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Last active October 7, 2021 19:35
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rust bottlenecking

In this example we calculate "distance covariance" matrices (look it up on Wikipedia)

Python code

import numpy as np
from math import sqrt

def distance_matrix(X):
  D = np.empty(shape=(X.shape[0],X.shape[0]))
  for j in range(X.shape[0]):
    for k in range(j+1):
      uv = (X[j,:]-X[k,:])
      D[j,k] = np.sqrt(np.sum([x*x for x in uv]))
      D[k,j] = D[j,k]
  return D

def doubly_center(X):
  grand_mean = np.mean(X)
  Z = np.empty(shape=X.shape)
  for j, k in product(range(X.shape[0]),repeat=2):
    Z[j,k] = X[j,k] - np.mean(X[j,:]) - np.mean(X[:,k]) + grand_mean
  return Z
def dcov(X,Y):
  A = doubly_center(distance_matrix(X))
  B = doubly_center(distance_matrix(Y))
  return np.sqrt(np.mean(A*B))

def dcor(X,Y):
  xvar = dcov(X,X)
  yvar = dcov(Y,Y)
  xycov = dcov(X,Y)
  denom = sqrt((xvar*yvar))
  return xycov / denom

Rust code (functionality)

extern crate ndarray;
use ndarray::prelude::*;

fn euclidean_distance(u: ArrayView<f64,Ix1> , v: ArrayView<f64,Ix1>)-> f64 {
  let uv = u.to_owned() - v.to_owned();
  uv.mapv(|x| x*x).sum().sqrt()

fn distance_matrix(x: &Array<f64,Ix2>) -> Array<f64,Ix2>{
  let mut d = Array::<f64,Ix2>::zeros((x.nrows(),x.nrows()));
  for j in 0..x.nrows() {
    for k in 0..j+1 {
      let dist = euclidean_distance(x.slice(s![j,..]),x.slice(s![k,..]));
      d[[j,k]] = dist;
      d[[k,j]] = dist;

fn doubly_center(x: &Array<f64,Ix2>) -> Array<f64,Ix2>{
  let grand_mean = x.mean().unwrap();
  let mut xbar = Array::<f64,Ix2>::zeros(x.raw_dim());
  for j in 0..x.dim().0 {
    for k in 0..x.dim().1 {
      xbar[[j,k]] = x[[j,k]]
                   - x.slice(s![j,..]).mean().unwrap() 
                   - x.slice(s![..,k]).mean().unwrap() 
                   + grand_mean;

pub fn dcov(x : &Array<f64,Ix2>, y: &Array<f64,Ix2>) -> f64 {
  let a = doubly_center(&distance_matrix(x));
  let b = doubly_center(&distance_matrix(y));

pub fn dvariance(x: &Array<f64, Ix2>) -> f64 {
pub fn dcor(x : &Array<f64,Ix2>, y: &Array<f64,Ix2>) -> f64 {
  let xvar = dvariance(x);
  let yvar = dvariance(y);
  let xycov = dcov(x,y);
  let denom = (xvar * yvar).sqrt();

pub fn vec_dcor(x: Vec<f64>, y: Vec<f64>) -> f64 {
  let xvec = Array::from_shape_vec((x.len(),1),x).unwrap();
  let yvec = Array::from_shape_vec((y.len(),1),y).unwrap();

pub fn vec_dcov(x: Vec<f64>, y: Vec<f64>) -> f64 {
    let xvec = Array::from_shape_vec((x.len(),1),x).unwrap();
    let yvec = Array::from_shape_vec((y.len(),1),y).unwrap();

Rust bridging code

extern crate ndarray;
use ndarray::prelude::*;

use pyo3::prelude::*;
mod dcov; 

fn dcov(xs: Vec<f64>, ys: Vec<f64>) -> f64 {

fn dcor(xs: Vec<f64>, ys: Vec<f64>) -> f64 {

fn hsmode(_py: Python, m: &PyModule) -> PyResult<()> {

     m.add_function(wrap_pyfunction!(dcov, m)?)?;
     m.add_function(wrap_pyfunction!(dcor, m)?)?;

Python testing code (note that I'm building the matrices in Python!)

def perf_test(M,N):
  xs = np.random.uniform(size=(N,M))
  ys = np.random.uniform(size=(N,M)) + 0.005 * xs
  data = np.concatenate([xs,ys], axis=1)

  t0 = time()
  mat = np.empty((data.shape[1],data.shape[1]))
  for i in range(data.shape[1]):
    for j in range(i+1):
      mat[i,j] = hsmode.dcor(data[:,i],data[:,j])
      mat[j,i] = mat[i,j]

  rs_dt = time()-t0;
  print(rs_dt, end=" ", flush=True)
  t0 = time();

  pymat = np.empty((data.shape[1],data.shape[1]))
  for i in range(data.shape[1]):
    for j in range(i+1):
      pymat[i,j] = py_dcov.dcor(data[:,i].reshape(-1,1),data[:,j].reshape(-1,1))
      pymat[j,i] = mat[i,j]
  py_dt = time() - t0
  print(py_dt, end=" ", flush=True)

  diff = np.linalg.norm(mat-pymat)

  return rs_dt, py_dt, diff
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bgraves commented Oct 7, 2021

Something like this might go a little faster if you wanted to stick with numpy

import numpy as np
from math import sqrt

def distance_matrix(X):
    height, width = X.shape
    D = np.zeros((height, height))
    for i in range(width):
        column = X[:,[i]]
        d = (column - column.T)
        D += d*d
    return np.sqrt(D)

def doubly_center(X):
    mean0 = np.mean(X, axis=0, keepdims=True)
    return X - mean0 - mean0.T + np.mean(X)

def dcor(X, Y):
    Dx = doubly_center(distance_matrix(X))
    Dy = doubly_center(distance_matrix(Y))
    xvar  = np.sqrt(np.mean(Dx * Dx))
    yvar  = np.sqrt(np.mean(Dy * Dy))
    xycov = np.sqrt(np.mean(Dx * Dy))
    return xycov / sqrt(xvar * yvar)

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Here's some random benchmarks with your version

   n_cols  n_obs     rs_dt     py_dt          diff      rs/py
0    14.0    1.0  0.001631  0.041193  0.000000e+00   0.039589
1     5.0   13.0  0.007658  0.006880  3.236829e-16   1.113083
2     9.0   95.0  2.083242  0.038936  1.274416e-15  53.504066
3     8.0   87.0  1.320364  0.028660  1.125642e-15  46.070612
4    12.0   50.0  0.744650  0.043561  8.861160e-16  17.094325
5    15.0   43.0  0.809348  0.062195  1.322692e-15  13.013053
6     9.0   34.0  0.174201  0.022482  6.156484e-16   7.748351
7    23.0   49.0  2.533264  0.153347  1.946060e-15  16.519841
8    23.0   45.0  2.131848  0.150471  1.763626e-15  14.167811
9    14.0   13.0  0.055805  0.044774  1.091327e-15   1.246368

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I should add -- not having seen the opportunity for (column - column.T) makes me feel dumb.

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