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Last active December 17, 2015 01:59
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Save asciidisco/5532050 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Test login in embedded iframe that is also protected by http auth
module.exports = {
// name of the suite
name: 'some super secret project login test',
// Can log in @portal, go to dashbaord, and can go further from there
'can log in @portal': function (test) {
'use strict';
.setHttpAuth('username', 'password')
.assert.title('SECRET > Login', 'Login page title is correct')
// iframes can only be selected by their index by now,
// this should be changed to accpet a selector expression
.val('#email', '')
.val('#passwd', 'password')
.assert.title('SECRET > Dashboard', 'Dashbaord page title is correct')
.assert.title('SECRET > settings', 'Can open settings from dashbaord')
// Get rejected when logging in @portal with wrong credentials,
// get redirected to the login again and verify that the user receives an error message
'get rejected when logIn with wrong credentials @portal': function (test) {
'use strict';
.setHttpAuth('username', 'password')
.assert.title('SECRET > Login', 'Login page title is correct')
.val('#email', 'foo@bar.baz')
.val('#passwd', 'baz')
.assert.title('SECRET > Login', 'Login page title is shown when trying to log in with wrong credentials')
.visible('.error-msg', 'Error message is visible')
.text('.error-msg', 'Credentials are wrong.', 'Error message has the correct text')
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