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asdqwex /
Created December 7, 2015 18:58

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am asdqwex on github.
  • I am asdqwex ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is 4C1C F68D 3433 B7B6 F94F 83D4 3DD3 7B6B 0BA5 4132

To claim this, I am signing this object:

# Author: Jim Rosser
# Email:
# Cloning a data bag:
# This will create a new data bag with the same items as the existing
# data bag. If -n is not set it will create a new key and encrypt the
# new data bag with that.
# Create data bag new_data_bag that has been encrypted with a new key:
asdqwex / Notes
Last active August 29, 2015 14:18
Create Vault for secrets
ansible-vault create secrets.yml
Run playbook with secrets from secret vault file:
RAX_CREDS_FILE=~/.rackspace_cloud_credentials ansible-playbook -i /root/ansible-tower/vault-test.yml --ask-vault-pass
Create a Server
// This server will start a bash shell and expose it
// over to a browser. See ./term.html for the
// client side.
// You should probably:
// npm install
// curl -O