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Created June 4, 2018 19:52
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Manager e2e tests setup/teardown refactor test results (42 failures)
yarn run v1.3.2
$ ./node_modules/.bin/wdio ./e2e/config/wdio.conf.js
106 passing (1091.90s)
10 skipped
42 failing
1) Create Linode - Clone from Existing Suitesuite1 should display clone elements:
Expected [ 'We've updated our policies. See for more information.', 'This newly created Linode wil be created with the same password as the original Linode' ] to contain 'This newly created Linode wil be created with the same root password as the original Linode'.
running chrome
Error: Expected [ 'We've updated our policies. See for more information.', 'This newly created Linode wil be created with the same password as the original Linode' ] to contain 'This newly created Linode wil be created with the same root password as the original Linode'.
at <Jasmine>
at <Jasmine>
at ConfigureLinode.cloneBaseElemsDisplay (/Users/asauber/devenv/repos/manager/e2e/pageobjects/configure-linode.js:47:47)
at (/Users/asauber/devenv/repos/manager/e2e/specs/create/clone-from-existing-linode.spec.js:16:25)
2) Create Linode - Clone from Existing Suitesuite1 should disable source linode in clone target panel on selection:
Failed: Cannot read property '$$' of undefined
running chrome
at <Jasmine>
at ConfigureLinode.cloneSelectSource (/Users/asauber/devenv/repos/manager/e2e/pageobjects/configure-linode.js:132:49)
at (/Users/asauber/devenv/repos/manager/e2e/specs/create/clone-from-existing-linode.spec.js:20:25)
at <Jasmine>
3) Create Linode - Clone from Existing Suitesuite1 should expand with clone to new linode elements:
Failed: An element could not be located on the page using the given search parameters ("[data-qa-select-card-heading="New Linode"]").
running chrome
Error: An element could not be located on the page using the given search parameters ("[data-qa-select-card-heading="New Linode"]").
at click() - index.js:312:3
4) Create Linode - Clone from Existing Suitesuite1 should fail to clone to a smaller linode plan:
Failed: Promise was rejected with the following reason: timeout
running chrome
error properties: Object({ details: undefined, type: 'WaitUntilTimeoutError' })
Error: Promise was rejected with the following reason: timeout
at elementIdAttribute("66", "class") - getAttribute.js:43:55
5) Create Linode - Configure Linode Suitesuite1 should configure a generic linode and update cost summary:
Failed: An element could not be located on the page using the given search parameters ("[data-qa-image-summary]").
running chrome
Error: An element could not be located on the page using the given search parameters ("[data-qa-image-summary]").
at getText() - index.js:312:3
6) Create Linode - Configure Linode Suitesuite1 should select a specific image:
Expected false to be true.
running chrome
Error: Expected false to be true.
at <Jasmine>
at <Jasmine>
at (/Users/asauber/devenv/repos/manager/e2e/specs/create/configure.linode.spec.js:53:58)
at <Jasmine>
7) Linode Detail - Volumes - Create Suitesuite2 should display create a volume drawer:
Expected false to be true.
running chrome
Error: Expected false to be true.
at <Jasmine>
at <Jasmine>
at drawerElems.forEach.e (/Users/asauber/devenv/repos/manager/e2e/specs/linodes/detail/create-volumes.spec.js:59:60)
at <Jasmine>
at (/Users/asauber/devenv/repos/manager/e2e/specs/linodes/detail/create-volumes.spec.js:59:25)
8) Linode - Volumes - Attach, Detach, Delete Suitesuite1 should display detach linode dialog:
Failed: Cannot read property 'getAttribute' of undefined
running chrome
at <Jasmine>
at (/Users/asauber/devenv/repos/manager/e2e/specs/linodes/detail/detach-attach-volumes.spec.js:30:35)
at <Jasmine>
9) Linode - Volumes - Attach, Detach, Delete Suitesuite1 should detach the volume:
Failed: element ("[data-qa-dialog-title]") still not visible after 10000ms
running chrome
error properties: Object({ details: undefined, type: 'WaitUntilTimeoutError' })
Error: element ("[data-qa-dialog-title]") still not visible after 10000ms
at elements("[data-qa-dialog-title]") - isVisible.js:54:17
at isVisible("[data-qa-dialog-title]") - waitForVisible.js:73:22
10) Linode - Volumes - Attach, Detach, Delete Suitesuite1 should display attach drawer:
Failed: An element could not be located on the page using the given search parameters ("[data-qa-icon-text-link="Create a Volume"]").
running chrome
Error: An element could not be located on the page using the given search parameters ("[data-qa-icon-text-link="Create a Volume"]").
at click() - index.js:312:3
11) Linode - Volumes - Attach, Detach, Delete Suitesuite1 should attach to linode:
Failed: element ("[data-qa-drawer-title]") still not visible after 10000ms
running chrome
error properties: Object({ details: undefined, type: 'WaitUntilTimeoutError' })
Error: element ("[data-qa-drawer-title]") still not visible after 10000ms
at elements("[data-qa-drawer-title]") - isVisible.js:54:17
at isVisible("[data-qa-drawer-title]") - waitForVisible.js:73:22
12) Linode - Volumes - Attach, Detach, Delete Suitesuite1 should remove the volume:
Failed: Cannot read property 'ELEMENT' of null
running chrome
at <Jasmine>
at $("[data-qa-volume-cell-attachment]") - at element("[data-qa-volume-cell-attachment]") - $.js:42:17
13) Add IP Suitesuite2 should display error msg on click allocate:
Expected '' to contain '/support'.
running chrome
Error: Expected '' to contain '/support'.
at <Jasmine>
at <Jasmine>
at (/Users/asauber/devenv/repos/manager/e2e/specs/linodes/detail/networking.spec.js:30:67)
at <Jasmine>
14) Label Suitesuite2 should edit on save:
Failed: Promise was rejected with the following reason: timeout
running chrome
error properties: Object({ details: undefined, type: 'WaitUntilTimeoutError' })
Error: Promise was rejected with the following reason: timeout
at elementIdText("27") - getText.js:35:50
15) Reset Root Password Suitesuite3 should successfully change root password:
Failed: unknown error: Element <button tabindex="-1" class="MuiButtonBase-root-173 MuiButtonBase-disabled-174 MuiButton-root-249 MuiButton-raised-254 MuiButton-raisedPrimary-256 MuiButton-disabled-258 primary WrappedButton-root-580" type="button" disabled="" data-qa-password-save="true">...</button> is not clickable at point (299, 969). Other element would receive the click: <div class="ActionPanel-root-579 actionPanel">...</div>
running chrome
error properties: Object({ details: undefined, type: 'RuntimeError', screenshot: '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 ...
Error: An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command.
at elementIdClick("30") - click.js:20:22
16) Notification Thresholds Suitesuite4 should disable a notification threshold on toggle off:
Failed: Promise was rejected with the following reason: timeout
running chrome
error properties: Object({ details: undefined, type: 'WaitUntilTimeoutError' })
Error: Promise was rejected with the following reason: timeout
at elements("[data-qa-notice") - isVisible.js:54:17
at isVisible("[data-qa-notice") - waitForVisible.js:73:22
17) Notification Thresholds Suitesuite4 should enable a notification on toggle on:
Failed: Promise was rejected with the following reason: timeout
running chrome
error properties: Object({ details: undefined, type: 'WaitUntilTimeoutError' })
Error: Promise was rejected with the following reason: timeout
at elements("[data-qa-notice") - isVisible.js:54:17
at isVisible("[data-qa-notice") - waitForVisible.js:73:22
18) List Linodes Suitesuite1 should display Linodes header:
Expected false to be true.
running chrome
Error: Expected false to be true.
at <Jasmine>
at <Jasmine>
at (/Users/asauber/devenv/repos/manager/e2e/specs/linodes/linodes.spec.js:24:39)
at <Jasmine>
19) List Linodes Suitesuite1 should default to grid view:
Failed: An element could not be located on the page using the given search parameters ("[data-qa-active-view]").
running chrome
Error: An element could not be located on the page using the given search parameters ("[data-qa-active-view]").
at getAttribute("data-qa-active-view") - index.js:312:3
20) Grid View Suitesuite2 should display a Linode and linode grid item elements:
Expected false to be true.
running chrome
Error: Expected false to be true.
at <Jasmine>
at <Jasmine>
at ListLinodes.gridElemsDisplay (/Users/asauber/devenv/repos/manager/e2e/pageobjects/list-linodes.js:78:36)
at (/Users/asauber/devenv/repos/manager/e2e/specs/linodes/linodes.spec.js:51:25)
21) Grid View Suitesuite2 should display action menu and linode action menu items:
Failed: Cannot read property '$' of undefined
running chrome
at <Jasmine>
at (/Users/asauber/devenv/repos/manager/e2e/specs/linodes/linodes.spec.js:56:35)
at <Jasmine>
22) Grid View Suitesuite2 should display launch console button:
Failed: element ("[data-qa-label]") still not visible after 10000ms
running chrome
error properties: Object({ details: undefined, type: 'WaitUntilTimeoutError' })
Error: element ("[data-qa-label]") still not visible after 10000ms
at elements("[data-qa-label]") - isVisible.js:54:17
at isVisible("[data-qa-label]") - waitForVisible.js:73:22
23) Grid View Suitesuite2 should display reboot button:
Failed: Cannot read property '$' of undefined
running chrome
at <Jasmine>
at (/Users/asauber/devenv/repos/manager/e2e/specs/linodes/linodes.spec.js:69:56)
at <Jasmine>
24) List View Suitesuite3 should update url to contain list param:
Expected false to be true.
running chrome
Error: Expected false to be true.
at <Jasmine>
at <Jasmine>
at (/Users/asauber/devenv/repos/manager/e2e/specs/linodes/linodes.spec.js:83:50)
at <Jasmine>
25) List View Suitesuite3 should copy ip on click:
Failed: Cannot read property 'click' of undefined
running chrome
at <Jasmine>
at (/Users/asauber/devenv/repos/manager/e2e/specs/linodes/linodes.spec.js:99:28)
at <Jasmine>
26) List View Suitesuite3 should display action menu and linode action menu items:
Failed: Cannot read property '$' of undefined
running chrome
at <Jasmine>
at (/Users/asauber/devenv/repos/manager/e2e/specs/linodes/linodes.spec.js:114:24)
at <Jasmine>
27) Grid View Reboot - Suitesuite2 should reboot linode on click:
Failed: Cannot read property '$' of undefined
running chrome
at <Jasmine>
at (/Users/asauber/devenv/repos/manager/e2e/specs/linodes/reboot-linodes.spec.js:19:24)
at <Jasmine>
28) Grid View Reboot - Suitesuite2 should update status on reboot to rebooting:
Failed: Promise was rejected with the following reason: Cannot read property '$' of undefined
running chrome
error properties: Object({ details: undefined, type: 'WaitUntilTimeoutError' })
Error: Promise was rejected with the following reason: Cannot read property '$' of undefined
at waitUntil(<Function>, 10000) - index.js:312:3
29) Grid View Reboot - Suitesuite2 should display running status after booted:
Failed: Promise was rejected with the following reason: Cannot read property '$' of undefined
running chrome
error properties: Object({ details: undefined, type: 'WaitUntilTimeoutError' })
Error: Promise was rejected with the following reason: Cannot read property '$' of undefined
at waitUntil(<Function>, 180000) - index.js:312:3
30) Grid View Reboot - Suitesuite2 should display all grid view elements after reboot:
Expected false to be true.
running chrome
Error: Expected false to be true.
at <Jasmine>
at <Jasmine>
at ListLinodes.gridElemsDisplay (/Users/asauber/devenv/repos/manager/e2e/pageobjects/list-linodes.js:78:36)
at (/Users/asauber/devenv/repos/manager/e2e/specs/linodes/reboot-linodes.spec.js:37:25)
31) List View Reboot - Suitesuite3 should reboot linode on click:
Failed: Cannot read property '0' of undefined
running chrome
at <Jasmine>
at (/Users/asauber/devenv/repos/manager/e2e/specs/linodes/reboot-linodes.spec.js:53:40)
at <Jasmine>
32) List View Reboot - Suitesuite3 should update status on reboot to rebooting:
Failed: Cannot read property '0' of undefined
running chrome
at <Jasmine>
at (/Users/asauber/devenv/repos/manager/e2e/specs/linodes/reboot-linodes.spec.js:59:35)
at <Jasmine>
33) List View Reboot - Suitesuite3 should hide action menu:
Failed: Promise was rejected with the following reason: timeout
running chrome
error properties: Object({ details: undefined, type: 'WaitUntilTimeoutError' })
Error: Promise was rejected with the following reason: timeout
at elements("[data-qa-linode]") - index.js:312:3
34) List View Reboot - Suitesuite3 should display running status after booted:
Failed: Promise was rejected with the following reason: Cannot read property '0' of undefined
running chrome
error properties: Object({ details: undefined, type: 'WaitUntilTimeoutError' })
Error: Promise was rejected with the following reason: Cannot read property '0' of undefined
at waitUntil(<Function>, 180000) - index.js:312:3
35) Header - Search - Volumes Suitesuite1 should setup the spec:
Error: element ("[data-qa-linode]") still not visible after 10000ms
running chrome
error properties: Object({ details: undefined, type: 'WaitUntilTimeoutError' })
Error: element ("[data-qa-linode]") still not visible after 10000ms
at elements("[data-qa-linode]") - isVisible.js:54:17
at isVisible("[data-qa-linode]") - waitForVisible.js:73:22
36) Header - Search - Volumes Suitesuite1 should display search results for volumes:
Failed: element ("[data-qa-suggestion]") still not visible after 5000ms
running chrome
error properties: Object({ details: undefined, type: 'WaitUntilTimeoutError' })
Error: element ("[data-qa-suggestion]") still not visible after 5000ms
at elements("[data-qa-suggestion]") - isVisible.js:54:17
at isVisible("[data-qa-suggestion]") - waitForVisible.js:73:22
37) Header - Search - Volumes Suitesuite1 should navigate to linode detail volume page:
Failed: An element could not be located on the page using the given search parameters.
running chrome
error properties: Object({ type: 'NoSuchElement' })
Error: An element could not be located on the page using the given search parameters.
at click("[data-qa-suggestion]") - at element("[data-qa-suggestion]") - click.js:12:17
38) Header - Search - Volumes Suitesuite1 should remove the volume:
Failed: element ("[data-qa-linode="undefined"]") still not visible after 10000ms
running chrome
error properties: Object({ details: undefined, type: 'WaitUntilTimeoutError' })
Error: element ("[data-qa-linode="undefined"]") still not visible after 10000ms
at elements("[data-qa-linode="undefined"]") - isVisible.js:54:17
at isVisible("[data-qa-linode="undefined"]") - waitForVisible.js:73:22
39) Header - Search Suitesuite1 should display search suggestions on a legitmate search:
Failed: number or type of arguments don't agree with setValue command
running chrome
error properties: Object({ details: undefined, type: 'CommandError' })
Error: number or type of arguments don't agree with setValue command
at setValue() - index.js:312:3
40) Header - Search Suitesuite1 should select result on arrow down:
Failed: Cannot read property 'hasFocus' of undefined
running chrome
at <Jasmine>
at SearchBar.selectByKeyDown (/Users/asauber/devenv/repos/manager/e2e/pageobjects/
at (/Users/asauber/devenv/repos/manager/e2e/specs/search/search.spec.js:46:19)
at <Jasmine>
41) Header - Search Suitesuite1 should navigate to result on enter:
Failed: Promise was rejected with the following reason: timeout
running chrome
error properties: Object({ details: undefined, type: 'WaitUntilTimeoutError' })
Error: Promise was rejected with the following reason: timeout
at getUrl() - at url() - getUrl.js:30:28
42) Header - Search Suitesuite1 should navigate to result on click:
Failed: number or type of arguments don't agree with setValue command
running chrome
error properties: Object({ details: undefined, type: 'CommandError' })
Error: number or type of arguments don't agree with setValue command
at setValue() - index.js:312:3
✨ Done in 1092.93s.
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