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Last active December 18, 2015 21:39
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  • Save aschiwi/5848905 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save aschiwi/5848905 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# Shell and drush commands to update the given installation
# Go to sites/all/scripts (e.g. cd sites/all/scripts) and type "sh"
# in your console/shell/Terminal.
# The commands have to be functional for any case after the initial installation
# installation. So on any set up after calling that script, the configuration
# must be the same.
# For example:
# ------------
# When the script enabled a module in an earlier revision and that module shall
# not be enabled in the current revision, we have to add a "drush dis" and a
# "drush pm-uninstall" command for that module to this script.
# Change directory to drupal root
cd ../../..
# pwd
# Check drupal status
drush status
# Disable these themes to make sure they are never enabled.
drush --yes pm-disable seven
drush --yes pm-disable bartik
# Enable some modules that must be enabled.
drush --yes pm-enable features
drush --yes pm-enable strongarm
# Enable project features.
drush --yes pm-enable ok_base
drush --yes pm-enable ok_event
drush --yes pm-enable ok_i18n
drush --yes pm-enable ok_menus
drush --yes pm-enable ok_news
drush --yes pm-enable ok_page
drush --yes pm-enable ok_search
drush --yes pm-enable ok_slideshow
drush --yes pm-enable ok_sidebar
drush --yes pm-enable ok_theme
drush --yes pm-enable ok_user
drush --yes pm-enable ok_wysiwyg
# Enable project theme.
drush --yes pm-enable ourprettytheme
# Update
drush --yes updb
# Disable unused modules and features.
drush --yes pm-disable features_override
drush --yes pm-uninstall features_override
# Remove an old content type and some fields.
drush --yes php-eval "node_type_delete('page');"
drush field-delete field_news_tags --bundle=news
drush field-delete field_news_link --bundle=news
# Index content for solr
drush sapi-i ok_sitewide_index 10000 25
drush sapi-s
# Revert all features and clear cache.
drush --yes features-revert-all
drush cache-clear all
# Display list of features to check status manually.
drush features
# Check for available notification system
# Checks in preferred order and only uses one: Notification Center, Growl, Audio
# For OS X 10.8 use terminal notifier "sudo gem install terminal-notifier"
# For Growl, download and install growlnotifier
if [ $( find /Library/Ruby/Gems/ -name 'terminal-notifier*' -type d | wc -l) -ge 1 ]; then
# Notification center output for finished
terminal-notifier -message "$USER, the update script run is complete" -title "undpaul Update Script"
elif [ -f /usr/local/bin/growlnotify ]; then
# Growl notification
growlnotify -n "undpaul Update Script" -m "$USER, the update script run is complete"
elif [ $(command -v say) ]; then
# Vocal output for finished
say "$USER, the update script run is complete"
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