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Created November 8, 2022 01:28
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  • Save asdaraujo/84bdf1ebd8b1fa39b0359d569a6a8c9a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save asdaraujo/84bdf1ebd8b1fa39b0359d569a6a8c9a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
set -u
set -e
# The following should be set if not already exported at the shell level
#export CDP_PROFILE=<cdp_profile_name>
#export AWS_PROFILE=<aws_profile_name>
LOG_DIR=./${ENV_NAME}-$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S)
TARBALL=./${ENV_NAME}-$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S).tar.gz
mkdir -p $LOG_DIR
echo "Collecting environment details - $ENV_NAME"
cdp environments describe-environment --environment-name $ENV_NAME > $LOG_DIR/environment.json
ENV_CRN=$(jq -r '.environment.crn' $LOG_DIR/environment.json)
export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=$(jq -r '.environment.region' $LOG_DIR/environment.json)
DL_NAME=$(cdp datalake list-datalakes | jq -r '.datalakes[] | select(.environmentCrn == "'"$ENV_CRN"'").datalakeName')
echo "Collecting datalake details - $DL_NAME"
cdp datalake describe-datalake --datalake-name $DL_NAME > $LOG_DIR/datalake.json
cdp datahub list-clusters | jq -r '.clusters[] | select(.environmentCrn == "'"$ENV_CRN"'").clusterName' | while read CLUSTER_NAME; do
echo "Collecting datahub details - $CLUSTER_NAME"
cdp datahub describe-cluster --cluster-name $CLUSTER_NAME > $LOG_DIR/cluster_${CLUSTER_NAME}.json
VPC_ID=$(jq -r '' $LOG_DIR/environment.json)
echo "Collecting VPC details - $VPC_ID"
aws ec2 describe-vpcs --filters Name=vpc-id,Values=$VPC_ID > $LOG_DIR/vpc.json
echo "Collecting subnet details - VPC $VPC_ID"
aws ec2 describe-subnets --filters Name=vpc-id,Values=$VPC_ID > $LOG_DIR/subnets.json
echo "Collecting route table details - VPC $VPC_ID"
aws ec2 describe-route-tables --filters Name=vpc-id,Values=$VPC_ID > $LOG_DIR/route_tables.json
echo "Collecting load balancers details - VPC $VPC_ID"
aws elb describe-load-balancers | jq '[.LoadBalancerDescriptions[] | select(.VPCId == "'"$VPC_ID"'")]' > $LOG_DIR/elb.json
echo "Collecting target groups details - VPC $VPC_ID"
aws elbv2 describe-target-groups | jq -r '[.TargetGroups[] | select(.VpcId == "'"$VPC_ID"'")]' > $LOG_DIR/elb_target_groups.json
jq -r '.[] | "\(.TargetGroupArn) \(.TargetGroupName)"' $LOG_DIR/elb_target_groups.json | while read TARGET_ARN TARGET_NAME; do
echo "Collecting target groups attributes details - $TARGET_NAME"
aws elbv2 describe-target-group-attributes --target-group-arn $TARGET_ARN > $LOG_DIR/elb_target_group_attributes_${TARGET_NAME}.json
tar -zcvf $TARBALL $LOG_DIR
echo -e "\nDetails file: $TARBALL"
rm -rf $LOG_DIR
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