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Created March 3, 2024 06:26
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recursive text splitter
split_recursive( data; delimiters, chunk_size )
Recursively split the data using the provided delimiters (default: ["\n\n", "\n", " ", " "])
in ordered manner and chunk_size (default: 4096). The function will split the data using the
first delimiter and then recursively split the chunks using the next delimiter if the chunk
size is larger than the provided chunk_size. If all delimiters are exhausted then the function
will split the data based on the chunk_size. The function will merge consecutive chunks if they
are smaller than chunk_size.
# Arguments
- data::AbstractString: The data to be split
- delimiters::Array{String}: The delimiters to be used for splitting the data
- chunk_size::Int: The size of the chunk
function split_recursive( data::AbstractString;
delimiters=["\n\n", "\n", " ", " "],
chunk_size=4096 )
chunked_data = [] # store chunked data
# split the data using the first delimiter
delim = delimiters[1]
chunks = split(data, delim; keepempty=false)
# individually process each chunk
for (idx,c) in enumerate(chunks)
if length(c) <= chunk_size
push!(chunked_data, c)
elseif (length(c) > chunk_size) && (length(delimiters[2:end]) > 0) # split using next delim if larger than chunk_size
new_delimiters = delimiters[2:end]
r = text_splitter(c, delimiters = new_delimiters, chunk_size=chunk_size)
chunked_data = cat(chunked_data, r, dims=1)
elseif (length(c) > chunk_size) && (length(delimiters[2:end]) == 0) # if all delims are exhausted then just split on length
r = [c[i:min(i+chunk_size-1,end)] for i in 1:chunk_size:length(c)]
chunked_data = cat(chunked_data, r, dims=1)
# merge consecutive chunks if they are smaller than chunk_size
merged_data = []
for (idx,c) in enumerate(chunked_data)
prev_chunk_len = (length(merged_data) == 0) ? chunk_size + 1 : length(merged_data[end])
if length(c) + prev_chunk_len <= chunk_size # merge if the chunks are smaller than chunk_size
merged_data[end] = join([merged_data[end], c], " ")
push!(merged_data, c)
# Download some text
download("", "1984.txt")
data = read("1984.txt", String)
# Split the text
r = split_recursive(data, chunk_size=1024)
for (idx, d) in enumerate(r)
println("\n\nChunk: ", idx, " Length: ", length(d))
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