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Last active March 20, 2019 15:32
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Azure AKS Kubernetes Cluster Create Powershell with RBAC and AAD Enabled
## This assumes you have created your 3 service principals and given them proper access
# General infrastructure
$rg = "Name_of_Your_Resource_Group"
$tenant_id = "Tenant_ID_GUID"
$subscription_id = "Subscription_ID_GUID"
$ssh_pubkey = "ssh-rsa your_public_key"
$ssh_root_user_name = "username_for_shelling_in_do_not_use_root"
$location = "valid_azure_location"
$vnet_name = "Name_of_your_VNET_in_your_resource_group"
$subnet_name = "Name_of_subnets_where_your_nodes_will_live"
$vault_name = "Name_of_your_Azure_Key_Vault"
## Put your passwords in a vault, don't leave them in a script!
$aad_server_app_id = "AAD_Server_Service_Principal_Application_Id"
$aad_client_app_id = "AAD_Client_Service_Principal_Application_Id"
$aad_server_app_secret = $(az keyvault secret show --vault-name $vault_name --name aakaadserversecret --query value)
$aad_service_principal_id = "AAD_Service_Principal_Application_Id"
$aad_service_principal_secret = $(az keyvault secret show --vault-name $vault_name --name k8sServicePrincipalClientSecret --query value)
# K8S Infrastructure
$k8s_cluster_name = "Name_of_Your_Kubernetes_Cluster"
$k8s_container_subnet = "Subnet_CIDR_Where_your_containers_will_live_make_this_relatively_large"
$k8s_dns_ip = "IP_Address_inside_of_above_subnet_cidr_to_resolve_DNS"
az aks create `
--resource-group $rg `
--name $k8s_cluster_name `
--generate-ssh-keys `
--aad-server-app-id $aad_server_app_id `
--aad-server-app-secret $aad_server_app_secret `
--aad-client-app-id $aad_client_app_id `
--aad-tenant-id $tenant_id `
--service-principal $aad_service_principal_id `
--client-secret $aad_service_principal_secret `
--dns-service-ip $k8s_dns_ip `
--kubernetes-version 1.12.6 `
--node-count 1 `
--service-cidr $k8s_container_subnet `
--network-plugin azure `
--docker-bridge-address `
--vnet-subnet-id "/subscriptions/$subscription_id/resourceGroups/$rg/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/$vnet_name/subnets/$subnet_name" `
--admin-username $ssh_root_user_name `
--ssh-key-value $ssh_pubkey `
--location $location `
--enable-rbac `
--enable-addons http_application_routing
# Useful links
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