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Working from home

Alexander Savin asavin

Working from home
View GitHub Profile
# Your init script
# Atom will evaluate this file each time a new window is opened. It is run
# after packages are loaded/activated and after the previous editor state
# has been restored.
# An example hack to make opened Markdown files always be soft wrapped:
# path = require 'path'
asavin /
Created February 14, 2016 23:28
Blog on team autonomy

Next level of team autonomy

In software development there are few enabling factors that can boost the productivity and well being of team. You could sum up everything into 2 things:

  • Hire best available talent around
  • Trust your talent

Trust is something that enables innovation while maintaining feel of responsibility. Trust towards your talented hires allows them to feel appreciated and at the same time responsible for delivery. In many ways Red Badger works exactly this way - hires amazing people, puts them into teams and provides autonomy in making decisions regarding how things should be done. Pick best available tools, combine with the modern agile methodologies and lean approach, do real life user research, test and deliver actual product.

One of the natural limiting factors is always budget. There is X amount of money approved to spend. Within the budget every spending should generally be approved by PM (plus whatever extra people involved into accounting of spendings). There is also certain a

asavin /
Created May 18, 2015 21:29
Fluent conf blog

What I learned on future of Internet from Fluent conference

By the year 2015 I pretty much imagined Internet to be something close to how it was envisioned in Gabriele Salvatores’ Nirvana cyberpunk film. You plug yourself directly into cerebral cortex, put VR goggles on and off you go flying into the cyberspace.

Funnily enough, there was a glimpse of that during the recent O’Reilly Fluent conference in San Francisco. But all things in order.

Fluent is not a conference to attend, if you want to get deep knowledge on a certain subject. 30 min long sessions are good enough to get a drive through the topic, to give you understanding on what it is. What Fluent is perfect at is to give you broad overview on stuff you had no idea about. 5 simultaneous tracks of talks, one extra track of meetups, one more for workshops and as a bonus there is ongoing exhibition hall with companies and live demos of hardware and software.

There is optional extra day for just workshops - which actually was good for getting deep

asavin /
Created April 15, 2015 15:16

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am asavin on github.
  • I am alexsavin ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is 20E9 4056 40A3 D207 1F95 68AA 6CF6 48FE 4C45 1C98

To claim this, I am signing this object:

asavin /
Created April 4, 2015 17:24
Yubikey blog

Yubikey is a tiny USB device with a single button. Once you plug it into computer, it will pretend to be a USB keyboard. When you press (the) button, it will output a seemingly random string of characters into selected input field.

It can also let you to forget all passwords and keep your memory cells occupied with more important stuff. Like birthday date of your spouse or when is the next episode of Silicon Valley.

Here's my personal experience of using Yubikey for a week. It will probably lack some details like details on security algorithms used by Yubikey internals. But you should get pretty good idea on what it is and if it is of any use to you.

The very basic and highly promoted use case of Yubikey goes like this:

  • You activate 2-step authentication on Gmail
  • Once Gmail require you to authenticate, you type in your usual user/pass combo, and then plug in Yubikey
asavin /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:14
Why HTTPS for static blog

#Why I moved my static blog to HTTPS

By the year 2015 general awareness of the differences between plain HTTP and protected HTTPS seems to become more or less general. When making online purchases, or sending private messages, or entering passwords online we are now getting this warm fuzzy feeling if there is green lock icon shining next to the page's URL. And panic attacks if there isn't one. Being HTTPS only became standard for online services dealing with customer sensitive data.

On the other hand there are pages like personal blogs, or, well, Wikipedia. Or BBC. Just good old unencrypted HTTP. You can actually access Wikipedia via https, but if you try the same trick with BBC page, it will just redirect you back to the land of plain HTTP. And why would you want encrypted connection anyway? It's not like they are selling stuff and you're submitting personal credit card number. You're just wandering around the Web, reading stuff, minding your own business.

Recently I moved my per

asavin / sticky_header.less
Created June 1, 2014 08:33
Sticky element CSS animation example
.my-header {
position: fixed;
z-index: 10;
asavin / 01 capybara.rb
Last active March 16, 2021 15:37
Gists for the Automated cross-browser testing blogpost
# features/support/capybara.rb
Capybara.app_host = ''
asavin / final_circle.yml
Created May 23, 2014 21:16
Final circle.yml config
- browserstack
- RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rake spec
- RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec cucumber
- script/ci/
parallel: true
- browserstack/BrowserStackLocal -localIdentifier "$CIRCLE_PROJECT_REPONAME-node-$CIRCLE_NODE_INDEX" -skipCheck $BS_AUTHKEY,3001:
asavin /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
Пост про Discover Meteor на habrahabr

#Книжка Discover Meteor переведена на русский

Познавательная книжка Discover Meteor теперь переведена усилиями сообщества на русский язык и находится в свободном доступе. Английская версия по-прежнему требует подписки и стоит (разумных) денег.

В начале марта авторы оригинальной книжки Sacha Greif и Tom Coleman бросили клич, приглашая любителей фреймворка MeteorJS перевести ее на все языки мира. Локализированные версии книжки выкладывались бы под свободной лицензией Creative Commons, свободно доступные для всех желающих быстро познать мир Meteor. В настоящий момент существуют переводы на 22 языка мира, в разной степени готовности. Проект доступен на GitHub, и если кто-то заметил опечатку, или желает как-то дополнить перевод - добро пожаловать в команду.

14 основных глав и 11 пояснительных хорошо знакомят с миром Meteor и доступны даже тем, кто никогда не занимался веб разработкой. Meteor - полноценный фреймворк со своей отдельной вселенной подключаемых пакетов под названием Atmosphere, и, в некотором смысле