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Created November 25, 2014 16:50
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Super Strongly Typed Bowling Kata
open System
// THE MODEL represents only allowed states
// ========================================
type Game =
{ F1 : Frame; F2 : Frame; F3 : Frame; F4 : Frame; F5 : Frame; F6 : Frame; F7 : Frame; F8 : Frame; F9 : Frame; F10 : FinalFrame } // todo: add extra frames, and FinalFrame type?
and Frame =
| Strike
| Spare of PinCount
| Pins of PinCombo
// Separate type for final frame because it is special, e.g. only have bonus rolls when it's a strike
and FinalFrame =
| Strike of BonusRolls
| Spare of PinCount
| Pins of PinCombo
and BonusRolls =
| TwoStrikes
| BonusSpare
| BonusPins of PinCombo
and PinCount = P0 | P1 | P2 | P3 | P4 | P5 | P6 | P7 | P8 | P9
and PinCombo =
| P0_0 | P0_1 | P0_2 | P0_3 | P0_4 | P0_5 | P0_6
| P0_7 | P0_8 | P0_9 | P1_0 | P1_1 | P1_2 | P1_3
| P1_4 | P1_5 | P1_6 | P1_7 | P1_8 | P2_0 | P2_1
| P2_2 | P2_3 | P2_4 | P2_5 | P2_6 | P2_7 | P3_0
| P3_1 | P3_2 | P3_3 | P3_4 | P3_5 | P3_6 | P4_0
| P4_1 | P4_2 | P4_3 | P4_4 | P4_5 | P5_0 | P5_1
| P5_2 | P5_3 | P5_4 | P6_0 | P6_1 | P6_2 | P6_3
| P7_0 | P7_1 | P7_2 | P8_0 | P8_1 | P9_0
// CODEGEN for combos
//let combos =
// seq {
// for x in [0..9] do
// for y in [0..9] do
// if x + y < 10 then
// yield sprintf "| P%i_%i -> (P%i,P%i)" x y x y
// } |> Seq.toList
// SCORING the game
// ================
let comboToPins = function
| P0_0 -> (P0,P0) | P0_1 -> (P0,P1) | P0_2 -> (P0,P2) | P0_3 -> (P0,P3)
| P0_4 -> (P0,P4) | P0_5 -> (P0,P5) | P0_6 -> (P0,P6) | P0_7 -> (P0,P7)
| P0_8 -> (P0,P8) | P0_9 -> (P0,P9) | P1_0 -> (P1,P0) | P1_1 -> (P1,P1)
| P1_2 -> (P1,P2) | P1_3 -> (P1,P3) | P1_4 -> (P1,P4) | P1_5 -> (P1,P5)
| P1_6 -> (P1,P6) | P1_7 -> (P1,P7) | P1_8 -> (P1,P8) | P2_0 -> (P2,P0)
| P2_1 -> (P2,P1) | P2_2 -> (P2,P2) | P2_3 -> (P2,P3) | P2_4 -> (P2,P4)
| P2_5 -> (P2,P5) | P2_6 -> (P2,P6) | P2_7 -> (P2,P7) | P3_0 -> (P3,P0)
| P3_1 -> (P3,P1) | P3_2 -> (P3,P2) | P3_3 -> (P3,P3) | P3_4 -> (P3,P4)
| P3_5 -> (P3,P5) | P3_6 -> (P3,P6) | P4_0 -> (P4,P0) | P4_1 -> (P4,P1)
| P4_2 -> (P4,P2) | P4_3 -> (P4,P3) | P4_4 -> (P4,P4) | P4_5 -> (P4,P5)
| P5_0 -> (P5,P0) | P5_1 -> (P5,P1) | P5_2 -> (P5,P2) | P5_3 -> (P5,P3)
| P5_4 -> (P5,P4) | P6_0 -> (P6,P0) | P6_1 -> (P6,P1) | P6_2 -> (P6,P2)
| P6_3 -> (P6,P3) | P7_0 -> (P7,P0) | P7_1 -> (P7,P1) | P7_2 -> (P7,P2)
| P8_0 -> (P8,P0) | P8_1 -> (P8,P1) | P9_0 -> (P9,P0)
let score game =
let pins = function P0 -> 0 | P1 -> 1 | P2 -> 2 | P3 -> 3 | P4 -> 4 | P5 -> 5 | P6 -> 6 | P7 -> 7 | P8 -> 8 | P9 -> 9
let comboSum combo =
let (p1,p2) = comboToPins combo
(p1 |> pins) + (p2 |> pins)
let pinCount frame =
let score =
match frame with
| Frame.Strike -> 10
| Frame.Spare _ -> 10
| Frame.Pins combo -> combo |> comboSum
let oneRollBonus frame =
match frame with
| Frame.Strike -> 10
| Frame.Spare p -> p |> pins
| Frame.Pins combo -> combo |> comboToPins |> fst |> pins
let scoreFrame (score,prev2Frame,prevFrame) (frame : Frame) =
let newScore =
let pins = frame |> pinCount
let strikeRoll2Bonus =
match prev2Frame with
| Some p2f -> match p2f with | Frame.Strike -> oneRollBonus frame | _ -> 0
| None -> 0
let lastFrameBonus =
match prevFrame with
| Some pf ->
match pf with
| Frame.Strike -> pins
| Frame.Spare _ -> oneRollBonus frame
| Frame.Pins _ -> 0
| None -> 0
score + pins + strikeRoll2Bonus + lastFrameBonus
newScore,prevFrame,(Some frame)
let scoreFinalFrame (score,prev2Frame,prevFrame) frame =
// todo: deal with
let normalFrame,bonus =
match frame with
| FinalFrame.Strike bonusRolls ->
let strikeBonus =
match bonusRolls with
| TwoStrikes -> 20
| BonusSpare -> 10
| BonusPins combo -> combo |> comboSum
| FinalFrame.Spare pinCount ->
| FinalFrame.Pins combo ->
let frameScore,_,_ = scoreFrame (score,prev2Frame,prevFrame) normalFrame
score + frameScore + bonus
let (>+) = scoreFrame
let (|+) = scoreFinalFrame
(0,None,None) >+ game.F1 >+ game.F2 >+ game.F3 >+ game.F4 >+ game.F5 >+ game.F6 >+ game.F7 >+ game.F8 >+ game.F9 |+ game.F10
// PARSING string input
// ====================
let (|StrikeChar|SpareChar|PinsChar|) (c : char) =
match c with
| 'X' -> StrikeChar
| '/' -> SpareChar
| '1' | '2' | '3' | '4' | '5' | '6' | '7' | '8' | '9' -> PinsChar (Int32.Parse <| string c)
| x -> failwithf "Expected 'X' or '/' or '1-9', found %c" x // todo should this be in active pattern?
let toPinCount pins = match pins with 0 -> P0 | 1 -> P1 | 2 -> P2 | 3 -> P3 | 4 -> P4 | 5 -> P5 | 6 -> P6 | 7 -> P7 | 8 -> P8 | 9 -> P9 | x -> failwithf "Expected 1-9 pins"
let parseGame (game : string) =
let scores = game.ToCharArray()
let getFrame i =
match scores.[i] with
| StrikeChar -> Strike,i+1
| PinsChar p1 ->
match scores.[i + 1] with
| PinsChar p2 -> Pins (p1 |> toPinCount, p2 |> toPinCount), i+2
| SpareChar -> Spare (p1 |> toPinCount), i+2
| StrikeChar -> failwithf "Cannot throw a strike with the second ball"
| SpareChar -> failwithf "Cannot throw a spare with the first ball"
let getFinalFrame i =
let remaining = scores |> Seq.skip (i+1) |> Seq.toList
match remaining with
| [StrikeChar; StrikeChar; StrikeChar] -> AllStrikes
| [StrikeChar; PinsChar(p1); PinsChar(p2)] -> StrikeAndBonus((p1 |> toPinCount), (p2 |> toPinCount))
| []
let f1,p2 = getFrame 0
let f2,p3 = getFrame p2
let f3,p4 = getFrame p3
let f4,p5 = getFrame p4
let f5,p6 = getFrame p5
let f6,p7 = getFrame p6
let f7,p8 = getFrame p7
let f8,p9 = getFrame p8
let f9,p10 = getFrame p9
let f10,_ = getFrame p10
{ F1 = f1; F2 = f2; F3 = f3; F4 = f4; F5 = f5; F6 = f6; F7 = f7; F8 = f8; F9 = f9; F10 = f10 }
let scoreGame = parseGame >> score
// =======
let test game expectedScore =
let actualScore = scoreGame game
if actualScore = expectedScore
then printfn "SUCCESS! %s = %i" game actualScore
else printfn "FAILURE! %s: Expected %i, Actual %i" game expectedScore actualScore
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