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Created December 10, 2014 15:25
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List dirty model changes in a human readable format
# Probably not the ideal way to handle this, but it should output the changes made to a model after it's been updated.
# If you want to grab the changes before the model is saved, change '.previous_changes' to '.changes'
# Hash contains a hash of changes in this following format:
# {attribute_name_1 => [old_value, new_value], attribute_name_2 => [old_value, new_value]}
change_hash = your_changed_object.previous_changes
# If we don't want to include the "updated_at" (or some other attributes), delete their keys from the hash
# Output all of the changes to a string in sentence form ("Changed name from 'Bob' to 'Joe'")
changes ={ |k,v| "changed '#{k}' from '#{v[0]}' to '#{v[1]}'" }.to_sentence
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