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Created September 10, 2011 12:26
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Save asbjornu/1208249 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Export all Mac OS X Address Book entries as single vCard files to a chosen folder
property targetfolder : "" as Unicode text
set targetfolder to choose folder with prompt "Choose a folder or volume:" as Unicode text
on error
display dialog "Invalid path" buttons "Exit"
end try
tell application "Address Book"
set groupnames to name of every group
copy "All" to the beginning of groupnames
set selectedgroups to choose from list groupnames ¬
with title "Groups" with prompt "Choose group(s) to export" with multiple selections allowed
if selectedgroups is equal to false then return
if selectedgroups contains "All" then
set contacts to every person
set contacts to {}
repeat with selectedgroup in selectedgroups
copy every person in group selectedgroup to contacts
end repeat
end if
repeat with contact in contacts
set firstname to first name of contact
set lastname to last name of contact
set middlename to middle name of contact
set orgname to organization of contact
if firstname is not equal to "" and firstname is not missing value and lastname is not equal to "" and lastname is not missing value then
if middlename is equal to "" or middlename is missing value then
set middlename to "" as Unicode text
set middlename to middlename & " " as Unicode text
end if
set filename to (firstname & " " & middlename & lastname & ".vcf") as Unicode text
else if orgname is not equal to "" and orgname is not missing value then
set filename to (orgname & ".vcf") as Unicode text
set filename to "No Name.vcf" as Unicode text
end if
set filepath to (targetfolder as Unicode text) & (filename as Unicode text)
set card to (get vcard of contact) as Unicode text
set output to open for access file filepath with write permission
set eof output to 0
write card to output
close access output
on error
close access file filepath
end try
end try
end repeat
display dialog "Finished exporting " & (count of contacts) & " contacts!"
end tell
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Tetonne commented Feb 14, 2015

this script is great but i see that .vcf with surname are not correctly export
data such surname sometime are missing in the export .vcf?
I'm under OS X 10.10.1

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