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Last active November 7, 2017 17:32
# Shell and drush commands to set up (or some part of it) the new site.
# Go to sites/all/scripts (e.g. cd sites/all/scripts) and type "sh"
# in your console/shell/Terminal.
# The commands are built to run once, e.g. to set some symlinks, but shall be
# designed to not break other commands on the second run.
# Change directory to drupal root
cd ../../..
# Build symlinks for local environment.
echo "Create symlinks:"
ln -s .htaccess.local .htaccess
ln -s settings.local.php sites/default/settings.php
# Install Drupal
drush site-install minimal -y
# Check drupal status
drush status
# Create Login
echo "Use the following link to log in"
drush uli
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