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Created September 15, 2016 11:40
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  • Save asecondwill/c50fc4e9234c5079b95e4d30c49dfb6f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Sites ❯ brew tap homebrew/homebrew-php
==> Tapping homebrew/php
Cloning into '/usr/local/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-php'...
remote: Counting objects: 650, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (405/405), done.
remote: Total 650 (delta 354), reused 483 (delta 243), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (650/650), 304.41 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (354/354), done.
Error: Invalid formula: /usr/local/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-php/Formula/arcanist.rb
Formulae found in multiple taps:
* homebrew/php/php53
* josegonzalez/php/php53
Please use the fully-qualified name e.g. homebrew/php/php53 to refer the formula.
Error: Invalid formula: /usr/local/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-php/Formula/behat.rb
Formulae found in multiple taps:
* homebrew/php/php53
* josegonzalez/php/php53
Please use the fully-qualified name e.g. homebrew/php/php53 to refer the formula.
Error: Invalid formula: /usr/local/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-php/Formula/boris.rb
Formulae found in multiple taps:
* homebrew/php/php53
* josegonzalez/php/php53
Please use the fully-qualified name e.g. homebrew/php/php53 to refer the formula.
Error: Invalid formula: /usr/local/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-php/Formula/box.rb
Formulae found in multiple taps:
* homebrew/php/php53
* josegonzalez/php/php53
Please use the fully-qualified name e.g. homebrew/php/php53 to refer the formula.
Error: Invalid formula: /usr/local/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-php/Formula/codeception.rb
Formulae found in multiple taps:
* homebrew/php/php53
* josegonzalez/php/php53
Please use the fully-qualified name e.g. homebrew/php/php53 to refer the formula.
Error: Invalid formula: /usr/local/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-php/Formula/composer.rb
Formulae found in multiple taps:
* homebrew/php/php53
* josegonzalez/php/php53
Please use the fully-qualified name e.g. homebrew/php/php53 to refer the formula.
Error: Invalid formula: /usr/local/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-php/Formula/drupal-code-sniffer.rb
Formulae found in multiple taps:
* homebrew/php/php53
* josegonzalez/php/php53
Please use the fully-qualified name e.g. homebrew/php/php53 to refer the formula.
Error: Invalid formula: /usr/local/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-php/Formula/drupalconsole.rb
Formulae found in multiple taps:
* homebrew/php/php53
* josegonzalez/php/php53
Please use the fully-qualified name e.g. homebrew/php/php53 to refer the formula.
Error: Invalid formula: /usr/local/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-php/Formula/drush.rb
Formulae found in multiple taps:
* homebrew/php/php53
* josegonzalez/php/php53
Please use the fully-qualified name e.g. homebrew/php/php53 to refer the formula.
Error: Invalid formula: /usr/local/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-php/Formula/envoy.rb
Formulae found in multiple taps:
* homebrew/php/php53
* josegonzalez/php/php53
Please use the fully-qualified name e.g. homebrew/php/php53 to refer the formula.
Error: Invalid formula: /usr/local/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-php/Formula/foreman.rb
Formulae found in multiple taps:
* homebrew/php/php53
* josegonzalez/php/php53
Please use the fully-qualified name e.g. homebrew/php/php53 to refer the formula.
Error: Invalid formula: /usr/local/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-php/Formula/mondrian.rb
Formulae found in multiple taps:
* homebrew/php/php53
* josegonzalez/php/php53
Please use the fully-qualified name e.g. homebrew/php/php53 to refer the formula.
Error: Invalid formula: /usr/local/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-php/Formula/n98-magerun.rb
Formulae found in multiple taps:
* homebrew/php/php53
* josegonzalez/php/php53
Please use the fully-qualified name e.g. homebrew/php/php53 to refer the formula.
Error: Invalid formula: /usr/local/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-php/Formula/n98-magerun2.rb
Formulae found in multiple taps:
* homebrew/php/php53
* josegonzalez/php/php53
Please use the fully-qualified name e.g. homebrew/php/php53 to refer the formula.
Error: Invalid formula: /usr/local/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-php/Formula/pdepend.rb
Formulae found in multiple taps:
* homebrew/php/php53
* josegonzalez/php/php53
Please use the fully-qualified name e.g. homebrew/php/php53 to refer the formula.
Error: Invalid formula: /usr/local/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-php/Formula/phan.rb
Formulae found in multiple taps:
* homebrew/php/php53
* josegonzalez/php/php53
Please use the fully-qualified name e.g. homebrew/php/php53 to refer the formula.
Error: Invalid formula: /usr/local/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-php/Formula/pharcc.rb
Formulae found in multiple taps:
* homebrew/php/php53
* josegonzalez/php/php53
Please use the fully-qualified name e.g. homebrew/php/php53 to refer the formula.
Error: Invalid formula: /usr/local/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-php/Formula/php-code-sniffer.rb
Formulae found in multiple taps:
* homebrew/php/php53
* josegonzalez/php/php53
Please use the fully-qualified name e.g. homebrew/php/php53 to refer the formula.
Error: Invalid formula: /usr/local/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-php/Formula/php-cs-fixer.rb
Formulae found in multiple taps:
* homebrew/php/php53
* josegonzalez/php/php53
Please use the fully-qualified name e.g. homebrew/php/php53 to refer the formula.
Error: Invalid formula: /usr/local/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-php/Formula/php-plantumlwriter.rb
Formulae found in multiple taps:
* homebrew/php/php53
* josegonzalez/php/php53
Please use the fully-qualified name e.g. homebrew/php/php53 to refer the formula.
Error: Invalid formula: /usr/local/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-php/Formula/php53-xhgui.rb
Formulae found in multiple taps:
* homebrew/php/php53
* josegonzalez/php/php53
Please use the fully-qualified name e.g. homebrew/php/php53 to refer the formula.
Error: Invalid formula: /usr/local/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-php/Formula/php54-xhgui.rb
Formulae found in multiple taps:
* homebrew/php/php53
* josegonzalez/php/php53
Please use the fully-qualified name e.g. homebrew/php/php53 to refer the formula.
Error: Invalid formula: /usr/local/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-php/Formula/php55-xhgui.rb
Formulae found in multiple taps:
* homebrew/php/php53
* josegonzalez/php/php53
Please use the fully-qualified name e.g. homebrew/php/php53 to refer the formula.
Error: Invalid formula: /usr/local/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-php/Formula/php56-xhgui.rb
Formulae found in multiple taps:
* homebrew/php/php53
* josegonzalez/php/php53
Please use the fully-qualified name e.g. homebrew/php/php53 to refer the formula.
Error: Invalid formula: /usr/local/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-php/Formula/phpab.rb
Formulae found in multiple taps:
* homebrew/php/php53
* josegonzalez/php/php53
Please use the fully-qualified name e.g. homebrew/php/php53 to refer the formula.
Error: Invalid formula: /usr/local/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-php/Formula/phpbrew.rb
Formulae found in multiple taps:
* homebrew/php/php53
* josegonzalez/php/php53
Please use the fully-qualified name e.g. homebrew/php/php53 to refer the formula.
Error: Invalid formula: /usr/local/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-php/Formula/phpcpd.rb
Formulae found in multiple taps:
* homebrew/php/php53
* josegonzalez/php/php53
Please use the fully-qualified name e.g. homebrew/php/php53 to refer the formula.
Error: Invalid formula: /usr/local/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-php/Formula/phpctags.rb
Formulae found in multiple taps:
* homebrew/php/php53
* josegonzalez/php/php53
Please use the fully-qualified name e.g. homebrew/php/php53 to refer the formula.
Error: Invalid formula: /usr/local/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-php/Formula/phpdocumentor.rb
Formulae found in multiple taps:
* homebrew/php/php53
* josegonzalez/php/php53
Please use the fully-qualified name e.g. homebrew/php/php53 to refer the formula.
Error: Invalid formula: /usr/local/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-php/Formula/phpdox.rb
Formulae found in multiple taps:
* homebrew/php/php53
* josegonzalez/php/php53
Please use the fully-qualified name e.g. homebrew/php/php53 to refer the formula.
Error: Invalid formula: /usr/local/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-php/Formula/phploc.rb
Formulae found in multiple taps:
* homebrew/php/php53
* josegonzalez/php/php53
Please use the fully-qualified name e.g. homebrew/php/php53 to refer the formula.
Error: Invalid formula: /usr/local/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-php/Formula/phpmd.rb
Formulae found in multiple taps:
* homebrew/php/php53
* josegonzalez/php/php53
Please use the fully-qualified name e.g. homebrew/php/php53 to refer the formula.
Error: Invalid formula: /usr/local/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-php/Formula/phpmetrics.rb
Formulae found in multiple taps:
* homebrew/php/php53
* josegonzalez/php/php53
Please use the fully-qualified name e.g. homebrew/php/php53 to refer the formula.
Error: Invalid formula: /usr/local/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-php/Formula/phpmyadmin.rb
Formulae found in multiple taps:
* homebrew/php/php53
* josegonzalez/php/php53
Please use the fully-qualified name e.g. homebrew/php/php53 to refer the formula.
Error: Invalid formula: /usr/local/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-php/Formula/phppgadmin.rb
Formulae found in multiple taps:
* homebrew/php/php53
* josegonzalez/php/php53
Please use the fully-qualified name e.g. homebrew/php/php53 to refer the formula.
Error: Invalid formula: /usr/local/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-php/Formula/phpunit-skeleton-generator.rb
Formulae found in multiple taps:
* homebrew/php/php53
* josegonzalez/php/php53
Please use the fully-qualified name e.g. homebrew/php/php53 to refer the formula.
Error: Invalid formula: /usr/local/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-php/Formula/phpunit.rb
Formulae found in multiple taps:
* homebrew/php/php53
* josegonzalez/php/php53
Please use the fully-qualified name e.g. homebrew/php/php53 to refer the formula.
Error: Invalid formula: /usr/local/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-php/Formula/pickle.rb
Formulae found in multiple taps:
* homebrew/php/php53
* josegonzalez/php/php53
Please use the fully-qualified name e.g. homebrew/php/php53 to refer the formula.
Error: Invalid formula: /usr/local/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-php/Formula/psysh.rb
Formulae found in multiple taps:
* homebrew/php/php53
* josegonzalez/php/php53
Please use the fully-qualified name e.g. homebrew/php/php53 to refer the formula.
Error: Invalid formula: /usr/local/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-php/Formula/puli.rb
Formulae found in multiple taps:
* homebrew/php/php53
* josegonzalez/php/php53
Please use the fully-qualified name e.g. homebrew/php/php53 to refer the formula.
Error: Invalid formula: /usr/local/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-php/Formula/sqlformat.rb
Formulae found in multiple taps:
* homebrew/php/php53
* josegonzalez/php/php53
Please use the fully-qualified name e.g. homebrew/php/php53 to refer the formula.
Error: Invalid formula: /usr/local/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-php/Formula/symfony-installer.rb
Formulae found in multiple taps:
* homebrew/php/php53
* josegonzalez/php/php53
Please use the fully-qualified name e.g. homebrew/php/php53 to refer the formula.
Error: Invalid formula: /usr/local/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-php/Formula/terminus.rb
Formulae found in multiple taps:
* homebrew/php/php53
* josegonzalez/php/php53
Please use the fully-qualified name e.g. homebrew/php/php53 to refer the formula.
Error: Invalid formula: /usr/local/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-php/Formula/virtphp.rb
Formulae found in multiple taps:
* homebrew/php/php53
* josegonzalez/php/php53
Please use the fully-qualified name e.g. homebrew/php/php53 to refer the formula.
Error: Invalid formula: /usr/local/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-php/Formula/wp-cli.rb
Formulae found in multiple taps:
* homebrew/php/php53
* josegonzalez/php/php53
Please use the fully-qualified name e.g. homebrew/php/php53 to refer the formula.
Error: Invalid formula: /usr/local/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-php/Formula/xdebug-osx.rb
Formulae found in multiple taps:
* homebrew/php/php53
* josegonzalez/php/php53
Please use the fully-qualified name e.g. homebrew/php/php53 to refer the formula.
Error: Cannot tap homebrew/php: invalid syntax in tap!
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