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Use macOS-style shortcuts in Windows

Use macOS-style shortcuts in Windows / keyboard mappings using a Mac keyboard on Windows

ℹ️ There is a newer alternative project that does similar things and more, check it out at

Make Windows PC's shortcut act like macOS (Mac OS X) (using AutoHotkey (ahk) script)

With this AutoHotKey script, you can use most macOS style shortcuts (eg, cmd+c, cmd+v, ...) on Windows with a standard PC keyboard.

How does it work

Here's some examples of how this script work:

you want to press what you're actually pressing AutoHotKey tells Windows
cmd + c alt + c ctrl + c
cmd + v alt + v ctrl + v
cmd + r alt + r F5
cmd + ↑ alt + ↑ Home
cmd + shift + [ alt + shift + [ ctrl + shift + Tab
... ... ...

Note that:

  1. you shouldn't change the modifier keys mapping with keyboard DIP. This script assumes you (1) use a PC keyboard on Mac and have swapped [cmd] and [option] keys via Mac system preferences (2) you are familiar with mac shortcuts in macs (3) you want to use the PC keyboard and mac-style shortcuts on PC.
  2. To use cmd + shift + ↑ / ↓ / ← / → (select text between cursor and top / bottom / beginning of line / end of line), You should disable the Between input languages shotcut from Control Panel\Clock, Language, and Region\Language\Advanced settings > Change lanugage bar hot keys due to conflicting.
  3. Some Windows built-in keyboard shortcuts will be overridden. For example: win + ↑ / ↓ / ← / → (snap window to side). Change mac.ahk accordingly if you prefer to keep the default behavior.

To Run Once (until reboot)

  1. Install
  2. Copy and save the content of mac.ahk in a text file, named as mac.ahk
  3. Double click on mac.ahk file

Auto start after Windows startup

Complete the step of "To Run Once" section first.

Place mac.ahk file (or make a shortcut) at C:\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
; Docs:
; Ref
; You need to disable "Between input languages" shotcut from Control Panel\Clock, Language, and Region\Language\Advanced settings > Change lanugage bar hot keys
; Universal shotcuts
$!x::Send ^x
$!c::Send ^c
$!v::Send ^v
$!s::Send ^s
$!a::Send ^a
$!z::Send ^z
$!+z::Send ^y
$!w::Send ^w
$!f::Send ^f
$!n::Send ^n
$!q::Send !{f4}
$!r::Send ^{f5}
$!m::Send {LWin Down}{Down}{LWin Up}
$!`::Send {Alt Down}{Shift Down}{Tab}{Shift Up}
; Quick Switch Tab shotcuts
$!1::Send ^1
$!2::Send ^2
$!3::Send ^3
$!4::Send ^4
$!5::Send ^5
$!6::Send ^6
$!7::Send ^7
$!8::Send ^8
$!9::Send ^9
$!0::Send ^0
; Chrome shotcuts
$!t::Send ^t
$!+t::Send ^+t
$!+]::Send {Ctrl Down}{Tab Down}{Tab Up}{Ctrl Up}
$!+[::Send {Ctrl Down}{Shift Down}{Tab Down}{Tab Up}{Shift Up}{Ctrl Up}
$!l::Send ^l
; input methods
; $+,::Send ^,
; $+.::Send ^.
; navigation, selection, delete a word/till end
$!Left::Send {Home}
$!Right::Send {End}
$!Up::Send {Lctrl down}{Home}{Lctrl up}
$!Down::Send {Lctrl down}{End}{Lctrl up}
$#Left::Send {ctrl down}{Left}{ctrl up}
$#Right::Send {ctrl down}{Right}{ctrl up}
$#+Left::Send {ctrl down}{shift down}{Left}{shift up}{ctrl up}
$#+Right::Send {ctrl down}{shift down}{Right}{shift up}{ctrl up}
$!+Left::Send {shift down}{Home}{shift up}
$!+Right::Send {shift down}{End}{shift up}
$!+Up::Send {Ctrl Down}{shift down}{Home}{shift up}{Ctrl Up}
$!+Down::Send {Ctrl Down}{shift down}{End}{shift up}{Ctrl Up}
!BS::Send {LShift down}{Home}{LShift Up}{Del}
#BS::Send {LCtrl down}{BS}{LCtrl up}
$#Space::Send {Ctrl Down}{LWin Down}{Space}{LWin Up}{Ctrl Up}
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For some reason #BS::Send {LCtrl down}{BS}{LCtrl up} doesn't work. I've tried different symbols for backspace like BackSpace and BACKSPACE but it doesn't work. It only deletes one character instead of a word.

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Hi @tornikenats, maybe also try:

$#BS::Send {LCtrl down}{BS}{LCtrl up}

If that works, I will update the gist. But I don't have a windows machine with me right now.

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Hi @ascendbruce, everything works, it was another one of the lines I added that broke it. Feel free to delete my comment to reduce noise.

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Aghyads commented Apr 27, 2021

@ascendbruce, dear, do you know how I can create the move forward/ redo shortcut.
It is not working on Microsoft office programs.
here is my script:

#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

; Docs:
; Ref

; You need to disable "Between input languages" shotcut from Control Panel\Clock, Language, and Region\Language\Advanced settings > Change lanugage bar hot keys

; Universal shotcuts

$!x::Send ^x
$!c::Send ^c
$!v::Send ^v
$!s::Send ^s
$!a::Send ^a
$!z::Send ^z
$!+z::Send ^y
$!w::Send ^w
$!f::Send ^f
$!n::Send ^n
$!q::Send !{f4}
$!r::Send ^{f5}
$!m::Send {LWin Down}{Down}{LWin Up}
$!`::Send {Alt Down}{Shift Down}{Tab}{Shift Up}

; Quick Switch Tab shotcuts

$!1::Send ^1
$!2::Send ^2
$!3::Send ^3
$!4::Send ^4
$!5::Send ^5
$!6::Send ^6
$!7::Send ^7
$!8::Send ^8
$!9::Send ^9
$!0::Send ^0

; Chrome shotcuts

$!t::Send ^t
$!+t::Send ^+t
$!+]::Send {Ctrl Down}{Tab Down}{Tab Up}{Ctrl Up}
$!+[::Send {Ctrl Down}{Shift Down}{Tab Down}{Tab Up}{Shift Up}{Ctrl Up}
$!l::Send ^l

; input methods

; $+,::Send ^,
; $+.::Send ^.

; navigation, selection, delete a word/till end

$!Left::Send {Home}
$!Right::Send {End}
$!Up::Send {Lctrl down}{Home}{Lctrl up}
$!Down::Send {Lctrl down}{End}{Lctrl up}

$#Left::Send {ctrl down}{Left}{ctrl up}
$#Right::Send {ctrl down}{Right}{ctrl up}
$#+Left::Send {ctrl down}{shift down}{Left}{shift up}{ctrl up}
$#+Right::Send {ctrl down}{shift down}{Right}{shift up}{ctrl up}

$!+Left::Send {shift down}{Home}{shift up}
$!+Right::Send {shift down}{End}{shift up}
$!+Up::Send {Ctrl Down}{shift down}{Home}{shift up}{Ctrl Up}
$!+Down::Send {Ctrl Down}{shift down}{End}{shift up}{Ctrl Up}

!BS::Send {LShift down}{Home}{LShift Up}{Del}
#BS::Send {LCtrl down}{BS}{LCtrl up}

$#Space::Send {Ctrl Down}{LWin Down}{Space}{LWin Up}{Ctrl Up}

^space:: Send ^{esc}

LControl & Tab::AltTab

; Google Search highlighted text
Send, ^c
Sleep 50

; Press ~ to move up a folder in Explorer
#IfWinActive, ahk_class CabinetWClass
`::Send !{Up}

; Empty trash
^del::FileRecycleEmpty ; win + del

Send {LWin down}{Space down}
KeyWait, LWin
Send {Space up}{Lwin up}

^h::WinMinimize, A ; Ctrl+Down

Send {F2}

DllCall("PowrProf\SetSuspendState", "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0)


Any suggestions to solve that?


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sgrayrw commented May 8, 2021

Thanks so much!

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Amazing, thank you so much for this!

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last line change language it space 1 char, how can I fixed it.

Thanks for script btw

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Hi @ascendbruce thank you very much for this, you really saved my life! I come from mac and in my new job we use Windows and I cannot stand Windows shortcuts, my mind just bug.

I need your help for other 4 things that I do on mac that i cannot do on Windows:
1 - On Chrome I usually press commad + tap on touchpad to open a link on a new tab. So how can I do alt + tap and send crt + tap?
2 - How can I drag windows with three fingers, as I do on Mac?
3 - On Mac I use command + ' to change windows of the same App (which is different from command + tab which change from app to app). Is there a similar way to do that on Windows?
4 - Last but not least: on Mac I use command + space to open the Spotlight. On Windows I use a three finger tap. Is there a way to use it as alt + space?

Could you help me my friend?

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  1. Add this line to mac.ahk to mimic command+tap:
$!LButton::Send ^{LButton}
  1. Use PowerToys Run to mimic Spotlight:

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@aditnryn Thank you very much!
2 - I think that is impossible
3 - I tried to use but it didn't worked well.

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edoardoc commented Mar 4, 2022

@aditnryn @joaquim-oliveira-neto
2 - it is indeed impossible :/ and there is an ongoing discussion about the reasons and some surrogates at

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Thanks a lot!
Also internal windows screenshot tool mapping
+!4::Send {LWin Down}{Shift Down}{S}{Shift Up}{LWin Up}

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zcharef commented Aug 1, 2022

this doesn't work for me #July 2022

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Trying to create a better solution for this here:
Feedback welcome!

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@stevenilsen123 That is cool!!!

I rarely use Windows PC now. I would love to try it out next time when I get a chance!

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Thanks a lot!

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Thanks!! I can finally learn only one set of shorcuts and forget stupid windows one!!

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nullptre commented Sep 7, 2024

I've updated it to AutoHotKey v2 and added CapsLock for language switching and fix to the app menu on Alt.

#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0
; #NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn  ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
; SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability."
; SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

; Docs:
; Ref

; You need to disable "Between input languages" shotcut from Control Panel\Clock, Language, and Region\Language\Advanced settings > Change lanugage bar hot keys

; Block single press on Alt so it doesn't trigger app menu
~Alt::Send "{Blind}{vkE8}"

; Universal shotcuts

$!x::Send "^x"
$!c::Send "^c"
$!s::Send "^s"
$!v::Send "^v"
$!a::Send "^a"
$!z::Send "^z"
$!+z::Send "^y"
$!w::Send "^w"
$!f::Send "^f"
$!n::Send "^n"
$!q::Send "!{f4}"
$!r::Send "^{f5}"
$!m::Send "{LWin Down}{Down}{LWin Up}"
$!`::Send "{Alt Down}{Shift Down}{Tab}{Shift Up}"

; Quick Switch Tab shotcuts

$!1::Send "^1"
$!2::Send "^2"
$!3::Send "^3"
$!4::Send "^4"
$!5::Send "^5"
$!6::Send "^6"
$!7::Send "^7"
$!8::Send "^8"
$!9::Send "^9"
$!0::Send "^0"

; Chrome shotcuts

$!t::Send "^t"
$!+t::Send "^+t"
$!+]::Send "{Ctrl Down}{Tab Down}{Tab Up}{Ctrl Up}"
$!+[::Send "{Ctrl Down}{Shift Down}{Tab Down}{Tab Up}{Shift Up}{Ctrl Up}"
$!l::Send "^l"

; input methods

$+,::Send "^,"
$+.::Send "^."

; Using CapsLock to switch languages, see
; Uncomment the section below
; SetCapsLockState('AlwaysOff')
; +CapsLock::{
;     if (GetKeyState("CapsLock", "T")) {
;         SetCapsLockState('Off')
;     } else {
;         SetCapsLockState('On')
;     }
; }
; CapsLock::Send("{Shift down}{Alt down}{Shift up}{Alt up}")

; navigation, selection, delete a word/till end

#HotIf !WinActive("Task Switching") ; disable it when swtitching between windows
$!Left::Send "{Home}"
$!Right::Send "{End}"
$!Up::Send "{Lctrl down}{Home}{Lctrl up}"
$!Down::Send "{Lctrl down}{End}{Lctrl up}"

$#Left::Send "{ctrl down}{Left}{ctrl up}"
$#Right::Send "{ctrl down}{Right}{ctrl up}"
$#+Left::Send "{ctrl down}{shift down}{Left}{shift up}{ctrl up}"
$#+Right::Send "{ctrl down}{shift down}{Right}{shift up}{ctrl up}"

$!+Left::Send "{shift down}{Home}{shift up}"
$!+Right::Send "{shift down}{End}{shift up}"
$!+Up::Send "{Ctrl Down}{shift down}{Home}{shift up}{Ctrl Up}"
$!+Down::Send "{Ctrl Down}{shift down}{End}{shift up}{Ctrl Up}"

!BS::Send "{LShift down}{Home}{LShift Up}{Del}"
#BS::Send "{LCtrl down}{BS}{LCtrl up}"

$#Space::Send "{Ctrl Down}{LWin Down}{Space}{LWin Up}{Ctrl Up}"

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