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Last active September 23, 2017 05:39
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Persist specific events into Redis datastore:

  1. Clone the Riemann Git repository (clones into directory riemann):
    $ git clone

  2. Checkout the last stable version (0.2.2 in our case):
    $ cd riemann
    $ git checkout tags/0.2.2

  3. Add Carmine dependency to riemann/project.clj:
    [com.taoensso/carmine "1.12.0"]

  4. Add the Redis persistence functionality to Riemann's config file riemann/config.riemann:

(ns riemann.config
  (:require [taoensso.carmine :as car]))

    ; Assuming a locally running Redis server listening on port 6379.
    (def pool         (car/make-conn-pool))
    (def spec-server1 (car/make-conn-spec))

    (defmacro wcar [& body] `(car/with-conn pool spec-server1 ~@body))

    (defn persist-event [& children]
      (fn [event]
        ; Persist event to a Redis list with name '<SERVICE>.new-events'.
          (wcar (car/lpush (str (:service event) ".new-events") event))
          (catch Exception e
            (error "Redis datastore not available.")))
        (call-rescue event children))

It's then used this way in riemann/config.riemann:

; Persist events to Redis where service equals 'foo'.
    ; Exclude those 'foo' events where state 'expired'.
    ; Additionally add events to 'index'.
        (service "foo")
        (not (state "expired"))
      (persist-event index))
  1. Try it out with a locally running Redis server:
    $ lein run
    Now it's time to generate some events containing :service "foo" so the where filter from above matches.
    If the events of service foo were successfully persisted into Redis, there should be a length greater than zero (3 in our case) in (check with Redis shell):
    $ redis-cli
    redis> LLEN
    (integer) 3

If this modified version of Riemann should be deployed with the help of lein tar, then it's necessary to copy riemann/riemann.config into riemann/pkg first. This way the config file is then located in the etc sub directory after extracting the .tar.bz2 archive (created by lein tar) on the production machine.

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