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Last active March 11, 2018 15:34
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Brainstorming on Storm v3 query system
package storm
// The scan function is here to illustrate how the selection part of the query system of Storm v3 could work.
// All Storm queries, using indexes or not, will rely on the query system.
// This function is an attempt to describe the flow of the scan and the role of each external component in the system.
// The goal is to have a core that doesn't care about:
// - encoding format
// - types (struct or maps should work seamlessly)
// - index optimization
// - sorting
// The scan function focuses on the algorithm of selection of records.
// Proposed flow of the query:
// 1. User runs a query (example, using SQL to illustrate: `SELECT FROM bucket-a WHERE age > 10 && name != "john"`)
// 2. We analyse the matching tree and the indexes to optimize the query.
// a. The query can't use indexes -> we generate a cursor that will scan the entire bucket.
// b. The query can use indexes -> we generate a cursor that will scan a list of predefined keys.
// 3. We run the scan function to fetch all the results.
// 4. We apply the transformation on the results (return results to the user, update or delete)
// 5. End
func scan(query *query, cursor cursor, codec codec, factory factory, matcher matcher, sink sink) error {
for {
// the cursor decides where to start, where to finish and what's the next key.
// Depending on if indexes are used or not, it can scan a bucket entirely or just some keys.
// Indexes can perform query optimisation based on the matching tree by generating cursors
// before the scan function being called.
k, v := cursor.Next()
if k == nil {
// the factory returns instances. it can be fresh instances or pointers to
// already allocated resources.
elem := factory.New()
// the codec knows how to decode a record for a specific bucket.
// a bucket is tied to a single codec otherwise we would have to store some metadata
// with content-type for each record.
err := codec.Decode(v, elem)
if err != nil {
return err
// Matchers are organized as a tree that analyses the record and executes all the
// user selected checks (field greater than, equal, AND, OR etc.)
// This is basically the WHERE clause of SQL.
// Indexes can disable some nodes of the tree that where already used to select indexed keys.
match, err := matcher.Match(elem)
if err != nil {
return err
// no match, we skip the record
if !match {
// the sink is where the matched elements are stored until the end of the query.
// it will then be used to return the result to the user or to update or delete the records.
// once the query is over, we sort the sink if the user used an OrderBy clause
if query.orderBy != "" {
return nil
type cursor interface {
Next() (key []byte, value []byte)
type codec interface {
Encode(interface{}) ([]byte, error)
Decode([]byte, interface{}) error
type factory interface {
New() interface{}
type matcher interface {
Match(interface{}) (bool, error)
type sink interface {
Sort(field string)
type query struct {
orderBy string
limit int
offset int
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