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Last active December 2, 2017 20:22
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CoffeeScript upcoming changes.

CoffeeScript 1.7 is shaping up to be a pretty kick-ass release with significant improvements. Here are the ones I'm most excited about, in order of my own excitement.

Parentheses-free chaining


Years of being wished for, finally granted!

result = range 1, 3
  .concat range 4, 6
  .map (x) -> x * x
  .filter (x) -> x % 2 is 0

console.log result # [4, 16, 36]
$ 'body'
.click (e) ->
  $ '.box'
  .fadeIn 'fast'
  .addClass '.active'
  .css 'marginRight', '10px'

Proper multiline strings

These two both solve roughly the same problem:


These'll finally let you wrap long strings (e.g. user-facing messages) without breaking your code's indentation, or manually stripping newlines out. I've been wanting these for so long!

if true
  if not false
    console.log 'Hello world.
      This is a long line of text
      that I’d like split in my code.'

# equivalent to:

if true
  if not false
    console.log 'Hello world. This is a long line of text that I’d like split in my code.'
console.log '''
  By default, prefixed CSS will rewrite original files.
  If you didn't set input files, autoprefixer will \
    read from stdin stream.
  Output CSS will be written to stdout stream on \
    `-o -' argument or stdin input.

# equivalent to:

desc = '''
  By default, prefixed CSS will rewrite original files.
  If you didn't set input files, autoprefixer will read from stdin stream.
  Output CSS will be written to stdout stream on `-o -' argument or stdin input.

Expansion in array destructuring


The name sounds confusing, but this is straightforward:

# to get the first and last, what you have to do today:
[first, middle..., last] = array

# what you can do now:
[first, ..., last] = array

But here's the killer use for it:

# what you have to do today to get the last element in an array:
last = array[array.length - 1]

# or if you, like me, like to use features to their fullest:
[last] = array[-1..]

# what you can do now:
[..., last] = array

New mathematical operators


  • Power operator **
  • Floor division operator //
  • Correct modulo operator %% (respects negatives)

I remember wishing for each one of these when I worked on Seadragon Ajax!

Whitespace escaping in heregexes


Not a huge deal to most people, but I've frequently wondered about this.

regex = /// <link\ href="#{URL}" ///

Proper require.extensions registration


Like Streamline.js and others, extending Node's require() to automatically compile CoffeeScript files is now an explicit action. This now prevents versioning conflicts, etc. with nested local CoffeeScript dependencies.

# if you're working with the compiler programmatically:
CoffeeScript = require 'coffee-script'

# or, e.g. for Mocha configuration
require 'coffee-script/register'

coffee <dir> executes now


Like the title says. This brings the coffee executable closer in line with node. There's still a little room for improvement (e.g. if your main file is named, but this is already a great step forward.


Phew! Talk about a powerful list.

My undying gratitute to the contributors of the above pull requests. A special shout-out to @xixixao in particular for contributing about half of them! Thank you all very, very much.

Looking forward to CoffeeScript 1.7!

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L8D commented Jan 28, 2014

@Anonyfox CoffeeScript already has function style pattern matching(i.e. head = ([x, xs...]) -> x). The RegEx testing operator has already been suggested and denied.

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xixixao commented Jan 28, 2014

@aseemk What @Anonyfox mentions are things he wishes for, but are not in the language. I'd say 1) JS regex syntax is already pretty good, 2) Then you'd want algebraic data types as well, this is implementable via a library, 3) CoffeeScript has 2 < a < 3, not sure how LS works. Thanks for the shout-out .)

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@aseemk spelling mistake: 'mathetmatical' should be 'mathematical'

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aseemk commented Jan 29, 2014

Thanks @Niggler!

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Some cool stuff - great job!

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trueter commented Feb 2, 2014


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Ermagerd stweengs!

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ranska commented Mar 2, 2014

nice, love Parentheses-free chaining

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I was under a rock. Glad this was released.... been dreaming about chaining for a while. Thanks for continued work on this.

Now only if my IDE plugins would indent the new chain . . .

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