectl stop
sleep 10
fisheyectl start
fecru_pid=$(ps -eAf|grep fecru|grep -v grep|sed "s/[ \t][ \t]*/ /g"|cut -d" " -f2|head -1)
if [[ -n "${fecru_pid}" ]];
echo "Process 'fecru' fisheye/crucible is running. PID (${fecru_pid})"
echo "Process 'fecru' fisheye/crucible is NOT running."
echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|status|restart}"
echo "- Log files are available here:"
if [[ -n "${FISHEYE_INST}" ]];
echo "$(find "${FISHEYE_INST}/var/log" 2>/dev/null | sed "s/^/ /")";
echo "$(find "${FISHEYE_HOME}/var/log" 2>/dev/null | sed "s/^/ /")"
exit 0
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asangal commented Mar 2, 2017

This is already running on the server (

From bastion:

arun@bastion:~$ ssh

root@code:/mnt/fecru-3.9.1# pwd
root@code:/mnt/fecru-3.9.1# ps -eAf|grep fisheye
root      1284     1  1 Feb10 ?        04:55:19 /usr/bin/java -Xmx1024m -Dfisheye.library.path= -Dfisheye.inst=/mnt/fecru-3.9.1 -Djava.awt.headless=true -Djava.endorsed.dirs=/mnt/fecru-3.9.1/lib/endorsed -jar /mnt/fecru-3.9.1/fisheyeboot.jar start
root      6452  5990  0 01:11 pts/1    00:00:00 grep --color=auto fisheye

I created the above init.d script and it can be placed as: /etc/init.d/fisheye

  1. Do we need a new user fisheye or can we just use ubuntu or root?

Then run:

  1. sudo chmod 755 /etc/init.d/fisheye
  2. chkconfig --add fisheye --level 0356

If it works, we can have an Ansible playbook to take care of putting the init.d file (template) and make sure it's started/enabled.

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mzeier commented Mar 2, 2017

I don't know enough but if the existing process is running as root, might keep it that way only because there's probably some file that you'd lose read/write access to.

Unless you can do testing of this instance elsewhere with a different user?

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asangal commented Mar 3, 2017

Updated /etc/init.d/fisheye file. Yea, without root user it was having some perm issues. The new version worked fine.

vagrant@myubuntuvagrant:~$ sudo service fisheye status
Process 'fecru' fisheye/crucible is running. PID (4243)
- Log files are available here:

vagrant@myubuntuvagrant:~$ sudo service fisheye stop
INFO  - Using log4j configuration file: /mnt/fecru-3.9.1/log4j-client.xml
INFO  - FishEye arguments: []
FishEye Shutdown successfully
vagrant@myubuntuvagrant:~$ sudo service fisheye start
Starting FishEye/Crucible... Output redirected to /mnt/fecru-3.9.1_fisheye_data/var/log/fisheye.out

vagrant@myubuntuvagrant:~$ sudo service fisheye status
Process 'fecru' fisheye/crucible is running. PID (4639)
- Log files are available here:

Fisheye Login page on my Mac machine:
Port 8060 (Fisheye's port on guest VM is mapped to port 8160 on my Host Mac machine)

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