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Created July 16, 2013 12:51
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# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 1 "<command-line>"
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 72 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 59 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 1 "./machine/cdefs.h" 1
# 60 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 62 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 554 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
static __inline long long __zeroll(void) { return 0; }
static __inline int __negative_p(double x) { return x < 0; }
# 73 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
__asm(".pushsection " ".ident" "\n" ".asciz \"" "$NetBSD: kern_descrip.c,v 1.219 2012/11/24 15:07:44 christos Exp $" "\"\n" ".popsection");
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 97 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 98 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 39 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 36 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 1 "./machine/int_types.h" 1
# 47 "./machine/int_types.h"
typedef signed char __int8_t;
typedef unsigned char __uint8_t;
typedef short int __int16_t;
typedef unsigned short int __uint16_t;
typedef int __int32_t;
typedef unsigned int __uint32_t;
typedef long int __int64_t;
typedef unsigned long int __uint64_t;
typedef long __intptr_t;
typedef unsigned long __uintptr_t;
# 37 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
typedef __int8_t int8_t;
typedef __uint8_t uint8_t;
typedef __int16_t int16_t;
typedef __uint16_t uint16_t;
typedef __int32_t int32_t;
typedef __uint32_t uint32_t;
typedef __int64_t int64_t;
typedef __uint64_t uint64_t;
typedef __intptr_t intptr_t;
typedef __uintptr_t uintptr_t;
# 1 "./machine/int_mwgwtypes.h" 1
# 43 "./machine/int_mwgwtypes.h"
typedef signed char int_least8_t;
typedef unsigned char uint_least8_t;
typedef short int int_least16_t;
typedef unsigned short int uint_least16_t;
typedef int int_least32_t;
typedef unsigned int uint_least32_t;
typedef long int int_least64_t;
typedef unsigned long int uint_least64_t;
typedef int int_fast8_t;
typedef unsigned int uint_fast8_t;
typedef int int_fast16_t;
typedef unsigned int uint_fast16_t;
typedef int int_fast32_t;
typedef unsigned int uint_fast32_t;
typedef long int int_fast64_t;
typedef unsigned long int uint_fast64_t;
typedef long int intmax_t;
typedef unsigned long int uintmax_t;
# 89 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 1 "./machine/int_limits.h" 1
# 93 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 1 "./machine/int_const.h" 1
# 98 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 1 "./machine/wchar_limits.h" 1
# 101 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 40 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 1 "./machine/int_fmtio.h" 1
# 44 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 101 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 42 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 43 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 1 "./machine/types.h" 1
# 40 "./machine/types.h"
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 41 "./machine/types.h" 2
typedef struct label_t {
long val[8];
} label_t;
typedef unsigned long paddr_t;
typedef unsigned long psize_t;
typedef unsigned long vaddr_t;
typedef unsigned long vsize_t;
# 63 "./machine/types.h"
typedef long int register_t;
typedef int register32_t;
typedef volatile unsigned char __cpu_simple_lock_t;
# 46 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 1 "./machine/ansi.h" 1
# 48 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 37 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
typedef char * __caddr_t;
typedef __uint32_t __gid_t;
typedef __uint32_t __in_addr_t;
typedef __uint16_t __in_port_t;
typedef __uint32_t __mode_t;
typedef __int64_t __off_t;
typedef __int32_t __pid_t;
typedef __uint8_t __sa_family_t;
typedef unsigned int __socklen_t;
typedef __uint32_t __uid_t;
typedef __uint64_t __fsblkcnt_t;
typedef __uint64_t __fsfilcnt_t;
struct __tag_wctrans_t;
typedef struct __tag_wctrans_t *__wctrans_t;
struct __tag_wctype_t;
typedef struct __tag_wctype_t *__wctype_t;
typedef union {
__int64_t __mbstateL;
char __mbstate8[128];
} __mbstate_t;
# 72 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
typedef __builtin_va_list __va_list;
# 52 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 93 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
typedef __uint8_t u_int8_t;
typedef __uint16_t u_int16_t;
typedef __uint32_t u_int32_t;
typedef __uint64_t u_int64_t;
# 1 "./machine/endian.h" 1
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 37 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 38 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 55 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 56 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
typedef __in_addr_t in_addr_t;
typedef __in_port_t in_port_t;
# 67 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
#pragma GCC visibility push(default)
# 67 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
__uint32_t htonl(__uint32_t) __attribute__((__const__));
__uint16_t htons(__uint16_t) __attribute__((__const__));
__uint32_t ntohl(__uint32_t) __attribute__((__const__));
__uint16_t ntohs(__uint16_t) __attribute__((__const__));
# 72 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
#pragma GCC visibility pop
# 72 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 1 "./machine/endian_machdep.h" 1
# 79 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 107 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 1 "./machine/bswap.h" 1
# 10 "./machine/bswap.h"
# 1 "./machine/byte_swap.h" 1
# 43 "./machine/byte_swap.h"
# 43 "./machine/byte_swap.h"
#pragma GCC visibility push(default)
# 43 "./machine/byte_swap.h"
static __inline __uint64_t __byte_swap_u64_variable(__uint64_t);
static __inline __uint64_t
__byte_swap_u64_variable(__uint64_t x)
__asm volatile ( "bswap %1" : "=r" (x) : "0" (x));
return (x);
static __inline __uint32_t __byte_swap_u32_variable(__uint32_t);
static __inline __uint32_t
__byte_swap_u32_variable(__uint32_t x)
__asm volatile ( "bswap %1" : "=r" (x) : "0" (x));
return (x);
static __inline __uint16_t __byte_swap_u16_variable(__uint16_t);
static __inline __uint16_t
__byte_swap_u16_variable(__uint16_t x)
__asm volatile ("rorw $8, %w1" : "=r" (x) : "0" (x));
return (x);
# 72 "./machine/byte_swap.h"
#pragma GCC visibility pop
# 72 "./machine/byte_swap.h"
# 11 "./machine/bswap.h" 2
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 12 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 1 "./machine/bswap.h" 1
# 13 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 14 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
#pragma GCC visibility push(default)
# 14 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
__uint16_t bswap16(__uint16_t) __attribute__((__const__));
__uint32_t bswap32(__uint32_t) __attribute__((__const__));
__uint64_t bswap64(__uint64_t) __attribute__((__const__));
# 24 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
#pragma GCC visibility pop
# 24 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 14 "./machine/bswap.h" 2
# 108 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 203 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
static __inline __attribute__((__unused__)) void be16enc(void *dst, __uint16_t u) { u = (__builtin_constant_p((((__uint16_t)((u))))) ? (((__uint16_t)(((((((__uint16_t)((u)))) & 0xff00) >> 8) | (((((__uint16_t)((u)))) & 0x00ff) << 8))))) : __byte_swap_u16_variable(((__uint16_t)((u))))); __builtin_memcpy(dst, &u, sizeof(u)); }
static __inline __attribute__((__unused__)) void be32enc(void *dst, __uint32_t u) { u = (__builtin_constant_p((((__uint32_t)((u))))) ? (((__uint32_t)(((((((__uint32_t)((u)))) & 0xff000000) >> 24) | (((((__uint32_t)((u)))) & 0x00ff0000) >> 8) | (((((__uint32_t)((u)))) & 0x0000ff00) << 8) | (((((__uint32_t)((u)))) & 0x000000ff) << 24))))) : __byte_swap_u32_variable(((__uint32_t)((u))))); __builtin_memcpy(dst, &u, sizeof(u)); }
static __inline __attribute__((__unused__)) void be64enc(void *dst, __uint64_t u) { u = (__builtin_constant_p((((__uint64_t)((u))))) ? (((__uint64_t)(((((((__uint64_t)((u)))) & 0xff00000000000000ull) >> 56) | (((((__uint64_t)((u)))) & 0x00ff000000000000ull) >> 40) | (((((__uint64_t)((u)))) & 0x0000ff0000000000ull) >> 24) | (((((__uint64_t)((u)))) & 0x000000ff00000000ull) >> 8) | (((((__uint64_t)((u)))) & 0x00000000ff000000ull) << 8) | (((((__uint64_t)((u)))) & 0x0000000000ff0000ull) << 24) | (((((__uint64_t)((u)))) & 0x000000000000ff00ull) << 40) | (((((__uint64_t)((u)))) & 0x00000000000000ffull) << 56))))) : __byte_swap_u64_variable(((__uint64_t)((u))))); __builtin_memcpy(dst, &u, sizeof(u)); }
static __inline __attribute__((__unused__)) void le16enc(void *dst, __uint16_t u) { u = (u); __builtin_memcpy(dst, &u, sizeof(u)); }
static __inline __attribute__((__unused__)) void le32enc(void *dst, __uint32_t u) { u = (u); __builtin_memcpy(dst, &u, sizeof(u)); }
static __inline __attribute__((__unused__)) void le64enc(void *dst, __uint64_t u) { u = (u); __builtin_memcpy(dst, &u, sizeof(u)); }
# 220 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
static __inline __attribute__((__unused__)) __uint16_t be16dec(const void *buf) { __uint16_t u; __builtin_memcpy(&u, buf, sizeof(u)); return (__builtin_constant_p((((__uint16_t)((u))))) ? (((__uint16_t)(((((((__uint16_t)((u)))) & 0xff00) >> 8) | (((((__uint16_t)((u)))) & 0x00ff) << 8))))) : __byte_swap_u16_variable(((__uint16_t)((u))))); }
static __inline __attribute__((__unused__)) __uint32_t be32dec(const void *buf) { __uint32_t u; __builtin_memcpy(&u, buf, sizeof(u)); return (__builtin_constant_p((((__uint32_t)((u))))) ? (((__uint32_t)(((((((__uint32_t)((u)))) & 0xff000000) >> 24) | (((((__uint32_t)((u)))) & 0x00ff0000) >> 8) | (((((__uint32_t)((u)))) & 0x0000ff00) << 8) | (((((__uint32_t)((u)))) & 0x000000ff) << 24))))) : __byte_swap_u32_variable(((__uint32_t)((u))))); }
static __inline __attribute__((__unused__)) __uint64_t be64dec(const void *buf) { __uint64_t u; __builtin_memcpy(&u, buf, sizeof(u)); return (__builtin_constant_p((((__uint64_t)((u))))) ? (((__uint64_t)(((((((__uint64_t)((u)))) & 0xff00000000000000ull) >> 56) | (((((__uint64_t)((u)))) & 0x00ff000000000000ull) >> 40) | (((((__uint64_t)((u)))) & 0x0000ff0000000000ull) >> 24) | (((((__uint64_t)((u)))) & 0x000000ff00000000ull) >> 8) | (((((__uint64_t)((u)))) & 0x00000000ff000000ull) << 8) | (((((__uint64_t)((u)))) & 0x0000000000ff0000ull) << 24) | (((((__uint64_t)((u)))) & 0x000000000000ff00ull) << 40) | (((((__uint64_t)((u)))) & 0x00000000000000ffull) << 56))))) : __byte_swap_u64_variable(((__uint64_t)((u))))); }
static __inline __attribute__((__unused__)) __uint16_t le16dec(const void *buf) { __uint16_t u; __builtin_memcpy(&u, buf, sizeof(u)); return (u); }
static __inline __attribute__((__unused__)) __uint32_t le32dec(const void *buf) { __uint32_t u; __builtin_memcpy(&u, buf, sizeof(u)); return (u); }
static __inline __attribute__((__unused__)) __uint64_t le64dec(const void *buf) { __uint64_t u; __builtin_memcpy(&u, buf, sizeof(u)); return (u); }
# 3 "./machine/endian.h" 2
# 99 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
typedef unsigned char u_char;
typedef unsigned short u_short;
typedef unsigned int u_int;
typedef unsigned long u_long;
typedef unsigned char unchar;
typedef unsigned short ushort;
typedef unsigned int uint;
typedef unsigned long ulong;
typedef __uint64_t u_quad_t;
typedef __int64_t quad_t;
typedef quad_t * qaddr_t;
# 126 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
typedef __int64_t longlong_t;
typedef __uint64_t u_longlong_t;
typedef __int64_t blkcnt_t;
typedef __int32_t blksize_t;
typedef __fsblkcnt_t fsblkcnt_t;
typedef __fsfilcnt_t fsfilcnt_t;
# 154 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
typedef __int64_t daddr_t;
typedef __uint64_t dev_t;
typedef __uint32_t fixpt_t;
typedef __gid_t gid_t;
typedef int idtype_t;
typedef __uint32_t id_t;
typedef __uint64_t ino_t;
typedef long key_t;
typedef __mode_t mode_t;
typedef __uint32_t nlink_t;
typedef __off_t off_t;
typedef __pid_t pid_t;
typedef __int32_t lwpid_t;
typedef __uint64_t rlim_t;
typedef __int32_t segsz_t;
typedef __int32_t swblk_t;
typedef __uid_t uid_t;
typedef int mqd_t;
typedef unsigned long cpuid_t;
typedef int psetid_t;
# 216 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
typedef int boolean_t;
# 232 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
union __semun {
int val;
struct semid_ds *buf;
unsigned short *array;
# 261 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
typedef __int32_t __devmajor_t, __devminor_t;
# 274 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
typedef unsigned int clock_t;
typedef unsigned long size_t;
typedef long ssize_t;
typedef __int64_t time_t;
typedef int clockid_t;
typedef int timer_t;
typedef int suseconds_t;
typedef unsigned int useconds_t;
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 38 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 39 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
typedef __uint32_t __fd_mask;
# 64 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
typedef struct fd_set {
__fd_mask fds_bits[(((256) + ((32) - 1)) / (32))];
} fd_set;
# 316 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
typedef struct kauth_cred *kauth_cred_t;
typedef int pri_t;
# 331 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct lwp;
typedef struct lwp lwp_t;
struct __ucontext;
struct proc;
typedef struct proc proc_t;
struct pgrp;
struct rusage;
struct file;
typedef struct file file_t;
struct buf;
typedef struct buf buf_t;
struct tty;
struct uio;
# 102 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 111 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 37 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 38 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 112 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 136 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 137 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 37 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 38 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
struct timeval {
time_t tv_sec;
suseconds_t tv_usec;
struct timespec {
time_t tv_sec;
long tv_nsec;
# 71 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct timezone {
int tz_minuteswest;
int tz_dsttime;
# 108 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct bintime {
time_t sec;
__uint64_t frac;
static __inline void
bintime_addx(struct bintime *bt, __uint64_t x)
__uint64_t u;
u = bt->frac;
bt->frac += x;
if (u > bt->frac)
static __inline void
bintime_add(struct bintime *bt, const struct bintime *bt2)
__uint64_t u;
u = bt->frac;
bt->frac += bt2->frac;
if (u > bt->frac)
bt->sec += bt2->sec;
static __inline void
bintime_sub(struct bintime *bt, const struct bintime *bt2)
__uint64_t u;
u = bt->frac;
bt->frac -= bt2->frac;
if (u < bt->frac)
bt->sec -= bt2->sec;
# 162 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
static __inline void
bintime2timespec(const struct bintime *bt, struct timespec *ts)
ts->tv_sec = bt->sec;
ts->tv_nsec =
(long)(((__uint64_t)1000000000 * (__uint32_t)(bt->frac >> 32)) >> 32);
static __inline void
timespec2bintime(const struct timespec *ts, struct bintime *bt)
bt->sec = ts->tv_sec;
bt->frac = ts->tv_nsec * (__uint64_t)18446744073LL;
static __inline void
bintime2timeval(const struct bintime *bt, struct timeval *tv)
tv->tv_sec = bt->sec;
tv->tv_usec =
(suseconds_t)(((__uint64_t)1000000 * (__uint32_t)(bt->frac >> 32)) >> 32);
static __inline void
timeval2bintime(const struct timeval *tv, struct bintime *bt)
bt->sec = tv->tv_sec;
bt->frac = tv->tv_usec * (__uint64_t)18446744073709LL;
# 237 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct itimerval {
struct timeval it_interval;
struct timeval it_value;
struct itimerspec {
struct timespec it_interval;
struct timespec it_value;
# 262 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 63 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 48 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
typedef struct callout {
void *_c_store[10];
} callout_t;
# 98 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct cpu_info;
void callout_startup(void);
void callout_init_cpu(struct cpu_info *);
void callout_hardclock(void);
void callout_init(callout_t *, u_int);
void callout_destroy(callout_t *);
void callout_setfunc(callout_t *, void (*)(void *), void *);
void callout_reset(callout_t *, int, void (*)(void *), void *);
void callout_schedule(callout_t *, int);
_Bool callout_stop(callout_t *);
_Bool callout_halt(callout_t *, void *);
_Bool callout_pending(callout_t *);
_Bool callout_expired(callout_t *);
_Bool callout_active(callout_t *);
_Bool callout_invoking(callout_t *);
void callout_ack(callout_t *);
void callout_bind(callout_t *, struct cpu_info *);
# 64 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 65 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 42 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 43 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 48 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 49 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 60 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
typedef struct {
__uint32_t __bits[4];
} sigset_t;
# 108 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
typedef struct
void *ss_sp;
size_t ss_size;
int ss_flags;
} stack_t;
# 44 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 114 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 35 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 1 "./machine/signal.h" 1
# 39 "./machine/signal.h"
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 40 "./machine/signal.h" 2
typedef int sig_atomic_t;
# 1 "./machine/trap.h" 1
# 1 "./x86/trap.h" 1
# 3 "./machine/trap.h" 2
# 48 "./machine/signal.h" 2
# 1 "./machine/mcontext.h" 1
# 37 "./machine/mcontext.h"
# 1 "./machine/frame_regs.h" 1
# 38 "./machine/mcontext.h" 2
enum { _REG_RDI = 0, _REG_RSI = 1, _REG_RDX = 2, _REG_R10 = 6, _REG_R8 = 4, _REG_R9 = 5, _REG_RCX = 3, _REG_R11 = 7, _REG_R12 = 8, _REG_R13 = 9, _REG_R14 = 10, _REG_R15 = 11, _REG_RBP = 12, _REG_RBX = 13, _REG_RAX = 14, _REG_GS = 15, _REG_FS = 16, _REG_ES = 17, _REG_DS = 18, _REG_TRAPNO = 19, _REG_ERR = 20, _REG_RIP = 21, _REG_CS = 22, _REG_RFLAGS = 23, _REG_RSP = 24, _REG_SS = 25, _NGREG = 26 };
typedef unsigned long __greg_t;
typedef __greg_t __gregset_t[_NGREG];
# 59 "./machine/mcontext.h"
typedef char __fpregset_t[512] __attribute__((__aligned__(8)));
typedef struct {
__gregset_t __gregs;
__greg_t _mc_tlsbase;
__fpregset_t __fpregs;
} mcontext_t;
# 85 "./machine/mcontext.h"
static __inline void *
void *__tmp;
__asm volatile("movq %%fs:0, %0" : "=r" (__tmp));
return __tmp;
# 102 "./machine/mcontext.h"
typedef unsigned int __greg32_t;
typedef __greg32_t __gregset32_t[19];
# 130 "./machine/mcontext.h"
typedef struct {
union {
struct {
int __fp_state[27];
int __fp_status;
} __fpchip_state;
struct {
char __fp_emul[246];
char __fp_epad[2];
} __fp_emul_space;
struct {
char __fp_xmm[512];
} __fp_xmm_state;
int __fp_fpregs[128];
} __fp_reg_set;
int __fp_wregs[33];
} __fpregset32_t;
typedef struct {
__gregset32_t __gregs;
__fpregset32_t __fpregs;
__uint32_t _mc_tlsbase;
} mcontext32_t;
# 49 "./machine/signal.h" 2
# 36 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 37 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
typedef union sigval {
int sival_int;
void *sival_ptr;
} sigval_t;
struct _ksiginfo {
int _signo;
int _code;
int _errno;
int _pad;
union {
struct {
__pid_t _pid;
__uid_t _uid;
sigval_t _value;
} _rt;
struct {
__pid_t _pid;
__uid_t _uid;
int _status;
clock_t _utime;
clock_t _stime;
} _child;
struct {
void *_addr;
int _trap;
int _trap2;
int _trap3;
} _fault;
struct {
long _band;
int _fd;
} _poll;
} _reason;
typedef struct ksiginfo {
u_long ksi_flags;
struct { struct ksiginfo *cqe_next; struct ksiginfo *cqe_prev; } ksi_list;
struct _ksiginfo ksi_info;
lwpid_t ksi_lid;
} ksiginfo_t;
# 133 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
typedef union siginfo {
char si_pad[128];
struct _ksiginfo _info;
} siginfo_t;
# 115 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 38 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
typedef struct __ucontext ucontext_t;
struct __ucontext {
unsigned int uc_flags;
ucontext_t * uc_link;
sigset_t uc_sigmask;
stack_t uc_stack;
mcontext_t uc_mcontext;
# 105 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct lwp;
void getucontext(struct lwp *, ucontext_t *);
int setucontext(struct lwp *, const ucontext_t *);
void cpu_getmcontext(struct lwp *, mcontext_t *, unsigned int *);
int cpu_setmcontext(struct lwp *, const mcontext_t *, unsigned int);
int cpu_mcontext_validate(struct lwp *, const mcontext_t *);
typedef char __ctassert0[ (sizeof(ucontext_t) == 784) ? 1 : -1];
# 120 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
struct sigaction {
union {
void (*_sa_handler)(int);
void (*_sa_sigaction)(int, siginfo_t *, void *);
} _sa_u;
sigset_t sa_mask;
int sa_flags;
# 174 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
typedef void (*sig_t)(int);
# 196 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct sigstack {
void *ss_sp;
int ss_onstack;
# 214 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct sigevent {
int sigev_notify;
int sigev_signo;
union sigval sigev_value;
void (*sigev_notify_function)(union sigval);
void *sigev_notify_attributes;
# 236 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 236 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
#pragma GCC visibility push(default)
# 236 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
void (*signal(int, void (*)(int)))(int);
int sigqueue(__pid_t, int, const union sigval);
int sigqueueinfo(__pid_t, const siginfo_t *);
# 244 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
#pragma GCC visibility pop
# 244 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 66 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 50 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 1 "./machine/endian.h" 1
# 51 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 38 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 39 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 52 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
typedef __va_list va_list;
# 54 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
struct device;
typedef struct device *device_t;
typedef enum devact_level {
} devact_level_t;
struct device_lock;
struct device_suspensor;
typedef __uint64_t devgen_t;
typedef struct device_lock *device_lock_t;
typedef struct device_suspensor device_suspensor_t;
# 56 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
struct clockframe;
struct lwp;
struct proc;
struct timeval;
struct tty;
struct uio;
struct vnode;
struct vmspace;
extern const char *panicstr;
extern int doing_shutdown;
extern const char copyright[];
extern char cpu_model[];
extern char machine[];
extern char machine_arch[];
extern const char osrelease[];
extern const char ostype[];
extern const char kernel_ident[];
extern const char version[];
extern int autonicetime;
extern int autoniceval;
extern int selwait;
extern int maxmem;
extern int physmem;
extern dev_t dumpdev;
extern dev_t dumpcdev;
extern long dumplo;
extern int dumpsize;
extern const char *dumpspec;
extern dev_t rootdev;
extern struct vnode *rootvp;
extern device_t root_device;
extern const char *rootspec;
extern int ncpu;
extern int ncpuonline;
extern _Bool mp_online;
extern const char hexdigits[];
extern const char HEXDIGITS[];
extern const dev_t swapdev;
extern struct vnode *swapdev_vp;
extern const dev_t zerodev;
typedef int sy_call_t(struct lwp *, const void *, register_t *);
extern struct sysent {
short sy_narg;
short sy_argsize;
int sy_flags;
sy_call_t *sy_call;
} sysent[];
extern int nsysent;
# 152 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
extern int boothowto;
extern void (*v_putc)(int);
void voidop(void);
int nullop(void *);
int enodev(void);
int enosys(void);
int enoioctl(void);
int enxio(void);
int eopnotsupp(void);
enum hashtype {
void *hashinit(u_int, enum hashtype, _Bool, u_long *);
void hashdone(void *, enum hashtype, u_long);
int seltrue(dev_t, int, struct lwp *);
int sys_nosys(struct lwp *, const void *, register_t *);
int sys_nomodule(struct lwp *, const void *, register_t *);
void aprint_normal(const char *, ...) __attribute__((__format__ (__printf__, 1, 2)));
void aprint_error(const char *, ...) __attribute__((__format__ (__printf__, 1, 2)));
void aprint_naive(const char *, ...) __attribute__((__format__ (__printf__, 1, 2)));
void aprint_verbose(const char *, ...) __attribute__((__format__ (__printf__, 1, 2)));
void aprint_debug(const char *, ...) __attribute__((__format__ (__printf__, 1, 2)));
void device_printf(device_t, const char *fmt, ...) __attribute__((__format__ (__printf__, 2, 3)));
void aprint_normal_dev(device_t, const char *, ...) __attribute__((__format__ (__printf__, 2, 3)));
void aprint_error_dev(device_t, const char *, ...) __attribute__((__format__ (__printf__, 2, 3)));
void aprint_naive_dev(device_t, const char *, ...) __attribute__((__format__ (__printf__, 2, 3)));
void aprint_verbose_dev(device_t, const char *, ...) __attribute__((__format__ (__printf__, 2, 3)));
void aprint_debug_dev(device_t, const char *, ...) __attribute__((__format__ (__printf__, 2, 3)));
struct ifnet;
void aprint_normal_ifnet(struct ifnet *, const char *, ...)
__attribute__((__format__ (__printf__, 2, 3)));
void aprint_error_ifnet(struct ifnet *, const char *, ...)
__attribute__((__format__ (__printf__, 2, 3)));
void aprint_naive_ifnet(struct ifnet *, const char *, ...)
__attribute__((__format__ (__printf__, 2, 3)));
void aprint_verbose_ifnet(struct ifnet *, const char *, ...)
__attribute__((__format__ (__printf__, 2, 3)));
void aprint_debug_ifnet(struct ifnet *, const char *, ...)
__attribute__((__format__ (__printf__, 2, 3)));
int aprint_get_error_count(void);
void printf_tolog(const char *, ...) __attribute__((__format__ (__printf__, 1, 2)));
void printf_nolog(const char *, ...) __attribute__((__format__ (__printf__, 1, 2)));
void printf(const char *, ...) __attribute__((__format__ (__printf__, 1, 2)));
int sprintf(char *, const char *, ...) __attribute__((__format__ (__printf__, 2, 3)));
int snprintf(char *, size_t, const char *, ...) __attribute__((__format__ (__printf__, 3, 4)));
void vprintf(const char *, va_list) __attribute__((__format__ (__printf__, 1, 0)));
int vsprintf(char *, const char *, va_list) __attribute__((__format__ (__printf__, 2, 0)));
int vsnprintf(char *, size_t, const char *, va_list) __attribute__((__format__ (__printf__, 3, 0)));
int humanize_number(char *, size_t, __uint64_t, const char *, int);
void twiddle(void);
void banner(void);
void panic(const char *, ...) __attribute__((__noreturn__)) __attribute__((__format__ (__printf__, 1, 2)));
void vpanic(const char *, va_list) __attribute__((__noreturn__)) __attribute__((__format__ (__printf__, 1, 0)));
void uprintf(const char *, ...) __attribute__((__format__ (__printf__, 1, 2)));
void uprintf_locked(const char *, ...) __attribute__((__format__ (__printf__, 1, 2)));
void ttyprintf(struct tty *, const char *, ...) __attribute__((__format__ (__printf__, 2, 3)));
int format_bytes(char *, size_t, __uint64_t);
void tablefull(const char *, const char *);
int kcopy(const void *, void *, size_t);
int copystr(const void *, void *, size_t, size_t *);
int copyinstr(const void *, void *, size_t, size_t *);
int copyoutstr(const void *, void *, size_t, size_t *);
int copyin(const void *, void *, size_t);
int copyout(const void *, void *, size_t);
typedef int (*copyin_t)(const void *, void *, size_t);
typedef int (*copyout_t)(const void *, void *, size_t);
int copyin_proc(struct proc *, const void *, void *, size_t);
int copyout_proc(struct proc *, const void *, void *, size_t);
int copyin_vmspace(struct vmspace *, const void *, void *, size_t);
int copyout_vmspace(struct vmspace *, const void *, void *, size_t);
int ioctl_copyin(int ioctlflags, const void *src, void *dst, size_t len);
int ioctl_copyout(int ioctlflags, const void *src, void *dst, size_t len);
int ucas_ptr(volatile void *, void *, void *, void *);
int ucas_int(volatile int *, int, int, int *);
int subyte(void *, int);
int suibyte(void *, int);
int susword(void *, short);
int suisword(void *, short);
int suswintr(void *, short);
int suword(void *, long);
int suiword(void *, long);
int fubyte(const void *);
int fuibyte(const void *);
int fusword(const void *);
int fuisword(const void *);
int fuswintr(const void *);
long fuword(const void *);
long fuiword(const void *);
void hardclock(struct clockframe *);
void softclock(void *);
void statclock(struct clockframe *);
# 300 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
void ntp_init(void);
void ssp_init(void);
void initclocks(void);
void inittodr(time_t);
void resettodr(void);
void cpu_initclocks(void);
void setrootfstime(time_t);
void startprofclock(struct proc *);
void stopprofclock(struct proc *);
void proftick(struct clockframe *);
void setstatclockrate(int);
void *critpollhook_establish(void (*)(void *), void *);
void critpollhook_disestablish(void *);
void docritpollhooks(void);
void *shutdownhook_establish(void (*)(void *), void *);
void shutdownhook_disestablish(void *);
void doshutdownhooks(void);
void *powerhook_establish(const char *, void (*)(int, void *), void *);
void powerhook_disestablish(void *);
void dopowerhooks(int);
# 360 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
extern const char *rootfstype;
void *mountroothook_establish(void (*)(device_t), device_t);
void mountroothook_disestablish(void *);
void mountroothook_destroy(void);
void domountroothook(device_t);
void *exechook_establish(void (*)(struct proc *, void *), void *);
void exechook_disestablish(void *);
void doexechooks(struct proc *);
void *exithook_establish(void (*)(struct proc *, void *), void *);
void exithook_disestablish(void *);
void doexithooks(struct proc *);
void *forkhook_establish(void (*)(struct proc *, struct proc *));
void forkhook_disestablish(void *);
void doforkhooks(struct proc *, struct proc *);
_Bool trace_is_enabled(struct proc *);
int trace_enter(register_t, const register_t *, int);
void trace_exit(register_t, register_t [], int);
int uiomove(void *, size_t, struct uio *);
int uiomove_frombuf(void *, size_t, struct uio *);
int setjmp(label_t *) __attribute__((__returns_twice__));
void longjmp(label_t *) __attribute__((__noreturn__));
void consinit(void);
void cpu_startup(void);
void cpu_configure(void);
void cpu_rootconf(void);
void cpu_dumpconf(void);
void machdep_init(void);
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 46 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
static __inline int imax(int, int) __attribute__((__unused__));
static __inline int imin(int, int) __attribute__((__unused__));
static __inline u_int max(u_int, u_int) __attribute__((__unused__));
static __inline u_int min(u_int, u_int) __attribute__((__unused__));
static __inline long lmax(long, long) __attribute__((__unused__));
static __inline long lmin(long, long) __attribute__((__unused__));
static __inline u_long ulmax(u_long, u_long) __attribute__((__unused__));
static __inline u_long ulmin(u_long, u_long) __attribute__((__unused__));
static __inline int abs(int) __attribute__((__unused__));
static __inline int isspace(int) __attribute__((__unused__));
static __inline int isascii(int) __attribute__((__unused__));
static __inline int isupper(int) __attribute__((__unused__));
static __inline int islower(int) __attribute__((__unused__));
static __inline int isalpha(int) __attribute__((__unused__));
static __inline int isdigit(int) __attribute__((__unused__));
static __inline int isxdigit(int) __attribute__((__unused__));
static __inline int toupper(int) __attribute__((__unused__));
static __inline int tolower(int) __attribute__((__unused__));
static __inline int
imax(int a, int b)
return (a > b ? a : b);
static __inline int
imin(int a, int b)
return (a < b ? a : b);
static __inline long
lmax(long a, long b)
return (a > b ? a : b);
static __inline long
lmin(long a, long b)
return (a < b ? a : b);
static __inline u_int
max(u_int a, u_int b)
return (a > b ? a : b);
static __inline u_int
min(u_int a, u_int b)
return (a < b ? a : b);
static __inline u_long
ulmax(u_long a, u_long b)
return (a > b ? a : b);
static __inline u_long
ulmin(u_long a, u_long b)
return (a < b ? a : b);
static __inline int
abs(int j)
return(j < 0 ? -j : j);
static __inline int
isspace(int ch)
return (ch == ' ' || (ch >= '\t' && ch <= '\r'));
static __inline int
isascii(int ch)
return ((ch & ~0x7f) == 0);
static __inline int
isupper(int ch)
return (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z');
static __inline int
islower(int ch)
return (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z');
static __inline int
isalpha(int ch)
return (isupper(ch) || islower(ch));
static __inline int
isdigit(int ch)
return (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9');
static __inline int
isxdigit(int ch)
return (isdigit(ch) ||
(ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'F') ||
(ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'f'));
static __inline int
toupper(int ch)
if (islower(ch))
return (ch - 0x20);
return (ch);
static __inline int
tolower(int ch)
if (isupper(ch))
return (ch + 0x20);
return (ch);
# 251 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct mtprng_state {
unsigned int mt_idx;
__uint32_t mt_elem[624];
__uint32_t mt_count;
__uint32_t mt_sparse[3];
void *memcpy(void *, const void *, size_t);
int memcmp(const void *, const void *, size_t);
void *memset(void *, int, size_t);
# 270 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
char *strcpy(char *, const char *);
int strcmp(const char *, const char *);
size_t strlen(const char *);
size_t strnlen(const char *, size_t);
char *strsep(char **, const char *);
# 287 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
char *strcat(char *, const char *);
char *strncpy(char *, const char *, size_t);
int strncmp(const char *, const char *, size_t);
char *strchr(const char *, int);
char *strrchr(const char *, int);
char *strstr(const char *, const char *);
int ffs(int);
void kern_assert(const char *, ...)
__attribute__((__format__(__printf__, 1, 2)));
unsigned int
bcdtobin(unsigned int);
unsigned int
bintobcd(unsigned int);
inet_addr(const char *);
struct in_addr;
int inet_aton(const char *, struct in_addr *);
char *intoa(u_int32_t);
void *memchr(const void *, int, size_t);
void *memmove(void *, const void *, size_t);
int pmatch(const char *, const char *, const char **);
long random(void);
void mtprng_init32(struct mtprng_state *, __uint32_t);
void mtprng_initarray(struct mtprng_state *, const __uint32_t *, size_t);
__uint32_t mtprng_rawrandom(struct mtprng_state *);
__uint32_t mtprng_random(struct mtprng_state *);
int scanc(u_int, const u_char *, const u_char *, int);
int skpc(int, size_t, u_char *);
int strcasecmp(const char *, const char *);
size_t strlcpy(char *, const char *, size_t);
size_t strlcat(char *, const char *, size_t);
int strncasecmp(const char *, const char *, size_t);
u_long strtoul(const char *, char **, int);
long long strtoll(const char *, char **, int);
unsigned long long strtoull(const char *, char **, int);
uintmax_t strtoumax(const char *, char **, int);
int snprintb(char *, size_t, const char *, __uint64_t);
int snprintb_m(char *, size_t, const char *, __uint64_t, size_t);
int kheapsort(void *, size_t, size_t, int (*)(const void *, const void *),
void *);
__uint32_t crc32(__uint32_t, const __uint8_t *, size_t);
unsigned int popcount(unsigned int) __attribute__((__const__));
unsigned int popcountl(unsigned long) __attribute__((__const__));
unsigned int popcountll(unsigned long long) __attribute__((__const__));
unsigned int popcount32(__uint32_t) __attribute__((__const__));
unsigned int popcount64(__uint64_t) __attribute__((__const__));
void explicit_bzero(void *, size_t);
int consttime_bcmp(const void *, const void *, size_t);
# 421 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 430 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
typedef struct cnm_state {
int cnm_state;
u_short *cnm_magic;
} cnm_state_t;
# 443 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
void cn_init_magic(cnm_state_t *);
void cn_destroy_magic(cnm_state_t *);
int cn_set_magic(const char *);
int cn_get_magic(char *, size_t);
# 489 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
void scdebug_call(register_t, const register_t[]);
void scdebug_ret(register_t, int, const register_t[]);
void kernel_lock_init(void);
void _kernel_lock(int);
void _kernel_unlock(int, int *);
_Bool _kernel_locked_p(void);
void kernconfig_lock_init(void);
void kernconfig_lock(void);
void kernconfig_unlock(void);
_Bool kernconfig_is_held(void);
# 524 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
void kpreempt_disable(void);
void kpreempt_enable(void);
_Bool kpreempt_disabled(void);
void assert_sleepable(void);
vaddr_t calc_cache_size(vsize_t , int, int);
# 67 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
struct ptimer {
union {
callout_t pt_ch;
struct {
struct { struct ptimer *le_next; struct ptimer **le_prev; } pt_list;
int pt_active;
} pt_nonreal;
} pt_data;
struct sigevent pt_ev;
struct itimerspec pt_time;
struct ksiginfo pt_info;
int pt_overruns;
int pt_poverruns;
int pt_type;
int pt_entry;
int pt_queued;
struct proc *pt_proc;
struct { struct ptimer *tqe_next; struct ptimer * *tqe_prev; } pt_chain;
# 99 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct ptlist { struct ptimer *lh_first; };
struct ptimers {
struct ptlist pts_virtual;
struct ptlist pts_prof;
struct ptimer *pts_timers[32];
int pts_fired;
# 131 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
void binuptime(struct bintime *);
void nanouptime(struct timespec *);
void microuptime(struct timeval *);
void bintime(struct bintime *);
void nanotime(struct timespec *);
void microtime(struct timeval *);
void getbinuptime(struct bintime *);
void getnanouptime(struct timespec *);
void getmicrouptime(struct timeval *);
void getbintime(struct bintime *);
void getnanotime(struct timespec *);
void getmicrotime(struct timeval *);
int ts2timo(clockid_t, int, struct timespec *, int *, struct timespec *);
void adjtime1(const struct timeval *, struct timeval *, struct proc *);
int clock_getres1(clockid_t, struct timespec *);
int clock_gettime1(clockid_t, struct timespec *);
int clock_settime1(struct proc *, clockid_t, const struct timespec *, _Bool);
int dogetitimer(struct proc *, int, struct itimerval *);
int dosetitimer(struct proc *, int, struct itimerval *);
int dotimer_gettime(int, struct proc *, struct itimerspec *);
int dotimer_settime(int, struct itimerspec *, struct itimerspec *, int,
struct proc *);
int tshzto(const struct timespec *);
int tshztoup(const struct timespec *);
int tvhzto(const struct timeval *);
void inittimecounter(void);
int itimerfix(struct timeval *);
int itimespecfix(struct timespec *);
int ppsratecheck(struct timeval *, int *, int);
int ratecheck(struct timeval *, const struct timeval *);
void realtimerexpire(void *);
int settime(struct proc *p, struct timespec *);
int nanosleep1(struct lwp *, clockid_t, int, struct timespec *,
struct timespec *);
int settimeofday1(const struct timeval *, _Bool,
const void *, struct lwp *, _Bool);
int timer_create1(timer_t *, clockid_t, struct sigevent *, copyin_t,
struct lwp *);
void timer_gettime(struct ptimer *, struct itimerspec *);
void timer_settime(struct ptimer *);
struct ptimers *timers_alloc(struct proc *);
void timers_free(struct proc *, int);
void timer_tick(struct lwp *, _Bool);
int tstohz(const struct timespec *);
int tvtohz(const struct timeval *);
int inittimeleft(struct timespec *, struct timespec *);
int gettimeleft(struct timespec *, struct timespec *);
void timerupcall(struct lwp *);
void time_init(void);
void time_init2(void);
_Bool time_wraps(struct timespec *, struct timespec *);
extern volatile time_t time_second;
extern volatile time_t time_uptime;
# 263 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 138 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 37 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 38 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 57 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct rusage {
struct timeval ru_utime;
struct timeval ru_stime;
long ru_maxrss;
long ru_ixrss;
long ru_idrss;
long ru_isrss;
long ru_minflt;
long ru_majflt;
long ru_nswap;
long ru_inblock;
long ru_oublock;
long ru_msgsnd;
long ru_msgrcv;
long ru_nsignals;
long ru_nvcsw;
long ru_nivcsw;
# 105 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct orlimit {
__int32_t rlim_cur;
__int32_t rlim_max;
struct rlimit {
rlim_t rlim_cur;
rlim_t rlim_max;
struct loadavg {
fixpt_t ldavg[3];
long fscale;
extern struct loadavg averunnable;
struct pcred;
int dosetrlimit(struct lwp *, struct proc *, int, struct rlimit *);
# 139 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 48 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct uucred {
unsigned short cr_unused;
__uid_t cr_uid;
__gid_t cr_gid;
short cr_ngroups;
__gid_t cr_groups[16];
# 140 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 44 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 45 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 56 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct iovec {
void *iov_base;
size_t iov_len;
# 69 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
enum uio_rw { UIO_READ, UIO_WRITE };
enum uio_seg {
struct vmspace;
struct uio {
struct iovec *uio_iov;
int uio_iovcnt;
__off_t uio_offset;
size_t uio_resid;
enum uio_rw uio_rw;
struct vmspace *uio_vmspace;
# 105 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
void uio_setup_sysspace(struct uio *);
# 120 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
int ureadc(int, struct uio *);
# 141 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 76 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 1 "./machine/vmparam.h" 1
# 42 "./machine/vmparam.h"
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 43 "./machine/vmparam.h" 2
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 147 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
typedef enum kmutex_type_t {
} kmutex_type_t;
typedef struct kmutex kmutex_t;
# 181 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 35 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 1 "./machine/intr.h" 1
# 1 "./x86/intr.h" 1
# 44 "./x86/intr.h"
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 85 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct evcnt {
__uint64_t ev_count;
struct { struct evcnt *tqe_next; struct evcnt * *tqe_prev; } ev_list;
unsigned char ev_type;
unsigned char ev_grouplen;
unsigned char ev_namelen;
char ev_pad1;
const struct evcnt *ev_parent;
const char *ev_group;
const char *ev_name;
struct evcntlist { struct evcnt *tqh_first; struct evcnt * *tqh_last; };
# 129 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
extern struct evcntlist allevents;
void evcnt_init(void);
void evcnt_attach_static(struct evcnt *);
void evcnt_attach_dynamic_nozero(struct evcnt *, int, const struct evcnt *,
const char *, const char *);
void evcnt_attach_dynamic(struct evcnt *, int, const struct evcnt *,
const char *, const char *);
void evcnt_detach(struct evcnt *);
# 45 "./x86/intr.h" 2
# 1 "./machine/intrdefs.h" 1
# 1 "./x86/intrdefs.h" 1
# 4 "./machine/intrdefs.h" 2
# 46 "./x86/intr.h" 2
# 1 "./machine/pic.h" 1
# 1 "./x86/pic.h" 1
struct cpu_info;
struct pic {
const char *pic_name;
int pic_type;
int pic_vecbase;
int pic_apicid;
__cpu_simple_lock_t pic_lock;
void (*pic_hwmask)(struct pic *, int);
void (*pic_hwunmask)(struct pic *, int);
void (*pic_addroute)(struct pic *, struct cpu_info *, int, int, int);
void (*pic_delroute)(struct pic *, struct cpu_info *, int, int, int);
_Bool (*pic_trymask)(struct pic *, int);
struct intrstub *pic_level_stubs;
struct intrstub *pic_edge_stubs;
struct ioapic_softc *pic_ioapic;
# 35 "./x86/pic.h"
extern struct pic i8259_pic;
extern struct pic local_pic;
extern struct pic softintr_pic;
# 3 "./machine/pic.h" 2
# 49 "./x86/intr.h" 2
# 68 "./x86/intr.h"
struct intrstub {
void *ist_entry;
void *ist_recurse;
void *ist_resume;
struct intrsource {
int is_maxlevel;
int is_pin;
struct intrhand *is_handlers;
struct pic *is_pic;
void *is_recurse;
void *is_resume;
lwp_t *is_lwp;
struct evcnt is_evcnt;
int is_flags;
int is_type;
int is_idtvec;
int is_minlevel;
char is_evname[32];
# 100 "./x86/intr.h"
struct intrhand {
int (*ih_fun)(void *);
void *ih_arg;
int ih_level;
int (*ih_realfun)(void *);
void *ih_realarg;
struct intrhand *ih_next;
struct intrhand **ih_prevp;
int ih_pin;
int ih_slot;
struct cpu_info *ih_cpu;
void Xspllower(int);
void spllower(int);
int splraise(int);
void softintr(int);
# 137 "./x86/intr.h"
typedef __uint8_t ipl_t;
typedef struct {
ipl_t _ipl;
} ipl_cookie_t;
static inline ipl_cookie_t
makeiplcookie(ipl_t ipl)
return (ipl_cookie_t){._ipl = ipl};
static inline int
splraiseipl(ipl_cookie_t icookie)
return splraise(icookie._ipl);
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 47 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
static __inline int splsoftclock(void) { return splraiseipl(makeiplcookie(0x2)); }
static __inline int splsoftnet(void) { return splraiseipl(makeiplcookie(0x4)); }
static __inline int splsoftserial(void) { return splraiseipl(makeiplcookie(0x5)); }
static __inline int splvm(void) { return splraiseipl(makeiplcookie(0x6)); }
static __inline int splsched(void) { return splraiseipl(makeiplcookie(0x7)); }
static __inline int splhigh(void) { return splraiseipl(makeiplcookie(0x8)); }
# 157 "./x86/intr.h" 2
void Xsoftintr(void);
void Xpreemptrecurse(void);
void Xpreemptresume(void);
extern struct intrstub i8259_stubs[];
extern struct intrstub ioapic_edge_stubs[];
extern struct intrstub ioapic_level_stubs[];
struct cpu_info;
struct pcibus_attach_args;
void intr_default_setup(void);
void x86_nmi(void);
void *intr_establish(int, struct pic *, int, int, int, int (*)(void *), void *, _Bool);
void intr_disestablish(struct intrhand *);
void intr_add_pcibus(struct pcibus_attach_args *);
const char *intr_string(int);
void cpu_intr_init(struct cpu_info *);
int intr_find_mpmapping(int, int, int *);
struct pic *intr_findpic(int);
void intr_printconfig(void);
int x86_send_ipi(struct cpu_info *, int);
void x86_broadcast_ipi(int);
void x86_ipi_handler(void);
extern void (*ipifunc[9])(struct cpu_info *);
# 3 "./machine/intr.h" 2
# 36 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
struct cpu_info;
void *softint_establish(u_int, void (*)(void *), void *);
void softint_disestablish(void *);
void softint_schedule(void *);
void softint_init(struct cpu_info *);
lwp_t *softint_picklwp(void);
void softint_overlay(void);
void softint_block(lwp_t *);
void softint_init_md(lwp_t *, u_int, __uintptr_t *);
void softint_trigger(__uintptr_t);
void softint_dispatch(lwp_t *, int);
# 72 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
extern u_int softint_timing;
# 182 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 1 "./machine/mutex.h" 1
# 1 "./x86/mutex.h" 1
# 35 "./x86/mutex.h"
struct kmutex {
union {
volatile __uintptr_t mtxa_owner;
# 46 "./x86/mutex.h"
} u;
# 3 "./machine/mutex.h" 2
# 185 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 195 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
void mutex_init(kmutex_t *, kmutex_type_t, int);
void mutex_destroy(kmutex_t *);
void mutex_enter(kmutex_t *);
void mutex_exit(kmutex_t *);
void mutex_spin_enter(kmutex_t *);
void mutex_spin_exit(kmutex_t *);
int mutex_tryenter(kmutex_t *);
int mutex_owned(kmutex_t *);
lwp_t *mutex_owner(kmutex_t *);
void mutex_obj_init(void);
kmutex_t *mutex_obj_alloc(kmutex_type_t, int);
void mutex_obj_hold(kmutex_t *);
_Bool mutex_obj_free(kmutex_t *);
# 44 "./machine/vmparam.h" 2
# 77 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 46 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct pstats {
struct rusage p_ru;
struct rusage p_cru;
struct itimerspec p_timer[3];
struct uprof {
char * pr_base;
size_t pr_size;
u_long pr_off;
u_int pr_scale;
u_long pr_addr;
u_long pr_ticks;
} p_prof;
struct timeval p_start;
# 76 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct plimit {
struct rlimit pl_rlimit[12];
char * pl_corename;
size_t pl_cnlen;
u_int pl_refcnt;
_Bool pl_writeable;
kmutex_t pl_lock;
struct plimit * pl_sv_limit;
# 96 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
extern char defcorename[];
extern int security_setidcore_dump;
extern char security_setidcore_path[];
extern __uid_t security_setidcore_owner;
extern __gid_t security_setidcore_group;
extern __mode_t security_setidcore_mode;
void addupc_intr(struct lwp *, u_long);
void addupc_task(struct lwp *, u_long, u_int);
void calcru(struct proc *, struct timeval *, struct timeval *,
struct timeval *, struct timeval *);
struct plimit *lim_copy(struct plimit *);
void lim_addref(struct plimit *);
void lim_privatise(struct proc *);
void lim_setcorename(struct proc *, char *, size_t);
void lim_free(struct plimit *);
void resource_init(void);
void ruadd(struct rusage *, struct rusage *);
void rulwps(proc_t *, struct rusage *);
struct pstats *pstatscopy(struct pstats *);
void pstatsfree(struct pstats *);
extern rlim_t maxdmap;
extern rlim_t maxsmap;
int getrusage1(struct proc *, int, struct rusage *);
# 78 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 252 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
extern int ubc_nwins;
extern int ubc_winshift;
extern u_int uvm_emap_size;
# 270 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
typedef unsigned int uvm_flag_t;
typedef int vm_inherit_t;
typedef __off_t voff_t;
typedef voff_t pgoff_t;
# 142 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 165 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 1 "./machine/param.h" 1
# 11 "./machine/param.h"
# 1 "./machine/cpu.h" 1
# 42 "./machine/cpu.h"
# 1 "./x86/cpu.h" 1
# 58 "./x86/cpu.h"
# 1 "./machine/frame.h" 1
# 76 "./machine/frame.h"
# 1 "./machine/fpu.h" 1
# 15 "./machine/fpu.h"
struct fxsave64 {
__uint16_t fx_fcw;
__uint16_t fx_fsw;
__uint8_t fx_ftw;
__uint8_t fx_reserved1;
__uint16_t fx_fop;
__uint64_t fx_rip;
__uint64_t fx_rdp;
__uint32_t fx_mxcsr;
__uint32_t fx_mxcsr_mask;
__uint64_t fx_st[8][2];
__uint64_t fx_xmm[16][2];
__uint8_t fx_reserved2[48];
__uint8_t fx_available[48];
typedef char __ctassert1[ (sizeof (struct fxsave64) == 512) ? 1 : -1];
struct savefpu {
struct fxsave64 fp_fxsave;
struct savefpu_i387 {
__uint16_t fp_ex_sw;
__uint16_t fp_ex_tw;
# 76 "./machine/fpu.h"
struct trapframe;
struct cpu_info;
void fpuinit(struct cpu_info *);
void fpudrop(void);
void fpusave(struct lwp *);
void fpudiscard(struct lwp *);
void fputrap(struct trapframe *);
void fpusave_lwp(struct lwp *, _Bool);
void fpusave_cpu(_Bool);
# 77 "./machine/frame.h" 2
# 87 "./machine/frame.h"
struct trapframe {
__uint64_t tf_rdi; __uint64_t tf_rsi; __uint64_t tf_rdx; __uint64_t tf_r10; __uint64_t tf_r8; __uint64_t tf_r9; __uint64_t tf_arg6; __uint64_t tf_arg7; __uint64_t tf_arg8; __uint64_t tf_arg9; __uint64_t tf_rcx; __uint64_t tf_r11; __uint64_t tf_r12; __uint64_t tf_r13; __uint64_t tf_r14; __uint64_t tf_r15; __uint64_t tf_rbp; __uint64_t tf_rbx; __uint64_t tf_rax; __uint64_t tf_gs; __uint64_t tf_fs; __uint64_t tf_es; __uint64_t tf_ds; __uint64_t tf_trapno; __uint64_t tf_err; __uint64_t tf_rip; __uint64_t tf_cs; __uint64_t tf_rflags; __uint64_t tf_rsp; __uint64_t tf_ss;
struct intrframe {
__uint64_t if_ppl;
struct trapframe if_tf;
struct switchframe {
__uint64_t sf_r15;
__uint64_t sf_r14;
__uint64_t sf_r13;
__uint64_t sf_r12;
__uint64_t sf_rbx;
__uint64_t sf_rip;
struct sigframe_siginfo {
__uint64_t sf_ra;
siginfo_t sf_si;
ucontext_t sf_uc;
void buildcontext(struct lwp *, void *, void *);
# 59 "./x86/cpu.h" 2
# 1 "./machine/pte.h" 1
# 73 "./machine/pte.h"
typedef __uint64_t pd_entry_t;
typedef __uint64_t pt_entry_t;
# 135 "./machine/pte.h"
# 1 "./x86/pte.h" 1
# 136 "./machine/pte.h" 2
# 60 "./x86/cpu.h" 2
# 1 "./machine/segments.h" 1
# 152 "./machine/segments.h"
struct sys_segment_descriptor {
__uint64_t sd_lolimit:16;
__uint64_t sd_lobase:24;
__uint64_t sd_type:5;
__uint64_t sd_dpl:2;
__uint64_t sd_p:1;
__uint64_t sd_hilimit:4;
__uint64_t sd_xx1:3;
__uint64_t sd_gran:1;
__uint64_t sd_hibase:40;
__uint64_t sd_xx2:8;
__uint64_t sd_zero:5;
__uint64_t sd_xx3:19;
} __attribute__((__packed__));
struct mem_segment_descriptor {
unsigned sd_lolimit:16;
unsigned sd_lobase:24;
unsigned sd_type:5;
unsigned sd_dpl:2;
unsigned sd_p:1;
unsigned sd_hilimit:4;
unsigned sd_avl:1;
unsigned sd_long:1;
unsigned sd_def32:1;
unsigned sd_gran:1;
unsigned sd_hibase:8;
} __attribute__((__packed__));
struct common_segment_descriptor {
unsigned sdc_lolimit:16;
unsigned sdc_lobase:24;
unsigned sdc_type:5;
unsigned sdc_other:19;
} __attribute__((__packed__));
struct gate_descriptor {
__uint64_t gd_looffset:16;
__uint64_t gd_selector:16;
__uint64_t gd_ist:3;
__uint64_t gd_xx1:5;
__uint64_t gd_type:5;
__uint64_t gd_dpl:2;
__uint64_t gd_p:1;
__uint64_t gd_hioffset:48;
__uint64_t gd_xx2:8;
__uint64_t gd_zero:5;
__uint64_t gd_xx3:19;
} __attribute__((__packed__));
union descriptor {
struct mem_segment_descriptor sd;
__uint32_t raw[2];
__uint64_t raw64;
} __attribute__((__packed__));
struct region_descriptor {
__uint16_t rd_limit;
__uint64_t rd_base;
} __attribute__((__packed__));
# 235 "./machine/segments.h"
extern struct gate_descriptor *idt;
extern char *gdtstore;
extern char *ldtstore;
void setgate(struct gate_descriptor *, void *, int, int, int, int);
void unsetgate(struct gate_descriptor *);
void setregion(struct region_descriptor *, void *, __uint16_t);
void set_sys_segment(struct sys_segment_descriptor *, void *, size_t,
int, int, int);
void set_mem_segment(struct mem_segment_descriptor *, void *, size_t,
int, int, int, int, int);
void cpu_init_idt(void);
void update_descriptor(void *, void *);
void idt_init(void);
void idt_vec_reserve(int);
int idt_vec_alloc(int, int);
void idt_vec_set(int, void (*)(void));
void idt_vec_free(int);
struct lwp;
void cpu_fsgs_zero(struct lwp *);
void cpu_fsgs_reload(struct lwp *, int, int);
# 61 "./x86/cpu.h" 2
# 1 "./machine/tss.h" 1
# 49 "./machine/tss.h"
struct x86_64_tss {
__uint32_t tss_reserved1;
__uint64_t tss_rsp0;
__uint64_t tss_rsp1;
__uint64_t tss_rsp3;
__uint32_t tss_reserved2;
__uint32_t tss_reserved3;
__uint64_t tss_ist[7];
__uint32_t tss_reserved4;
__uint32_t tss_reserved5;
__uint32_t tss_iobase;
} __attribute__((__packed__));
# 62 "./x86/cpu.h" 2
# 1 "./machine/intrdefs.h" 1
# 63 "./x86/cpu.h" 2
# 1 "./x86/cacheinfo.h" 1
struct x86_cache_info {
__uint8_t cai_index;
__uint8_t cai_desc;
__uint8_t cai_associativity;
u_int cai_totalsize;
u_int cai_linesize;
# 65 "./x86/cpu.h" 2
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 37 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct callout;
struct lwp;
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 72 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 73 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
struct sched_param {
int sched_priority;
# 93 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 93 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
#pragma GCC visibility push(default)
# 93 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
typedef struct _cpuset cpuset_t;
# 123 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
int _sched_getaffinity(__pid_t, lwpid_t, size_t, cpuset_t *);
int _sched_setaffinity(__pid_t, lwpid_t, size_t, const cpuset_t *);
int _sched_getparam(__pid_t, lwpid_t, int *, struct sched_param *);
int _sched_setparam(__pid_t, lwpid_t, int, const struct sched_param *);
# 127 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
#pragma GCC visibility pop
# 127 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 154 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct schedstate_percpu {
kmutex_t *spc_mutex;
kmutex_t *spc_lwplock;
struct lwp *spc_migrating;
pri_t spc_curpriority;
pri_t spc_maxpriority;
psetid_t spc_psid;
time_t spc_lastmod;
void *spc_sched_info;
volatile int spc_flags;
u_int spc_schedticks;
__uint64_t spc_cp_time[5];
int spc_ticks;
int spc_pscnt;
int spc_psdiv;
# 203 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
extern int schedhz;
struct proc;
struct cpu_info;
void runq_init(void);
void synch_init(void);
void sched_init(void);
void sched_rqinit(void);
void sched_cpuattach(struct cpu_info *);
void sched_tick(struct cpu_info *);
void schedclock(struct lwp *);
void sched_schedclock(struct lwp *);
void sched_pstats(void);
void sched_lwp_stats(struct lwp *);
void sched_pstats_hook(struct lwp *, int);
_Bool sched_curcpu_runnable_p(void);
void sched_dequeue(struct lwp *);
void sched_enqueue(struct lwp *, _Bool);
struct lwp * sched_nextlwp(void);
void sched_oncpu(struct lwp *);
void sched_newts(struct lwp *);
void sched_nice(struct proc *, int);
void sched_proc_fork(struct proc *, struct proc *);
void sched_proc_exit(struct proc *, struct proc *);
void sched_lwp_fork(struct lwp *, struct lwp *);
void sched_lwp_collect(struct lwp *);
void sched_slept(struct lwp *);
void sched_wakeup(struct lwp *);
void setrunnable(struct lwp *);
void sched_setrunnable(struct lwp *);
struct cpu_info *sched_takecpu(struct lwp *);
void sched_print_runqueue(void (*pr)(const char *, ...)
__attribute__((__format__ (__printf__, 1, 2))));
_Bool kpreempt(__uintptr_t);
void preempt(void);
void yield(void);
int mi_switch(struct lwp *);
void updatertime(lwp_t *, const struct bintime *);
void sched_idle(void);
void suspendsched(void);
int do_sched_setparam(__pid_t, lwpid_t, int, const struct sched_param *);
int do_sched_getparam(__pid_t, lwpid_t, int *, struct sched_param *);
# 41 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 37 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
typedef struct kcondvar {
void *cv_opaque[3];
} kcondvar_t;
void cv_init(kcondvar_t *, const char *);
void cv_destroy(kcondvar_t *);
void cv_wait(kcondvar_t *, kmutex_t *);
int cv_wait_sig(kcondvar_t *, kmutex_t *);
int cv_timedwait(kcondvar_t *, kmutex_t *, int);
int cv_timedwait_sig(kcondvar_t *, kmutex_t *, int);
void cv_signal(kcondvar_t *);
void cv_broadcast(kcondvar_t *);
_Bool cv_has_waiters(kcondvar_t *);
_Bool cv_is_valid(kcondvar_t *);
extern kcondvar_t lbolt;
# 42 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 43 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 34 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct cpu_info;
typedef struct percpu percpu_t;
typedef struct percpu_cpu {
size_t pcc_size;
void *pcc_data;
} percpu_cpu_t;
# 44 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 35 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct kcpuset;
typedef struct kcpuset kcpuset_t;
void kcpuset_sysinit(void);
void kcpuset_create(kcpuset_t **, _Bool);
void kcpuset_destroy(kcpuset_t *);
void kcpuset_copy(kcpuset_t *, kcpuset_t *);
void kcpuset_use(kcpuset_t *);
void kcpuset_unuse(kcpuset_t *, kcpuset_t **);
int kcpuset_copyin(const cpuset_t *, kcpuset_t *, size_t);
int kcpuset_copyout(kcpuset_t *, cpuset_t *, size_t);
void kcpuset_zero(kcpuset_t *);
void kcpuset_fill(kcpuset_t *);
void kcpuset_set(kcpuset_t *, cpuid_t);
void kcpuset_clear(kcpuset_t *, cpuid_t);
_Bool kcpuset_isset(kcpuset_t *, cpuid_t);
_Bool kcpuset_isotherset(kcpuset_t *, cpuid_t);
_Bool kcpuset_iszero(kcpuset_t *);
_Bool kcpuset_match(const kcpuset_t *, const kcpuset_t *);
void kcpuset_merge(kcpuset_t *, kcpuset_t *);
void kcpuset_intersect(kcpuset_t *, kcpuset_t *);
int kcpuset_countset(kcpuset_t *);
void kcpuset_atomic_set(kcpuset_t *, cpuid_t);
void kcpuset_atomic_clear(kcpuset_t *, cpuid_t);
void kcpuset_export_u32(const kcpuset_t *, __uint32_t *, size_t);
# 46 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 59 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct lockdebug;
struct cpu_data {
lwp_t *cpu_biglock_wanted;
void *cpu_callout;
void *cpu_unused1;
u_int cpu_unused2;
struct schedstate_percpu cpu_schedstate;
kcondvar_t cpu_xcall;
int cpu_xcall_pending;
lwp_t *cpu_onproc;
struct { struct cpu_info *cqe_next; struct cpu_info *cqe_prev; } cpu_qchain;
cpuid_t cpu_package_id;
cpuid_t cpu_core_id;
cpuid_t cpu_smt_id;
struct lwp * volatile cpu_pcu_curlwp[0];
lwp_t *cpu_idlelwp;
void *cpu_lockstat;
u_int cpu_index;
u_int cpu_biglock_count;
u_int cpu_spin_locks;
u_int cpu_simple_locks;
u_int cpu_spin_locks2;
u_int cpu_lkdebug_recurse;
u_int cpu_softints;
__uint64_t cpu_nsyscall;
__uint64_t cpu_ntrap;
__uint64_t cpu_nswtch;
__uint64_t cpu_nintr;
__uint64_t cpu_nsoft;
__uint64_t cpu_nfault;
void *cpu_uvm;
void *cpu_softcpu;
struct { struct buf *tqh_first; struct buf * *tqh_last; } cpu_biodone;
percpu_cpu_t cpu_percpu;
struct selcluster *cpu_selcluster;
void *cpu_nch;
struct { volatile struct lockdebug *tqh_first; volatile struct lockdebug *volatile *tqh_last; } cpu_ld_locks;
__cpu_simple_lock_t cpu_ld_lock;
__uint64_t cpu_cc_freq;
__int64_t cpu_cc_skew;
char cpu_name[8];
kcpuset_t *cpu_kcpuset;
# 132 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
void mi_cpu_init(void);
int mi_cpu_attach(struct cpu_info *);
# 67 "./x86/cpu.h" 2
# 76 "./x86/cpu.h"
struct intrsource;
struct pmap;
# 90 "./x86/cpu.h"
struct cpu_info {
struct cpu_data ci_data;
device_t ci_dev;
struct cpu_info *ci_self;
volatile struct vcpu_info *ci_vcpu;
void *ci_tlog_base;
__int32_t ci_tlog_offset;
struct cpu_info *ci_next;
struct lwp *ci_curlwp;
struct lwp *ci_fpcurlwp;
int ci_fpsaving;
int ci_fpused;
cpuid_t ci_cpuid;
int _unused;
__uint32_t ci_acpiid;
__uint32_t ci_initapicid;
struct evcnt ci_tlb_evcnt;
struct pmap *ci_pmap;
int ci_need_tlbwait;
int ci_want_pmapload;
volatile int ci_tlbstate;
int ci_curldt;
int ci_nintrhand;
__uint64_t ci_scratch;
__uintptr_t ci_pmap_data[128 / sizeof(__uintptr_t)];
struct intrsource *ci_isources[32];
volatile int ci_mtx_count;
volatile int ci_mtx_oldspl;
struct {
__uint32_t ipending;
int ilevel;
} ci_istate __attribute__((__aligned__(8)));
int ci_idepth;
void * ci_intrstack;
__uint32_t ci_imask[9];
__uint32_t ci_iunmask[9];
__uint32_t ci_flags;
__uint32_t ci_ipis;
__uint32_t sc_apic_version;
__uint32_t ci_signature;
__uint32_t ci_vendor[4];
__uint32_t ci_cpu_serial[3];
volatile __uint32_t ci_lapic_counter;
__uint32_t ci_feat_val[5];
const struct cpu_functions *ci_func;
struct trapframe *ci_ddb_regs;
u_int ci_cflush_lsize;
struct x86_cache_info ci_cinfo[16];
union descriptor *ci_gdt;
# 196 "./x86/cpu.h"
char *ci_doubleflt_stack;
char *ci_ddbipi_stack;
struct evcnt ci_ipi_events[9];
device_t ci_frequency;
device_t ci_padlock;
device_t ci_temperature;
device_t ci_vm;
struct x86_64_tss ci_tss;
char ci_iomap[(1024 / 8)];
int ci_tss_sel;
__uintptr_t ci_suspend_gdt;
__uint16_t ci_suspend_gdt_padding;
__uintptr_t ci_suspend_idt;
__uint16_t ci_suspend_idt_padding;
__uint16_t ci_suspend_tr;
__uint16_t ci_suspend_ldt;
__uintptr_t ci_suspend_fs;
__uintptr_t ci_suspend_gs;
__uintptr_t ci_suspend_kgs;
__uintptr_t ci_suspend_efer;
__uintptr_t ci_suspend_reg[12];
__uintptr_t ci_suspend_cr0;
__uintptr_t ci_suspend_cr2;
__uintptr_t ci_suspend_cr3;
__uintptr_t ci_suspend_cr4;
__uintptr_t ci_suspend_cr8;
int ci_want_resched __attribute__((__aligned__(64)));
int ci_padout __attribute__((__aligned__(64)));
# 286 "./x86/cpu.h"
extern struct cpu_info cpu_info_primary;
extern struct cpu_info *cpu_info_list;
# 299 "./x86/cpu.h"
struct cpu_info *x86_curcpu(void);
void cpu_set_curpri(int);
lwp_t *x86_curlwp(void) __attribute__ ((const));
# 318 "./x86/cpu.h"
void cpu_boot_secondary_processors(void);
void cpu_init_idle_lwps(void);
void cpu_init_msrs(struct cpu_info *, _Bool);
void cpu_load_pmap(struct pmap *, struct pmap *);
void cpu_broadcast_halt(void);
void cpu_kick(struct cpu_info *);
# 334 "./x86/cpu.h"
struct clockframe {
struct intrframe cf_if;
extern void cpu_need_proftick(struct lwp *l);
extern void cpu_signotify(struct lwp *);
extern void (*delay_func)(unsigned int);
struct timeval;
extern int biosbasemem;
extern int biosextmem;
extern int cputype;
extern int cpuid_level;
extern int cpu_class;
extern char cpu_brand_string[];
extern int use_pae;
extern int i386_use_fxsave;
extern int i386_has_sse;
extern int i386_has_sse2;
extern void (*x86_cpu_idle)(void);
void dumpconf(void);
void cpu_reset(void);
void i386_proc0_tss_ldt_init(void);
void dumpconf(void);
void cpu_reset(void);
void x86_64_proc0_tss_ldt_init(void);
void x86_64_init_pcb_tss_ldt(struct cpu_info *);
u_int tmx86_get_longrun_mode(void);
void tmx86_get_longrun_status(u_int *, u_int *, u_int *);
void tmx86_init_longrun(void);
void cpu_probe(struct cpu_info *);
void cpu_identify(struct cpu_info *);
void x86_cpu_topology(struct cpu_info *);
void cpu_proc_fork(struct proc *, struct proc *);
struct region_descriptor;
void lgdt(struct region_descriptor *);
struct pcb;
void savectx(struct pcb *);
void lwp_trampoline(void);
# 417 "./x86/cpu.h"
void initrtclock(u_long);
void startrtclock(void);
void i8254_delay(unsigned int);
void i8254_microtime(struct timeval *);
void i8254_initclocks(void);
void cpu_probe_features(struct cpu_info *);
void npxsave_lwp(struct lwp *, _Bool);
void npxsave_cpu(_Bool);
paddr_t kvtop(void *);
# 442 "./x86/cpu.h"
void isa_defaultirq(void);
int isa_nmi(void);
void kgdb_port_init(void);
void x86_bus_space_init(void);
void x86_bus_space_mallocok(void);
# 1 "./machine/psl.h" 1
# 1 "./x86/psl.h" 1
# 84 "./x86/psl.h"
# 1 "./machine/intr.h" 1
# 85 "./x86/psl.h" 2
# 3 "./machine/psl.h" 2
# 461 "./x86/cpu.h" 2
# 494 "./x86/cpu.h"
struct disklist {
int dl_nbiosdisks;
struct biosdisk_info {
int bi_dev;
int bi_cyl;
int bi_head;
int bi_sec;
__uint64_t bi_lbasecs;
int bi_flags;
} dl_biosdisks[16];
int dl_nnativedisks;
struct nativedisk_info {
char ni_devname[16];
int ni_nmatches;
int ni_biosmatches[16];
} dl_nativedisks[1];
# 43 "./machine/cpu.h" 2
# 92 "./machine/cpu.h"
void *cpu_uarea_alloc(_Bool);
_Bool cpu_uarea_free(void *);
# 12 "./machine/param.h" 2
# 166 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 1 "./machine/limits.h" 1
# 39 "./machine/limits.h"
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 40 "./machine/limits.h" 2
# 167 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 459 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
extern const int schedppq;
extern size_t coherency_unit;
# 76 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 66 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 57 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
typedef enum krw_t {
} krw_t;
typedef struct krwlock krwlock_t;
# 96 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 1 "./machine/rwlock.h" 1
# 1 "./x86/rwlock.h" 1
# 35 "./x86/rwlock.h"
struct krwlock {
volatile __uintptr_t rw_owner;
# 3 "./machine/rwlock.h" 2
# 97 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
void rw_init(krwlock_t *);
void rw_destroy(krwlock_t *);
int rw_tryenter(krwlock_t *, const krw_t);
int rw_tryupgrade(krwlock_t *);
void rw_downgrade(krwlock_t *);
int rw_read_held(krwlock_t *);
int rw_write_held(krwlock_t *);
int rw_lock_held(krwlock_t *);
void rw_enter(krwlock_t *, const krw_t);
void rw_exit(krwlock_t *);
void rw_obj_init(void);
krwlock_t *rw_obj_alloc(void);
void rw_obj_hold(krwlock_t *);
_Bool rw_obj_free(krwlock_t *);
# 67 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 106 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
typedef struct fdfile {
_Bool ff_exclose;
_Bool ff_allocated;
u_int ff_refcnt;
struct file *ff_file;
struct { struct knote *slh_first; } ff_knlist;
kcondvar_t ff_closing;
} fdfile_t;
# 124 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
typedef struct fdtab {
u_int dt_nfiles;
struct fdtab *dt_link;
fdfile_t *dt_ff[20];
} fdtab_t;
typedef struct filedesc {
__uint8_t fd_dfdfile[6][64];
kmutex_t fd_lock;
fdtab_t * volatile fd_dt;
__uint32_t *fd_himap;
__uint32_t *fd_lomap;
struct klist *fd_knhash;
int fd_lastkqfile;
int fd_lastfile;
int fd_refcnt;
u_long fd_knhashmask;
int fd_freefile;
int fd_unused;
_Bool fd_exclose;
fdtab_t fd_dtbuiltin;
__uint32_t fd_dhimap[32 >> 5];
__uint32_t fd_dlomap[32];
} filedesc_t;
typedef struct cwdinfo {
struct vnode *cwdi_cdir;
struct vnode *cwdi_rdir;
struct vnode *cwdi_edir;
krwlock_t cwdi_lock;
u_short cwdi_cmask;
u_int cwdi_refcnt;
} cwdinfo_t;
struct fileops;
struct socket;
struct proc;
void fd_sys_init(void);
int fd_open(const char*, int, int, int*);
int fd_dupopen(int, int *, int, int);
int fd_alloc(struct proc *, int, int *);
void fd_tryexpand(struct proc *);
int fd_allocfile(file_t **, int *);
void fd_affix(struct proc *, file_t *, unsigned);
void fd_abort(struct proc *, file_t *, unsigned);
filedesc_t *fd_copy(void);
filedesc_t *fd_init(filedesc_t *);
void fd_share(proc_t *);
void fd_hold(lwp_t *);
void fd_free(void);
void fd_closeexec(void);
void fd_ktrexecfd(void);
int fd_checkstd(void);
file_t *fd_getfile(unsigned);
file_t *fd_getfile2(proc_t *, unsigned);
void fd_putfile(unsigned);
int fd_getvnode(unsigned, file_t **);
int fd_getsock(unsigned, struct socket **);
int fd_getsock1(unsigned, struct socket **, file_t **);
void fd_putvnode(unsigned);
void fd_putsock(unsigned);
int fd_close(unsigned);
int fd_dup(file_t *, int, int *, _Bool);
int fd_dup2(file_t *, unsigned, int);
int fd_clone(file_t *, unsigned, int, const struct fileops *, void *);
void fd_set_exclose(struct lwp *, int, _Bool);
int pipe1(struct lwp *, register_t *, int);
int dodup(struct lwp *, int, int, int, register_t *);
void cwd_sys_init(void);
struct cwdinfo *cwdinit(void);
void cwdshare(proc_t *);
void cwdunshare(proc_t *);
void cwdfree(struct cwdinfo *);
void cwdexec(struct proc *);
int getcwd_common(struct vnode *, struct vnode *, char **, char *, int,
int, struct lwp *);
int vnode_to_path(char *, size_t, struct vnode *, struct lwp *,
struct proc *);
int closef(file_t *);
file_t *fgetdummy(void);
void fputdummy(file_t *);
struct stat;
int do_sys_fstat(int, struct stat *);
struct flock;
int do_fcntl_lock(int, int, struct flock *);
int do_posix_fadvise(int, __off_t, __off_t, int);
extern kmutex_t filelist_lock;
extern filedesc_t filedesc0;
# 78 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 45 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
extern long hostid;
extern char hostname[256];
extern int hostnamelen;
extern char domainname[256];
extern int domainnamelen;
extern struct timespec boottime;
extern int rtc_offset;
extern int cold;
extern int tick;
extern int tickadj;
extern int hardclock_ticks;
extern int hz;
extern int stathz;
extern int profhz;
extern int profsrc;
# 79 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 71 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 45 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 49 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
typedef struct ksiginfoq { struct ksiginfo *cqh_first; struct ksiginfo *cqh_last; } ksiginfoq_t;
struct sigacts {
struct sigact_sigdesc {
struct sigaction sd_sigact;
const void *sd_tramp;
int sd_vers;
} sa_sigdesc[64];
int sa_refcnt;
kmutex_t sa_mutex;
typedef struct sigpend {
ksiginfoq_t sp_info;
sigset_t sp_set;
} sigpend_t;
struct sigctx {
int ps_signo;
int ps_code;
int ps_lwp;
void *ps_sigcode;
sigset_t ps_sigignore;
sigset_t ps_sigcatch;
# 114 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
extern sigset_t contsigmask, sigcantmask;
struct vnode;
int coredump_netbsd(struct lwp *, void *);
void execsigs(struct proc *);
int issignal(struct lwp *);
void pgsignal(struct pgrp *, int, int);
void kpgsignal(struct pgrp *, struct ksiginfo *, void *, int);
void postsig(int);
void psignal(struct proc *, int);
void kpsignal(struct proc *, struct ksiginfo *, void *);
void child_psignal(struct proc *, int);
void siginit(struct proc *);
void trapsignal(struct lwp *, struct ksiginfo *);
void sigexit(struct lwp *, int);
void killproc(struct proc *, const char *);
void setsigvec(struct proc *, int, struct sigaction *);
int killpg1(struct lwp *, struct ksiginfo *, int, int);
void proc_unstop(struct proc *p);
int sigaction1(struct lwp *, int, const struct sigaction *,
struct sigaction *, const void *, int);
int sigprocmask1(struct lwp *, int, const sigset_t *, sigset_t *);
void sigpending1(struct lwp *, sigset_t *);
void sigsuspendsetup(struct lwp *, const sigset_t *);
void sigsuspendteardown(struct lwp *);
int sigsuspend1(struct lwp *, const sigset_t *);
int sigaltstack1(struct lwp *, const struct sigaltstack *,
struct sigaltstack *);
int sigismasked(struct lwp *, int);
int sigget(sigpend_t *, ksiginfo_t *, int, const sigset_t *);
void sigclear(sigpend_t *, const sigset_t *, ksiginfoq_t *);
void sigclearall(struct proc *, const sigset_t *, ksiginfoq_t *);
void kpsignal2(struct proc *, ksiginfo_t *);
void signal_init(void);
struct sigacts *sigactsinit(struct proc *, int);
void sigactsunshare(struct proc *);
void sigactsfree(struct sigacts *);
void kpsendsig(struct lwp *, const struct ksiginfo *, const sigset_t *);
void sendsig_reset(struct lwp *, int);
void sendsig(const struct ksiginfo *, const sigset_t *);
ksiginfo_t *ksiginfo_alloc(struct proc *, ksiginfo_t *, int);
void ksiginfo_free(ksiginfo_t *);
void ksiginfo_queue_drain0(ksiginfoq_t *);
struct sys_____sigtimedwait50_args;
int sigtimedwait1(struct lwp *, const struct sys_____sigtimedwait50_args *,
register_t *, copyin_t, copyout_t, copyin_t, copyout_t);
void signotify(struct lwp *);
int sigispending(struct lwp *, int);
void sendsig_sigcontext(const struct ksiginfo *, const sigset_t *);
void sendsig_siginfo(const struct ksiginfo *, const sigset_t *);
extern struct pool ksiginfo_pool;
extern void (*sendsig_sigcontext_vec)(const struct ksiginfo *,
const sigset_t *);
extern int (*coredump_vec)(struct lwp *, const char *);
static inline int
firstsig(const sigset_t *ss)
int sig;
sig = __builtin_ffs(ss->__bits[0]);
if (sig != 0)
return (sig);
sig = __builtin_ffs(ss->__bits[1]);
if (sig != 0)
return (sig + 32);
# 219 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
return (0);
static inline void
ksiginfo_queue_init(ksiginfoq_t *kq)
do { (kq)->cqh_first = (void *)(kq); (kq)->cqh_last = (void *)(kq); } while ( 0);
static inline void
ksiginfo_queue_drain(ksiginfoq_t *kq)
if (!((kq)->cqh_first == (void *)(kq)))
# 307 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
extern const int sigprop[64];
# 46 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 37 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
typedef unsigned int specificdata_key_t;
typedef void (*specificdata_dtor_t)(void *);
typedef struct specificdata_domain *specificdata_domain_t;
typedef struct specificdata_container *specificdata_container_t;
typedef struct {
specificdata_container_t specdataref_container;
kmutex_t specdataref_lock;
} specificdata_reference;
specificdata_domain_t specificdata_domain_create(void);
void specificdata_domain_delete(specificdata_domain_t);
int specificdata_key_create(specificdata_domain_t,
specificdata_key_t *, specificdata_dtor_t);
void specificdata_key_delete(specificdata_domain_t, specificdata_key_t);
int specificdata_init(specificdata_domain_t, specificdata_reference *);
void specificdata_fini(specificdata_domain_t, specificdata_reference *);
void * specificdata_getspecific(specificdata_domain_t,
specificdata_reference *, specificdata_key_t);
void * specificdata_getspecific_unlocked(specificdata_domain_t,
specificdata_reference *,
void specificdata_setspecific(specificdata_domain_t,
specificdata_reference *, specificdata_key_t,
void *);
int specificdata_setspecific_nowait(specificdata_domain_t,
specificdata_reference *,
specificdata_key_t, void *);
# 48 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 35 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct lwp;
typedef volatile const void *wchan_t;
typedef struct syncobj {
u_int sobj_flag;
void (*sobj_unsleep)(struct lwp *, _Bool);
void (*sobj_changepri)(struct lwp *, pri_t);
void (*sobj_lendpri)(struct lwp *, pri_t);
struct lwp *(*sobj_owner)(wchan_t);
} syncobj_t;
struct lwp *syncobj_noowner(wchan_t);
extern syncobj_t sched_syncobj;
extern syncobj_t mutex_syncobj;
extern syncobj_t rw_syncobj;
extern syncobj_t sleep_syncobj;
# 49 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 1 "./machine/proc.h" 1
# 40 "./machine/proc.h"
# 1 "./machine/pcb.h" 1
# 80 "./machine/pcb.h"
# 1 "./machine/sysarch.h" 1
# 1 "./x86/sysarch.h" 1
# 99 "./x86/sysarch.h"
struct x86_get_ldt_args {
int start;
union descriptor *desc;
int num;
struct x86_set_ldt_args {
int start;
union descriptor *desc;
int num;
struct x86_get_mtrr_args {
struct mtrr *mtrrp;
int *n;
struct x86_set_mtrr_args {
struct mtrr *mtrrp;
int *n;
struct x86_iopl_args {
int iopl;
struct x86_get_ioperm_args {
u_long *iomap;
struct x86_set_ioperm_args {
u_long *iomap;
struct x86_pmc_info_args {
int type;
int flags;
# 151 "./x86/sysarch.h"
struct x86_pmc_startstop_args {
int counter;
__uint64_t val;
__uint8_t event;
__uint8_t unit;
__uint8_t compare;
__uint8_t flags;
struct x86_pmc_read_args {
int counter;
__uint64_t val;
__uint64_t time;
struct mtrr;
int x86_iopl(struct lwp *, void *, register_t *);
int x86_get_mtrr(struct lwp *, void *, register_t *);
int x86_set_mtrr(struct lwp *, void *, register_t *);
int x86_get_ldt(struct lwp *, void *, register_t *);
int x86_get_ldt1(struct lwp *, struct x86_get_ldt_args *, union descriptor *);
int x86_set_ldt(struct lwp *, void *, register_t *);
int x86_set_ldt1(struct lwp *, struct x86_set_ldt_args *, union descriptor *);
int x86_set_sdbase(void *, char, lwp_t *, _Bool);
int x86_get_sdbase(void *, char);
# 3 "./machine/sysarch.h" 2
# 81 "./machine/pcb.h" 2
struct pcb {
int pcb_flags;
u_int pcb_cr0;
__uint64_t pcb_rsp0;
__uint64_t pcb_cr2;
__uint64_t pcb_cr3;
__uint64_t pcb_rsp;
__uint64_t pcb_rbp;
__uint64_t pcb_usersp;
__uint32_t pcb_unused;
struct savefpu_i387 pcb_savefpu_i387;
struct savefpu pcb_savefpu __attribute__((__aligned__(16)));
__uint32_t pcb_unused_1[4];
void *pcb_onfault;
struct cpu_info *pcb_fpcpu;
__uint64_t pcb_fs;
__uint64_t pcb_gs;
int pcb_iopl;
struct md_coredump {
long md_pad[8];
# 41 "./machine/proc.h" 2
struct pmap;
struct vm_page;
struct mdlwp {
struct trapframe *md_regs;
struct pmap *md_gc_pmap;
struct vm_page *md_gc_ptp;
int md_flags;
volatile int md_astpending;
struct mdproc {
int md_flags;
void (*md_syscall)(struct trapframe *);
# 56 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 75 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct lockdebug;
struct sysent;
struct lwp {
struct { struct lwp *tqe_next; struct lwp * *tqe_prev; } l_runq;
union {
void * info;
u_int timeslice;
} l_sched;
struct cpu_info *volatile l_cpu;
kmutex_t * volatile l_mutex;
int l_ctxswtch;
void *l_addr;
struct mdlwp l_md;
int l_flag;
int l_stat;
struct bintime l_rtime;
struct bintime l_stime;
u_int l_swtime;
u_int l_rticks;
u_int l_rticksum;
u_int l_slpticks;
u_int l_slpticksum;
int l_biglocks;
int l_class;
int l_kpriority;
pri_t l_kpribase;
pri_t l_priority;
pri_t l_inheritedprio;
struct { struct turnstile *slh_first; } l_pi_lenders;
__uint64_t l_ncsw;
__uint64_t l_nivcsw;
u_int l_cpticks;
fixpt_t l_pctcpu;
fixpt_t l_estcpu;
psetid_t l_psid;
struct cpu_info *l_target_cpu;
struct lwpctl *l_lwpctl;
struct lcpage *l_lcpage;
kcpuset_t *l_affinity;
struct turnstile *l_ts;
struct syncobj *l_syncobj;
struct { struct lwp *tqe_next; struct lwp * *tqe_prev; } l_sleepchain;
wchan_t l_wchan;
const char *l_wmesg;
struct sleepq *l_sleepq;
int l_sleeperr;
u_int l_slptime;
callout_t l_timeout_ch;
u_int l_emap_gen;
kcondvar_t l_waitcv;
struct { struct lwp *le_next; struct lwp **le_prev; } l_list;
void *l_ctxlink;
struct proc *l_proc;
struct { struct lwp *le_next; struct lwp **le_prev; } l_sibling;
lwpid_t l_waiter;
lwpid_t l_waitingfor;
int l_prflag;
u_int l_refcnt;
lwpid_t l_lid;
char *l_name;
int l_selflag;
struct { struct selinfo *slh_first; } l_selwait;
int l_selret;
__uintptr_t l_selrec;
struct selcluster *l_selcluster;
void * l_selbits;
size_t l_selni;
int l_sigrestore;
sigset_t l_sigwaitset;
kcondvar_t l_sigcv;
struct ksiginfo *l_sigwaited;
sigpend_t *l_sigpendset;
struct { struct lwp *le_next; struct lwp **le_prev; } l_sigwaiter;
stack_t l_sigstk;
sigset_t l_sigmask;
sigpend_t l_sigpend;
sigset_t l_sigoldmask;
struct timespec l_ktrcsw;
void *l_private;
struct lwp *l_switchto;
struct kauth_cred *l_cred;
struct filedesc *l_fd;
void *l_emuldata;
u_int l_cv_signalled;
u_short l_shlocks;
u_short l_exlocks;
u_short l_unused;
u_short l_blcnt;
int l_nopreempt;
u_int l_dopreempt;
int l_pflag;
int l_dupfd;
const struct sysent * volatile l_sysent;
struct rusage l_ru;
__uint64_t l_pfailtime;
__uintptr_t l_pfailaddr;
__uintptr_t l_pfaillock;
struct { volatile struct lockdebug *tqh_first; volatile struct lockdebug *volatile *tqh_last; } l_ld_locks;
int l_tcgen;
__uint32_t l_syscall_time;
__uint64_t *l_syscall_counter;
struct kdtrace_thread *l_dtrace;
# 209 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct lwplist { struct lwp *lh_first; };
extern struct lwplist alllwp;
extern lwp_t lwp0;
extern int maxlwp __attribute__((__section__(".data.read_mostly")));
# 286 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
static inline void *
lwp_getpcb(struct lwp *l)
return l->l_addr;
# 302 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
void lwpinit(void);
void lwp0_init(void);
void lwp_sys_init(void);
void lwp_startup(lwp_t *, lwp_t *);
void startlwp(void *);
int lwp_locked(lwp_t *, kmutex_t *);
void lwp_setlock(lwp_t *, kmutex_t *);
void lwp_unlock_to(lwp_t *, kmutex_t *);
int lwp_trylock(lwp_t *);
void lwp_addref(lwp_t *);
void lwp_delref(lwp_t *);
void lwp_delref2(lwp_t *);
void lwp_drainrefs(lwp_t *);
_Bool lwp_alive(lwp_t *);
lwp_t *lwp_find_first(proc_t *);
int lwp_wait(lwp_t *, lwpid_t, lwpid_t *, _Bool);
void lwp_continue(lwp_t *);
void lwp_unsleep(lwp_t *, _Bool);
void lwp_unstop(lwp_t *);
void lwp_exit(lwp_t *);
void lwp_exit_switchaway(lwp_t *) __attribute__((__noreturn__));
int lwp_suspend(lwp_t *, lwp_t *);
int lwp_create1(lwp_t *, const void *, size_t, u_long, lwpid_t *);
void lwp_update_creds(lwp_t *);
void lwp_migrate(lwp_t *, struct cpu_info *);
lwp_t * lwp_find2(__pid_t, lwpid_t);
lwp_t * lwp_find(proc_t *, int);
void lwp_userret(lwp_t *);
void lwp_need_userret(lwp_t *);
void lwp_free(lwp_t *, _Bool, _Bool);
__uint64_t lwp_pctr(void);
int lwp_setprivate(lwp_t *, void *);
int do_lwp_create(lwp_t *, void *, u_long, lwpid_t *);
void lwpinit_specificdata(void);
int lwp_specific_key_create(specificdata_key_t *, specificdata_dtor_t);
void lwp_specific_key_delete(specificdata_key_t);
void lwp_initspecific(lwp_t *);
void lwp_finispecific(lwp_t *);
void *lwp_getspecific(specificdata_key_t);
void lwp_setspecific(specificdata_key_t, void *);
int lwp_park(clockid_t, int, struct timespec *, const void *);
int lwp_unpark(lwpid_t, const void *);
void lwp_whatis(__uintptr_t, void (*)(const char *, ...) __attribute__((__format__ (__printf__, 1, 2))));
static inline void
lwp_lock(lwp_t *l)
kmutex_t *old = l->l_mutex;
while (__builtin_expect((l->l_mutex != old) != 0, 0)) {
old = l->l_mutex;
static inline void
lwp_unlock(lwp_t *l)
static inline void
lwp_changepri(lwp_t *l, pri_t pri)
(__builtin_expect(((mutex_owned(l->l_mutex))) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "mutex_owned(l->l_mutex)", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 389));
if (l->l_priority == pri)
(*l->l_syncobj->sobj_changepri)(l, pri);
(__builtin_expect(((l->l_priority == pri)) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "l->l_priority == pri", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 395));
static inline void
lwp_lendpri(lwp_t *l, pri_t pri)
(__builtin_expect(((mutex_owned(l->l_mutex))) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "mutex_owned(l->l_mutex)", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 401));
if (l->l_inheritedprio == pri)
(*l->l_syncobj->sobj_lendpri)(l, pri);
(__builtin_expect(((l->l_inheritedprio == pri)) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "l->l_inheritedprio == pri", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 407));
static inline pri_t
lwp_eprio(lwp_t *l)
pri_t pri;
pri = l->l_priority;
if ((l->l_flag & 0x00000200) == 0 && l->l_kpriority && pri < 64)
pri = (pri >> 1) + l->l_kpribase;
return (( (l->l_inheritedprio)>(pri))?(l->l_inheritedprio):(pri));
int lwp_create(lwp_t *, struct proc *, vaddr_t, int,
void *, size_t, void (*)(void *), void *, lwp_t **, int);
static inline void
spc_lock(struct cpu_info *ci)
static inline void
spc_unlock(struct cpu_info *ci)
static inline void
spc_dlock(struct cpu_info *ci1, struct cpu_info *ci2)
struct schedstate_percpu *spc1 = &ci1->ci_data.cpu_schedstate;
struct schedstate_percpu *spc2 = &ci2->ci_data.cpu_schedstate;
(__builtin_expect(((ci1 != ci2)) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "ci1 != ci2", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 447));
if (ci1 < ci2) {
} else {
# 470 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
static inline _Bool
struct cpu_info *ci = x86_curcpu();
return ci->ci_data.cpu_onproc == ci->ci_data.cpu_idlelwp;
static inline void
(__builtin_expect(((l == x86_curlwp())) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "l == curlwp", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 487));
__asm volatile("":::"memory");
static inline void
(__builtin_expect(((l == x86_curlwp())) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "l == curlwp", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 496));
(__builtin_expect(((l->l_nopreempt > 0)) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "l->l_nopreempt > 0", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 497));
__asm volatile("":::"memory");
if (--l->l_nopreempt != 0)
__asm volatile("":::"memory");
if (__builtin_expect((l->l_dopreempt) != 0, 0))
__asm volatile("":::"memory");
# 72 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 83 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 53 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct aiocb {
__off_t aio_offset;
volatile void *aio_buf;
size_t aio_nbytes;
int aio_fildes;
int aio_lio_opcode;
int aio_reqprio;
struct sigevent aio_sigevent;
int _state;
int _errno;
ssize_t _retval;
# 78 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 47 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 36 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct callback_entry {
struct { struct callback_entry *tqe_next; struct callback_entry * *tqe_prev; } ce_q;
int (*ce_func)(struct callback_entry *, void *, void *);
void *ce_obj;
struct callback_head {
kmutex_t ch_lock;
kcondvar_t ch_cv;
struct { struct callback_entry *tqh_first; struct callback_entry * *tqh_last; } ch_q;
struct callback_entry *ch_next;
int ch_nentries;
int ch_running;
int ch_flags;
int callback_run_roundrobin(struct callback_head *, void *);
void callback_register(struct callback_head *, struct callback_entry *,
void *, int (*)(struct callback_entry *, void *, void *));
void callback_unregister(struct callback_head *, struct callback_entry *);
void callback_head_init(struct callback_head *, int);
void callback_head_destroy(struct callback_head *);
# 48 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
struct pool;
struct pool_allocator {
void *(*pa_alloc)(struct pool *, int);
void (*pa_free)(struct pool *, void *);
unsigned int pa_pagesz;
kmutex_t pa_lock;
struct { struct pool *tqh_first; struct pool * *tqh_last; } pa_list;
__uint32_t pa_refcnt;
int pa_pagemask;
int pa_pageshift;
struct pool_pagelist { struct pool_item_header *lh_first; };
struct pool {
struct { struct pool *tqe_next; struct pool * *tqe_prev; }
struct pool_pagelist
struct pool_pagelist
struct pool_pagelist
struct pool_item_header *pr_curpage;
struct pool *pr_phpool;
struct pool_cache *pr_cache;
unsigned int pr_size;
unsigned int pr_align;
unsigned int pr_itemoffset;
unsigned int pr_minitems;
unsigned int pr_minpages;
unsigned int pr_maxpages;
unsigned int pr_npages;
unsigned int pr_itemsperpage;
unsigned int pr_slack;
unsigned int pr_nitems;
unsigned int pr_nout;
unsigned int pr_hardlimit;
unsigned int pr_refcnt;
struct pool_allocator *pr_alloc;
struct { struct pool *tqe_next; struct pool * *tqe_prev; } pr_alloc_list;
void (*pr_drain_hook)(void *, int);
void *pr_drain_hook_arg;
const char *pr_wchan;
unsigned int pr_flags;
unsigned int pr_roflags;
# 124 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
kmutex_t pr_lock;
kcondvar_t pr_cv;
int pr_ipl;
struct phtree { struct pool_item_header *sph_root; } pr_phtree;
int pr_maxcolor;
int pr_curcolor;
int pr_phoffset;
const char *pr_hardlimit_warning;
struct timeval pr_hardlimit_ratecap;
struct timeval pr_hardlimit_warning_last;
unsigned long pr_nget;
unsigned long pr_nfail;
unsigned long pr_nput;
unsigned long pr_npagealloc;
unsigned long pr_npagefree;
unsigned int pr_hiwat;
unsigned long pr_nidle;
void *pr_freecheck;
void *pr_qcache;
# 172 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
typedef struct pcgpair {
void *pcgo_va;
paddr_t pcgo_pa;
} pcgpair_t;
typedef struct pool_cache_group {
struct pool_cache_group *pcg_next;
u_int pcg_avail;
u_int pcg_size;
pcgpair_t pcg_objects[1];
} pcg_t;
typedef struct pool_cache_cpu {
__uint64_t cc_misses;
__uint64_t cc_hits;
struct pool_cache_group *cc_current;
struct pool_cache_group *cc_previous;
struct pool_cache *cc_cache;
int cc_ipl;
int cc_cpuindex;
ipl_cookie_t cc_iplcookie;
} pool_cache_cpu_t;
struct pool_cache {
struct pool pc_pool;
kmutex_t pc_lock;
struct { struct pool_cache *tqe_next; struct pool_cache * *tqe_prev; }
pcg_t *pc_emptygroups;
pcg_t *pc_fullgroups;
pcg_t *pc_partgroups;
struct pool *pc_pcgpool;
int pc_pcgsize;
int pc_ncpu;
int (*pc_ctor)(void *, void *, int);
void (*pc_dtor)(void *, void *);
void *pc_arg;
__uint64_t pc_hits;
__uint64_t pc_misses;
__uint64_t pc_contended;
unsigned int pc_nempty;
unsigned int pc_nfull;
unsigned int pc_npart;
unsigned int pc_refcnt;
void *pc_freecheck;
pool_cache_cpu_t pc_cpu0 __attribute__((__aligned__(64)));
void *pc_cpus[256] __attribute__((__aligned__(64)));
typedef struct pool_cache *pool_cache_t;
# 240 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
extern struct pool_allocator pool_allocator_kmem;
extern struct pool_allocator pool_allocator_nointr;
extern struct pool_allocator pool_allocator_meta;
void pool_subsystem_init(void);
void pool_init(struct pool *, size_t, u_int, u_int,
int, const char *, struct pool_allocator *, int);
void pool_destroy(struct pool *);
void pool_set_drain_hook(struct pool *,
void (*)(void *, int), void *);
void *pool_get(struct pool *, int);
void pool_put(struct pool *, void *);
int pool_reclaim(struct pool *);
int pool_prime(struct pool *, int);
void pool_setlowat(struct pool *, int);
void pool_sethiwat(struct pool *, int);
void pool_sethardlimit(struct pool *, int, const char *, int);
_Bool pool_drain(struct pool **);
void pool_printit(struct pool *, const char *,
void (*)(const char *, ...) __attribute__((__format__ (__printf__, 1, 2))));
void pool_printall(const char *, void (*)(const char *, ...)
__attribute__((__format__ (__printf__, 1, 2))));
int pool_chk(struct pool *, const char *);
pool_cache_t pool_cache_init(size_t, u_int, u_int, u_int, const char *,
struct pool_allocator *, int, int (*)(void *, void *, int),
void (*)(void *, void *), void *);
void pool_cache_bootstrap(pool_cache_t, size_t, u_int, u_int, u_int,
const char *, struct pool_allocator *, int,
int (*)(void *, void *, int), void (*)(void *, void *),
void *);
void pool_cache_destroy(pool_cache_t);
void pool_cache_bootstrap_destroy(pool_cache_t);
void *pool_cache_get_paddr(pool_cache_t, int, paddr_t *);
void pool_cache_put_paddr(pool_cache_t, void *, paddr_t);
void pool_cache_destruct_object(pool_cache_t, void *);
void pool_cache_invalidate(pool_cache_t);
_Bool pool_cache_reclaim(pool_cache_t);
void pool_cache_set_drain_hook(pool_cache_t,
void (*)(void *, int), void *);
void pool_cache_setlowat(pool_cache_t, int);
void pool_cache_sethiwat(pool_cache_t, int);
void pool_cache_sethardlimit(pool_cache_t, int, const char *, int);
void pool_cache_cpu_init(struct cpu_info *);
void pool_whatis(__uintptr_t, void (*)(const char *, ...)
__attribute__((__format__ (__printf__, 1, 2))));
# 79 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 94 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct aio_job {
int aio_op;
struct aiocb aiocbp;
void *aiocb_uptr;
struct { struct aio_job *tqe_next; struct aio_job * *tqe_prev; } list;
struct lio_req *lio;
struct lio_req {
u_int refcnt;
struct sigevent sig;
struct aioproc {
kmutex_t aio_mtx;
kcondvar_t aio_worker_cv;
kcondvar_t done_cv;
struct aio_job *curjob;
unsigned int jobs_count;
struct { struct aio_job *tqh_first; struct aio_job * *tqh_last; } jobs_queue;
struct lwp *aio_worker;
extern u_int aio_listio_max;
void aio_print_jobs(void (*)(const char *, ...) __attribute__((__format__ (__printf__, 1, 2))));
int aio_suspend1(struct lwp *, struct aiocb **, int, struct timespec *);
# 84 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 38 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct mq_attr {
long mq_flags;
long mq_maxmsg;
long mq_msgsize;
long mq_curmsgs;
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 67 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 34 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 35 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 59 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct kevent {
__uintptr_t ident;
__uint32_t filter;
__uint32_t flags;
__uint32_t fflags;
__int64_t data;
__intptr_t udata;
# 126 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct knote;
struct klist { struct knote *slh_first; };
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 42 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 43 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 44 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 54 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct winsize {
unsigned short ws_row;
unsigned short ws_col;
unsigned short ws_xpixel;
unsigned short ws_ypixel;
struct ptmget {
int cfd;
int sfd;
char cn[1024];
char sn[1024];
# 99 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
typedef char linedn_t[32];
# 43 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
struct ttysize {
unsigned short ts_lines;
unsigned short ts_cols;
unsigned short ts_xxx;
unsigned short ts_yyy;
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 36 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 43 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct plistref {
void *pref_plist;
size_t pref_len;
# 37 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 112 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct disk_discard_params {
long maxsize;
struct disk_discard_range {
daddr_t bno;
long size;
# 61 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 62 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 63 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 72 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct ioctl_pt {
unsigned long com;
void *data;
# 117 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 42 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 42 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct ttychars {
char tc_erase;
char tc_kill;
char tc_intrc;
char tc_quitc;
char tc_startc;
char tc_stopc;
char tc_eofc;
char tc_brkc;
char tc_suspc;
char tc_dsuspc;
char tc_rprntc;
char tc_flushc;
char tc_werasc;
char tc_lnextc;
# 43 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 44 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
struct tchars {
char t_intrc;
char t_quitc;
char t_startc;
char t_stopc;
char t_eofc;
char t_brkc;
struct ltchars {
char t_suspc;
char t_dsuspc;
char t_rprntc;
char t_flushc;
char t_werasc;
char t_lnextc;
struct sgttyb {
char sg_ispeed;
char sg_ospeed;
char sg_erase;
char sg_kill;
short sg_flags;
# 118 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 134 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
struct kfilter_mapping {
char *name;
size_t len;
__uint32_t filter;
# 159 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct filterops {
int f_isfd;
int (*f_attach) (struct knote *);
void (*f_detach) (struct knote *);
int (*f_event) (struct knote *, long);
# 176 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct kfilter;
struct knote {
struct { struct knote *sle_next; } kn_link;
struct { struct knote *sle_next; } kn_selnext;
struct { struct knote *tqe_next; struct knote * *tqe_prev; } kn_tqe;
struct kqueue *kn_kq;
struct kevent kn_kevent;
__uint32_t kn_status;
__uint32_t kn_sfflags;
__uintptr_t kn_sdata;
void *kn_obj;
const struct filterops *kn_fop;
struct kfilter *kn_kfilter;
void *kn_hook;
# 203 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct lwp;
struct timespec;
void kqueue_init(void);
void knote(struct klist *, long);
void knote_fdclose(int);
typedef int (*kevent_fetch_changes_t)(void *, const struct kevent *,
struct kevent *, size_t, int);
typedef int (*kevent_put_events_t)(void *, struct kevent *, struct kevent *,
size_t, int);
struct kevent_ops {
void *keo_private;
copyin_t keo_fetch_timeout;
kevent_fetch_changes_t keo_fetch_changes;
kevent_put_events_t keo_put_events;
int kevent_fetch_changes(void *, const struct kevent *, struct kevent *,
size_t, int);
int kevent_put_events(void *, struct kevent *, struct kevent *, size_t,
int kevent1(register_t *, int, const struct kevent *,
size_t, struct kevent *, size_t, const struct timespec *,
const struct kevent_ops *);
int kfilter_register(const char *, const struct filterops *, int *);
int kfilter_unregister(const char *);
int filt_seltrue(struct knote *, long);
extern const struct filterops seltrue_filtops;
# 68 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
struct selinfo {
struct klist sel_klist;
void *sel_cluster;
struct lwp *sel_lwp;
__uintptr_t sel_fdinfo;
struct { struct selinfo *sle_next; } sel_chain;
__uint32_t sel_collision;
__uint32_t sel_reserved[3];
# 52 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 76 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
typedef struct mqueue {
char * mq_name;
kmutex_t mq_mtx;
kcondvar_t mq_send_cv;
kcondvar_t mq_recv_cv;
struct mq_attr mq_attrib;
struct selinfo mq_rsel;
struct selinfo mq_wsel;
struct sigevent mq_sig_notify;
struct proc * mq_notify_proc;
__mode_t mq_mode;
__uid_t mq_euid;
__gid_t mq_egid;
u_int mq_refcnt;
struct { struct mq_msg *tqh_first; struct mq_msg * *tqh_last; } mq_head[1 + 32];
__uint32_t mq_bitmap;
struct { struct mqueue *le_next; struct mqueue **le_prev; } mq_list;
struct timespec mq_atime;
struct timespec mq_mtime;
struct timespec mq_btime;
} mqueue_t;
typedef struct mq_msg {
struct { struct mq_msg *tqe_next; struct mq_msg * *tqe_prev; } msg_queue;
size_t msg_len;
u_int msg_prio;
__uint8_t msg_ptr[1];
} mq_msg_t;
void mqueue_print_list(void (*pr)(const char *, ...) __attribute__((__format__ (__printf__, 1, 2))));
int mq_send1(mqd_t, const char *, size_t, u_int, struct timespec *);
int mq_recv1(mqd_t, void *, size_t, u_int *, struct timespec *, ssize_t *);
# 86 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 102 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct session {
int s_count;
u_int s_flags;
struct proc *s_leader;
struct vnode *s_ttyvp;
struct tty *s_ttyp;
char s_login[(17 - 1)];
__pid_t s_sid;
struct pgrp {
struct { struct proc *lh_first; } pg_members;
struct session *pg_session;
__pid_t pg_id;
int pg_jobc;
struct exec_package;
struct ras;
struct kauth_cred;
struct emul {
const char *e_name;
const char *e_path;
struct sysent *e_sysent;
const char * const *e_syscallnames;
void (*e_sendsig)(const struct ksiginfo *,
const sigset_t *);
void (*e_trapsignal)(struct lwp *, struct ksiginfo *);
int (*e_tracesig)(struct proc *, int);
char *e_sigcode;
char *e_esigcode;
struct uvm_object **e_sigobject;
void (*e_setregs)(struct lwp *, struct exec_package *,
void (*e_proc_exec)(struct proc *, struct exec_package *);
void (*e_proc_fork)(struct proc *, struct lwp *, int);
void (*e_proc_exit)(struct proc *);
void (*e_lwp_fork)(struct lwp *, struct lwp *);
void (*e_lwp_exit)(struct lwp *);
void (*e_syscall_intern)(struct proc *);
struct sysctlnode *e_sysctlovly;
int (*e_fault)(struct proc *, vaddr_t, int);
vaddr_t (*e_vm_default_addr)(struct proc *, vaddr_t, vsize_t);
int (*e_usertrap)(struct lwp *, vaddr_t, void *);
size_t e_ucsize;
void (*e_startlwp)(void *);
# 208 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct vmspace;
struct proc {
struct { struct proc *le_next; struct proc **le_prev; } p_list;
kmutex_t p_auxlock;
kmutex_t *p_lock;
kmutex_t p_stmutex;
krwlock_t p_reflock;
kcondvar_t p_waitcv;
kcondvar_t p_lwpcv;
struct kauth_cred *p_cred;
struct filedesc *p_fd;
struct cwdinfo *p_cwdi;
struct pstats *p_stats;
struct plimit *p_limit;
struct vmspace *p_vmspace;
struct sigacts *p_sigacts;
struct aioproc *p_aio;
u_int p_mqueue_cnt;
int p_exitsig;
int p_flag;
int p_sflag;
int p_slflag;
int p_lflag;
int p_stflag;
char p_stat;
char p_trace_enabled;
char p_pad1[2];
__pid_t p_pid;
struct { struct proc *le_next; struct proc **le_prev; } p_pglist;
struct proc *p_pptr;
struct { struct proc *le_next; struct proc **le_prev; } p_sibling;
struct { struct proc *lh_first; } p_children;
struct { struct lwp *lh_first; } p_lwps;
struct ras *p_raslist;
int p_nlwps;
int p_nzlwps;
int p_nrlwps;
int p_nlwpwait;
int p_ndlwps;
int p_nlwpid;
u_int p_nstopchild;
u_int p_waited;
struct lwp *p_zomblwp;
struct lwp *p_vforklwp;
void *p_sched_info;
fixpt_t p_estcpu;
fixpt_t p_estcpu_inherited;
unsigned int p_forktime;
fixpt_t p_pctcpu;
struct proc *p_opptr;
struct ptimers *p_timers;
struct bintime p_rtime;
u_quad_t p_uticks;
u_quad_t p_sticks;
u_quad_t p_iticks;
int p_traceflag;
void *p_tracep;
struct vnode *p_textvp;
struct emul *p_emul;
void *p_emuldata;
const struct execsw *p_execsw;
struct klist p_klist;
struct { struct lwp *lh_first; } p_sigwaiters;
sigpend_t p_sigpend;
struct lcproc *p_lwpctl;
__pid_t p_ppid;
__pid_t p_fpid;
# 304 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct sigctx p_sigctx;
u_char p_nice;
char p_comm[16 +1];
struct pgrp *p_pgrp;
vaddr_t p_psstrp;
u_int p_pax;
u_short p_xstat;
u_short p_acflag;
struct mdproc p_md;
vaddr_t p_stackbase;
struct kdtrace_proc *p_dtrace;
# 406 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct proclist { struct proc *lh_first; };
struct proclist_desc {
struct proclist *pd_list;
# 441 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
extern struct proc proc0;
extern u_int nprocs;
extern int maxproc;
extern kmutex_t *proc_lock;
extern struct proclist allproc;
extern struct proclist zombproc;
extern struct proc *initproc;
extern const struct proclist_desc proclists[];
extern struct pool ptimer_pool;
struct simplelock;
proc_t * proc_find_raw(__pid_t);
proc_t * proc_find(__pid_t);
struct pgrp * pgrp_find(__pid_t);
void procinit(void);
void procinit_sysctl(void);
int proc_enterpgrp(struct proc *, __pid_t, __pid_t, _Bool);
void proc_leavepgrp(struct proc *);
void proc_sesshold(struct session *);
void proc_sessrele(struct session *);
void fixjobc(struct proc *, struct pgrp *, int);
int tsleep(wchan_t, pri_t, const char *, int);
int mtsleep(wchan_t, pri_t, const char *, int, kmutex_t *);
void wakeup(wchan_t);
int kpause(const char *, _Bool, int, kmutex_t *);
void exit1(struct lwp *, int) __attribute__((__noreturn__));
int do_sys_wait(int *, int *, int, struct rusage *);
struct proc *proc_alloc(void);
void proc0_init(void);
__pid_t proc_alloc_pid(struct proc *);
void proc_free_pid(__pid_t);
void proc_free_mem(struct proc *);
void exit_lwps(struct lwp *l);
int fork1(struct lwp *, int, int, void *, size_t,
void (*)(void *), void *, register_t *, struct proc **);
int pgid_in_session(struct proc *, __pid_t);
void cpu_lwp_fork(struct lwp *, struct lwp *, void *, size_t,
void (*)(void *), void *);
void cpu_lwp_free(struct lwp *, int);
void cpu_lwp_free2(struct lwp *);
void cpu_spawn_return(struct lwp*);
void syscall_intern(struct proc *);
void child_return(void *);
int proc_isunder(struct proc *, struct lwp *);
void proc_stop(struct proc *, int, int);
int proc_uidmatch(kauth_cred_t, kauth_cred_t);
int proc_vmspace_getref(struct proc *, struct vmspace **);
void proc_crmod_leave(kauth_cred_t, kauth_cred_t, _Bool);
void proc_crmod_enter(void);
int proc_specific_key_create(specificdata_key_t *, specificdata_dtor_t);
void proc_specific_key_delete(specificdata_key_t);
void proc_initspecific(struct proc *);
void proc_finispecific(struct proc *);
void * proc_getspecific(struct proc *, specificdata_key_t);
void proc_setspecific(struct proc *, specificdata_key_t, void *);
int proc_compare(const struct proc *, const struct lwp *,
const struct proc *, const struct lwp *);
int proclist_foreach_call(struct proclist *,
int (*)(struct proc *, void *arg), void *);
static inline struct proc *
_proclist_skipmarker(struct proc *p0)
struct proc *p = p0;
while (p != ((void *)0) && p->p_flag & 0x80000000)
p = ((p)->p_list.le_next);
return p;
# 544 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
extern struct emul emul_netbsd;
# 80 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 66 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 251 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct flock {
__off_t l_start;
__off_t l_len;
__pid_t l_pid;
short l_type;
short l_whence;
# 67 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 37 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 38 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 68 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
struct proc;
struct lwp;
struct uio;
struct iovec;
struct stat;
struct knote;
# 88 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct file {
__off_t f_offset;
kauth_cred_t f_cred;
const struct fileops {
int (*fo_read) (struct file *, __off_t *, struct uio *,
kauth_cred_t, int);
int (*fo_write) (struct file *, __off_t *, struct uio *,
kauth_cred_t, int);
int (*fo_ioctl) (struct file *, u_long, void *);
int (*fo_fcntl) (struct file *, u_int, void *);
int (*fo_poll) (struct file *, int);
int (*fo_stat) (struct file *, struct stat *);
int (*fo_close) (struct file *);
int (*fo_kqfilter) (struct file *, struct knote *);
void (*fo_restart) (struct file *);
void (*fo_spare1) (void);
void (*fo_spare2) (void);
} *f_ops;
void *f_data;
struct { struct file *le_next; struct file **le_prev; } f_list;
kmutex_t f_lock;
int f_flag;
u_int f_marker;
u_int f_type;
u_int f_advice;
u_int f_count;
u_int f_msgcount;
u_int f_unpcount;
struct { struct file *sle_next; } f_unplist;
# 146 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct filelist { struct file *lh_first; };
extern struct filelist filehead;
extern u_int maxfiles;
extern const struct fileops vnops;
int dofileread(int, struct file *, void *, size_t,
__off_t *, int, register_t *);
int dofilewrite(int, struct file *, const void *,
size_t, __off_t *, int, register_t *);
int do_filereadv(int, const struct iovec *, int, __off_t *,
int, register_t *);
int do_filewritev(int, const struct iovec *, int, __off_t *,
int, register_t *);
int fsetown(__pid_t *, u_long, const void *);
int fgetown(__pid_t, u_long, void *);
void fownsignal(__pid_t, int, int, int, void *);
int fnullop_fcntl(struct file *, u_int, void *);
int fnullop_poll(struct file *, int);
int fnullop_kqfilter(struct file *, struct knote *);
int fbadop_read(struct file *, __off_t *, struct uio *, kauth_cred_t, int);
int fbadop_write(struct file *, __off_t *, struct uio *, kauth_cred_t, int);
int fbadop_ioctl(struct file *, u_long, void *);
int fbadop_close(struct file *);
int fbadop_stat(struct file *, struct stat *);
void fnullop_restart(struct file *);
# 81 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 66 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 67 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 78 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
typedef __sa_family_t sa_family_t;
typedef __socklen_t socklen_t;
# 157 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct linger {
int l_onoff;
int l_linger;
struct accept_filter_arg {
char af_name[16];
char af_arg[256-16];
# 228 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct sockaddr {
__uint8_t sa_len;
__sa_family_t sa_family;
char sa_data[14];
struct sockproto {
u_short sp_family;
u_short sp_protocol;
# 256 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct sockaddr_storage {
__uint8_t ss_len;
__sa_family_t ss_family;
char __ss_pad1[((sizeof(__int64_t)) - 2)];
__int64_t __ss_align;
char __ss_pad2[(128 - 2 - ((sizeof(__int64_t)) - 2) - (sizeof(__int64_t)))];
# 331 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct sockcred {
__uid_t sc_uid;
__uid_t sc_euid;
__gid_t sc_gid;
__gid_t sc_egid;
int sc_ngroups;
__gid_t sc_groups[1];
# 395 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct kinfo_pcb {
__uint64_t ki_pcbaddr;
__uint64_t ki_ppcbaddr;
__uint64_t ki_sockaddr;
__uint32_t ki_family;
__uint32_t ki_type;
__uint32_t ki_protocol;
__uint32_t ki_pflags;
__uint32_t ki_sostate;
__uint32_t ki_prstate;
__int32_t ki_tstate;
__uint32_t ki_tflags;
__uint64_t ki_rcvq;
__uint64_t ki_sndq;
union {
struct sockaddr _kis_src;
char _kis_pad[256 + 8];
} ki_s;
union {
struct sockaddr _kid_dst;
char _kid_pad[256 + 8];
} ki_d;
__uint64_t ki_inode;
__uint64_t ki_vnode;
__uint64_t ki_conn;
__uint64_t ki_refs;
__uint64_t ki_nextref;
# 474 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct msghdr {
void *msg_name;
__socklen_t msg_namelen;
struct iovec *msg_iov;
int msg_iovlen;
void *msg_control;
__socklen_t msg_controllen;
int msg_flags;
# 500 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct mmsghdr {
struct msghdr msg_hdr;
unsigned int msg_len;
# 519 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct cmsghdr {
__socklen_t cmsg_len;
int cmsg_level;
int cmsg_type;
# 586 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
static inline __socklen_t
sockaddr_getlen(const struct sockaddr *sa)
return sa->sa_len;
# 592 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
#pragma GCC visibility push(default)
# 592 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct sockaddr *sockaddr_copy(struct sockaddr *, __socklen_t,
const struct sockaddr *);
struct sockaddr *sockaddr_externalize(struct sockaddr *, __socklen_t,
const struct sockaddr *);
struct sockaddr *sockaddr_alloc(__sa_family_t, __socklen_t, int);
const void *sockaddr_const_addr(const struct sockaddr *, __socklen_t *);
void *sockaddr_addr(struct sockaddr *, __socklen_t *);
const struct sockaddr *sockaddr_any(const struct sockaddr *);
const struct sockaddr *sockaddr_any_by_family(int);
const void *sockaddr_anyaddr(const struct sockaddr *, __socklen_t *);
int sockaddr_cmp(const struct sockaddr *, const struct sockaddr *);
struct sockaddr *sockaddr_dup(const struct sockaddr *, int);
void sockaddr_format(const struct sockaddr *, char *, size_t);
void sockaddr_free(struct sockaddr *);
# 607 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
#pragma GCC visibility pop
# 607 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 82 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 66 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 38 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 39 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
struct lwp;
struct proc;
struct timespec;
struct cpu_info;
struct socket;
int selcommon(register_t *, int, fd_set *, fd_set *, fd_set *,
struct timespec *, sigset_t *);
void selrecord(struct lwp *selector, struct selinfo *);
void selnotify(struct selinfo *, int, long);
void selsysinit(struct cpu_info *);
void selinit(struct selinfo *);
void seldestroy(struct selinfo *);
int pollsock(struct socket *, const struct timespec *, int);
# 67 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 77 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 42 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct uidinfo {
struct { struct uidinfo *sle_next; } ui_hash;
__uid_t ui_uid;
u_long ui_proccnt;
u_long ui_lwpcnt;
u_long ui_lockcnt;
u_long ui_sbsize;
int chgproccnt(__uid_t, int);
int chglwpcnt(__uid_t, int);
int chgsbsize(struct uidinfo *, u_long *, u_long, rlim_t);
struct uidinfo *uid_find(__uid_t);
void uid_init(void);
# 78 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
struct soqhead { struct socket *tqh_first; struct socket * *tqh_last; };
struct sockbuf {
struct selinfo sb_sel;
struct mowner *sb_mowner;
struct socket *sb_so;
kcondvar_t sb_cv;
u_long sb_cc;
u_long sb_hiwat;
u_long sb_mbcnt;
u_long sb_mbmax;
long sb_lowat;
struct mbuf *sb_mb;
struct mbuf *sb_mbtail;
struct mbuf *sb_lastrecord;
int sb_flags;
int sb_timeo;
u_long sb_overflowed;
# 124 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct socket {
kmutex_t * volatile so_lock;
kcondvar_t so_cv;
short so_type;
short so_options;
u_short so_linger;
short so_state;
int so_unused;
void *so_pcb;
const struct protosw *so_proto;
# 145 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct socket *so_head;
struct soqhead *so_onq;
struct soqhead so_q0;
struct soqhead so_q;
struct { struct socket *tqe_next; struct socket * *tqe_prev; } so_qe;
short so_q0len;
short so_qlen;
short so_qlimit;
short so_timeo;
u_short so_error;
u_short so_aborting;
__pid_t so_pgid;
u_long so_oobmark;
struct sockbuf so_snd;
struct sockbuf so_rcv;
void *so_internal;
void (*so_upcall) (struct socket *, void *, int, int);
void * so_upcallarg;
int (*so_send) (struct socket *, struct mbuf *,
struct uio *, struct mbuf *,
struct mbuf *, int, struct lwp *);
int (*so_receive) (struct socket *,
struct mbuf **,
struct uio *, struct mbuf **,
struct mbuf **, int *);
struct mowner *so_mowner;
struct uidinfo *so_uidinfo;
__gid_t so_egid;
__pid_t so_cpid;
struct so_accf {
struct accept_filter *so_accept_filter;
void *so_accept_filter_arg;
char *so_accept_filter_str;
} *so_accf;
kauth_cred_t so_cred;
# 217 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct accept_filter {
char accf_name[16];
void (*accf_callback)
(struct socket *, void *, int, int);
void * (*accf_create)
(struct socket *, char *);
void (*accf_destroy)
(struct socket *);
struct { struct accept_filter *le_next; struct accept_filter **le_prev; } accf_next;
u_int accf_refcnt;
struct sockopt {
int sopt_level;
int sopt_name;
size_t sopt_size;
void * sopt_data;
__uint8_t sopt_buf[sizeof(int)];
extern u_long sb_max;
extern int somaxkva;
extern int sock_loan_thresh;
extern kmutex_t *softnet_lock;
struct mbuf;
struct sockaddr;
struct lwp;
struct msghdr;
struct stat;
struct knote;
struct mbuf *getsombuf(struct socket *, int);
int soo_read(file_t *, __off_t *, struct uio *, kauth_cred_t, int);
int soo_write(file_t *, __off_t *, struct uio *, kauth_cred_t, int);
int soo_fcntl(file_t *, u_int cmd, void *);
int soo_ioctl(file_t *, u_long cmd, void *);
int soo_poll(file_t *, int);
int soo_kqfilter(file_t *, struct knote *);
int soo_close(file_t *);
int soo_stat(file_t *, struct stat *);
void soo_restart(file_t *);
void sbappend(struct sockbuf *, struct mbuf *);
void sbappendstream(struct sockbuf *, struct mbuf *);
int sbappendaddr(struct sockbuf *, const struct sockaddr *, struct mbuf *,
struct mbuf *);
int sbappendaddrchain(struct sockbuf *, const struct sockaddr *,
struct mbuf *, int);
int sbappendcontrol(struct sockbuf *, struct mbuf *, struct mbuf *);
void sbappendrecord(struct sockbuf *, struct mbuf *);
void sbcheck(struct sockbuf *);
void sbcompress(struct sockbuf *, struct mbuf *, struct mbuf *);
struct mbuf *
sbcreatecontrol(void *, int, int, int);
void sbdrop(struct sockbuf *, int);
void sbdroprecord(struct sockbuf *);
void sbflush(struct sockbuf *);
void sbinsertoob(struct sockbuf *, struct mbuf *);
void sbrelease(struct sockbuf *, struct socket *);
int sbreserve(struct sockbuf *, u_long, struct socket *);
int sbwait(struct sockbuf *);
int sb_max_set(u_long);
void soinit(void);
void soinit1(void);
void soinit2(void);
int soabort(struct socket *);
int soaccept(struct socket *, struct mbuf *);
int sofamily(const struct socket *);
int sobind(struct socket *, struct mbuf *, struct lwp *);
void socantrcvmore(struct socket *);
void socantsendmore(struct socket *);
int soclose(struct socket *);
int soconnect(struct socket *, struct mbuf *, struct lwp *);
int soconnect2(struct socket *, struct socket *);
int socreate(int, struct socket **, int, int, struct lwp *,
struct socket *);
int fsocreate(int, struct socket **, int, int, struct lwp *, int *);
int sodisconnect(struct socket *);
void sofree(struct socket *);
int sogetopt(struct socket *, struct sockopt *);
void sohasoutofband(struct socket *);
void soisconnected(struct socket *);
void soisconnecting(struct socket *);
void soisdisconnected(struct socket *);
void soisdisconnecting(struct socket *);
int solisten(struct socket *, int, struct lwp *);
struct socket *
sonewconn(struct socket *, int);
void soqinsque(struct socket *, struct socket *, int);
int soqremque(struct socket *, int);
int soreceive(struct socket *, struct mbuf **, struct uio *,
struct mbuf **, struct mbuf **, int *);
int soreserve(struct socket *, u_long, u_long);
void sorflush(struct socket *);
int sosend(struct socket *, struct mbuf *, struct uio *,
struct mbuf *, struct mbuf *, int, struct lwp *);
int sosetopt(struct socket *, struct sockopt *);
int so_setsockopt(struct lwp *, struct socket *, int, int, const void *, size_t);
int soshutdown(struct socket *, int);
void sorestart(struct socket *);
void sowakeup(struct socket *, struct sockbuf *, int);
int sockargs(struct mbuf **, const void *, size_t, int);
int sopoll(struct socket *, int);
struct socket *soget(_Bool);
void soput(struct socket *);
_Bool solocked(struct socket *);
_Bool solocked2(struct socket *, struct socket *);
int sblock(struct sockbuf *, int);
void sbunlock(struct sockbuf *);
int sowait(struct socket *, _Bool, int);
void solockretry(struct socket *, kmutex_t *);
void sosetlock(struct socket *);
void solockreset(struct socket *, kmutex_t *);
void sockopt_init(struct sockopt *, int, int, size_t);
void sockopt_destroy(struct sockopt *);
int sockopt_set(struct sockopt *, const void *, size_t);
int sockopt_setint(struct sockopt *, int);
int sockopt_get(const struct sockopt *, void *, size_t);
int sockopt_getint(const struct sockopt *, int *);
int sockopt_setmbuf(struct sockopt *, struct mbuf *);
struct mbuf *sockopt_getmbuf(const struct sockopt *);
int copyout_sockname(struct sockaddr *, unsigned int *, int, struct mbuf *);
int copyout_msg_control(struct lwp *, struct msghdr *, struct mbuf *);
void free_control_mbuf(struct lwp *, struct mbuf *, struct mbuf *);
int do_sys_getsockname(struct lwp *, int, int, struct mbuf **);
int do_sys_sendmsg(struct lwp *, int, struct msghdr *, int, register_t *);
int do_sys_recvmsg(struct lwp *, int, struct msghdr *, struct mbuf **,
struct mbuf **, register_t *);
int do_sys_bind(struct lwp *, int, struct mbuf *);
int do_sys_connect(struct lwp *, int, struct mbuf *);
int do_sys_accept(struct lwp *, int, struct mbuf **, register_t *,
const sigset_t *, int, int);
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 60 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct mbuf;
struct sockaddr;
struct socket;
struct sockopt;
struct domain;
struct proc;
struct lwp;
struct protosw {
int pr_type;
struct domain *pr_domain;
short pr_protocol;
short pr_flags;
void (*pr_input)
(struct mbuf *, ...);
int (*pr_output)
(struct mbuf *, ...);
void *(*pr_ctlinput)
(int, const struct sockaddr *, void *);
int (*pr_ctloutput)
(int, struct socket *, struct sockopt *);
int (*pr_usrreq)
(struct socket *, int, struct mbuf *,
struct mbuf *, struct mbuf *, struct lwp *);
void (*pr_init)
void (*pr_fasttimo)
void (*pr_slowtimo)
void (*pr_drain)
# 239 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
extern u_int pfslowtimo_now;
extern u_int pffasttimo_now;
# 254 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct sockaddr;
const struct protosw *pffindproto(int, int, int);
const struct protosw *pffindtype(int, int);
struct domain *pffinddomain(int);
void pfctlinput(int, const struct sockaddr *);
void pfctlinput2(int, const struct sockaddr *, void *);
# 363 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 72 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 47 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 43 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct malloc_type;
# 48 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 68 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
void *kern_malloc(unsigned long, int);
void *kern_realloc(void *, unsigned long, int);
void kern_free(void *);
# 81 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct kmembuckets {
void *kb_next;
void *kb_last;
long kb_calls;
long kb_total;
long kb_totalfree;
long kb_elmpercl;
long kb_highwat;
long kb_couldfree;
# 73 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 98 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct m_tag {
struct { struct m_tag *sle_next; } m_tag_link;
__uint16_t m_tag_id;
__uint16_t m_tag_len;
struct mowner {
char mo_name[16];
char mo_descr[16];
struct { struct mowner *le_next; struct mowner **le_prev; } mo_link;
struct percpu *mo_counters;
enum mowner_counter_index {
struct mowner_counter {
u_long mc_counter[MOWNER_COUNTER_NCOUNTERS];
struct mowner_user {
char mo_name[16];
char mo_descr[16];
struct { struct mowner *le_next; struct mowner **le_prev; } mo_link;
u_long mo_counter[MOWNER_COUNTER_NCOUNTERS];
# 146 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct m_hdr {
struct mbuf *mh_next;
struct mbuf *mh_nextpkt;
char *mh_data;
struct mowner *mh_owner;
int mh_len;
int mh_flags;
paddr_t mh_paddr;
short mh_type;
# 173 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct pkthdr {
struct ifnet *rcvif;
struct packet_tags { struct m_tag *slh_first; } tags;
int len;
int csum_flags;
__uint32_t csum_data;
u_int segsz;
# 236 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct _m_ext_storage {
unsigned int ext_refcnt;
int ext_flags;
char *ext_buf;
void (*ext_free)
(struct mbuf *, void *, size_t, void *);
void *ext_arg;
size_t ext_size;
union {
paddr_t extun_paddr;
struct vm_page *extun_pgs[((65536 / (1 << 12)) + 1)];
} ext_un;
# 263 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct _m_ext {
struct mbuf *ext_ref;
struct _m_ext_storage ext_storage;
# 309 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct _mbuf_dummy { struct m_hdr m_hdr; union { struct { struct pkthdr MH_pkthdr; union { struct _m_ext MH_ext; char MH_databuf[(1)]; } MH_dat; } MH; char M_databuf[(1)]; } M_dat; };
# 322 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct mbuf { struct m_hdr m_hdr; union { struct { struct pkthdr MH_pkthdr; union { struct _m_ext MH_ext; char MH_databuf[((512 - __builtin_offsetof(struct _mbuf_dummy, M_dat.MH.MH_dat.MH_databuf)))]; } MH_dat; } MH; char M_databuf[((512 - __builtin_offsetof(struct _mbuf_dummy, M_dat.M_databuf)))]; } M_dat; };
# 761 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct mbstat {
u_long _m_spare;
u_long _m_spare1;
u_long _m_spare2;
u_long _m_spare3;
u_long m_drops;
u_long m_wait;
u_long m_drain;
u_short m_mtypes[256];
struct mbstat_cpu {
u_int m_mtypes[256];
# 800 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
extern struct mbstat mbstat;
extern int nmbclusters;
extern int mblowat;
extern int mcllowat;
extern int max_linkhdr;
extern int max_protohdr;
extern int max_hdr;
extern int max_datalen;
extern const int msize;
extern const int mclbytes;
extern pool_cache_t mb_cache;
extern pool_cache_t mcl_cache;
static struct malloc_type *const __attribute__((__unused__)) M_MBUF = 0;
static struct malloc_type *const __attribute__((__unused__)) M_SONAME = 0;
static struct malloc_type *const __attribute__((__unused__)) M_SOOPTS = 0;
struct mbuf *m_copym(struct mbuf *, int, int, int);
struct mbuf *m_copypacket(struct mbuf *, int);
struct mbuf *m_devget(char *, int, int, struct ifnet *,
void (*copy)(const void *, void *, size_t));
struct mbuf *m_dup(struct mbuf *, int, int, int);
struct mbuf *m_free(struct mbuf *);
struct mbuf *m_get(int, int);
struct mbuf *m_getclr(int, int);
struct mbuf *m_gethdr(int, int);
struct mbuf *m_prepend(struct mbuf *,int, int);
struct mbuf *m_pulldown(struct mbuf *, int, int, int *);
struct mbuf *m_pullup(struct mbuf *, int);
struct mbuf *m_copyup(struct mbuf *, int, int);
struct mbuf *m_split(struct mbuf *,int, int);
struct mbuf *m_getptr(struct mbuf *, int, int *);
void m_adj(struct mbuf *, int);
struct mbuf *m_defrag(struct mbuf *, int);
int m_apply(struct mbuf *, int, int,
int (*)(void *, void *, unsigned int), void *);
void m_cat(struct mbuf *,struct mbuf *);
void m_clget(struct mbuf *, int);
int m_mballoc(int, int);
void m_copyback(struct mbuf *, int, int, const void *);
struct mbuf *m_copyback_cow(struct mbuf *, int, int, const void *, int);
int m_makewritable(struct mbuf **, int, int, int);
struct mbuf *m_getcl(int, int, int);
void m_copydata(struct mbuf *, int, int, void *);
void m_freem(struct mbuf *);
void m_reclaim(void *, int);
void mbinit(void);
void m_ext_free(struct mbuf *);
char * m_mapin(struct mbuf *);
void m_move_pkthdr(struct mbuf *to, struct mbuf *from);
_Bool m_ensure_contig(struct mbuf **, int);
static __inline u_int m_length(const struct mbuf *) __attribute__((__unused__));
void mbstat_type_add(int, int);
struct m_tag *m_tag_get(int, int, int);
void m_tag_free(struct m_tag *);
void m_tag_prepend(struct mbuf *, struct m_tag *);
void m_tag_unlink(struct mbuf *, struct m_tag *);
void m_tag_delete(struct mbuf *, struct m_tag *);
void m_tag_delete_chain(struct mbuf *, struct m_tag *);
void m_tag_delete_nonpersistent(struct mbuf *);
struct m_tag *m_tag_find(const struct mbuf *, int, struct m_tag *);
struct m_tag *m_tag_copy(struct m_tag *);
int m_tag_copy_chain(struct mbuf *, struct mbuf *);
void m_tag_init(struct mbuf *);
struct m_tag *m_tag_first(struct mbuf *);
struct m_tag *m_tag_next(struct mbuf *, struct m_tag *);
# 912 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
static __inline u_int
m_length(const struct mbuf *m)
const struct mbuf *m0;
u_int pktlen;
if ((m->m_hdr.mh_flags & 0x00002) != 0)
return m->M_dat.MH.MH_pkthdr.len;
pktlen = 0;
for (m0 = m; m0 != ((void *)0); m0 = m0->m_hdr.mh_next)
pktlen += m0->m_hdr.mh_len;
return pktlen;
void m_print(const struct mbuf *, const char *, void (*)(const char *, ...)
__attribute__((__format__ (__printf__, 1, 2))));
# 364 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
static inline int
sb_notify(struct sockbuf *sb)
(__builtin_expect(((solocked(sb->sb_so))) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "solocked(sb->sb_so)", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 372));
return sb->sb_flags & (0x04 | 0x10 | 0x20 | 0x100);
static inline long
sbspace(struct sockbuf *sb)
(__builtin_expect(((solocked(sb->sb_so))) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "solocked(sb->sb_so)", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 387));
return lmin(sb->sb_hiwat - sb->sb_cc, sb->sb_mbmax - sb->sb_mbcnt);
static inline int
sosendallatonce(struct socket *so)
return so->so_proto->pr_flags & 0x01;
static inline int
soreadable(struct socket *so)
(__builtin_expect(((solocked(so))) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "solocked(so)", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 405));
return so->so_rcv.sb_cc >= so->so_rcv.sb_lowat ||
(so->so_state & 0x020) != 0 ||
so->so_qlen != 0 || so->so_error != 0;
static inline int
sowritable(struct socket *so)
(__builtin_expect(((solocked(so))) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "solocked(so)", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 417));
return (sbspace(&so->so_snd) >= so->so_snd.sb_lowat &&
((so->so_state & 0x002) != 0 ||
(so->so_proto->pr_flags & 0x04) == 0)) ||
(so->so_state & 0x010) != 0 ||
so->so_error != 0;
static inline void
sballoc(struct sockbuf *sb, struct mbuf *m)
(__builtin_expect(((solocked(sb->sb_so))) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "solocked(sb->sb_so)", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 431));
sb->sb_cc += m->m_hdr.mh_len;
sb->sb_mbcnt += 512;
if (m->m_hdr.mh_flags & 0x00001)
sb->sb_mbcnt += m->M_dat.MH.MH_dat.MH_ext.ext_ref->M_dat.MH.MH_dat.MH_ext.ext_storage.ext_size;
static inline void
sbfree(struct sockbuf *sb, struct mbuf *m)
(__builtin_expect(((solocked(sb->sb_so))) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "solocked(sb->sb_so)", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 444));
sb->sb_cc -= m->m_hdr.mh_len;
sb->sb_mbcnt -= 512;
if (m->m_hdr.mh_flags & 0x00001)
sb->sb_mbcnt -= m->M_dat.MH.MH_dat.MH_ext.ext_ref->M_dat.MH.MH_dat.MH_ext.ext_storage.ext_size;
static inline void
sorwakeup(struct socket *so)
(__builtin_expect(((solocked(so))) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "solocked(so)", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 456));
if (sb_notify(&so->so_rcv))
sowakeup(so, &so->so_rcv, 1);
static inline void
sowwakeup(struct socket *so)
(__builtin_expect(((solocked(so))) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "solocked(so)", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 466));
if (sb_notify(&so->so_snd))
sowakeup(so, &so->so_snd, 2);
static inline void
solock(struct socket *so)
kmutex_t *lock;
lock = so->so_lock;
if (__builtin_expect((lock != so->so_lock) != 0, 0))
solockretry(so, lock);
static inline void
sounlock(struct socket *so)
# 511 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
vaddr_t sokvaalloc(vaddr_t, vsize_t, struct socket *);
void sokvafree(vaddr_t, vsize_t);
void soloanfree(struct mbuf *, void *, size_t, void *);
# 544 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
int accept_filt_getopt(struct socket *, struct sockopt *);
int accept_filt_setopt(struct socket *, const struct sockopt *);
int accept_filt_clear(struct socket *);
int accept_filt_add(struct accept_filter *);
int accept_filt_del(struct accept_filter *);
struct accept_filter *accept_filt_get(char *);
# 83 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 42 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 43 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 59 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct stat {
dev_t st_dev;
__mode_t st_mode;
ino_t st_ino;
nlink_t st_nlink;
__uid_t st_uid;
__gid_t st_gid;
dev_t st_rdev;
struct timespec st_atim;
struct timespec st_mtim;
struct timespec st_ctim;
struct timespec st_birthtim;
# 83 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
__off_t st_size;
blkcnt_t st_blocks;
blksize_t st_blksize;
__uint32_t st_flags;
__uint32_t st_gen;
__uint32_t st_spare[2];
# 84 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 85 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 49 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct buf;
struct knote;
struct lwp;
struct tty;
struct uio;
struct vnode;
# 70 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct bdevsw {
int (*d_open)(dev_t, int, int, struct lwp *);
int (*d_close)(dev_t, int, int, struct lwp *);
void (*d_strategy)(struct buf *);
int (*d_ioctl)(dev_t, u_long, void *, int, struct lwp *);
int (*d_dump)(dev_t, daddr_t, void *, size_t);
int (*d_psize)(dev_t);
int d_flag;
struct cdevsw {
int (*d_open)(dev_t, int, int, struct lwp *);
int (*d_close)(dev_t, int, int, struct lwp *);
int (*d_read)(dev_t, struct uio *, int);
int (*d_write)(dev_t, struct uio *, int);
int (*d_ioctl)(dev_t, u_long, void *, int, struct lwp *);
void (*d_stop)(struct tty *, int);
struct tty * (*d_tty)(dev_t);
int (*d_poll)(dev_t, int, struct lwp *);
paddr_t (*d_mmap)(dev_t, __off_t, int);
int (*d_kqfilter)(dev_t, struct knote *);
int d_flag;
extern kmutex_t device_lock;
int devsw_attach(const char *, const struct bdevsw *, __devmajor_t *,
const struct cdevsw *, __devmajor_t *);
int devsw_detach(const struct bdevsw *, const struct cdevsw *);
const struct bdevsw *bdevsw_lookup(dev_t);
const struct cdevsw *cdevsw_lookup(dev_t);
__devmajor_t bdevsw_lookup_major(const struct bdevsw *);
__devmajor_t cdevsw_lookup_major(const struct cdevsw *);
# 151 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
int bdev_open (dev_t, int, int, struct lwp *);
int bdev_close (dev_t, int, int, struct lwp *);
void bdev_strategy (struct buf *);
int bdev_ioctl (dev_t, u_long, void *, int, struct lwp *);
int bdev_dump (dev_t, daddr_t, void *, size_t);
int bdev_size (dev_t);
int cdev_open (dev_t, int, int, struct lwp *);
int cdev_close (dev_t, int, int, struct lwp *);
int cdev_read (dev_t, struct uio *, int);
int cdev_write (dev_t, struct uio *, int);
int cdev_ioctl (dev_t, u_long, void *, int, struct lwp *);
void cdev_stop (struct tty *, int);
struct tty * cdev_tty (dev_t);
int cdev_poll (dev_t, int, struct lwp *);
paddr_t cdev_mmap (dev_t, __off_t, int);
int cdev_kqfilter (dev_t, struct knote *);
int cdev_type(dev_t);
int bdev_type(dev_t);
extern const char devopn[], devio[], devwait[], devin[], devout[];
extern const char devioc[], devcls[];
struct linesw {
const char *l_name;
struct { struct linesw *le_next; struct linesw **le_prev; } l_list;
u_int l_refcnt;
int l_no;
int (*l_open) (dev_t, struct tty *);
int (*l_close) (struct tty *, int);
int (*l_read) (struct tty *, struct uio *, int);
int (*l_write) (struct tty *, struct uio *, int);
int (*l_ioctl) (struct tty *, u_long, void *, int,
struct lwp *);
int (*l_rint) (int, struct tty *);
int (*l_start) (struct tty *);
int (*l_modem) (struct tty *, int);
int (*l_poll) (struct tty *, int, struct lwp *);
void ttyldisc_init(void);
int ttyldisc_attach(struct linesw *);
int ttyldisc_detach(struct linesw *);
struct linesw *ttyldisc_lookup(const char *);
struct linesw *ttyldisc_lookup_bynum(int);
struct linesw *ttyldisc_default(void);
void ttyldisc_release(struct linesw *);
# 216 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
int ttyerrpoll (struct tty *, int, struct lwp *);
int ttynullioctl(struct tty *, u_long, void *, int, struct lwp *);
int iskmemdev(dev_t);
int seltrue_kqfilter(dev_t, struct knote *);
# 233 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
enum devnode_class {
struct devsw_conv {
const char *d_name;
__devmajor_t d_bmajor;
__devmajor_t d_cmajor;
enum devnode_class d_class;
int d_flags;
int d_vectdim[2];
void devsw_init(void);
const char *devsw_blk2name(__devmajor_t);
const char *cdevsw_getname(__devmajor_t);
const char *bdevsw_getname(__devmajor_t);
__devmajor_t devsw_name2blk(const char *, char *, size_t);
__devmajor_t devsw_name2chr(const char *, char *, size_t);
dev_t devsw_chr2blk(dev_t);
dev_t devsw_blk2chr(dev_t);
void mm_init(void);
void setroot(device_t, int);
void rootconf(void);
void swapconf(void);
# 90 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 38 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 32 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 35 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 35 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 41 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
typedef void *prop_object_t;
typedef enum {
PROP_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0x00000000,
PROP_TYPE_BOOL = 0x626f6f6c,
PROP_TYPE_NUMBER = 0x6e6d6272,
PROP_TYPE_STRING = 0x73746e67,
PROP_TYPE_DATA = 0x64617461,
PROP_TYPE_ARRAY = 0x61726179,
} prop_type_t;
# 56 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
#pragma GCC visibility push(default)
# 56 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
void prop_object_retain(prop_object_t);
void prop_object_release(prop_object_t);
prop_type_t prop_object_type(prop_object_t);
_Bool prop_object_equals(prop_object_t, prop_object_t);
_Bool prop_object_equals_with_error(prop_object_t, prop_object_t, _Bool *);
typedef struct _prop_object_iterator *prop_object_iterator_t;
prop_object_t prop_object_iterator_next(prop_object_iterator_t);
void prop_object_iterator_reset(prop_object_iterator_t);
void prop_object_iterator_release(prop_object_iterator_t);
# 70 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
#pragma GCC visibility pop
# 70 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 36 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
typedef struct _prop_array *prop_array_t;
# 39 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
#pragma GCC visibility push(default)
# 39 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
prop_array_t prop_array_create(void);
prop_array_t prop_array_create_with_capacity(unsigned int);
prop_array_t prop_array_copy(prop_array_t);
prop_array_t prop_array_copy_mutable(prop_array_t);
unsigned int prop_array_capacity(prop_array_t);
unsigned int prop_array_count(prop_array_t);
_Bool prop_array_ensure_capacity(prop_array_t, unsigned int);
void prop_array_make_immutable(prop_array_t);
_Bool prop_array_mutable(prop_array_t);
prop_object_iterator_t prop_array_iterator(prop_array_t);
prop_object_t prop_array_get(prop_array_t, unsigned int);
_Bool prop_array_set(prop_array_t, unsigned int, prop_object_t);
_Bool prop_array_add(prop_array_t, prop_object_t);
void prop_array_remove(prop_array_t, unsigned int);
_Bool prop_array_equals(prop_array_t, prop_array_t);
char * prop_array_externalize(prop_array_t);
prop_array_t prop_array_internalize(const char *);
_Bool prop_array_externalize_to_file(prop_array_t, const char *);
prop_array_t prop_array_internalize_from_file(const char *);
struct plistref;
# 81 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
int prop_array_copyin(const struct plistref *, prop_array_t *);
int prop_array_copyout(struct plistref *, prop_array_t);
int prop_array_copyin_ioctl(const struct plistref *, const u_long,
prop_array_t *);
int prop_array_copyout_ioctl(struct plistref *, const u_long,
_Bool prop_array_get_bool(prop_array_t, unsigned int,
_Bool *);
_Bool prop_array_set_bool(prop_array_t, unsigned int,
_Bool prop_array_get_int8(prop_array_t, unsigned int,
__int8_t *);
_Bool prop_array_get_uint8(prop_array_t, unsigned int,
__uint8_t *);
_Bool prop_array_set_int8(prop_array_t, unsigned int,
_Bool prop_array_set_uint8(prop_array_t, unsigned int,
_Bool prop_array_get_int16(prop_array_t, unsigned int,
__int16_t *);
_Bool prop_array_get_uint16(prop_array_t, unsigned int,
__uint16_t *);
_Bool prop_array_set_int16(prop_array_t, unsigned int,
_Bool prop_array_set_uint16(prop_array_t, unsigned int,
_Bool prop_array_get_int32(prop_array_t, unsigned int,
__int32_t *);
_Bool prop_array_get_uint32(prop_array_t, unsigned int,
__uint32_t *);
_Bool prop_array_set_int32(prop_array_t, unsigned int,
_Bool prop_array_set_uint32(prop_array_t, unsigned int,
_Bool prop_array_get_int64(prop_array_t, unsigned int,
__int64_t *);
_Bool prop_array_get_uint64(prop_array_t, unsigned int,
__uint64_t *);
_Bool prop_array_set_int64(prop_array_t, unsigned int,
_Bool prop_array_set_uint64(prop_array_t, unsigned int,
_Bool prop_array_add_int8(prop_array_t, __int8_t);
_Bool prop_array_add_uint8(prop_array_t, __uint8_t);
_Bool prop_array_add_int16(prop_array_t, __int16_t);
_Bool prop_array_add_uint16(prop_array_t, __uint16_t);
_Bool prop_array_add_int32(prop_array_t, __int32_t);
_Bool prop_array_add_uint32(prop_array_t, __uint32_t);
_Bool prop_array_add_int64(prop_array_t, __int64_t);
_Bool prop_array_add_uint64(prop_array_t, __uint64_t);
_Bool prop_array_get_cstring(prop_array_t, unsigned int,
char **);
_Bool prop_array_set_cstring(prop_array_t, unsigned int,
const char *);
_Bool prop_array_get_cstring_nocopy(prop_array_t,
unsigned int,
const char **);
_Bool prop_array_set_cstring_nocopy(prop_array_t,
unsigned int,
const char *);
_Bool prop_array_add_and_rel(prop_array_t, prop_object_t);
# 161 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
#pragma GCC visibility pop
# 161 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 36 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 37 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
typedef struct _prop_bool *prop_bool_t;
# 39 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
#pragma GCC visibility push(default)
# 39 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
prop_bool_t prop_bool_create(_Bool);
prop_bool_t prop_bool_copy(prop_bool_t);
_Bool prop_bool_true(prop_bool_t);
_Bool prop_bool_equals(prop_bool_t, prop_bool_t);
# 46 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
#pragma GCC visibility pop
# 46 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 37 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 37 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
typedef struct _prop_data *prop_data_t;
# 39 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
#pragma GCC visibility push(default)
# 39 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
prop_data_t prop_data_create_data(const void *, size_t);
prop_data_t prop_data_create_data_nocopy(const void *, size_t);
prop_data_t prop_data_copy(prop_data_t);
size_t prop_data_size(prop_data_t);
void * prop_data_data(prop_data_t);
const void * prop_data_data_nocopy(prop_data_t);
_Bool prop_data_equals(prop_data_t, prop_data_t);
_Bool prop_data_equals_data(prop_data_t, const void *, size_t);
# 52 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
#pragma GCC visibility pop
# 52 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 38 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 37 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
typedef struct _prop_dictionary *prop_dictionary_t;
typedef struct _prop_dictionary_keysym *prop_dictionary_keysym_t;
# 40 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
#pragma GCC visibility push(default)
# 40 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
prop_dictionary_t prop_dictionary_create(void);
prop_dictionary_t prop_dictionary_create_with_capacity(unsigned int);
prop_dictionary_t prop_dictionary_copy(prop_dictionary_t);
prop_dictionary_t prop_dictionary_copy_mutable(prop_dictionary_t);
unsigned int prop_dictionary_count(prop_dictionary_t);
_Bool prop_dictionary_ensure_capacity(prop_dictionary_t,
unsigned int);
void prop_dictionary_make_immutable(prop_dictionary_t);
_Bool prop_dictionary_mutable(prop_dictionary_t);
prop_object_iterator_t prop_dictionary_iterator(prop_dictionary_t);
prop_array_t prop_dictionary_all_keys(prop_dictionary_t);
prop_object_t prop_dictionary_get(prop_dictionary_t, const char *);
_Bool prop_dictionary_set(prop_dictionary_t, const char *,
void prop_dictionary_remove(prop_dictionary_t, const char *);
prop_object_t prop_dictionary_get_keysym(prop_dictionary_t,
_Bool prop_dictionary_set_keysym(prop_dictionary_t,
void prop_dictionary_remove_keysym(prop_dictionary_t,
_Bool prop_dictionary_equals(prop_dictionary_t, prop_dictionary_t);
char * prop_dictionary_externalize(prop_dictionary_t);
prop_dictionary_t prop_dictionary_internalize(const char *);
_Bool prop_dictionary_externalize_to_file(prop_dictionary_t,
const char *);
prop_dictionary_t prop_dictionary_internalize_from_file(const char *);
const char * prop_dictionary_keysym_cstring_nocopy(prop_dictionary_keysym_t);
_Bool prop_dictionary_keysym_equals(prop_dictionary_keysym_t,
struct plistref;
# 103 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
int prop_dictionary_copyin(const struct plistref *,
prop_dictionary_t *);
int prop_dictionary_copyout(struct plistref *,
int prop_dictionary_copyin_ioctl(const struct plistref *,
const u_long,
prop_dictionary_t *);
int prop_dictionary_copyout_ioctl(struct plistref *,
const u_long,
_Bool prop_dictionary_get_dict(prop_dictionary_t, const char *,
prop_dictionary_t *);
_Bool prop_dictionary_get_bool(prop_dictionary_t, const char *,
_Bool *);
_Bool prop_dictionary_set_bool(prop_dictionary_t, const char *,
_Bool prop_dictionary_get_int8(prop_dictionary_t, const char *,
__int8_t *);
_Bool prop_dictionary_get_uint8(prop_dictionary_t, const char *,
__uint8_t *);
_Bool prop_dictionary_set_int8(prop_dictionary_t, const char *,
_Bool prop_dictionary_set_uint8(prop_dictionary_t, const char *,
_Bool prop_dictionary_get_int16(prop_dictionary_t, const char *,
__int16_t *);
_Bool prop_dictionary_get_uint16(prop_dictionary_t, const char *,
__uint16_t *);
_Bool prop_dictionary_set_int16(prop_dictionary_t, const char *,
_Bool prop_dictionary_set_uint16(prop_dictionary_t, const char *,
_Bool prop_dictionary_get_int32(prop_dictionary_t, const char *,
__int32_t *);
_Bool prop_dictionary_get_uint32(prop_dictionary_t, const char *,
__uint32_t *);
_Bool prop_dictionary_set_int32(prop_dictionary_t, const char *,
_Bool prop_dictionary_set_uint32(prop_dictionary_t, const char *,
_Bool prop_dictionary_get_int64(prop_dictionary_t, const char *,
__int64_t *);
_Bool prop_dictionary_get_uint64(prop_dictionary_t, const char *,
__uint64_t *);
_Bool prop_dictionary_set_int64(prop_dictionary_t, const char *,
_Bool prop_dictionary_set_uint64(prop_dictionary_t, const char *,
_Bool prop_dictionary_get_cstring(prop_dictionary_t, const char *,
char **);
_Bool prop_dictionary_set_cstring(prop_dictionary_t, const char *,
const char *);
_Bool prop_dictionary_get_cstring_nocopy(prop_dictionary_t,
const char *,
const char **);
_Bool prop_dictionary_set_cstring_nocopy(prop_dictionary_t,
const char *,
const char *);
_Bool prop_dictionary_set_and_rel(prop_dictionary_t,
const char *,
# 179 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
#pragma GCC visibility pop
# 179 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 39 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 40 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
typedef struct _prop_number *prop_number_t;
# 42 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
#pragma GCC visibility push(default)
# 42 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
prop_number_t prop_number_create_integer(__int64_t);
prop_number_t prop_number_create_unsigned_integer(__uint64_t);
prop_number_t prop_number_copy(prop_number_t);
int prop_number_size(prop_number_t);
_Bool prop_number_unsigned(prop_number_t);
__int64_t prop_number_integer_value(prop_number_t);
__uint64_t prop_number_unsigned_integer_value(prop_number_t);
_Bool prop_number_equals(prop_number_t, prop_number_t);
_Bool prop_number_equals_integer(prop_number_t, __int64_t);
_Bool prop_number_equals_unsigned_integer(prop_number_t, __uint64_t);
# 57 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
#pragma GCC visibility pop
# 57 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 40 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 37 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
typedef struct _prop_string *prop_string_t;
# 39 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
#pragma GCC visibility push(default)
# 39 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
prop_string_t prop_string_create(void);
prop_string_t prop_string_create_cstring(const char *);
prop_string_t prop_string_create_cstring_nocopy(const char *);
prop_string_t prop_string_copy(prop_string_t);
prop_string_t prop_string_copy_mutable(prop_string_t);
size_t prop_string_size(prop_string_t);
_Bool prop_string_mutable(prop_string_t);
char * prop_string_cstring(prop_string_t);
const char * prop_string_cstring_nocopy(prop_string_t);
_Bool prop_string_append(prop_string_t, prop_string_t);
_Bool prop_string_append_cstring(prop_string_t, const char *);
_Bool prop_string_equals(prop_string_t, prop_string_t);
_Bool prop_string_equals_cstring(prop_string_t, const char *);
# 58 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
#pragma GCC visibility pop
# 58 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 41 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 37 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
typedef enum {
} prop_ingest_error_t;
typedef enum {
} prop_ingest_flag_t;
typedef struct _prop_ingest_context *prop_ingest_context_t;
typedef _Bool (*prop_ingest_handler_t)(prop_ingest_context_t, prop_object_t);
typedef struct {
const char *pite_key;
prop_type_t pite_type;
unsigned int pite_flags;
prop_ingest_handler_t pite_handler;
} prop_ingest_table_entry;
# 74 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 74 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
#pragma GCC visibility push(default)
# 74 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
prop_ingest_context_alloc(void *);
void prop_ingest_context_free(prop_ingest_context_t);
prop_type_t prop_ingest_context_type(prop_ingest_context_t);
const char * prop_ingest_context_key(prop_ingest_context_t);
void * prop_ingest_context_private(prop_ingest_context_t);
_Bool prop_dictionary_ingest(prop_dictionary_t,
const prop_ingest_table_entry[],
# 88 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
#pragma GCC visibility pop
# 88 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 43 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
void prop_kern_init(void);
# 33 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
void secmodel_init(void);
typedef int (*secmodel_eval_t)(const char *, void *, void *);
typedef int (*secmodel_setinfo_t)(void *);
struct secmodel_descr {
struct { struct secmodel_descr *le_next; struct secmodel_descr **le_prev; } sm_list;
const char *sm_id;
const char *sm_name;
prop_dictionary_t sm_behavior;
secmodel_eval_t sm_eval;
secmodel_setinfo_t sm_setinfo;
typedef struct secmodel_descr *secmodel_t;
int secmodel_register(secmodel_t *, const char *, const char *,
prop_dictionary_t, secmodel_eval_t, secmodel_setinfo_t);
int secmodel_deregister(secmodel_t);
int secmodel_nsecmodels(void);
int secmodel_eval(const char *, const char *, void *, void *);
int secmodel_setinfo(const char *, void *, int *);
# 39 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
struct uucred;
struct ki_ucred;
struct ki_pcred;
struct proc;
struct tty;
struct vnode;
struct cwdinfo;
typedef struct kauth_scope *kauth_scope_t;
typedef struct kauth_listener *kauth_listener_t;
typedef __uint32_t kauth_action_t;
typedef int (*kauth_scope_callback_t)(kauth_cred_t, kauth_action_t,
void *, void *, void *, void *, void *);
typedef struct kauth_key *kauth_key_t;
# 79 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
enum {
enum {
enum kauth_system_req {
enum {
enum kauth_process_req {
enum {
enum kauth_network_req {
enum {
enum {
enum kauth_device_req {
enum {
# 411 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
void kauth_init(void);
kauth_scope_t kauth_register_scope(const char *, kauth_scope_callback_t, void *);
void kauth_deregister_scope(kauth_scope_t);
kauth_listener_t kauth_listen_scope(const char *, kauth_scope_callback_t, void *);
void kauth_unlisten_scope(kauth_listener_t);
int kauth_authorize_action(kauth_scope_t, kauth_cred_t, kauth_action_t, void *,
void *, void *, void *);
int kauth_authorize_generic(kauth_cred_t, kauth_action_t, void *);
int kauth_authorize_system(kauth_cred_t, kauth_action_t, enum kauth_system_req,
void *, void *, void *);
int kauth_authorize_process(kauth_cred_t, kauth_action_t, struct proc *,
void *, void *, void *);
int kauth_authorize_network(kauth_cred_t, kauth_action_t,
enum kauth_network_req, void *, void *, void *);
int kauth_authorize_machdep(kauth_cred_t, kauth_action_t,
void *, void *, void *, void *);
int kauth_authorize_device(kauth_cred_t, kauth_action_t,
void *, void *, void *, void *);
int kauth_authorize_device_tty(kauth_cred_t, kauth_action_t, struct tty *);
int kauth_authorize_device_spec(kauth_cred_t, enum kauth_device_req,
struct vnode *);
int kauth_authorize_device_passthru(kauth_cred_t, dev_t, u_long, void *);
int kauth_authorize_vnode(kauth_cred_t, kauth_action_t, struct vnode *,
struct vnode *, int);
kauth_cred_t kauth_cred_alloc(void);
void kauth_cred_free(kauth_cred_t);
void kauth_cred_clone(kauth_cred_t, kauth_cred_t);
kauth_cred_t kauth_cred_dup(kauth_cred_t);
kauth_cred_t kauth_cred_copy(kauth_cred_t);
__uid_t kauth_cred_getuid(kauth_cred_t);
__uid_t kauth_cred_geteuid(kauth_cred_t);
__uid_t kauth_cred_getsvuid(kauth_cred_t);
__gid_t kauth_cred_getgid(kauth_cred_t);
__gid_t kauth_cred_getegid(kauth_cred_t);
__gid_t kauth_cred_getsvgid(kauth_cred_t);
int kauth_cred_ismember_gid(kauth_cred_t, __gid_t, int *);
u_int kauth_cred_ngroups(kauth_cred_t);
__gid_t kauth_cred_group(kauth_cred_t, u_int);
void kauth_cred_setuid(kauth_cred_t, __uid_t);
void kauth_cred_seteuid(kauth_cred_t, __uid_t);
void kauth_cred_setsvuid(kauth_cred_t, __uid_t);
void kauth_cred_setgid(kauth_cred_t, __gid_t);
void kauth_cred_setegid(kauth_cred_t, __gid_t);
void kauth_cred_setsvgid(kauth_cred_t, __gid_t);
void kauth_cred_hold(kauth_cred_t);
u_int kauth_cred_getrefcnt(kauth_cred_t);
int kauth_cred_setgroups(kauth_cred_t, const __gid_t *, size_t, __uid_t,
enum uio_seg);
int kauth_cred_getgroups(kauth_cred_t, __gid_t *, size_t, enum uio_seg);
int kauth_proc_setgroups(struct lwp *, kauth_cred_t);
int kauth_register_key(secmodel_t, kauth_key_t *);
int kauth_deregister_key(kauth_key_t);
void kauth_cred_setdata(kauth_cred_t, kauth_key_t, void *);
void *kauth_cred_getdata(kauth_cred_t, kauth_key_t);
int kauth_cred_uidmatch(kauth_cred_t, kauth_cred_t);
void kauth_uucred_to_cred(kauth_cred_t, const struct uucred *);
void kauth_cred_to_uucred(struct uucred *, const kauth_cred_t);
int kauth_cred_uucmp(kauth_cred_t, const struct uucred *);
void kauth_cred_toucred(kauth_cred_t, struct ki_ucred *);
void kauth_cred_topcred(kauth_cred_t, struct ki_pcred *);
kauth_action_t kauth_mode_to_action(__mode_t);
kauth_action_t kauth_extattr_action(__mode_t);
kauth_cred_t kauth_cred_get(void);
void kauth_proc_fork(struct proc *, struct proc *);
void kauth_proc_chroot(kauth_cred_t cred, struct cwdinfo *cwdi);
# 92 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 40 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 40 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
#pragma GCC visibility push(default)
# 40 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
void atomic_add_32(volatile __uint32_t *, __int32_t);
void atomic_add_int(volatile unsigned int *, int);
void atomic_add_long(volatile unsigned long *, long);
void atomic_add_ptr(volatile void *, ssize_t);
void atomic_add_64(volatile __uint64_t *, __int64_t);
__uint32_t atomic_add_32_nv(volatile __uint32_t *, __int32_t);
unsigned int atomic_add_int_nv(volatile unsigned int *, int);
unsigned long atomic_add_long_nv(volatile unsigned long *, long);
void * atomic_add_ptr_nv(volatile void *, ssize_t);
__uint64_t atomic_add_64_nv(volatile __uint64_t *, __int64_t);
void atomic_and_32(volatile __uint32_t *, __uint32_t);
void atomic_and_uint(volatile unsigned int *, unsigned int);
void atomic_and_ulong(volatile unsigned long *, unsigned long);
void atomic_and_64(volatile __uint64_t *, __uint64_t);
__uint32_t atomic_and_32_nv(volatile __uint32_t *, __uint32_t);
unsigned int atomic_and_uint_nv(volatile unsigned int *, unsigned int);
unsigned long atomic_and_ulong_nv(volatile unsigned long *, unsigned long);
__uint64_t atomic_and_64_nv(volatile __uint64_t *, __uint64_t);
void atomic_or_32(volatile __uint32_t *, __uint32_t);
void atomic_or_uint(volatile unsigned int *, unsigned int);
void atomic_or_ulong(volatile unsigned long *, unsigned long);
void atomic_or_64(volatile __uint64_t *, __uint64_t);
__uint32_t atomic_or_32_nv(volatile __uint32_t *, __uint32_t);
unsigned int atomic_or_uint_nv(volatile unsigned int *, unsigned int);
unsigned long atomic_or_ulong_nv(volatile unsigned long *, unsigned long);
__uint64_t atomic_or_64_nv(volatile __uint64_t *, __uint64_t);
__uint32_t atomic_cas_32(volatile __uint32_t *, __uint32_t, __uint32_t);
unsigned int atomic_cas_uint(volatile unsigned int *, unsigned int,
unsigned int);
unsigned long atomic_cas_ulong(volatile unsigned long *, unsigned long,
unsigned long);
void * atomic_cas_ptr(volatile void *, void *, void *);
__uint64_t atomic_cas_64(volatile __uint64_t *, __uint64_t, __uint64_t);
__uint32_t atomic_cas_32_ni(volatile __uint32_t *, __uint32_t, __uint32_t);
unsigned int atomic_cas_uint_ni(volatile unsigned int *, unsigned int,
unsigned int);
unsigned long atomic_cas_ulong_ni(volatile unsigned long *, unsigned long,
unsigned long);
void * atomic_cas_ptr_ni(volatile void *, void *, void *);
__uint64_t atomic_cas_64_ni(volatile __uint64_t *, __uint64_t, __uint64_t);
__uint32_t atomic_swap_32(volatile __uint32_t *, __uint32_t);
unsigned int atomic_swap_uint(volatile unsigned int *, unsigned int);
unsigned long atomic_swap_ulong(volatile unsigned long *, unsigned long);
void * atomic_swap_ptr(volatile void *, void *);
__uint64_t atomic_swap_64(volatile __uint64_t *, __uint64_t);
void atomic_dec_32(volatile __uint32_t *);
void atomic_dec_uint(volatile unsigned int *);
void atomic_dec_ulong(volatile unsigned long *);
void atomic_dec_ptr(volatile void *);
void atomic_dec_64(volatile __uint64_t *);
__uint32_t atomic_dec_32_nv(volatile __uint32_t *);
unsigned int atomic_dec_uint_nv(volatile unsigned int *);
unsigned long atomic_dec_ulong_nv(volatile unsigned long *);
void * atomic_dec_ptr_nv(volatile void *);
__uint64_t atomic_dec_64_nv(volatile __uint64_t *);
void atomic_inc_32(volatile __uint32_t *);
void atomic_inc_uint(volatile unsigned int *);
void atomic_inc_ulong(volatile unsigned long *);
void atomic_inc_ptr(volatile void *);
void atomic_inc_64(volatile __uint64_t *);
__uint32_t atomic_inc_32_nv(volatile __uint32_t *);
unsigned int atomic_inc_uint_nv(volatile unsigned int *);
unsigned long atomic_inc_ulong_nv(volatile unsigned long *);
void * atomic_inc_ptr_nv(volatile void *);
__uint64_t atomic_inc_64_nv(volatile __uint64_t *);
void membar_enter(void);
void membar_exit(void);
void membar_producer(void);
void membar_consumer(void);
void membar_sync(void);
# 152 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
#pragma GCC visibility pop
# 152 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 93 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 13 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 49 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 37 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
typedef struct { __int32_t __fsid_val[2]; } fsid_t;
struct fid {
unsigned short fid_len;
unsigned short fid_reserved;
char fid_data[0];
struct fhandle {
fsid_t fh_fsid;
struct fid fh_fid;
typedef struct fhandle fhandle_t;
# 50 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 36 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 37 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 66 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct statvfs {
unsigned long f_flag;
unsigned long f_bsize;
unsigned long f_frsize;
unsigned long f_iosize;
__fsblkcnt_t f_blocks;
__fsblkcnt_t f_bfree;
__fsblkcnt_t f_bavail;
__fsblkcnt_t f_bresvd;
__fsfilcnt_t f_files;
__fsfilcnt_t f_ffree;
__fsfilcnt_t f_favail;
__fsfilcnt_t f_fresvd;
__uint64_t f_syncreads;
__uint64_t f_syncwrites;
__uint64_t f_asyncreads;
__uint64_t f_asyncwrites;
fsid_t f_fsidx;
unsigned long f_fsid;
unsigned long f_namemax;
__uid_t f_owner;
__uint32_t f_spare[4];
char f_fstypename[32];
char f_mntonname[1024];
char f_mntfromname[1024];
# 142 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct mount;
struct lwp;
int set_statvfs_info(const char *, int, const char *, int,
const char *, struct mount *, struct lwp *);
void copy_statvfs_info(struct statvfs *, const struct mount *);
int dostatvfs(struct mount *, struct statvfs *, struct lwp *, int, int);
# 174 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 34 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
typedef unsigned int km_flag_t;
void kmem_init(void);
size_t kmem_roundup_size(size_t);
void * kmem_alloc(size_t, km_flag_t);
void * kmem_zalloc(size_t, km_flag_t);
void kmem_free(void *, size_t);
void * kmem_intr_alloc(size_t, km_flag_t);
void * kmem_intr_zalloc(size_t, km_flag_t);
void kmem_intr_free(void *, size_t);
char * kmem_asprintf(const char *, ...) __attribute__((__format__ (__printf__, 1, 2)));
# 175 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 53 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 102 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct vnode;
struct mount {
struct { struct mount *cqe_next; struct mount *cqe_prev; } mnt_list;
struct { struct vnode *tqh_first; struct vnode * *tqh_last; } mnt_vnodelist;
struct vfsops *mnt_op;
struct vnode *mnt_vnodecovered;
struct vnode *mnt_syncer;
void *mnt_transinfo;
void *mnt_data;
kmutex_t mnt_unmounting;
kmutex_t mnt_renamelock;
int mnt_refcnt;
unsigned int mnt_busynest;
int mnt_flag;
int mnt_iflag;
int mnt_fs_bshift;
int mnt_dev_bshift;
struct statvfs mnt_stat;
kmutex_t mnt_updating;
struct wapbl_ops
struct wapbl *mnt_wapbl;
struct wapbl_replay
__uint64_t mnt_gen;
# 195 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct quotactl_args;
struct quotastat;
struct quotaidtypestat;
struct quotaobjtypestat;
struct quotakcursor;
struct quotakey;
struct quotaval;
struct nameidata;
struct vfsops {
const char *vfs_name;
size_t vfs_min_mount_data;
int (*vfs_mount) (struct mount *, const char *, void *,
size_t *);
int (*vfs_start) (struct mount *, int);
int (*vfs_unmount) (struct mount *, int);
int (*vfs_root) (struct mount *, struct vnode **);
int (*vfs_quotactl) (struct mount *, struct quotactl_args *);
int (*vfs_statvfs) (struct mount *, struct statvfs *);
int (*vfs_sync) (struct mount *, int, struct kauth_cred *);
int (*vfs_vget) (struct mount *, ino_t, struct vnode **);
int (*vfs_fhtovp) (struct mount *, struct fid *,
struct vnode **);
int (*vfs_vptofh) (struct vnode *, struct fid *, size_t *);
void (*vfs_init) (void);
void (*vfs_reinit) (void);
void (*vfs_done) (void);
int (*vfs_mountroot)(void);
int (*vfs_snapshot) (struct mount *, struct vnode *,
struct timespec *);
int (*vfs_extattrctl) (struct mount *, int,
struct vnode *, int, const char *);
int (*vfs_suspendctl) (struct mount *, int);
int (*vfs_renamelock_enter)(struct mount *);
void (*vfs_renamelock_exit)(struct mount *);
int (*vfs_fsync) (struct vnode *, int);
const struct vnodeopv_desc * const *vfs_opv_descs;
int vfs_refcount;
struct { struct vfsops *le_next; struct vfsops **le_prev; } vfs_list;
# 250 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
int VFS_MOUNT(struct mount *, const char *, void *, size_t *);
int VFS_START(struct mount *, int);
int VFS_UNMOUNT(struct mount *, int);
int VFS_ROOT(struct mount *, struct vnode **);
int VFS_QUOTACTL(struct mount *, struct quotactl_args *);
int VFS_STATVFS(struct mount *, struct statvfs *);
int VFS_SYNC(struct mount *, int, struct kauth_cred *);
int VFS_FHTOVP(struct mount *, struct fid *, struct vnode **);
int VFS_VPTOFH(struct vnode *, struct fid *, size_t *);
int VFS_SNAPSHOT(struct mount *, struct vnode *, struct timespec *);
int VFS_EXTATTRCTL(struct mount *, int, struct vnode *, int, const char *);
int VFS_SUSPENDCTL(struct mount *, int);
struct mbuf;
struct vnodeopv_desc;
struct kauth_cred;
# 301 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct wapbl_ops {
void (*wo_wapbl_discard)(struct wapbl *);
int (*wo_wapbl_replay_isopen)(struct wapbl_replay *);
int (*wo_wapbl_replay_can_read)(struct wapbl_replay *, daddr_t, long);
int (*wo_wapbl_replay_read)(struct wapbl_replay *, void *, daddr_t, long);
void (*wo_wapbl_add_buf)(struct wapbl *, struct buf *);
void (*wo_wapbl_remove_buf)(struct wapbl *, struct buf *);
void (*wo_wapbl_resize_buf)(struct wapbl *, struct buf *, long, long);
int (*wo_wapbl_begin)(struct wapbl *, const char *, int);
void (*wo_wapbl_end)(struct wapbl *);
void (*wo_wapbl_junlock_assert)(struct wapbl *);
void (*wo_wapbl_biodone)(struct buf *);
# 339 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct vfs_hooks {
struct { struct vfs_hooks *le_next; struct vfs_hooks **le_prev; } vfs_hooks_list;
void (*vh_unmount)(struct mount *);
int (*vh_reexport)(struct mount *, const char *, void *);
void (*vh_future_expansion_1)(void);
void (*vh_future_expansion_2)(void);
void (*vh_future_expansion_3)(void);
void (*vh_future_expansion_4)(void);
void (*vh_future_expansion_5)(void);
void vfs_hooks_init(void);
int vfs_hooks_attach(struct vfs_hooks *);
int vfs_hooks_detach(struct vfs_hooks *);
void vfs_hooks_unmount(struct mount *);
int vfs_hooks_reexport(struct mount *, const char *, void *);
# 371 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct export_args30 {
int ex_flags;
__uid_t ex_root;
struct uucred ex_anon;
struct sockaddr *ex_addr;
int ex_addrlen;
struct sockaddr *ex_mask;
int ex_masklen;
char *ex_indexfile;
struct mnt_export_args30 {
const char *fspec;
struct export_args30 eargs;
struct mount *vfs_getvfs(fsid_t *);
int vfs_composefh(struct vnode *, fhandle_t *, size_t *);
int vfs_composefh_alloc(struct vnode *, fhandle_t **);
void vfs_composefh_free(fhandle_t *);
int vfs_fhtovp(fhandle_t *, struct vnode **);
int vfs_mountedon(struct vnode *);
int vfs_mountroot(void);
void vfs_shutdown(void);
void vfs_sync_all(struct lwp *);
_Bool vfs_unmountall(struct lwp *);
_Bool vfs_unmountall1(struct lwp *, _Bool, _Bool);
_Bool vfs_unmount_forceone(struct lwp *);
int vfs_busy(struct mount *, struct mount **);
int vfs_rootmountalloc(const char *, const char *, struct mount **);
void vfs_unbusy(struct mount *, _Bool, struct mount **);
int vfs_attach(struct vfsops *);
int vfs_detach(struct vfsops *);
void vfs_reinit(void);
struct vfsops *vfs_getopsbyname(const char *);
void vfs_delref(struct vfsops *);
void vfs_destroy(struct mount *);
void vfs_scrubvnlist(struct mount *);
struct mount *vfs_mountalloc(struct vfsops *, struct vnode *);
int vfs_stdextattrctl(struct mount *, int, struct vnode *,
int, const char *);
void vfs_insmntque(struct vnode *, struct mount *);
int vfs_quotactl_stat(struct mount *, struct quotastat *);
int vfs_quotactl_idtypestat(struct mount *, int, struct quotaidtypestat *);
int vfs_quotactl_objtypestat(struct mount *,int,struct quotaobjtypestat *);
int vfs_quotactl_get(struct mount *, const struct quotakey *,
struct quotaval *);
int vfs_quotactl_put(struct mount *, const struct quotakey *,
const struct quotaval *);
int vfs_quotactl_delete(struct mount *, const struct quotakey *);
int vfs_quotactl_cursoropen(struct mount *, struct quotakcursor *);
int vfs_quotactl_cursorclose(struct mount *, struct quotakcursor *);
int vfs_quotactl_cursorskipidtype(struct mount *, struct quotakcursor *,
int vfs_quotactl_cursorget(struct mount *, struct quotakcursor *,
struct quotakey *, struct quotaval *, unsigned, unsigned *);
int vfs_quotactl_cursoratend(struct mount *, struct quotakcursor *, int *);
int vfs_quotactl_cursorrewind(struct mount *, struct quotakcursor *);
int vfs_quotactl_quotaon(struct mount *, int, const char *);
int vfs_quotactl_quotaoff(struct mount *, int);
extern struct mntlist { struct mount *cqh_first; struct mount *cqh_last; } mountlist;
extern struct vfsops *vfssw[];
extern int nvfssw;
extern kmutex_t mountlist_lock;
extern kmutex_t vfs_list_lock;
void vfs_mount_sysinit(void);
long makefstype(const char *);
int mount_domount(struct lwp *, struct vnode **, struct vfsops *,
const char *, int, void *, size_t *);
int dounmount(struct mount *, int, struct lwp *);
int do_sys_mount(struct lwp *, struct vfsops *, const char *, const char *,
int, void *, enum uio_seg, size_t, register_t *);
void vfsinit(void);
void vfs_opv_init(const struct vnodeopv_desc * const *);
void vfs_opv_free(const struct vnodeopv_desc * const *);
int mount_specific_key_create(specificdata_key_t *, specificdata_dtor_t);
void mount_specific_key_delete(specificdata_key_t);
void mount_initspecific(struct mount *);
void mount_finispecific(struct mount *);
void * mount_getspecific(struct mount *, specificdata_key_t);
void mount_setspecific(struct mount *, specificdata_key_t, void *);
int usermount_common_policy(struct mount *, u_long);
struct vfs_list_head { struct vfsops *lh_first; };
extern struct vfs_list_head vfs_list;
# 14 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 41 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct sys_syscall_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } code;
union { register_t pad; struct { register_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (register_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (register_t)]; register_t datum; } be; } args[8];
struct sys_exit_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } rval;
typedef char sys_exit_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_exit_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_read_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } fd;
union { register_t pad; struct { void * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (void *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (void *)]; void * datum; } be; } buf;
union { register_t pad; struct { size_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (size_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (size_t)]; size_t datum; } be; } nbyte;
typedef char sys_read_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_read_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_write_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } fd;
union { register_t pad; struct { const void * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const void *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const void *)]; const void * datum; } be; } buf;
union { register_t pad; struct { size_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (size_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (size_t)]; size_t datum; } be; } nbyte;
typedef char sys_write_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_write_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_open_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } path;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } flags;
union { register_t pad; struct { __mode_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__mode_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__mode_t)]; __mode_t datum; } be; } mode;
typedef char sys_open_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_open_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_close_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } fd;
typedef char sys_close_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_close_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_50_sys_wait4_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { __pid_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__pid_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__pid_t)]; __pid_t datum; } be; } pid;
union { register_t pad; struct { int * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int *)]; int * datum; } be; } status;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } options;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct rusage50 * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct rusage50 *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct rusage50 *)]; struct rusage50 * datum; } be; } rusage;
typedef char compat_50_sys_wait4_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_50_sys_wait4_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_43_sys_creat_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } path;
union { register_t pad; struct { __mode_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__mode_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__mode_t)]; __mode_t datum; } be; } mode;
typedef char compat_43_sys_creat_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_43_sys_creat_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_link_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } path;
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } link;
typedef char sys_link_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_link_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_unlink_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } path;
typedef char sys_unlink_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_unlink_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_chdir_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } path;
typedef char sys_chdir_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_chdir_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_fchdir_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } fd;
typedef char sys_fchdir_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_fchdir_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_50_sys_mknod_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } path;
union { register_t pad; struct { __mode_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__mode_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__mode_t)]; __mode_t datum; } be; } mode;
union { register_t pad; struct { __uint32_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__uint32_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__uint32_t)]; __uint32_t datum; } be; } dev;
typedef char compat_50_sys_mknod_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_50_sys_mknod_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_chmod_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } path;
union { register_t pad; struct { __mode_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__mode_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__mode_t)]; __mode_t datum; } be; } mode;
typedef char sys_chmod_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_chmod_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_chown_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } path;
union { register_t pad; struct { __uid_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__uid_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__uid_t)]; __uid_t datum; } be; } uid;
union { register_t pad; struct { __gid_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__gid_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__gid_t)]; __gid_t datum; } be; } gid;
typedef char sys_chown_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_chown_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_obreak_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (char *)]; char * datum; } be; } nsize;
typedef char sys_obreak_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_obreak_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_20_sys_getfsstat_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { struct statfs12 * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct statfs12 *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct statfs12 *)]; struct statfs12 * datum; } be; } buf;
union { register_t pad; struct { long datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (long)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (long)]; long datum; } be; } bufsize;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } flags;
typedef char compat_20_sys_getfsstat_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_20_sys_getfsstat_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_43_sys_lseek_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } fd;
union { register_t pad; struct { long datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (long)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (long)]; long datum; } be; } offset;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } whence;
typedef char compat_43_sys_lseek_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_43_sys_lseek_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_40_sys_mount_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } type;
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } path;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } flags;
union { register_t pad; struct { void * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (void *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (void *)]; void * datum; } be; } data;
typedef char compat_40_sys_mount_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_40_sys_mount_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_unmount_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } path;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } flags;
typedef char sys_unmount_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_unmount_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_setuid_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { __uid_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__uid_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__uid_t)]; __uid_t datum; } be; } uid;
typedef char sys_setuid_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_setuid_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_ptrace_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } req;
union { register_t pad; struct { __pid_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__pid_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__pid_t)]; __pid_t datum; } be; } pid;
union { register_t pad; struct { void * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (void *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (void *)]; void * datum; } be; } addr;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } data;
typedef char sys_ptrace_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_ptrace_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_recvmsg_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } s;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct msghdr * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct msghdr *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct msghdr *)]; struct msghdr * datum; } be; } msg;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } flags;
typedef char sys_recvmsg_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_recvmsg_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_sendmsg_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } s;
union { register_t pad; struct { const struct msghdr * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const struct msghdr *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const struct msghdr *)]; const struct msghdr * datum; } be; } msg;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } flags;
typedef char sys_sendmsg_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_sendmsg_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_recvfrom_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } s;
union { register_t pad; struct { void * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (void *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (void *)]; void * datum; } be; } buf;
union { register_t pad; struct { size_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (size_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (size_t)]; size_t datum; } be; } len;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } flags;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct sockaddr * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct sockaddr *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct sockaddr *)]; struct sockaddr * datum; } be; } from;
union { register_t pad; struct { __socklen_t * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__socklen_t *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__socklen_t *)]; __socklen_t * datum; } be; } fromlenaddr;
typedef char sys_recvfrom_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_recvfrom_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_accept_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } s;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct sockaddr * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct sockaddr *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct sockaddr *)]; struct sockaddr * datum; } be; } name;
union { register_t pad; struct { __socklen_t * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__socklen_t *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__socklen_t *)]; __socklen_t * datum; } be; } anamelen;
typedef char sys_accept_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_accept_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_getpeername_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } fdes;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct sockaddr * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct sockaddr *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct sockaddr *)]; struct sockaddr * datum; } be; } asa;
union { register_t pad; struct { __socklen_t * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__socklen_t *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__socklen_t *)]; __socklen_t * datum; } be; } alen;
typedef char sys_getpeername_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_getpeername_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_getsockname_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } fdes;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct sockaddr * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct sockaddr *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct sockaddr *)]; struct sockaddr * datum; } be; } asa;
union { register_t pad; struct { __socklen_t * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__socklen_t *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__socklen_t *)]; __socklen_t * datum; } be; } alen;
typedef char sys_getsockname_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_getsockname_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_access_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } path;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } flags;
typedef char sys_access_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_access_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_chflags_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } path;
union { register_t pad; struct { u_long datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (u_long)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (u_long)]; u_long datum; } be; } flags;
typedef char sys_chflags_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_chflags_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_fchflags_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } fd;
union { register_t pad; struct { u_long datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (u_long)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (u_long)]; u_long datum; } be; } flags;
typedef char sys_fchflags_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_fchflags_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_kill_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { __pid_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__pid_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__pid_t)]; __pid_t datum; } be; } pid;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } signum;
typedef char sys_kill_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_kill_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_43_sys_stat_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } path;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct stat43 * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct stat43 *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct stat43 *)]; struct stat43 * datum; } be; } ub;
typedef char compat_43_sys_stat_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_43_sys_stat_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_43_sys_lstat_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } path;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct stat43 * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct stat43 *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct stat43 *)]; struct stat43 * datum; } be; } ub;
typedef char compat_43_sys_lstat_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_43_sys_lstat_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_dup_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } fd;
typedef char sys_dup_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_dup_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_profil_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (char *)]; char * datum; } be; } samples;
union { register_t pad; struct { size_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (size_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (size_t)]; size_t datum; } be; } size;
union { register_t pad; struct { u_long datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (u_long)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (u_long)]; u_long datum; } be; } offset;
union { register_t pad; struct { u_int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (u_int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (u_int)]; u_int datum; } be; } scale;
typedef char sys_profil_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_profil_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_ktrace_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } fname;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } ops;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } facs;
union { register_t pad; struct { __pid_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__pid_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__pid_t)]; __pid_t datum; } be; } pid;
typedef char sys_ktrace_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_ktrace_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_13_sys_sigaction_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } signum;
union { register_t pad; struct { const struct sigaction13 * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const struct sigaction13 *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const struct sigaction13 *)]; const struct sigaction13 * datum; } be; } nsa;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct sigaction13 * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct sigaction13 *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct sigaction13 *)]; struct sigaction13 * datum; } be; } osa;
typedef char compat_13_sys_sigaction_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_13_sys_sigaction_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_13_sys_sigprocmask_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } how;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } mask;
typedef char compat_13_sys_sigprocmask_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_13_sys_sigprocmask_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys___getlogin_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (char *)]; char * datum; } be; } namebuf;
union { register_t pad; struct { size_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (size_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (size_t)]; size_t datum; } be; } namelen;
typedef char sys___getlogin_check_args[sizeof (struct sys___getlogin_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys___setlogin_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } namebuf;
typedef char sys___setlogin_check_args[sizeof (struct sys___setlogin_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_acct_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } path;
typedef char sys_acct_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_acct_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_13_sys_sigaltstack_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const struct sigaltstack13 * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const struct sigaltstack13 *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const struct sigaltstack13 *)]; const struct sigaltstack13 * datum; } be; } nss;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct sigaltstack13 * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct sigaltstack13 *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct sigaltstack13 *)]; struct sigaltstack13 * datum; } be; } oss;
typedef char compat_13_sys_sigaltstack_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_13_sys_sigaltstack_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_ioctl_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } fd;
union { register_t pad; struct { u_long datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (u_long)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (u_long)]; u_long datum; } be; } com;
union { register_t pad; struct { void * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (void *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (void *)]; void * datum; } be; } data;
typedef char sys_ioctl_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_ioctl_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_12_sys_reboot_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } opt;
typedef char compat_12_sys_reboot_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_12_sys_reboot_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_revoke_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } path;
typedef char sys_revoke_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_revoke_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_symlink_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } path;
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } link;
typedef char sys_symlink_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_symlink_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_readlink_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } path;
union { register_t pad; struct { char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (char *)]; char * datum; } be; } buf;
union { register_t pad; struct { size_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (size_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (size_t)]; size_t datum; } be; } count;
typedef char sys_readlink_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_readlink_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_execve_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } path;
union { register_t pad; struct { char *const * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (char *const *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (char *const *)]; char *const * datum; } be; } argp;
union { register_t pad; struct { char *const * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (char *const *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (char *const *)]; char *const * datum; } be; } envp;
typedef char sys_execve_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_execve_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_umask_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { __mode_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__mode_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__mode_t)]; __mode_t datum; } be; } newmask;
typedef char sys_umask_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_umask_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_chroot_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } path;
typedef char sys_chroot_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_chroot_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_43_sys_fstat_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } fd;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct stat43 * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct stat43 *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct stat43 *)]; struct stat43 * datum; } be; } sb;
typedef char compat_43_sys_fstat_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_43_sys_fstat_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_43_sys_getkerninfo_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } op;
union { register_t pad; struct { char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (char *)]; char * datum; } be; } where;
union { register_t pad; struct { int * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int *)]; int * datum; } be; } size;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } arg;
typedef char compat_43_sys_getkerninfo_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_43_sys_getkerninfo_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_12_sys_msync_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { void * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (void *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (void *)]; void * datum; } be; } addr;
union { register_t pad; struct { size_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (size_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (size_t)]; size_t datum; } be; } len;
typedef char compat_12_sys_msync_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_12_sys_msync_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_sbrk_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { __intptr_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__intptr_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__intptr_t)]; __intptr_t datum; } be; } incr;
typedef char sys_sbrk_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_sbrk_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_sstk_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } incr;
typedef char sys_sstk_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_sstk_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_43_sys_mmap_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { void * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (void *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (void *)]; void * datum; } be; } addr;
union { register_t pad; struct { size_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (size_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (size_t)]; size_t datum; } be; } len;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } prot;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } flags;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } fd;
union { register_t pad; struct { long datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (long)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (long)]; long datum; } be; } pos;
typedef char compat_43_sys_mmap_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_43_sys_mmap_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_ovadvise_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } anom;
typedef char sys_ovadvise_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_ovadvise_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_munmap_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { void * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (void *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (void *)]; void * datum; } be; } addr;
union { register_t pad; struct { size_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (size_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (size_t)]; size_t datum; } be; } len;
typedef char sys_munmap_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_munmap_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_mprotect_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { void * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (void *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (void *)]; void * datum; } be; } addr;
union { register_t pad; struct { size_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (size_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (size_t)]; size_t datum; } be; } len;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } prot;
typedef char sys_mprotect_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_mprotect_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_madvise_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { void * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (void *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (void *)]; void * datum; } be; } addr;
union { register_t pad; struct { size_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (size_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (size_t)]; size_t datum; } be; } len;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } behav;
typedef char sys_madvise_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_madvise_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_mincore_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { void * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (void *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (void *)]; void * datum; } be; } addr;
union { register_t pad; struct { size_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (size_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (size_t)]; size_t datum; } be; } len;
union { register_t pad; struct { char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (char *)]; char * datum; } be; } vec;
typedef char sys_mincore_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_mincore_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_getgroups_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } gidsetsize;
union { register_t pad; struct { __gid_t * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__gid_t *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__gid_t *)]; __gid_t * datum; } be; } gidset;
typedef char sys_getgroups_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_getgroups_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_setgroups_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } gidsetsize;
union { register_t pad; struct { const __gid_t * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const __gid_t *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const __gid_t *)]; const __gid_t * datum; } be; } gidset;
typedef char sys_setgroups_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_setgroups_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_setpgid_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { __pid_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__pid_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__pid_t)]; __pid_t datum; } be; } pid;
union { register_t pad; struct { __pid_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__pid_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__pid_t)]; __pid_t datum; } be; } pgid;
typedef char sys_setpgid_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_setpgid_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_50_sys_setitimer_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } which;
union { register_t pad; struct { const struct itimerval50 * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const struct itimerval50 *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const struct itimerval50 *)]; const struct itimerval50 * datum; } be; } itv;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct itimerval50 * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct itimerval50 *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct itimerval50 *)]; struct itimerval50 * datum; } be; } oitv;
typedef char compat_50_sys_setitimer_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_50_sys_setitimer_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_12_sys_swapon_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } name;
typedef char compat_12_sys_swapon_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_12_sys_swapon_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_50_sys_getitimer_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } which;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct itimerval50 * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct itimerval50 *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct itimerval50 *)]; struct itimerval50 * datum; } be; } itv;
typedef char compat_50_sys_getitimer_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_50_sys_getitimer_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_43_sys_gethostname_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (char *)]; char * datum; } be; } hostname;
union { register_t pad; struct { u_int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (u_int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (u_int)]; u_int datum; } be; } len;
typedef char compat_43_sys_gethostname_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_43_sys_gethostname_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_43_sys_sethostname_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (char *)]; char * datum; } be; } hostname;
union { register_t pad; struct { u_int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (u_int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (u_int)]; u_int datum; } be; } len;
typedef char compat_43_sys_sethostname_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_43_sys_sethostname_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_dup2_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } from;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } to;
typedef char sys_dup2_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_dup2_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_fcntl_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } fd;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } cmd;
union { register_t pad; struct { void * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (void *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (void *)]; void * datum; } be; } arg;
typedef char sys_fcntl_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_fcntl_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_50_sys_select_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } nd;
union { register_t pad; struct { fd_set * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (fd_set *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (fd_set *)]; fd_set * datum; } be; } in;
union { register_t pad; struct { fd_set * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (fd_set *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (fd_set *)]; fd_set * datum; } be; } ou;
union { register_t pad; struct { fd_set * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (fd_set *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (fd_set *)]; fd_set * datum; } be; } ex;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct timeval50 * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct timeval50 *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct timeval50 *)]; struct timeval50 * datum; } be; } tv;
typedef char compat_50_sys_select_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_50_sys_select_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_fsync_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } fd;
typedef char sys_fsync_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_fsync_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_setpriority_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } which;
union { register_t pad; struct { id_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (id_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (id_t)]; id_t datum; } be; } who;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } prio;
typedef char sys_setpriority_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_setpriority_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_30_sys_socket_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } domain;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } type;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } protocol;
typedef char compat_30_sys_socket_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_30_sys_socket_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_connect_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } s;
union { register_t pad; struct { const struct sockaddr * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const struct sockaddr *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const struct sockaddr *)]; const struct sockaddr * datum; } be; } name;
union { register_t pad; struct { __socklen_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__socklen_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__socklen_t)]; __socklen_t datum; } be; } namelen;
typedef char sys_connect_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_connect_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_43_sys_accept_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } s;
union { register_t pad; struct { void * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (void *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (void *)]; void * datum; } be; } name;
union { register_t pad; struct { __socklen_t * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__socklen_t *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__socklen_t *)]; __socklen_t * datum; } be; } anamelen;
typedef char compat_43_sys_accept_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_43_sys_accept_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_getpriority_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } which;
union { register_t pad; struct { id_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (id_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (id_t)]; id_t datum; } be; } who;
typedef char sys_getpriority_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_getpriority_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_43_sys_send_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } s;
union { register_t pad; struct { void * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (void *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (void *)]; void * datum; } be; } buf;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } len;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } flags;
typedef char compat_43_sys_send_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_43_sys_send_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_43_sys_recv_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } s;
union { register_t pad; struct { void * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (void *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (void *)]; void * datum; } be; } buf;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } len;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } flags;
typedef char compat_43_sys_recv_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_43_sys_recv_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_13_sys_sigreturn_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { struct sigcontext13 * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct sigcontext13 *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct sigcontext13 *)]; struct sigcontext13 * datum; } be; } sigcntxp;
typedef char compat_13_sys_sigreturn_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_13_sys_sigreturn_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_bind_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } s;
union { register_t pad; struct { const struct sockaddr * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const struct sockaddr *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const struct sockaddr *)]; const struct sockaddr * datum; } be; } name;
union { register_t pad; struct { __socklen_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__socklen_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__socklen_t)]; __socklen_t datum; } be; } namelen;
typedef char sys_bind_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_bind_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_setsockopt_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } s;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } level;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } name;
union { register_t pad; struct { const void * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const void *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const void *)]; const void * datum; } be; } val;
union { register_t pad; struct { __socklen_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__socklen_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__socklen_t)]; __socklen_t datum; } be; } valsize;
typedef char sys_setsockopt_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_setsockopt_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_listen_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } s;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } backlog;
typedef char sys_listen_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_listen_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_43_sys_sigvec_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } signum;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct sigvec * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct sigvec *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct sigvec *)]; struct sigvec * datum; } be; } nsv;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct sigvec * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct sigvec *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct sigvec *)]; struct sigvec * datum; } be; } osv;
typedef char compat_43_sys_sigvec_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_43_sys_sigvec_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_43_sys_sigblock_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } mask;
typedef char compat_43_sys_sigblock_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_43_sys_sigblock_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_43_sys_sigsetmask_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } mask;
typedef char compat_43_sys_sigsetmask_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_43_sys_sigsetmask_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_13_sys_sigsuspend_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } mask;
typedef char compat_13_sys_sigsuspend_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_13_sys_sigsuspend_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_43_sys_sigstack_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { struct sigstack * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct sigstack *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct sigstack *)]; struct sigstack * datum; } be; } nss;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct sigstack * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct sigstack *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct sigstack *)]; struct sigstack * datum; } be; } oss;
typedef char compat_43_sys_sigstack_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_43_sys_sigstack_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_43_sys_recvmsg_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } s;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct omsghdr * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct omsghdr *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct omsghdr *)]; struct omsghdr * datum; } be; } msg;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } flags;
typedef char compat_43_sys_recvmsg_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_43_sys_recvmsg_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_43_sys_sendmsg_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } s;
union { register_t pad; struct { void * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (void *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (void *)]; void * datum; } be; } msg;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } flags;
typedef char compat_43_sys_sendmsg_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_43_sys_sendmsg_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_50_sys_gettimeofday_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { struct timeval50 * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct timeval50 *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct timeval50 *)]; struct timeval50 * datum; } be; } tp;
union { register_t pad; struct { void * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (void *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (void *)]; void * datum; } be; } tzp;
typedef char compat_50_sys_gettimeofday_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_50_sys_gettimeofday_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_50_sys_getrusage_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } who;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct rusage50 * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct rusage50 *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct rusage50 *)]; struct rusage50 * datum; } be; } rusage;
typedef char compat_50_sys_getrusage_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_50_sys_getrusage_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_getsockopt_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } s;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } level;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } name;
union { register_t pad; struct { void * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (void *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (void *)]; void * datum; } be; } val;
union { register_t pad; struct { __socklen_t * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__socklen_t *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__socklen_t *)]; __socklen_t * datum; } be; } avalsize;
typedef char sys_getsockopt_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_getsockopt_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_readv_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } fd;
union { register_t pad; struct { const struct iovec * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const struct iovec *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const struct iovec *)]; const struct iovec * datum; } be; } iovp;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } iovcnt;
typedef char sys_readv_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_readv_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_writev_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } fd;
union { register_t pad; struct { const struct iovec * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const struct iovec *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const struct iovec *)]; const struct iovec * datum; } be; } iovp;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } iovcnt;
typedef char sys_writev_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_writev_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_50_sys_settimeofday_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const struct timeval50 * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const struct timeval50 *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const struct timeval50 *)]; const struct timeval50 * datum; } be; } tv;
union { register_t pad; struct { const void * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const void *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const void *)]; const void * datum; } be; } tzp;
typedef char compat_50_sys_settimeofday_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_50_sys_settimeofday_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_fchown_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } fd;
union { register_t pad; struct { __uid_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__uid_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__uid_t)]; __uid_t datum; } be; } uid;
union { register_t pad; struct { __gid_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__gid_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__gid_t)]; __gid_t datum; } be; } gid;
typedef char sys_fchown_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_fchown_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_fchmod_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } fd;
union { register_t pad; struct { __mode_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__mode_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__mode_t)]; __mode_t datum; } be; } mode;
typedef char sys_fchmod_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_fchmod_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_43_sys_recvfrom_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } s;
union { register_t pad; struct { void * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (void *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (void *)]; void * datum; } be; } buf;
union { register_t pad; struct { size_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (size_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (size_t)]; size_t datum; } be; } len;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } flags;
union { register_t pad; struct { void * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (void *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (void *)]; void * datum; } be; } from;
union { register_t pad; struct { __socklen_t * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__socklen_t *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__socklen_t *)]; __socklen_t * datum; } be; } fromlenaddr;
typedef char compat_43_sys_recvfrom_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_43_sys_recvfrom_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_setreuid_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { __uid_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__uid_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__uid_t)]; __uid_t datum; } be; } ruid;
union { register_t pad; struct { __uid_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__uid_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__uid_t)]; __uid_t datum; } be; } euid;
typedef char sys_setreuid_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_setreuid_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_setregid_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { __gid_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__gid_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__gid_t)]; __gid_t datum; } be; } rgid;
union { register_t pad; struct { __gid_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__gid_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__gid_t)]; __gid_t datum; } be; } egid;
typedef char sys_setregid_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_setregid_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_rename_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } from;
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } to;
typedef char sys_rename_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_rename_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_43_sys_truncate_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } path;
union { register_t pad; struct { long datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (long)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (long)]; long datum; } be; } length;
typedef char compat_43_sys_truncate_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_43_sys_truncate_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_43_sys_ftruncate_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } fd;
union { register_t pad; struct { long datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (long)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (long)]; long datum; } be; } length;
typedef char compat_43_sys_ftruncate_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_43_sys_ftruncate_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_flock_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } fd;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } how;
typedef char sys_flock_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_flock_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_mkfifo_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } path;
union { register_t pad; struct { __mode_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__mode_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__mode_t)]; __mode_t datum; } be; } mode;
typedef char sys_mkfifo_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_mkfifo_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_sendto_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } s;
union { register_t pad; struct { const void * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const void *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const void *)]; const void * datum; } be; } buf;
union { register_t pad; struct { size_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (size_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (size_t)]; size_t datum; } be; } len;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } flags;
union { register_t pad; struct { const struct sockaddr * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const struct sockaddr *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const struct sockaddr *)]; const struct sockaddr * datum; } be; } to;
union { register_t pad; struct { __socklen_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__socklen_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__socklen_t)]; __socklen_t datum; } be; } tolen;
typedef char sys_sendto_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_sendto_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_shutdown_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } s;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } how;
typedef char sys_shutdown_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_shutdown_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_socketpair_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } domain;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } type;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } protocol;
union { register_t pad; struct { int * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int *)]; int * datum; } be; } rsv;
typedef char sys_socketpair_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_socketpair_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_mkdir_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } path;
union { register_t pad; struct { __mode_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__mode_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__mode_t)]; __mode_t datum; } be; } mode;
typedef char sys_mkdir_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_mkdir_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_rmdir_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } path;
typedef char sys_rmdir_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_rmdir_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_50_sys_utimes_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } path;
union { register_t pad; struct { const struct timeval50 * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const struct timeval50 *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const struct timeval50 *)]; const struct timeval50 * datum; } be; } tptr;
typedef char compat_50_sys_utimes_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_50_sys_utimes_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_50_sys_adjtime_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const struct timeval50 * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const struct timeval50 *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const struct timeval50 *)]; const struct timeval50 * datum; } be; } delta;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct timeval50 * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct timeval50 *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct timeval50 *)]; struct timeval50 * datum; } be; } olddelta;
typedef char compat_50_sys_adjtime_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_50_sys_adjtime_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_43_sys_getpeername_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } fdes;
union { register_t pad; struct { void * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (void *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (void *)]; void * datum; } be; } asa;
union { register_t pad; struct { __socklen_t * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__socklen_t *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__socklen_t *)]; __socklen_t * datum; } be; } alen;
typedef char compat_43_sys_getpeername_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_43_sys_getpeername_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_43_sys_sethostid_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { __int32_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__int32_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__int32_t)]; __int32_t datum; } be; } hostid;
typedef char compat_43_sys_sethostid_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_43_sys_sethostid_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_43_sys_getrlimit_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } which;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct orlimit * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct orlimit *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct orlimit *)]; struct orlimit * datum; } be; } rlp;
typedef char compat_43_sys_getrlimit_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_43_sys_getrlimit_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_43_sys_setrlimit_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } which;
union { register_t pad; struct { const struct orlimit * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const struct orlimit *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const struct orlimit *)]; const struct orlimit * datum; } be; } rlp;
typedef char compat_43_sys_setrlimit_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_43_sys_setrlimit_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_43_sys_killpg_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } pgid;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } signum;
typedef char compat_43_sys_killpg_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_43_sys_killpg_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_50_sys_quotactl_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } path;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } cmd;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } uid;
union { register_t pad; struct { void * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (void *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (void *)]; void * datum; } be; } arg;
typedef char compat_50_sys_quotactl_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_50_sys_quotactl_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_43_sys_getsockname_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } fdec;
union { register_t pad; struct { void * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (void *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (void *)]; void * datum; } be; } asa;
union { register_t pad; struct { __socklen_t * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__socklen_t *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__socklen_t *)]; __socklen_t * datum; } be; } alen;
typedef char compat_43_sys_getsockname_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_43_sys_getsockname_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_nfssvc_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } flag;
union { register_t pad; struct { void * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (void *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (void *)]; void * datum; } be; } argp;
typedef char sys_nfssvc_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_nfssvc_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_43_sys_getdirentries_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } fd;
union { register_t pad; struct { char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (char *)]; char * datum; } be; } buf;
union { register_t pad; struct { u_int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (u_int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (u_int)]; u_int datum; } be; } count;
union { register_t pad; struct { long * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (long *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (long *)]; long * datum; } be; } basep;
typedef char compat_43_sys_getdirentries_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_43_sys_getdirentries_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_20_sys_statfs_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } path;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct statfs12 * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct statfs12 *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct statfs12 *)]; struct statfs12 * datum; } be; } buf;
typedef char compat_20_sys_statfs_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_20_sys_statfs_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_20_sys_fstatfs_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } fd;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct statfs12 * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct statfs12 *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct statfs12 *)]; struct statfs12 * datum; } be; } buf;
typedef char compat_20_sys_fstatfs_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_20_sys_fstatfs_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_30_sys_getfh_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } fname;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct compat_30_fhandle * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct compat_30_fhandle *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct compat_30_fhandle *)]; struct compat_30_fhandle * datum; } be; } fhp;
typedef char compat_30_sys_getfh_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_30_sys_getfh_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_09_sys_getdomainname_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (char *)]; char * datum; } be; } domainname;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } len;
typedef char compat_09_sys_getdomainname_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_09_sys_getdomainname_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_09_sys_setdomainname_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (char *)]; char * datum; } be; } domainname;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } len;
typedef char compat_09_sys_setdomainname_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_09_sys_setdomainname_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_09_sys_uname_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { struct outsname * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct outsname *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct outsname *)]; struct outsname * datum; } be; } name;
typedef char compat_09_sys_uname_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_09_sys_uname_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_sysarch_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } op;
union { register_t pad; struct { void * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (void *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (void *)]; void * datum; } be; } parms;
typedef char sys_sysarch_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_sysarch_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
# 1066 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct sys_pread_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } fd;
union { register_t pad; struct { void * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (void *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (void *)]; void * datum; } be; } buf;
union { register_t pad; struct { size_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (size_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (size_t)]; size_t datum; } be; } nbyte;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } PAD;
union { register_t pad; struct { __off_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__off_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__off_t)]; __off_t datum; } be; } offset;
typedef char sys_pread_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_pread_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_pwrite_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } fd;
union { register_t pad; struct { const void * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const void *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const void *)]; const void * datum; } be; } buf;
union { register_t pad; struct { size_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (size_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (size_t)]; size_t datum; } be; } nbyte;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } PAD;
union { register_t pad; struct { __off_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__off_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__off_t)]; __off_t datum; } be; } offset;
typedef char sys_pwrite_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_pwrite_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_30_sys_ntp_gettime_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { struct ntptimeval30 * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct ntptimeval30 *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct ntptimeval30 *)]; struct ntptimeval30 * datum; } be; } ntvp;
typedef char compat_30_sys_ntp_gettime_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_30_sys_ntp_gettime_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_ntp_adjtime_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { struct timex * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct timex *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct timex *)]; struct timex * datum; } be; } tp;
typedef char sys_ntp_adjtime_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_ntp_adjtime_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_setgid_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { __gid_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__gid_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__gid_t)]; __gid_t datum; } be; } gid;
typedef char sys_setgid_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_setgid_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_setegid_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { __gid_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__gid_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__gid_t)]; __gid_t datum; } be; } egid;
typedef char sys_setegid_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_setegid_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_seteuid_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { __uid_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__uid_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__uid_t)]; __uid_t datum; } be; } euid;
typedef char sys_seteuid_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_seteuid_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_lfs_bmapv_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { fsid_t * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (fsid_t *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (fsid_t *)]; fsid_t * datum; } be; } fsidp;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct block_info * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct block_info *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct block_info *)]; struct block_info * datum; } be; } blkiov;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } blkcnt;
typedef char sys_lfs_bmapv_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_lfs_bmapv_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_lfs_markv_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { fsid_t * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (fsid_t *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (fsid_t *)]; fsid_t * datum; } be; } fsidp;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct block_info * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct block_info *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct block_info *)]; struct block_info * datum; } be; } blkiov;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } blkcnt;
typedef char sys_lfs_markv_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_lfs_markv_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_lfs_segclean_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { fsid_t * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (fsid_t *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (fsid_t *)]; fsid_t * datum; } be; } fsidp;
union { register_t pad; struct { u_long datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (u_long)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (u_long)]; u_long datum; } be; } segment;
typedef char sys_lfs_segclean_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_lfs_segclean_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_50_sys_lfs_segwait_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { fsid_t * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (fsid_t *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (fsid_t *)]; fsid_t * datum; } be; } fsidp;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct timeval50 * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct timeval50 *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct timeval50 *)]; struct timeval50 * datum; } be; } tv;
typedef char compat_50_sys_lfs_segwait_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_50_sys_lfs_segwait_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_12_sys_stat_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } path;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct stat12 * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct stat12 *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct stat12 *)]; struct stat12 * datum; } be; } ub;
typedef char compat_12_sys_stat_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_12_sys_stat_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_12_sys_fstat_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } fd;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct stat12 * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct stat12 *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct stat12 *)]; struct stat12 * datum; } be; } sb;
typedef char compat_12_sys_fstat_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_12_sys_fstat_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_12_sys_lstat_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } path;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct stat12 * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct stat12 *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct stat12 *)]; struct stat12 * datum; } be; } ub;
typedef char compat_12_sys_lstat_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_12_sys_lstat_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_pathconf_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } path;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } name;
typedef char sys_pathconf_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_pathconf_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_fpathconf_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } fd;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } name;
typedef char sys_fpathconf_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_fpathconf_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_getrlimit_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } which;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct rlimit * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct rlimit *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct rlimit *)]; struct rlimit * datum; } be; } rlp;
typedef char sys_getrlimit_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_getrlimit_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_setrlimit_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } which;
union { register_t pad; struct { const struct rlimit * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const struct rlimit *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const struct rlimit *)]; const struct rlimit * datum; } be; } rlp;
typedef char sys_setrlimit_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_setrlimit_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_12_sys_getdirentries_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } fd;
union { register_t pad; struct { char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (char *)]; char * datum; } be; } buf;
union { register_t pad; struct { u_int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (u_int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (u_int)]; u_int datum; } be; } count;
union { register_t pad; struct { long * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (long *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (long *)]; long * datum; } be; } basep;
typedef char compat_12_sys_getdirentries_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_12_sys_getdirentries_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_mmap_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { void * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (void *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (void *)]; void * datum; } be; } addr;
union { register_t pad; struct { size_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (size_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (size_t)]; size_t datum; } be; } len;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } prot;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } flags;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } fd;
union { register_t pad; struct { long datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (long)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (long)]; long datum; } be; } PAD;
union { register_t pad; struct { __off_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__off_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__off_t)]; __off_t datum; } be; } pos;
typedef char sys_mmap_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_mmap_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys___syscall_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { quad_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (quad_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (quad_t)]; quad_t datum; } be; } code;
union { register_t pad; struct { register_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (register_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (register_t)]; register_t datum; } be; } args[8];
struct sys_lseek_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } fd;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } PAD;
union { register_t pad; struct { __off_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__off_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__off_t)]; __off_t datum; } be; } offset;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } whence;
typedef char sys_lseek_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_lseek_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_truncate_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } path;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } PAD;
union { register_t pad; struct { __off_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__off_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__off_t)]; __off_t datum; } be; } length;
typedef char sys_truncate_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_truncate_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_ftruncate_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } fd;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } PAD;
union { register_t pad; struct { __off_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__off_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__off_t)]; __off_t datum; } be; } length;
typedef char sys_ftruncate_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_ftruncate_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys___sysctl_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const int * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const int *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const int *)]; const int * datum; } be; } name;
union { register_t pad; struct { u_int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (u_int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (u_int)]; u_int datum; } be; } namelen;
union { register_t pad; struct { void * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (void *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (void *)]; void * datum; } be; } old;
union { register_t pad; struct { size_t * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (size_t *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (size_t *)]; size_t * datum; } be; } oldlenp;
union { register_t pad; struct { const void * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const void *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const void *)]; const void * datum; } be; } new;
union { register_t pad; struct { size_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (size_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (size_t)]; size_t datum; } be; } newlen;
typedef char sys___sysctl_check_args[sizeof (struct sys___sysctl_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_mlock_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const void * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const void *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const void *)]; const void * datum; } be; } addr;
union { register_t pad; struct { size_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (size_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (size_t)]; size_t datum; } be; } len;
typedef char sys_mlock_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_mlock_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_munlock_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const void * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const void *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const void *)]; const void * datum; } be; } addr;
union { register_t pad; struct { size_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (size_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (size_t)]; size_t datum; } be; } len;
typedef char sys_munlock_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_munlock_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_undelete_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } path;
typedef char sys_undelete_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_undelete_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_50_sys_futimes_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } fd;
union { register_t pad; struct { const struct timeval50 * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const struct timeval50 *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const struct timeval50 *)]; const struct timeval50 * datum; } be; } tptr;
typedef char compat_50_sys_futimes_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_50_sys_futimes_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_getpgid_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { __pid_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__pid_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__pid_t)]; __pid_t datum; } be; } pid;
typedef char sys_getpgid_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_getpgid_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_reboot_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } opt;
union { register_t pad; struct { char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (char *)]; char * datum; } be; } bootstr;
typedef char sys_reboot_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_reboot_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_poll_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { struct pollfd * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct pollfd *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct pollfd *)]; struct pollfd * datum; } be; } fds;
union { register_t pad; struct { u_int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (u_int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (u_int)]; u_int datum; } be; } nfds;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } timeout;
typedef char sys_poll_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_poll_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_afssys_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { long datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (long)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (long)]; long datum; } be; } id;
union { register_t pad; struct { long datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (long)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (long)]; long datum; } be; } a1;
union { register_t pad; struct { long datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (long)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (long)]; long datum; } be; } a2;
union { register_t pad; struct { long datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (long)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (long)]; long datum; } be; } a3;
union { register_t pad; struct { long datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (long)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (long)]; long datum; } be; } a4;
union { register_t pad; struct { long datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (long)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (long)]; long datum; } be; } a5;
union { register_t pad; struct { long datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (long)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (long)]; long datum; } be; } a6;
typedef char sys_afssys_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_afssys_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_14_sys___semctl_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } semid;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } semnum;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } cmd;
union { register_t pad; struct { union __semun * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (union __semun *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (union __semun *)]; union __semun * datum; } be; } arg;
typedef char compat_14_sys___semctl_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_14_sys___semctl_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_semget_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { key_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (key_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (key_t)]; key_t datum; } be; } key;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } nsems;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } semflg;
typedef char sys_semget_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_semget_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_semop_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } semid;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct sembuf * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct sembuf *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct sembuf *)]; struct sembuf * datum; } be; } sops;
union { register_t pad; struct { size_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (size_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (size_t)]; size_t datum; } be; } nsops;
typedef char sys_semop_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_semop_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_semconfig_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } flag;
typedef char sys_semconfig_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_semconfig_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_14_sys_msgctl_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } msqid;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } cmd;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct msqid_ds14 * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct msqid_ds14 *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct msqid_ds14 *)]; struct msqid_ds14 * datum; } be; } buf;
typedef char compat_14_sys_msgctl_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_14_sys_msgctl_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_msgget_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { key_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (key_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (key_t)]; key_t datum; } be; } key;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } msgflg;
typedef char sys_msgget_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_msgget_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_msgsnd_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } msqid;
union { register_t pad; struct { const void * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const void *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const void *)]; const void * datum; } be; } msgp;
union { register_t pad; struct { size_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (size_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (size_t)]; size_t datum; } be; } msgsz;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } msgflg;
typedef char sys_msgsnd_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_msgsnd_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_msgrcv_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } msqid;
union { register_t pad; struct { void * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (void *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (void *)]; void * datum; } be; } msgp;
union { register_t pad; struct { size_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (size_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (size_t)]; size_t datum; } be; } msgsz;
union { register_t pad; struct { long datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (long)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (long)]; long datum; } be; } msgtyp;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } msgflg;
typedef char sys_msgrcv_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_msgrcv_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_shmat_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } shmid;
union { register_t pad; struct { const void * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const void *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const void *)]; const void * datum; } be; } shmaddr;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } shmflg;
typedef char sys_shmat_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_shmat_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_14_sys_shmctl_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } shmid;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } cmd;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct shmid_ds14 * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct shmid_ds14 *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct shmid_ds14 *)]; struct shmid_ds14 * datum; } be; } buf;
typedef char compat_14_sys_shmctl_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_14_sys_shmctl_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_shmdt_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const void * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const void *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const void *)]; const void * datum; } be; } shmaddr;
typedef char sys_shmdt_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_shmdt_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_shmget_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { key_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (key_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (key_t)]; key_t datum; } be; } key;
union { register_t pad; struct { size_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (size_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (size_t)]; size_t datum; } be; } size;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } shmflg;
typedef char sys_shmget_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_shmget_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_50_sys_clock_gettime_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { clockid_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (clockid_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (clockid_t)]; clockid_t datum; } be; } clock_id;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct timespec50 * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct timespec50 *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct timespec50 *)]; struct timespec50 * datum; } be; } tp;
typedef char compat_50_sys_clock_gettime_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_50_sys_clock_gettime_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_50_sys_clock_settime_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { clockid_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (clockid_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (clockid_t)]; clockid_t datum; } be; } clock_id;
union { register_t pad; struct { const struct timespec50 * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const struct timespec50 *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const struct timespec50 *)]; const struct timespec50 * datum; } be; } tp;
typedef char compat_50_sys_clock_settime_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_50_sys_clock_settime_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_50_sys_clock_getres_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { clockid_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (clockid_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (clockid_t)]; clockid_t datum; } be; } clock_id;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct timespec50 * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct timespec50 *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct timespec50 *)]; struct timespec50 * datum; } be; } tp;
typedef char compat_50_sys_clock_getres_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_50_sys_clock_getres_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_timer_create_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { clockid_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (clockid_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (clockid_t)]; clockid_t datum; } be; } clock_id;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct sigevent * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct sigevent *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct sigevent *)]; struct sigevent * datum; } be; } evp;
union { register_t pad; struct { timer_t * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (timer_t *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (timer_t *)]; timer_t * datum; } be; } timerid;
typedef char sys_timer_create_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_timer_create_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_timer_delete_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { timer_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (timer_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (timer_t)]; timer_t datum; } be; } timerid;
typedef char sys_timer_delete_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_timer_delete_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_50_sys_timer_settime_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { timer_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (timer_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (timer_t)]; timer_t datum; } be; } timerid;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } flags;
union { register_t pad; struct { const struct itimerspec50 * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const struct itimerspec50 *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const struct itimerspec50 *)]; const struct itimerspec50 * datum; } be; } value;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct itimerspec50 * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct itimerspec50 *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct itimerspec50 *)]; struct itimerspec50 * datum; } be; } ovalue;
typedef char compat_50_sys_timer_settime_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_50_sys_timer_settime_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_50_sys_timer_gettime_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { timer_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (timer_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (timer_t)]; timer_t datum; } be; } timerid;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct itimerspec50 * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct itimerspec50 *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct itimerspec50 *)]; struct itimerspec50 * datum; } be; } value;
typedef char compat_50_sys_timer_gettime_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_50_sys_timer_gettime_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_timer_getoverrun_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { timer_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (timer_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (timer_t)]; timer_t datum; } be; } timerid;
typedef char sys_timer_getoverrun_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_timer_getoverrun_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_50_sys_nanosleep_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const struct timespec50 * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const struct timespec50 *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const struct timespec50 *)]; const struct timespec50 * datum; } be; } rqtp;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct timespec50 * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct timespec50 *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct timespec50 *)]; struct timespec50 * datum; } be; } rmtp;
typedef char compat_50_sys_nanosleep_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_50_sys_nanosleep_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_fdatasync_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } fd;
typedef char sys_fdatasync_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_fdatasync_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_mlockall_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } flags;
typedef char sys_mlockall_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_mlockall_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_50_sys___sigtimedwait_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const sigset_t * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const sigset_t *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const sigset_t *)]; const sigset_t * datum; } be; } set;
union { register_t pad; struct { siginfo_t * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (siginfo_t *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (siginfo_t *)]; siginfo_t * datum; } be; } info;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct timespec50 * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct timespec50 *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct timespec50 *)]; struct timespec50 * datum; } be; } timeout;
typedef char compat_50_sys___sigtimedwait_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_50_sys___sigtimedwait_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_sigqueueinfo_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { __pid_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__pid_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__pid_t)]; __pid_t datum; } be; } pid;
union { register_t pad; struct { const siginfo_t * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const siginfo_t *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const siginfo_t *)]; const siginfo_t * datum; } be; } info;
typedef char sys_sigqueueinfo_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_sigqueueinfo_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_modctl_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } cmd;
union { register_t pad; struct { void * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (void *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (void *)]; void * datum; } be; } arg;
typedef char sys_modctl_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_modctl_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys__ksem_init_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { unsigned int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (unsigned int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (unsigned int)]; unsigned int datum; } be; } value;
union { register_t pad; struct { __intptr_t * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__intptr_t *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__intptr_t *)]; __intptr_t * datum; } be; } idp;
typedef char sys__ksem_init_check_args[sizeof (struct sys__ksem_init_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys__ksem_open_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } name;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } oflag;
union { register_t pad; struct { __mode_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__mode_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__mode_t)]; __mode_t datum; } be; } mode;
union { register_t pad; struct { unsigned int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (unsigned int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (unsigned int)]; unsigned int datum; } be; } value;
union { register_t pad; struct { __intptr_t * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__intptr_t *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__intptr_t *)]; __intptr_t * datum; } be; } idp;
typedef char sys__ksem_open_check_args[sizeof (struct sys__ksem_open_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys__ksem_unlink_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } name;
typedef char sys__ksem_unlink_check_args[sizeof (struct sys__ksem_unlink_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys__ksem_close_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { __intptr_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__intptr_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__intptr_t)]; __intptr_t datum; } be; } id;
typedef char sys__ksem_close_check_args[sizeof (struct sys__ksem_close_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys__ksem_post_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { __intptr_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__intptr_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__intptr_t)]; __intptr_t datum; } be; } id;
typedef char sys__ksem_post_check_args[sizeof (struct sys__ksem_post_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys__ksem_wait_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { __intptr_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__intptr_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__intptr_t)]; __intptr_t datum; } be; } id;
typedef char sys__ksem_wait_check_args[sizeof (struct sys__ksem_wait_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys__ksem_trywait_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { __intptr_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__intptr_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__intptr_t)]; __intptr_t datum; } be; } id;
typedef char sys__ksem_trywait_check_args[sizeof (struct sys__ksem_trywait_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys__ksem_getvalue_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { __intptr_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__intptr_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__intptr_t)]; __intptr_t datum; } be; } id;
union { register_t pad; struct { unsigned int * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (unsigned int *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (unsigned int *)]; unsigned int * datum; } be; } value;
typedef char sys__ksem_getvalue_check_args[sizeof (struct sys__ksem_getvalue_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys__ksem_destroy_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { __intptr_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__intptr_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__intptr_t)]; __intptr_t datum; } be; } id;
typedef char sys__ksem_destroy_check_args[sizeof (struct sys__ksem_destroy_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys__ksem_timedwait_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { __intptr_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__intptr_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__intptr_t)]; __intptr_t datum; } be; } id;
union { register_t pad; struct { const struct timespec * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const struct timespec *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const struct timespec *)]; const struct timespec * datum; } be; } abstime;
typedef char sys__ksem_timedwait_check_args[sizeof (struct sys__ksem_timedwait_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_mq_open_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } name;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } oflag;
union { register_t pad; struct { __mode_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__mode_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__mode_t)]; __mode_t datum; } be; } mode;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct mq_attr * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct mq_attr *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct mq_attr *)]; struct mq_attr * datum; } be; } attr;
typedef char sys_mq_open_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_mq_open_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_mq_close_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { mqd_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (mqd_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (mqd_t)]; mqd_t datum; } be; } mqdes;
typedef char sys_mq_close_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_mq_close_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_mq_unlink_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } name;
typedef char sys_mq_unlink_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_mq_unlink_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_mq_getattr_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { mqd_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (mqd_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (mqd_t)]; mqd_t datum; } be; } mqdes;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct mq_attr * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct mq_attr *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct mq_attr *)]; struct mq_attr * datum; } be; } mqstat;
typedef char sys_mq_getattr_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_mq_getattr_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_mq_setattr_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { mqd_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (mqd_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (mqd_t)]; mqd_t datum; } be; } mqdes;
union { register_t pad; struct { const struct mq_attr * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const struct mq_attr *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const struct mq_attr *)]; const struct mq_attr * datum; } be; } mqstat;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct mq_attr * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct mq_attr *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct mq_attr *)]; struct mq_attr * datum; } be; } omqstat;
typedef char sys_mq_setattr_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_mq_setattr_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_mq_notify_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { mqd_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (mqd_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (mqd_t)]; mqd_t datum; } be; } mqdes;
union { register_t pad; struct { const struct sigevent * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const struct sigevent *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const struct sigevent *)]; const struct sigevent * datum; } be; } notification;
typedef char sys_mq_notify_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_mq_notify_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_mq_send_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { mqd_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (mqd_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (mqd_t)]; mqd_t datum; } be; } mqdes;
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } msg_ptr;
union { register_t pad; struct { size_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (size_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (size_t)]; size_t datum; } be; } msg_len;
union { register_t pad; struct { unsigned datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (unsigned)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (unsigned)]; unsigned datum; } be; } msg_prio;
typedef char sys_mq_send_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_mq_send_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_mq_receive_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { mqd_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (mqd_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (mqd_t)]; mqd_t datum; } be; } mqdes;
union { register_t pad; struct { char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (char *)]; char * datum; } be; } msg_ptr;
union { register_t pad; struct { size_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (size_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (size_t)]; size_t datum; } be; } msg_len;
union { register_t pad; struct { unsigned * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (unsigned *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (unsigned *)]; unsigned * datum; } be; } msg_prio;
typedef char sys_mq_receive_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_mq_receive_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_50_sys_mq_timedsend_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { mqd_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (mqd_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (mqd_t)]; mqd_t datum; } be; } mqdes;
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } msg_ptr;
union { register_t pad; struct { size_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (size_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (size_t)]; size_t datum; } be; } msg_len;
union { register_t pad; struct { unsigned datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (unsigned)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (unsigned)]; unsigned datum; } be; } msg_prio;
union { register_t pad; struct { const struct timespec50 * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const struct timespec50 *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const struct timespec50 *)]; const struct timespec50 * datum; } be; } abs_timeout;
typedef char compat_50_sys_mq_timedsend_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_50_sys_mq_timedsend_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_50_sys_mq_timedreceive_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { mqd_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (mqd_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (mqd_t)]; mqd_t datum; } be; } mqdes;
union { register_t pad; struct { char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (char *)]; char * datum; } be; } msg_ptr;
union { register_t pad; struct { size_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (size_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (size_t)]; size_t datum; } be; } msg_len;
union { register_t pad; struct { unsigned * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (unsigned *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (unsigned *)]; unsigned * datum; } be; } msg_prio;
union { register_t pad; struct { const struct timespec50 * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const struct timespec50 *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const struct timespec50 *)]; const struct timespec50 * datum; } be; } abs_timeout;
typedef char compat_50_sys_mq_timedreceive_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_50_sys_mq_timedreceive_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys___posix_rename_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } from;
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } to;
typedef char sys___posix_rename_check_args[sizeof (struct sys___posix_rename_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_swapctl_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } cmd;
union { register_t pad; struct { void * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (void *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (void *)]; void * datum; } be; } arg;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } misc;
typedef char sys_swapctl_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_swapctl_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_30_sys_getdents_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } fd;
union { register_t pad; struct { char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (char *)]; char * datum; } be; } buf;
union { register_t pad; struct { size_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (size_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (size_t)]; size_t datum; } be; } count;
typedef char compat_30_sys_getdents_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_30_sys_getdents_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_minherit_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { void * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (void *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (void *)]; void * datum; } be; } addr;
union { register_t pad; struct { size_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (size_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (size_t)]; size_t datum; } be; } len;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } inherit;
typedef char sys_minherit_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_minherit_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_lchmod_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } path;
union { register_t pad; struct { __mode_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__mode_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__mode_t)]; __mode_t datum; } be; } mode;
typedef char sys_lchmod_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_lchmod_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_lchown_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } path;
union { register_t pad; struct { __uid_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__uid_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__uid_t)]; __uid_t datum; } be; } uid;
union { register_t pad; struct { __gid_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__gid_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__gid_t)]; __gid_t datum; } be; } gid;
typedef char sys_lchown_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_lchown_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_50_sys_lutimes_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } path;
union { register_t pad; struct { const struct timeval50 * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const struct timeval50 *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const struct timeval50 *)]; const struct timeval50 * datum; } be; } tptr;
typedef char compat_50_sys_lutimes_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_50_sys_lutimes_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys___msync13_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { void * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (void *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (void *)]; void * datum; } be; } addr;
union { register_t pad; struct { size_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (size_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (size_t)]; size_t datum; } be; } len;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } flags;
typedef char sys___msync13_check_args[sizeof (struct sys___msync13_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_30_sys___stat13_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } path;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct stat13 * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct stat13 *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct stat13 *)]; struct stat13 * datum; } be; } ub;
typedef char compat_30_sys___stat13_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_30_sys___stat13_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_30_sys___fstat13_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } fd;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct stat13 * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct stat13 *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct stat13 *)]; struct stat13 * datum; } be; } sb;
typedef char compat_30_sys___fstat13_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_30_sys___fstat13_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_30_sys___lstat13_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } path;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct stat13 * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct stat13 *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct stat13 *)]; struct stat13 * datum; } be; } ub;
typedef char compat_30_sys___lstat13_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_30_sys___lstat13_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys___sigaltstack14_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const struct sigaltstack * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const struct sigaltstack *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const struct sigaltstack *)]; const struct sigaltstack * datum; } be; } nss;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct sigaltstack * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct sigaltstack *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct sigaltstack *)]; struct sigaltstack * datum; } be; } oss;
typedef char sys___sigaltstack14_check_args[sizeof (struct sys___sigaltstack14_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys___posix_chown_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } path;
union { register_t pad; struct { __uid_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__uid_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__uid_t)]; __uid_t datum; } be; } uid;
union { register_t pad; struct { __gid_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__gid_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__gid_t)]; __gid_t datum; } be; } gid;
typedef char sys___posix_chown_check_args[sizeof (struct sys___posix_chown_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys___posix_fchown_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } fd;
union { register_t pad; struct { __uid_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__uid_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__uid_t)]; __uid_t datum; } be; } uid;
union { register_t pad; struct { __gid_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__gid_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__gid_t)]; __gid_t datum; } be; } gid;
typedef char sys___posix_fchown_check_args[sizeof (struct sys___posix_fchown_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys___posix_lchown_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } path;
union { register_t pad; struct { __uid_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__uid_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__uid_t)]; __uid_t datum; } be; } uid;
union { register_t pad; struct { __gid_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__gid_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__gid_t)]; __gid_t datum; } be; } gid;
typedef char sys___posix_lchown_check_args[sizeof (struct sys___posix_lchown_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_getsid_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { __pid_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__pid_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__pid_t)]; __pid_t datum; } be; } pid;
typedef char sys_getsid_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_getsid_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys___clone_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } flags;
union { register_t pad; struct { void * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (void *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (void *)]; void * datum; } be; } stack;
typedef char sys___clone_check_args[sizeof (struct sys___clone_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_fktrace_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } fd;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } ops;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } facs;
union { register_t pad; struct { __pid_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__pid_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__pid_t)]; __pid_t datum; } be; } pid;
typedef char sys_fktrace_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_fktrace_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_preadv_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } fd;
union { register_t pad; struct { const struct iovec * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const struct iovec *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const struct iovec *)]; const struct iovec * datum; } be; } iovp;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } iovcnt;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } PAD;
union { register_t pad; struct { __off_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__off_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__off_t)]; __off_t datum; } be; } offset;
typedef char sys_preadv_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_preadv_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_pwritev_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } fd;
union { register_t pad; struct { const struct iovec * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const struct iovec *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const struct iovec *)]; const struct iovec * datum; } be; } iovp;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } iovcnt;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } PAD;
union { register_t pad; struct { __off_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__off_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__off_t)]; __off_t datum; } be; } offset;
typedef char sys_pwritev_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_pwritev_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_16_sys___sigaction14_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } signum;
union { register_t pad; struct { const struct sigaction * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const struct sigaction *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const struct sigaction *)]; const struct sigaction * datum; } be; } nsa;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct sigaction * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct sigaction *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct sigaction *)]; struct sigaction * datum; } be; } osa;
typedef char compat_16_sys___sigaction14_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_16_sys___sigaction14_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys___sigpending14_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { sigset_t * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (sigset_t *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (sigset_t *)]; sigset_t * datum; } be; } set;
typedef char sys___sigpending14_check_args[sizeof (struct sys___sigpending14_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys___sigprocmask14_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } how;
union { register_t pad; struct { const sigset_t * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const sigset_t *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const sigset_t *)]; const sigset_t * datum; } be; } set;
union { register_t pad; struct { sigset_t * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (sigset_t *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (sigset_t *)]; sigset_t * datum; } be; } oset;
typedef char sys___sigprocmask14_check_args[sizeof (struct sys___sigprocmask14_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys___sigsuspend14_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const sigset_t * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const sigset_t *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const sigset_t *)]; const sigset_t * datum; } be; } set;
typedef char sys___sigsuspend14_check_args[sizeof (struct sys___sigsuspend14_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_16_sys___sigreturn14_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { struct sigcontext * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct sigcontext *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct sigcontext *)]; struct sigcontext * datum; } be; } sigcntxp;
typedef char compat_16_sys___sigreturn14_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_16_sys___sigreturn14_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys___getcwd_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (char *)]; char * datum; } be; } bufp;
union { register_t pad; struct { size_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (size_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (size_t)]; size_t datum; } be; } length;
typedef char sys___getcwd_check_args[sizeof (struct sys___getcwd_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_fchroot_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } fd;
typedef char sys_fchroot_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_fchroot_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_30_sys_fhopen_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const struct compat_30_fhandle * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const struct compat_30_fhandle *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const struct compat_30_fhandle *)]; const struct compat_30_fhandle * datum; } be; } fhp;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } flags;
typedef char compat_30_sys_fhopen_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_30_sys_fhopen_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_30_sys_fhstat_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const struct compat_30_fhandle * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const struct compat_30_fhandle *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const struct compat_30_fhandle *)]; const struct compat_30_fhandle * datum; } be; } fhp;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct stat13 * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct stat13 *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct stat13 *)]; struct stat13 * datum; } be; } sb;
typedef char compat_30_sys_fhstat_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_30_sys_fhstat_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_20_sys_fhstatfs_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const struct compat_30_fhandle * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const struct compat_30_fhandle *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const struct compat_30_fhandle *)]; const struct compat_30_fhandle * datum; } be; } fhp;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct statfs12 * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct statfs12 *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct statfs12 *)]; struct statfs12 * datum; } be; } buf;
typedef char compat_20_sys_fhstatfs_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_20_sys_fhstatfs_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_50_sys_____semctl13_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } semid;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } semnum;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } cmd;
union { register_t pad; struct { union __semun * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (union __semun *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (union __semun *)]; union __semun * datum; } be; } arg;
typedef char compat_50_sys_____semctl13_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_50_sys_____semctl13_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_50_sys___msgctl13_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } msqid;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } cmd;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct msqid_ds * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct msqid_ds *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct msqid_ds *)]; struct msqid_ds * datum; } be; } buf;
typedef char compat_50_sys___msgctl13_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_50_sys___msgctl13_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_50_sys___shmctl13_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } shmid;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } cmd;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct shmid_ds13 * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct shmid_ds13 *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct shmid_ds13 *)]; struct shmid_ds13 * datum; } be; } buf;
typedef char compat_50_sys___shmctl13_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_50_sys___shmctl13_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_lchflags_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } path;
union { register_t pad; struct { u_long datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (u_long)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (u_long)]; u_long datum; } be; } flags;
typedef char sys_lchflags_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_lchflags_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_utrace_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } label;
union { register_t pad; struct { void * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (void *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (void *)]; void * datum; } be; } addr;
union { register_t pad; struct { size_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (size_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (size_t)]; size_t datum; } be; } len;
typedef char sys_utrace_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_utrace_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_getcontext_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { struct __ucontext * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct __ucontext *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct __ucontext *)]; struct __ucontext * datum; } be; } ucp;
typedef char sys_getcontext_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_getcontext_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_setcontext_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const struct __ucontext * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const struct __ucontext *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const struct __ucontext *)]; const struct __ucontext * datum; } be; } ucp;
typedef char sys_setcontext_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_setcontext_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys__lwp_create_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const struct __ucontext * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const struct __ucontext *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const struct __ucontext *)]; const struct __ucontext * datum; } be; } ucp;
union { register_t pad; struct { u_long datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (u_long)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (u_long)]; u_long datum; } be; } flags;
union { register_t pad; struct { lwpid_t * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (lwpid_t *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (lwpid_t *)]; lwpid_t * datum; } be; } new_lwp;
typedef char sys__lwp_create_check_args[sizeof (struct sys__lwp_create_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys__lwp_wait_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { lwpid_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (lwpid_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (lwpid_t)]; lwpid_t datum; } be; } wait_for;
union { register_t pad; struct { lwpid_t * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (lwpid_t *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (lwpid_t *)]; lwpid_t * datum; } be; } departed;
typedef char sys__lwp_wait_check_args[sizeof (struct sys__lwp_wait_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys__lwp_suspend_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { lwpid_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (lwpid_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (lwpid_t)]; lwpid_t datum; } be; } target;
typedef char sys__lwp_suspend_check_args[sizeof (struct sys__lwp_suspend_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys__lwp_continue_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { lwpid_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (lwpid_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (lwpid_t)]; lwpid_t datum; } be; } target;
typedef char sys__lwp_continue_check_args[sizeof (struct sys__lwp_continue_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys__lwp_wakeup_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { lwpid_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (lwpid_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (lwpid_t)]; lwpid_t datum; } be; } target;
typedef char sys__lwp_wakeup_check_args[sizeof (struct sys__lwp_wakeup_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys__lwp_setprivate_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { void * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (void *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (void *)]; void * datum; } be; } ptr;
typedef char sys__lwp_setprivate_check_args[sizeof (struct sys__lwp_setprivate_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys__lwp_kill_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { lwpid_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (lwpid_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (lwpid_t)]; lwpid_t datum; } be; } target;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } signo;
typedef char sys__lwp_kill_check_args[sizeof (struct sys__lwp_kill_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys__lwp_detach_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { lwpid_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (lwpid_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (lwpid_t)]; lwpid_t datum; } be; } target;
typedef char sys__lwp_detach_check_args[sizeof (struct sys__lwp_detach_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_50_sys__lwp_park_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const struct timespec50 * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const struct timespec50 *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const struct timespec50 *)]; const struct timespec50 * datum; } be; } ts;
union { register_t pad; struct { lwpid_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (lwpid_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (lwpid_t)]; lwpid_t datum; } be; } unpark;
union { register_t pad; struct { const void * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const void *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const void *)]; const void * datum; } be; } hint;
union { register_t pad; struct { const void * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const void *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const void *)]; const void * datum; } be; } unparkhint;
typedef char compat_50_sys__lwp_park_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_50_sys__lwp_park_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys__lwp_unpark_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { lwpid_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (lwpid_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (lwpid_t)]; lwpid_t datum; } be; } target;
union { register_t pad; struct { const void * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const void *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const void *)]; const void * datum; } be; } hint;
typedef char sys__lwp_unpark_check_args[sizeof (struct sys__lwp_unpark_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys__lwp_unpark_all_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const lwpid_t * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const lwpid_t *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const lwpid_t *)]; const lwpid_t * datum; } be; } targets;
union { register_t pad; struct { size_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (size_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (size_t)]; size_t datum; } be; } ntargets;
union { register_t pad; struct { const void * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const void *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const void *)]; const void * datum; } be; } hint;
typedef char sys__lwp_unpark_all_check_args[sizeof (struct sys__lwp_unpark_all_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys__lwp_setname_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { lwpid_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (lwpid_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (lwpid_t)]; lwpid_t datum; } be; } target;
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } name;
typedef char sys__lwp_setname_check_args[sizeof (struct sys__lwp_setname_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys__lwp_getname_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { lwpid_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (lwpid_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (lwpid_t)]; lwpid_t datum; } be; } target;
union { register_t pad; struct { char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (char *)]; char * datum; } be; } name;
union { register_t pad; struct { size_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (size_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (size_t)]; size_t datum; } be; } len;
typedef char sys__lwp_getname_check_args[sizeof (struct sys__lwp_getname_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys__lwp_ctl_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } features;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct lwpctl ** datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct lwpctl **)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct lwpctl **)]; struct lwpctl ** datum; } be; } address;
typedef char sys__lwp_ctl_check_args[sizeof (struct sys__lwp_ctl_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_60_sys_sa_register_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { void * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (void *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (void *)]; void * datum; } be; } new;
union { register_t pad; struct { void ** datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (void **)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (void **)]; void ** datum; } be; } old;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } flags;
union { register_t pad; struct { ssize_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (ssize_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (ssize_t)]; ssize_t datum; } be; } stackinfo_offset;
typedef char compat_60_sys_sa_register_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_60_sys_sa_register_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_60_sys_sa_stacks_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } num;
union { register_t pad; struct { stack_t * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (stack_t *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (stack_t *)]; stack_t * datum; } be; } stacks;
typedef char compat_60_sys_sa_stacks_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_60_sys_sa_stacks_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_60_sys_sa_setconcurrency_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } concurrency;
typedef char compat_60_sys_sa_setconcurrency_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_60_sys_sa_setconcurrency_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_60_sys_sa_preempt_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } sa_id;
typedef char compat_60_sys_sa_preempt_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_60_sys_sa_preempt_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys___sigaction_sigtramp_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } signum;
union { register_t pad; struct { const struct sigaction * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const struct sigaction *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const struct sigaction *)]; const struct sigaction * datum; } be; } nsa;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct sigaction * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct sigaction *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct sigaction *)]; struct sigaction * datum; } be; } osa;
union { register_t pad; struct { const void * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const void *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const void *)]; const void * datum; } be; } tramp;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } vers;
typedef char sys___sigaction_sigtramp_check_args[sizeof (struct sys___sigaction_sigtramp_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_pmc_get_info_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } ctr;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } op;
union { register_t pad; struct { void * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (void *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (void *)]; void * datum; } be; } args;
typedef char sys_pmc_get_info_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_pmc_get_info_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_pmc_control_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } ctr;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } op;
union { register_t pad; struct { void * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (void *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (void *)]; void * datum; } be; } args;
typedef char sys_pmc_control_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_pmc_control_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_rasctl_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { void * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (void *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (void *)]; void * datum; } be; } addr;
union { register_t pad; struct { size_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (size_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (size_t)]; size_t datum; } be; } len;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } op;
typedef char sys_rasctl_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_rasctl_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_50_sys_kevent_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } fd;
union { register_t pad; struct { const struct kevent * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const struct kevent *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const struct kevent *)]; const struct kevent * datum; } be; } changelist;
union { register_t pad; struct { size_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (size_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (size_t)]; size_t datum; } be; } nchanges;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct kevent * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct kevent *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct kevent *)]; struct kevent * datum; } be; } eventlist;
union { register_t pad; struct { size_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (size_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (size_t)]; size_t datum; } be; } nevents;
union { register_t pad; struct { const struct timespec50 * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const struct timespec50 *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const struct timespec50 *)]; const struct timespec50 * datum; } be; } timeout;
typedef char compat_50_sys_kevent_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_50_sys_kevent_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys__sched_setparam_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { __pid_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__pid_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__pid_t)]; __pid_t datum; } be; } pid;
union { register_t pad; struct { lwpid_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (lwpid_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (lwpid_t)]; lwpid_t datum; } be; } lid;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } policy;
union { register_t pad; struct { const struct sched_param * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const struct sched_param *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const struct sched_param *)]; const struct sched_param * datum; } be; } params;
typedef char sys__sched_setparam_check_args[sizeof (struct sys__sched_setparam_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys__sched_getparam_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { __pid_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__pid_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__pid_t)]; __pid_t datum; } be; } pid;
union { register_t pad; struct { lwpid_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (lwpid_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (lwpid_t)]; lwpid_t datum; } be; } lid;
union { register_t pad; struct { int * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int *)]; int * datum; } be; } policy;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct sched_param * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct sched_param *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct sched_param *)]; struct sched_param * datum; } be; } params;
typedef char sys__sched_getparam_check_args[sizeof (struct sys__sched_getparam_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys__sched_setaffinity_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { __pid_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__pid_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__pid_t)]; __pid_t datum; } be; } pid;
union { register_t pad; struct { lwpid_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (lwpid_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (lwpid_t)]; lwpid_t datum; } be; } lid;
union { register_t pad; struct { size_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (size_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (size_t)]; size_t datum; } be; } size;
union { register_t pad; struct { const cpuset_t * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const cpuset_t *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const cpuset_t *)]; const cpuset_t * datum; } be; } cpuset;
typedef char sys__sched_setaffinity_check_args[sizeof (struct sys__sched_setaffinity_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys__sched_getaffinity_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { __pid_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__pid_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__pid_t)]; __pid_t datum; } be; } pid;
union { register_t pad; struct { lwpid_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (lwpid_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (lwpid_t)]; lwpid_t datum; } be; } lid;
union { register_t pad; struct { size_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (size_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (size_t)]; size_t datum; } be; } size;
union { register_t pad; struct { cpuset_t * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (cpuset_t *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (cpuset_t *)]; cpuset_t * datum; } be; } cpuset;
typedef char sys__sched_getaffinity_check_args[sizeof (struct sys__sched_getaffinity_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_fsync_range_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } fd;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } flags;
union { register_t pad; struct { __off_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__off_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__off_t)]; __off_t datum; } be; } start;
union { register_t pad; struct { __off_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__off_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__off_t)]; __off_t datum; } be; } length;
typedef char sys_fsync_range_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_fsync_range_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_uuidgen_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { struct uuid * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct uuid *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct uuid *)]; struct uuid * datum; } be; } store;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } count;
typedef char sys_uuidgen_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_uuidgen_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_getvfsstat_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { struct statvfs * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct statvfs *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct statvfs *)]; struct statvfs * datum; } be; } buf;
union { register_t pad; struct { size_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (size_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (size_t)]; size_t datum; } be; } bufsize;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } flags;
typedef char sys_getvfsstat_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_getvfsstat_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_statvfs1_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } path;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct statvfs * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct statvfs *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct statvfs *)]; struct statvfs * datum; } be; } buf;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } flags;
typedef char sys_statvfs1_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_statvfs1_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_fstatvfs1_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } fd;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct statvfs * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct statvfs *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct statvfs *)]; struct statvfs * datum; } be; } buf;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } flags;
typedef char sys_fstatvfs1_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_fstatvfs1_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_30_sys_fhstatvfs1_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const struct compat_30_fhandle * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const struct compat_30_fhandle *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const struct compat_30_fhandle *)]; const struct compat_30_fhandle * datum; } be; } fhp;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct statvfs * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct statvfs *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct statvfs *)]; struct statvfs * datum; } be; } buf;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } flags;
typedef char compat_30_sys_fhstatvfs1_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_30_sys_fhstatvfs1_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_extattrctl_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } path;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } cmd;
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } filename;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } attrnamespace;
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } attrname;
typedef char sys_extattrctl_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_extattrctl_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_extattr_set_file_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } path;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } attrnamespace;
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } attrname;
union { register_t pad; struct { const void * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const void *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const void *)]; const void * datum; } be; } data;
union { register_t pad; struct { size_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (size_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (size_t)]; size_t datum; } be; } nbytes;
typedef char sys_extattr_set_file_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_extattr_set_file_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_extattr_get_file_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } path;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } attrnamespace;
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } attrname;
union { register_t pad; struct { void * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (void *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (void *)]; void * datum; } be; } data;
union { register_t pad; struct { size_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (size_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (size_t)]; size_t datum; } be; } nbytes;
typedef char sys_extattr_get_file_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_extattr_get_file_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_extattr_delete_file_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } path;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } attrnamespace;
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } attrname;
typedef char sys_extattr_delete_file_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_extattr_delete_file_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_extattr_set_fd_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } fd;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } attrnamespace;
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } attrname;
union { register_t pad; struct { const void * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const void *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const void *)]; const void * datum; } be; } data;
union { register_t pad; struct { size_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (size_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (size_t)]; size_t datum; } be; } nbytes;
typedef char sys_extattr_set_fd_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_extattr_set_fd_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_extattr_get_fd_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } fd;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } attrnamespace;
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } attrname;
union { register_t pad; struct { void * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (void *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (void *)]; void * datum; } be; } data;
union { register_t pad; struct { size_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (size_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (size_t)]; size_t datum; } be; } nbytes;
typedef char sys_extattr_get_fd_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_extattr_get_fd_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_extattr_delete_fd_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } fd;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } attrnamespace;
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } attrname;
typedef char sys_extattr_delete_fd_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_extattr_delete_fd_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_extattr_set_link_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } path;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } attrnamespace;
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } attrname;
union { register_t pad; struct { const void * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const void *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const void *)]; const void * datum; } be; } data;
union { register_t pad; struct { size_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (size_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (size_t)]; size_t datum; } be; } nbytes;
typedef char sys_extattr_set_link_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_extattr_set_link_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_extattr_get_link_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } path;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } attrnamespace;
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } attrname;
union { register_t pad; struct { void * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (void *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (void *)]; void * datum; } be; } data;
union { register_t pad; struct { size_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (size_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (size_t)]; size_t datum; } be; } nbytes;
typedef char sys_extattr_get_link_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_extattr_get_link_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_extattr_delete_link_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } path;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } attrnamespace;
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } attrname;
typedef char sys_extattr_delete_link_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_extattr_delete_link_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_extattr_list_fd_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } fd;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } attrnamespace;
union { register_t pad; struct { void * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (void *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (void *)]; void * datum; } be; } data;
union { register_t pad; struct { size_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (size_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (size_t)]; size_t datum; } be; } nbytes;
typedef char sys_extattr_list_fd_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_extattr_list_fd_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_extattr_list_file_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } path;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } attrnamespace;
union { register_t pad; struct { void * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (void *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (void *)]; void * datum; } be; } data;
union { register_t pad; struct { size_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (size_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (size_t)]; size_t datum; } be; } nbytes;
typedef char sys_extattr_list_file_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_extattr_list_file_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_extattr_list_link_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } path;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } attrnamespace;
union { register_t pad; struct { void * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (void *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (void *)]; void * datum; } be; } data;
union { register_t pad; struct { size_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (size_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (size_t)]; size_t datum; } be; } nbytes;
typedef char sys_extattr_list_link_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_extattr_list_link_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_50_sys_pselect_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } nd;
union { register_t pad; struct { fd_set * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (fd_set *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (fd_set *)]; fd_set * datum; } be; } in;
union { register_t pad; struct { fd_set * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (fd_set *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (fd_set *)]; fd_set * datum; } be; } ou;
union { register_t pad; struct { fd_set * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (fd_set *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (fd_set *)]; fd_set * datum; } be; } ex;
union { register_t pad; struct { const struct timespec50 * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const struct timespec50 *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const struct timespec50 *)]; const struct timespec50 * datum; } be; } ts;
union { register_t pad; struct { const sigset_t * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const sigset_t *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const sigset_t *)]; const sigset_t * datum; } be; } mask;
typedef char compat_50_sys_pselect_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_50_sys_pselect_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_50_sys_pollts_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { struct pollfd * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct pollfd *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct pollfd *)]; struct pollfd * datum; } be; } fds;
union { register_t pad; struct { u_int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (u_int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (u_int)]; u_int datum; } be; } nfds;
union { register_t pad; struct { const struct timespec50 * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const struct timespec50 *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const struct timespec50 *)]; const struct timespec50 * datum; } be; } ts;
union { register_t pad; struct { const sigset_t * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const sigset_t *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const sigset_t *)]; const sigset_t * datum; } be; } mask;
typedef char compat_50_sys_pollts_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_50_sys_pollts_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_setxattr_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } path;
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } name;
union { register_t pad; struct { const void * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const void *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const void *)]; const void * datum; } be; } value;
union { register_t pad; struct { size_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (size_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (size_t)]; size_t datum; } be; } size;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } flags;
typedef char sys_setxattr_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_setxattr_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_lsetxattr_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } path;
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } name;
union { register_t pad; struct { const void * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const void *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const void *)]; const void * datum; } be; } value;
union { register_t pad; struct { size_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (size_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (size_t)]; size_t datum; } be; } size;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } flags;
typedef char sys_lsetxattr_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_lsetxattr_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_fsetxattr_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } fd;
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } name;
union { register_t pad; struct { const void * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const void *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const void *)]; const void * datum; } be; } value;
union { register_t pad; struct { size_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (size_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (size_t)]; size_t datum; } be; } size;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } flags;
typedef char sys_fsetxattr_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_fsetxattr_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_getxattr_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } path;
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } name;
union { register_t pad; struct { void * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (void *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (void *)]; void * datum; } be; } value;
union { register_t pad; struct { size_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (size_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (size_t)]; size_t datum; } be; } size;
typedef char sys_getxattr_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_getxattr_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_lgetxattr_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } path;
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } name;
union { register_t pad; struct { void * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (void *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (void *)]; void * datum; } be; } value;
union { register_t pad; struct { size_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (size_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (size_t)]; size_t datum; } be; } size;
typedef char sys_lgetxattr_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_lgetxattr_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_fgetxattr_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } fd;
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } name;
union { register_t pad; struct { void * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (void *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (void *)]; void * datum; } be; } value;
union { register_t pad; struct { size_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (size_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (size_t)]; size_t datum; } be; } size;
typedef char sys_fgetxattr_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_fgetxattr_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_listxattr_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } path;
union { register_t pad; struct { char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (char *)]; char * datum; } be; } list;
union { register_t pad; struct { size_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (size_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (size_t)]; size_t datum; } be; } size;
typedef char sys_listxattr_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_listxattr_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_llistxattr_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } path;
union { register_t pad; struct { char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (char *)]; char * datum; } be; } list;
union { register_t pad; struct { size_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (size_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (size_t)]; size_t datum; } be; } size;
typedef char sys_llistxattr_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_llistxattr_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_flistxattr_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } fd;
union { register_t pad; struct { char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (char *)]; char * datum; } be; } list;
union { register_t pad; struct { size_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (size_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (size_t)]; size_t datum; } be; } size;
typedef char sys_flistxattr_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_flistxattr_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_removexattr_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } path;
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } name;
typedef char sys_removexattr_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_removexattr_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_lremovexattr_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } path;
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } name;
typedef char sys_lremovexattr_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_lremovexattr_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_fremovexattr_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } fd;
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } name;
typedef char sys_fremovexattr_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_fremovexattr_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_50_sys___stat30_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } path;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct stat30 * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct stat30 *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct stat30 *)]; struct stat30 * datum; } be; } ub;
typedef char compat_50_sys___stat30_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_50_sys___stat30_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_50_sys___fstat30_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } fd;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct stat30 * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct stat30 *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct stat30 *)]; struct stat30 * datum; } be; } sb;
typedef char compat_50_sys___fstat30_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_50_sys___fstat30_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_50_sys___lstat30_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } path;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct stat30 * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct stat30 *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct stat30 *)]; struct stat30 * datum; } be; } ub;
typedef char compat_50_sys___lstat30_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_50_sys___lstat30_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys___getdents30_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } fd;
union { register_t pad; struct { char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (char *)]; char * datum; } be; } buf;
union { register_t pad; struct { size_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (size_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (size_t)]; size_t datum; } be; } count;
typedef char sys___getdents30_check_args[sizeof (struct sys___getdents30_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_30_sys___fhstat30_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const struct compat_30_fhandle * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const struct compat_30_fhandle *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const struct compat_30_fhandle *)]; const struct compat_30_fhandle * datum; } be; } fhp;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct stat30 * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct stat30 *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct stat30 *)]; struct stat30 * datum; } be; } sb;
typedef char compat_30_sys___fhstat30_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_30_sys___fhstat30_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_50_sys___ntp_gettime30_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { struct ntptimeval50 * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct ntptimeval50 *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct ntptimeval50 *)]; struct ntptimeval50 * datum; } be; } ntvp;
typedef char compat_50_sys___ntp_gettime30_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_50_sys___ntp_gettime30_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys___socket30_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } domain;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } type;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } protocol;
typedef char sys___socket30_check_args[sizeof (struct sys___socket30_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys___getfh30_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } fname;
union { register_t pad; struct { void * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (void *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (void *)]; void * datum; } be; } fhp;
union { register_t pad; struct { size_t * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (size_t *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (size_t *)]; size_t * datum; } be; } fh_size;
typedef char sys___getfh30_check_args[sizeof (struct sys___getfh30_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys___fhopen40_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const void * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const void *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const void *)]; const void * datum; } be; } fhp;
union { register_t pad; struct { size_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (size_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (size_t)]; size_t datum; } be; } fh_size;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } flags;
typedef char sys___fhopen40_check_args[sizeof (struct sys___fhopen40_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys___fhstatvfs140_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const void * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const void *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const void *)]; const void * datum; } be; } fhp;
union { register_t pad; struct { size_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (size_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (size_t)]; size_t datum; } be; } fh_size;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct statvfs * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct statvfs *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct statvfs *)]; struct statvfs * datum; } be; } buf;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } flags;
typedef char sys___fhstatvfs140_check_args[sizeof (struct sys___fhstatvfs140_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_50_sys___fhstat40_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const void * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const void *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const void *)]; const void * datum; } be; } fhp;
union { register_t pad; struct { size_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (size_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (size_t)]; size_t datum; } be; } fh_size;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct stat30 * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct stat30 *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct stat30 *)]; struct stat30 * datum; } be; } sb;
typedef char compat_50_sys___fhstat40_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_50_sys___fhstat40_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_aio_cancel_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } fildes;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct aiocb * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct aiocb *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct aiocb *)]; struct aiocb * datum; } be; } aiocbp;
typedef char sys_aio_cancel_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_aio_cancel_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_aio_error_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const struct aiocb * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const struct aiocb *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const struct aiocb *)]; const struct aiocb * datum; } be; } aiocbp;
typedef char sys_aio_error_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_aio_error_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_aio_fsync_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } op;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct aiocb * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct aiocb *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct aiocb *)]; struct aiocb * datum; } be; } aiocbp;
typedef char sys_aio_fsync_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_aio_fsync_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_aio_read_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { struct aiocb * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct aiocb *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct aiocb *)]; struct aiocb * datum; } be; } aiocbp;
typedef char sys_aio_read_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_aio_read_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_aio_return_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { struct aiocb * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct aiocb *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct aiocb *)]; struct aiocb * datum; } be; } aiocbp;
typedef char sys_aio_return_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_aio_return_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_50_sys_aio_suspend_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const struct aiocb *const * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const struct aiocb *const *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const struct aiocb *const *)]; const struct aiocb *const * datum; } be; } list;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } nent;
union { register_t pad; struct { const struct timespec50 * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const struct timespec50 *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const struct timespec50 *)]; const struct timespec50 * datum; } be; } timeout;
typedef char compat_50_sys_aio_suspend_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_50_sys_aio_suspend_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_aio_write_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { struct aiocb * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct aiocb *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct aiocb *)]; struct aiocb * datum; } be; } aiocbp;
typedef char sys_aio_write_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_aio_write_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_lio_listio_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } mode;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct aiocb *const * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct aiocb *const *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct aiocb *const *)]; struct aiocb *const * datum; } be; } list;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } nent;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct sigevent * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct sigevent *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct sigevent *)]; struct sigevent * datum; } be; } sig;
typedef char sys_lio_listio_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_lio_listio_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys___mount50_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } type;
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } path;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } flags;
union { register_t pad; struct { void * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (void *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (void *)]; void * datum; } be; } data;
union { register_t pad; struct { size_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (size_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (size_t)]; size_t datum; } be; } data_len;
typedef char sys___mount50_check_args[sizeof (struct sys___mount50_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_mremap_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { void * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (void *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (void *)]; void * datum; } be; } old_address;
union { register_t pad; struct { size_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (size_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (size_t)]; size_t datum; } be; } old_size;
union { register_t pad; struct { void * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (void *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (void *)]; void * datum; } be; } new_address;
union { register_t pad; struct { size_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (size_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (size_t)]; size_t datum; } be; } new_size;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } flags;
typedef char sys_mremap_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_mremap_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_pset_create_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { psetid_t * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (psetid_t *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (psetid_t *)]; psetid_t * datum; } be; } psid;
typedef char sys_pset_create_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_pset_create_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_pset_destroy_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { psetid_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (psetid_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (psetid_t)]; psetid_t datum; } be; } psid;
typedef char sys_pset_destroy_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_pset_destroy_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_pset_assign_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { psetid_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (psetid_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (psetid_t)]; psetid_t datum; } be; } psid;
union { register_t pad; struct { cpuid_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (cpuid_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (cpuid_t)]; cpuid_t datum; } be; } cpuid;
union { register_t pad; struct { psetid_t * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (psetid_t *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (psetid_t *)]; psetid_t * datum; } be; } opsid;
typedef char sys_pset_assign_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_pset_assign_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys__pset_bind_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { idtype_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (idtype_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (idtype_t)]; idtype_t datum; } be; } idtype;
union { register_t pad; struct { id_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (id_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (id_t)]; id_t datum; } be; } first_id;
union { register_t pad; struct { id_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (id_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (id_t)]; id_t datum; } be; } second_id;
union { register_t pad; struct { psetid_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (psetid_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (psetid_t)]; psetid_t datum; } be; } psid;
union { register_t pad; struct { psetid_t * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (psetid_t *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (psetid_t *)]; psetid_t * datum; } be; } opsid;
typedef char sys__pset_bind_check_args[sizeof (struct sys__pset_bind_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys___posix_fadvise50_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } fd;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } PAD;
union { register_t pad; struct { __off_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__off_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__off_t)]; __off_t datum; } be; } offset;
union { register_t pad; struct { __off_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__off_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__off_t)]; __off_t datum; } be; } len;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } advice;
typedef char sys___posix_fadvise50_check_args[sizeof (struct sys___posix_fadvise50_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys___select50_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } nd;
union { register_t pad; struct { fd_set * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (fd_set *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (fd_set *)]; fd_set * datum; } be; } in;
union { register_t pad; struct { fd_set * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (fd_set *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (fd_set *)]; fd_set * datum; } be; } ou;
union { register_t pad; struct { fd_set * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (fd_set *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (fd_set *)]; fd_set * datum; } be; } ex;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct timeval * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct timeval *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct timeval *)]; struct timeval * datum; } be; } tv;
typedef char sys___select50_check_args[sizeof (struct sys___select50_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys___gettimeofday50_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { struct timeval * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct timeval *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct timeval *)]; struct timeval * datum; } be; } tp;
union { register_t pad; struct { void * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (void *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (void *)]; void * datum; } be; } tzp;
typedef char sys___gettimeofday50_check_args[sizeof (struct sys___gettimeofday50_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys___settimeofday50_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const struct timeval * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const struct timeval *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const struct timeval *)]; const struct timeval * datum; } be; } tv;
union { register_t pad; struct { const void * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const void *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const void *)]; const void * datum; } be; } tzp;
typedef char sys___settimeofday50_check_args[sizeof (struct sys___settimeofday50_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys___utimes50_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } path;
union { register_t pad; struct { const struct timeval * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const struct timeval *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const struct timeval *)]; const struct timeval * datum; } be; } tptr;
typedef char sys___utimes50_check_args[sizeof (struct sys___utimes50_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys___adjtime50_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const struct timeval * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const struct timeval *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const struct timeval *)]; const struct timeval * datum; } be; } delta;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct timeval * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct timeval *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct timeval *)]; struct timeval * datum; } be; } olddelta;
typedef char sys___adjtime50_check_args[sizeof (struct sys___adjtime50_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys___lfs_segwait50_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { fsid_t * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (fsid_t *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (fsid_t *)]; fsid_t * datum; } be; } fsidp;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct timeval * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct timeval *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct timeval *)]; struct timeval * datum; } be; } tv;
typedef char sys___lfs_segwait50_check_args[sizeof (struct sys___lfs_segwait50_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys___futimes50_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } fd;
union { register_t pad; struct { const struct timeval * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const struct timeval *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const struct timeval *)]; const struct timeval * datum; } be; } tptr;
typedef char sys___futimes50_check_args[sizeof (struct sys___futimes50_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys___lutimes50_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } path;
union { register_t pad; struct { const struct timeval * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const struct timeval *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const struct timeval *)]; const struct timeval * datum; } be; } tptr;
typedef char sys___lutimes50_check_args[sizeof (struct sys___lutimes50_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys___setitimer50_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } which;
union { register_t pad; struct { const struct itimerval * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const struct itimerval *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const struct itimerval *)]; const struct itimerval * datum; } be; } itv;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct itimerval * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct itimerval *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct itimerval *)]; struct itimerval * datum; } be; } oitv;
typedef char sys___setitimer50_check_args[sizeof (struct sys___setitimer50_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys___getitimer50_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } which;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct itimerval * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct itimerval *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct itimerval *)]; struct itimerval * datum; } be; } itv;
typedef char sys___getitimer50_check_args[sizeof (struct sys___getitimer50_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys___clock_gettime50_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { clockid_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (clockid_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (clockid_t)]; clockid_t datum; } be; } clock_id;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct timespec * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct timespec *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct timespec *)]; struct timespec * datum; } be; } tp;
typedef char sys___clock_gettime50_check_args[sizeof (struct sys___clock_gettime50_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys___clock_settime50_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { clockid_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (clockid_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (clockid_t)]; clockid_t datum; } be; } clock_id;
union { register_t pad; struct { const struct timespec * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const struct timespec *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const struct timespec *)]; const struct timespec * datum; } be; } tp;
typedef char sys___clock_settime50_check_args[sizeof (struct sys___clock_settime50_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys___clock_getres50_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { clockid_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (clockid_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (clockid_t)]; clockid_t datum; } be; } clock_id;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct timespec * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct timespec *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct timespec *)]; struct timespec * datum; } be; } tp;
typedef char sys___clock_getres50_check_args[sizeof (struct sys___clock_getres50_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys___nanosleep50_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const struct timespec * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const struct timespec *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const struct timespec *)]; const struct timespec * datum; } be; } rqtp;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct timespec * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct timespec *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct timespec *)]; struct timespec * datum; } be; } rmtp;
typedef char sys___nanosleep50_check_args[sizeof (struct sys___nanosleep50_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_____sigtimedwait50_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const sigset_t * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const sigset_t *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const sigset_t *)]; const sigset_t * datum; } be; } set;
union { register_t pad; struct { siginfo_t * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (siginfo_t *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (siginfo_t *)]; siginfo_t * datum; } be; } info;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct timespec * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct timespec *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct timespec *)]; struct timespec * datum; } be; } timeout;
typedef char sys_____sigtimedwait50_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_____sigtimedwait50_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys___mq_timedsend50_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { mqd_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (mqd_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (mqd_t)]; mqd_t datum; } be; } mqdes;
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } msg_ptr;
union { register_t pad; struct { size_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (size_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (size_t)]; size_t datum; } be; } msg_len;
union { register_t pad; struct { unsigned datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (unsigned)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (unsigned)]; unsigned datum; } be; } msg_prio;
union { register_t pad; struct { const struct timespec * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const struct timespec *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const struct timespec *)]; const struct timespec * datum; } be; } abs_timeout;
typedef char sys___mq_timedsend50_check_args[sizeof (struct sys___mq_timedsend50_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys___mq_timedreceive50_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { mqd_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (mqd_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (mqd_t)]; mqd_t datum; } be; } mqdes;
union { register_t pad; struct { char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (char *)]; char * datum; } be; } msg_ptr;
union { register_t pad; struct { size_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (size_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (size_t)]; size_t datum; } be; } msg_len;
union { register_t pad; struct { unsigned * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (unsigned *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (unsigned *)]; unsigned * datum; } be; } msg_prio;
union { register_t pad; struct { const struct timespec * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const struct timespec *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const struct timespec *)]; const struct timespec * datum; } be; } abs_timeout;
typedef char sys___mq_timedreceive50_check_args[sizeof (struct sys___mq_timedreceive50_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct compat_60_sys__lwp_park_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const struct timespec * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const struct timespec *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const struct timespec *)]; const struct timespec * datum; } be; } ts;
union { register_t pad; struct { lwpid_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (lwpid_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (lwpid_t)]; lwpid_t datum; } be; } unpark;
union { register_t pad; struct { const void * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const void *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const void *)]; const void * datum; } be; } hint;
union { register_t pad; struct { const void * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const void *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const void *)]; const void * datum; } be; } unparkhint;
typedef char compat_60_sys__lwp_park_check_args[sizeof (struct compat_60_sys__lwp_park_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys___kevent50_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } fd;
union { register_t pad; struct { const struct kevent * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const struct kevent *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const struct kevent *)]; const struct kevent * datum; } be; } changelist;
union { register_t pad; struct { size_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (size_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (size_t)]; size_t datum; } be; } nchanges;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct kevent * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct kevent *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct kevent *)]; struct kevent * datum; } be; } eventlist;
union { register_t pad; struct { size_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (size_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (size_t)]; size_t datum; } be; } nevents;
union { register_t pad; struct { const struct timespec * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const struct timespec *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const struct timespec *)]; const struct timespec * datum; } be; } timeout;
typedef char sys___kevent50_check_args[sizeof (struct sys___kevent50_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys___pselect50_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } nd;
union { register_t pad; struct { fd_set * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (fd_set *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (fd_set *)]; fd_set * datum; } be; } in;
union { register_t pad; struct { fd_set * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (fd_set *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (fd_set *)]; fd_set * datum; } be; } ou;
union { register_t pad; struct { fd_set * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (fd_set *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (fd_set *)]; fd_set * datum; } be; } ex;
union { register_t pad; struct { const struct timespec * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const struct timespec *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const struct timespec *)]; const struct timespec * datum; } be; } ts;
union { register_t pad; struct { const sigset_t * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const sigset_t *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const sigset_t *)]; const sigset_t * datum; } be; } mask;
typedef char sys___pselect50_check_args[sizeof (struct sys___pselect50_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys___pollts50_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { struct pollfd * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct pollfd *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct pollfd *)]; struct pollfd * datum; } be; } fds;
union { register_t pad; struct { u_int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (u_int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (u_int)]; u_int datum; } be; } nfds;
union { register_t pad; struct { const struct timespec * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const struct timespec *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const struct timespec *)]; const struct timespec * datum; } be; } ts;
union { register_t pad; struct { const sigset_t * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const sigset_t *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const sigset_t *)]; const sigset_t * datum; } be; } mask;
typedef char sys___pollts50_check_args[sizeof (struct sys___pollts50_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys___aio_suspend50_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const struct aiocb *const * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const struct aiocb *const *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const struct aiocb *const *)]; const struct aiocb *const * datum; } be; } list;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } nent;
union { register_t pad; struct { const struct timespec * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const struct timespec *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const struct timespec *)]; const struct timespec * datum; } be; } timeout;
typedef char sys___aio_suspend50_check_args[sizeof (struct sys___aio_suspend50_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys___stat50_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } path;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct stat * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct stat *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct stat *)]; struct stat * datum; } be; } ub;
typedef char sys___stat50_check_args[sizeof (struct sys___stat50_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys___fstat50_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } fd;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct stat * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct stat *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct stat *)]; struct stat * datum; } be; } sb;
typedef char sys___fstat50_check_args[sizeof (struct sys___fstat50_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys___lstat50_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } path;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct stat * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct stat *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct stat *)]; struct stat * datum; } be; } ub;
typedef char sys___lstat50_check_args[sizeof (struct sys___lstat50_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_____semctl50_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } semid;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } semnum;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } cmd;
union { register_t pad; struct { union __semun * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (union __semun *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (union __semun *)]; union __semun * datum; } be; } arg;
typedef char sys_____semctl50_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_____semctl50_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys___shmctl50_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } shmid;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } cmd;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct shmid_ds * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct shmid_ds *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct shmid_ds *)]; struct shmid_ds * datum; } be; } buf;
typedef char sys___shmctl50_check_args[sizeof (struct sys___shmctl50_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys___msgctl50_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } msqid;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } cmd;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct msqid_ds * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct msqid_ds *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct msqid_ds *)]; struct msqid_ds * datum; } be; } buf;
typedef char sys___msgctl50_check_args[sizeof (struct sys___msgctl50_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys___getrusage50_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } who;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct rusage * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct rusage *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct rusage *)]; struct rusage * datum; } be; } rusage;
typedef char sys___getrusage50_check_args[sizeof (struct sys___getrusage50_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys___timer_settime50_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { timer_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (timer_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (timer_t)]; timer_t datum; } be; } timerid;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } flags;
union { register_t pad; struct { const struct itimerspec * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const struct itimerspec *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const struct itimerspec *)]; const struct itimerspec * datum; } be; } value;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct itimerspec * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct itimerspec *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct itimerspec *)]; struct itimerspec * datum; } be; } ovalue;
typedef char sys___timer_settime50_check_args[sizeof (struct sys___timer_settime50_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys___timer_gettime50_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { timer_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (timer_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (timer_t)]; timer_t datum; } be; } timerid;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct itimerspec * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct itimerspec *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct itimerspec *)]; struct itimerspec * datum; } be; } value;
typedef char sys___timer_gettime50_check_args[sizeof (struct sys___timer_gettime50_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys___ntp_gettime50_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { struct ntptimeval * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct ntptimeval *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct ntptimeval *)]; struct ntptimeval * datum; } be; } ntvp;
typedef char sys___ntp_gettime50_check_args[sizeof (struct sys___ntp_gettime50_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys___wait450_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { __pid_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__pid_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__pid_t)]; __pid_t datum; } be; } pid;
union { register_t pad; struct { int * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int *)]; int * datum; } be; } status;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } options;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct rusage * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct rusage *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct rusage *)]; struct rusage * datum; } be; } rusage;
typedef char sys___wait450_check_args[sizeof (struct sys___wait450_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys___mknod50_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } path;
union { register_t pad; struct { __mode_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__mode_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__mode_t)]; __mode_t datum; } be; } mode;
union { register_t pad; struct { dev_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (dev_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (dev_t)]; dev_t datum; } be; } dev;
typedef char sys___mknod50_check_args[sizeof (struct sys___mknod50_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys___fhstat50_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const void * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const void *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const void *)]; const void * datum; } be; } fhp;
union { register_t pad; struct { size_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (size_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (size_t)]; size_t datum; } be; } fh_size;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct stat * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct stat *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct stat *)]; struct stat * datum; } be; } sb;
typedef char sys___fhstat50_check_args[sizeof (struct sys___fhstat50_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_pipe2_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int *)]; int * datum; } be; } fildes;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } flags;
typedef char sys_pipe2_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_pipe2_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_dup3_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } from;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } to;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } flags;
typedef char sys_dup3_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_dup3_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_kqueue1_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } flags;
typedef char sys_kqueue1_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_kqueue1_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_paccept_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } s;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct sockaddr * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct sockaddr *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct sockaddr *)]; struct sockaddr * datum; } be; } name;
union { register_t pad; struct { __socklen_t * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__socklen_t *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__socklen_t *)]; __socklen_t * datum; } be; } anamelen;
union { register_t pad; struct { const sigset_t * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const sigset_t *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const sigset_t *)]; const sigset_t * datum; } be; } mask;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } flags;
typedef char sys_paccept_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_paccept_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_linkat_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } fd1;
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } name1;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } fd2;
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } name2;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } flags;
typedef char sys_linkat_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_linkat_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_renameat_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } fromfd;
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } from;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } tofd;
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } to;
typedef char sys_renameat_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_renameat_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_mkfifoat_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } fd;
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } path;
union { register_t pad; struct { __mode_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__mode_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__mode_t)]; __mode_t datum; } be; } mode;
typedef char sys_mkfifoat_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_mkfifoat_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_mknodat_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } fd;
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } path;
union { register_t pad; struct { __mode_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__mode_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__mode_t)]; __mode_t datum; } be; } mode;
union { register_t pad; struct { __uint32_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__uint32_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__uint32_t)]; __uint32_t datum; } be; } dev;
typedef char sys_mknodat_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_mknodat_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_mkdirat_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } fd;
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } path;
union { register_t pad; struct { __mode_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__mode_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__mode_t)]; __mode_t datum; } be; } mode;
typedef char sys_mkdirat_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_mkdirat_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_faccessat_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } fd;
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } path;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } amode;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } flag;
typedef char sys_faccessat_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_faccessat_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_fchmodat_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } fd;
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } path;
union { register_t pad; struct { __mode_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__mode_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__mode_t)]; __mode_t datum; } be; } mode;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } flag;
typedef char sys_fchmodat_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_fchmodat_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_fchownat_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } fd;
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } path;
union { register_t pad; struct { __uid_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__uid_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__uid_t)]; __uid_t datum; } be; } owner;
union { register_t pad; struct { __gid_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__gid_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__gid_t)]; __gid_t datum; } be; } group;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } flag;
typedef char sys_fchownat_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_fchownat_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_fexecve_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } fd;
union { register_t pad; struct { char *const * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (char *const *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (char *const *)]; char *const * datum; } be; } argp;
union { register_t pad; struct { char *const * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (char *const *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (char *const *)]; char *const * datum; } be; } envp;
typedef char sys_fexecve_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_fexecve_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_fstatat_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } fd;
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } path;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct stat * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct stat *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct stat *)]; struct stat * datum; } be; } buf;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } flag;
typedef char sys_fstatat_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_fstatat_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_utimensat_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } fd;
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } path;
union { register_t pad; struct { const struct timespec * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const struct timespec *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const struct timespec *)]; const struct timespec * datum; } be; } tptr;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } flag;
typedef char sys_utimensat_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_utimensat_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_openat_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } fd;
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } path;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } oflags;
union { register_t pad; struct { __mode_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__mode_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__mode_t)]; __mode_t datum; } be; } mode;
typedef char sys_openat_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_openat_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_readlinkat_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } fd;
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } path;
union { register_t pad; struct { char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (char *)]; char * datum; } be; } buf;
union { register_t pad; struct { size_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (size_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (size_t)]; size_t datum; } be; } bufsize;
typedef char sys_readlinkat_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_readlinkat_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_symlinkat_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } path1;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } fd;
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } path2;
typedef char sys_symlinkat_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_symlinkat_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_unlinkat_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } fd;
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } path;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } flag;
typedef char sys_unlinkat_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_unlinkat_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_futimens_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } fd;
union { register_t pad; struct { const struct timespec * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const struct timespec *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const struct timespec *)]; const struct timespec * datum; } be; } tptr;
typedef char sys_futimens_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_futimens_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys___quotactl_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } path;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct quotactl_args * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct quotactl_args *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct quotactl_args *)]; struct quotactl_args * datum; } be; } args;
typedef char sys___quotactl_check_args[sizeof (struct sys___quotactl_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_posix_spawn_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { __pid_t * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (__pid_t *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (__pid_t *)]; __pid_t * datum; } be; } pid;
union { register_t pad; struct { const char * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const char *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const char *)]; const char * datum; } be; } path;
union { register_t pad; struct { const struct posix_spawn_file_actions * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const struct posix_spawn_file_actions *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const struct posix_spawn_file_actions *)]; const struct posix_spawn_file_actions * datum; } be; } file_actions;
union { register_t pad; struct { const struct posix_spawnattr * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const struct posix_spawnattr *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const struct posix_spawnattr *)]; const struct posix_spawnattr * datum; } be; } attrp;
union { register_t pad; struct { char *const * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (char *const *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (char *const *)]; char *const * datum; } be; } argv;
union { register_t pad; struct { char *const * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (char *const *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (char *const *)]; char *const * datum; } be; } envp;
typedef char sys_posix_spawn_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_posix_spawn_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_recvmmsg_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } s;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct mmsghdr * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct mmsghdr *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct mmsghdr *)]; struct mmsghdr * datum; } be; } mmsg;
union { register_t pad; struct { unsigned int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (unsigned int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (unsigned int)]; unsigned int datum; } be; } vlen;
union { register_t pad; struct { unsigned int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (unsigned int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (unsigned int)]; unsigned int datum; } be; } flags;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct timespec * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct timespec *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct timespec *)]; struct timespec * datum; } be; } timeout;
typedef char sys_recvmmsg_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_recvmmsg_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_sendmmsg_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } s;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct mmsghdr * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct mmsghdr *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct mmsghdr *)]; struct mmsghdr * datum; } be; } mmsg;
union { register_t pad; struct { unsigned int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (unsigned int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (unsigned int)]; unsigned int datum; } be; } vlen;
union { register_t pad; struct { unsigned int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (unsigned int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (unsigned int)]; unsigned int datum; } be; } flags;
typedef char sys_sendmmsg_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_sendmmsg_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys_clock_nanosleep_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { clockid_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (clockid_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (clockid_t)]; clockid_t datum; } be; } clock_id;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } flags;
union { register_t pad; struct { const struct timespec * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const struct timespec *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const struct timespec *)]; const struct timespec * datum; } be; } rqtp;
union { register_t pad; struct { struct timespec * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (struct timespec *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (struct timespec *)]; struct timespec * datum; } be; } rmtp;
typedef char sys_clock_nanosleep_check_args[sizeof (struct sys_clock_nanosleep_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
struct sys____lwp_park60_args {
union { register_t pad; struct { clockid_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (clockid_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (clockid_t)]; clockid_t datum; } be; } clock_id;
union { register_t pad; struct { int datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (int)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (int)]; int datum; } be; } flags;
union { register_t pad; struct { const struct timespec * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const struct timespec *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const struct timespec *)]; const struct timespec * datum; } be; } ts;
union { register_t pad; struct { lwpid_t datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (lwpid_t)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (lwpid_t)]; lwpid_t datum; } be; } unpark;
union { register_t pad; struct { const void * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const void *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const void *)]; const void * datum; } be; } hint;
union { register_t pad; struct { const void * datum; } le; struct { __int8_t pad[ (sizeof (register_t) < sizeof (const void *)) ? 0 : sizeof (register_t) - sizeof (const void *)]; const void * datum; } be; } unparkhint;
typedef char sys____lwp_park60_check_args[sizeof (struct sys____lwp_park60_args) <= 8 * sizeof (register_t) ? 1 : -1];
int sys_syscall(struct lwp *, const struct sys_syscall_args *, register_t *);
int sys_exit(struct lwp *, const struct sys_exit_args *, register_t *);
int sys_fork(struct lwp *, const void *, register_t *);
int sys_read(struct lwp *, const struct sys_read_args *, register_t *);
int sys_write(struct lwp *, const struct sys_write_args *, register_t *);
int sys_open(struct lwp *, const struct sys_open_args *, register_t *);
int sys_close(struct lwp *, const struct sys_close_args *, register_t *);
int compat_50_sys_wait4(struct lwp *, const struct compat_50_sys_wait4_args *, register_t *);
int compat_43_sys_creat(struct lwp *, const struct compat_43_sys_creat_args *, register_t *);
int sys_link(struct lwp *, const struct sys_link_args *, register_t *);
int sys_unlink(struct lwp *, const struct sys_unlink_args *, register_t *);
int sys_chdir(struct lwp *, const struct sys_chdir_args *, register_t *);
int sys_fchdir(struct lwp *, const struct sys_fchdir_args *, register_t *);
int compat_50_sys_mknod(struct lwp *, const struct compat_50_sys_mknod_args *, register_t *);
int sys_chmod(struct lwp *, const struct sys_chmod_args *, register_t *);
int sys_chown(struct lwp *, const struct sys_chown_args *, register_t *);
int sys_obreak(struct lwp *, const struct sys_obreak_args *, register_t *);
int compat_20_sys_getfsstat(struct lwp *, const struct compat_20_sys_getfsstat_args *, register_t *);
int compat_43_sys_lseek(struct lwp *, const struct compat_43_sys_lseek_args *, register_t *);
int sys_getpid_with_ppid(struct lwp *, const void *, register_t *);
int compat_40_sys_mount(struct lwp *, const struct compat_40_sys_mount_args *, register_t *);
int sys_unmount(struct lwp *, const struct sys_unmount_args *, register_t *);
int sys_setuid(struct lwp *, const struct sys_setuid_args *, register_t *);
int sys_getuid_with_euid(struct lwp *, const void *, register_t *);
int sys_geteuid(struct lwp *, const void *, register_t *);
int sys_ptrace(struct lwp *, const struct sys_ptrace_args *, register_t *);
int sys_recvmsg(struct lwp *, const struct sys_recvmsg_args *, register_t *);
int sys_sendmsg(struct lwp *, const struct sys_sendmsg_args *, register_t *);
int sys_recvfrom(struct lwp *, const struct sys_recvfrom_args *, register_t *);
int sys_accept(struct lwp *, const struct sys_accept_args *, register_t *);
int sys_getpeername(struct lwp *, const struct sys_getpeername_args *, register_t *);
int sys_getsockname(struct lwp *, const struct sys_getsockname_args *, register_t *);
int sys_access(struct lwp *, const struct sys_access_args *, register_t *);
int sys_chflags(struct lwp *, const struct sys_chflags_args *, register_t *);
int sys_fchflags(struct lwp *, const struct sys_fchflags_args *, register_t *);
int sys_sync(struct lwp *, const void *, register_t *);
int sys_kill(struct lwp *, const struct sys_kill_args *, register_t *);
int compat_43_sys_stat(struct lwp *, const struct compat_43_sys_stat_args *, register_t *);
int sys_getppid(struct lwp *, const void *, register_t *);
int compat_43_sys_lstat(struct lwp *, const struct compat_43_sys_lstat_args *, register_t *);
int sys_dup(struct lwp *, const struct sys_dup_args *, register_t *);
int sys_pipe(struct lwp *, const void *, register_t *);
int sys_getegid(struct lwp *, const void *, register_t *);
int sys_profil(struct lwp *, const struct sys_profil_args *, register_t *);
int sys_ktrace(struct lwp *, const struct sys_ktrace_args *, register_t *);
int compat_13_sys_sigaction(struct lwp *, const struct compat_13_sys_sigaction_args *, register_t *);
int sys_getgid_with_egid(struct lwp *, const void *, register_t *);
int compat_13_sys_sigprocmask(struct lwp *, const struct compat_13_sys_sigprocmask_args *, register_t *);
int sys___getlogin(struct lwp *, const struct sys___getlogin_args *, register_t *);
int sys___setlogin(struct lwp *, const struct sys___setlogin_args *, register_t *);
int sys_acct(struct lwp *, const struct sys_acct_args *, register_t *);
int compat_13_sys_sigpending(struct lwp *, const void *, register_t *);
int compat_13_sys_sigaltstack(struct lwp *, const struct compat_13_sys_sigaltstack_args *, register_t *);
int sys_ioctl(struct lwp *, const struct sys_ioctl_args *, register_t *);
int compat_12_sys_reboot(struct lwp *, const struct compat_12_sys_reboot_args *, register_t *);
int sys_revoke(struct lwp *, const struct sys_revoke_args *, register_t *);
int sys_symlink(struct lwp *, const struct sys_symlink_args *, register_t *);
int sys_readlink(struct lwp *, const struct sys_readlink_args *, register_t *);
int sys_execve(struct lwp *, const struct sys_execve_args *, register_t *);
int sys_umask(struct lwp *, const struct sys_umask_args *, register_t *);
int sys_chroot(struct lwp *, const struct sys_chroot_args *, register_t *);
int compat_43_sys_fstat(struct lwp *, const struct compat_43_sys_fstat_args *, register_t *);
int compat_43_sys_getkerninfo(struct lwp *, const struct compat_43_sys_getkerninfo_args *, register_t *);
int compat_43_sys_getpagesize(struct lwp *, const void *, register_t *);
int compat_12_sys_msync(struct lwp *, const struct compat_12_sys_msync_args *, register_t *);
int sys_vfork(struct lwp *, const void *, register_t *);
int sys_sbrk(struct lwp *, const struct sys_sbrk_args *, register_t *);
int sys_sstk(struct lwp *, const struct sys_sstk_args *, register_t *);
int compat_43_sys_mmap(struct lwp *, const struct compat_43_sys_mmap_args *, register_t *);
int sys_ovadvise(struct lwp *, const struct sys_ovadvise_args *, register_t *);
int sys_munmap(struct lwp *, const struct sys_munmap_args *, register_t *);
int sys_mprotect(struct lwp *, const struct sys_mprotect_args *, register_t *);
int sys_madvise(struct lwp *, const struct sys_madvise_args *, register_t *);
int sys_mincore(struct lwp *, const struct sys_mincore_args *, register_t *);
int sys_getgroups(struct lwp *, const struct sys_getgroups_args *, register_t *);
int sys_setgroups(struct lwp *, const struct sys_setgroups_args *, register_t *);
int sys_getpgrp(struct lwp *, const void *, register_t *);
int sys_setpgid(struct lwp *, const struct sys_setpgid_args *, register_t *);
int compat_50_sys_setitimer(struct lwp *, const struct compat_50_sys_setitimer_args *, register_t *);
int compat_43_sys_wait(struct lwp *, const void *, register_t *);
int compat_12_sys_swapon(struct lwp *, const struct compat_12_sys_swapon_args *, register_t *);
int compat_50_sys_getitimer(struct lwp *, const struct compat_50_sys_getitimer_args *, register_t *);
int compat_43_sys_gethostname(struct lwp *, const struct compat_43_sys_gethostname_args *, register_t *);
int compat_43_sys_sethostname(struct lwp *, const struct compat_43_sys_sethostname_args *, register_t *);
int compat_43_sys_getdtablesize(struct lwp *, const void *, register_t *);
int sys_dup2(struct lwp *, const struct sys_dup2_args *, register_t *);
int sys_fcntl(struct lwp *, const struct sys_fcntl_args *, register_t *);
int compat_50_sys_select(struct lwp *, const struct compat_50_sys_select_args *, register_t *);
int sys_fsync(struct lwp *, const struct sys_fsync_args *, register_t *);
int sys_setpriority(struct lwp *, const struct sys_setpriority_args *, register_t *);
int compat_30_sys_socket(struct lwp *, const struct compat_30_sys_socket_args *, register_t *);
int sys_connect(struct lwp *, const struct sys_connect_args *, register_t *);
int compat_43_sys_accept(struct lwp *, const struct compat_43_sys_accept_args *, register_t *);
int sys_getpriority(struct lwp *, const struct sys_getpriority_args *, register_t *);
int compat_43_sys_send(struct lwp *, const struct compat_43_sys_send_args *, register_t *);
int compat_43_sys_recv(struct lwp *, const struct compat_43_sys_recv_args *, register_t *);
int compat_13_sys_sigreturn(struct lwp *, const struct compat_13_sys_sigreturn_args *, register_t *);
int sys_bind(struct lwp *, const struct sys_bind_args *, register_t *);
int sys_setsockopt(struct lwp *, const struct sys_setsockopt_args *, register_t *);
int sys_listen(struct lwp *, const struct sys_listen_args *, register_t *);
int compat_43_sys_sigvec(struct lwp *, const struct compat_43_sys_sigvec_args *, register_t *);
int compat_43_sys_sigblock(struct lwp *, const struct compat_43_sys_sigblock_args *, register_t *);
int compat_43_sys_sigsetmask(struct lwp *, const struct compat_43_sys_sigsetmask_args *, register_t *);
int compat_13_sys_sigsuspend(struct lwp *, const struct compat_13_sys_sigsuspend_args *, register_t *);
int compat_43_sys_sigstack(struct lwp *, const struct compat_43_sys_sigstack_args *, register_t *);
int compat_43_sys_recvmsg(struct lwp *, const struct compat_43_sys_recvmsg_args *, register_t *);
int compat_43_sys_sendmsg(struct lwp *, const struct compat_43_sys_sendmsg_args *, register_t *);
int compat_50_sys_gettimeofday(struct lwp *, const struct compat_50_sys_gettimeofday_args *, register_t *);
int compat_50_sys_getrusage(struct lwp *, const struct compat_50_sys_getrusage_args *, register_t *);
int sys_getsockopt(struct lwp *, const struct sys_getsockopt_args *, register_t *);
int sys_readv(struct lwp *, const struct sys_readv_args *, register_t *);
int sys_writev(struct lwp *, const struct sys_writev_args *, register_t *);
int compat_50_sys_settimeofday(struct lwp *, const struct compat_50_sys_settimeofday_args *, register_t *);
int sys_fchown(struct lwp *, const struct sys_fchown_args *, register_t *);
int sys_fchmod(struct lwp *, const struct sys_fchmod_args *, register_t *);
int compat_43_sys_recvfrom(struct lwp *, const struct compat_43_sys_recvfrom_args *, register_t *);
int sys_setreuid(struct lwp *, const struct sys_setreuid_args *, register_t *);
int sys_setregid(struct lwp *, const struct sys_setregid_args *, register_t *);
int sys_rename(struct lwp *, const struct sys_rename_args *, register_t *);
int compat_43_sys_truncate(struct lwp *, const struct compat_43_sys_truncate_args *, register_t *);
int compat_43_sys_ftruncate(struct lwp *, const struct compat_43_sys_ftruncate_args *, register_t *);
int sys_flock(struct lwp *, const struct sys_flock_args *, register_t *);
int sys_mkfifo(struct lwp *, const struct sys_mkfifo_args *, register_t *);
int sys_sendto(struct lwp *, const struct sys_sendto_args *, register_t *);
int sys_shutdown(struct lwp *, const struct sys_shutdown_args *, register_t *);
int sys_socketpair(struct lwp *, const struct sys_socketpair_args *, register_t *);
int sys_mkdir(struct lwp *, const struct sys_mkdir_args *, register_t *);
int sys_rmdir(struct lwp *, const struct sys_rmdir_args *, register_t *);
int compat_50_sys_utimes(struct lwp *, const struct compat_50_sys_utimes_args *, register_t *);
int compat_50_sys_adjtime(struct lwp *, const struct compat_50_sys_adjtime_args *, register_t *);
int compat_43_sys_getpeername(struct lwp *, const struct compat_43_sys_getpeername_args *, register_t *);
int compat_43_sys_gethostid(struct lwp *, const void *, register_t *);
int compat_43_sys_sethostid(struct lwp *, const struct compat_43_sys_sethostid_args *, register_t *);
int compat_43_sys_getrlimit(struct lwp *, const struct compat_43_sys_getrlimit_args *, register_t *);
int compat_43_sys_setrlimit(struct lwp *, const struct compat_43_sys_setrlimit_args *, register_t *);
int compat_43_sys_killpg(struct lwp *, const struct compat_43_sys_killpg_args *, register_t *);
int sys_setsid(struct lwp *, const void *, register_t *);
int compat_50_sys_quotactl(struct lwp *, const struct compat_50_sys_quotactl_args *, register_t *);
int compat_43_sys_quota(struct lwp *, const void *, register_t *);
int compat_43_sys_getsockname(struct lwp *, const struct compat_43_sys_getsockname_args *, register_t *);
int sys_nfssvc(struct lwp *, const struct sys_nfssvc_args *, register_t *);
int compat_43_sys_getdirentries(struct lwp *, const struct compat_43_sys_getdirentries_args *, register_t *);
int compat_20_sys_statfs(struct lwp *, const struct compat_20_sys_statfs_args *, register_t *);
int compat_20_sys_fstatfs(struct lwp *, const struct compat_20_sys_fstatfs_args *, register_t *);
int compat_30_sys_getfh(struct lwp *, const struct compat_30_sys_getfh_args *, register_t *);
int compat_09_sys_getdomainname(struct lwp *, const struct compat_09_sys_getdomainname_args *, register_t *);
int compat_09_sys_setdomainname(struct lwp *, const struct compat_09_sys_setdomainname_args *, register_t *);
int compat_09_sys_uname(struct lwp *, const struct compat_09_sys_uname_args *, register_t *);
int sys_sysarch(struct lwp *, const struct sys_sysarch_args *, register_t *);
# 3521 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
int sys_pread(struct lwp *, const struct sys_pread_args *, register_t *);
int sys_pwrite(struct lwp *, const struct sys_pwrite_args *, register_t *);
int compat_30_sys_ntp_gettime(struct lwp *, const struct compat_30_sys_ntp_gettime_args *, register_t *);
int sys_ntp_adjtime(struct lwp *, const struct sys_ntp_adjtime_args *, register_t *);
int sys_setgid(struct lwp *, const struct sys_setgid_args *, register_t *);
int sys_setegid(struct lwp *, const struct sys_setegid_args *, register_t *);
int sys_seteuid(struct lwp *, const struct sys_seteuid_args *, register_t *);
int sys_lfs_bmapv(struct lwp *, const struct sys_lfs_bmapv_args *, register_t *);
int sys_lfs_markv(struct lwp *, const struct sys_lfs_markv_args *, register_t *);
int sys_lfs_segclean(struct lwp *, const struct sys_lfs_segclean_args *, register_t *);
int compat_50_sys_lfs_segwait(struct lwp *, const struct compat_50_sys_lfs_segwait_args *, register_t *);
int compat_12_sys_stat(struct lwp *, const struct compat_12_sys_stat_args *, register_t *);
int compat_12_sys_fstat(struct lwp *, const struct compat_12_sys_fstat_args *, register_t *);
int compat_12_sys_lstat(struct lwp *, const struct compat_12_sys_lstat_args *, register_t *);
int sys_pathconf(struct lwp *, const struct sys_pathconf_args *, register_t *);
int sys_fpathconf(struct lwp *, const struct sys_fpathconf_args *, register_t *);
int sys_getrlimit(struct lwp *, const struct sys_getrlimit_args *, register_t *);
int sys_setrlimit(struct lwp *, const struct sys_setrlimit_args *, register_t *);
int compat_12_sys_getdirentries(struct lwp *, const struct compat_12_sys_getdirentries_args *, register_t *);
int sys_mmap(struct lwp *, const struct sys_mmap_args *, register_t *);
int sys___syscall(struct lwp *, const struct sys___syscall_args *, register_t *);
int sys_lseek(struct lwp *, const struct sys_lseek_args *, register_t *);
int sys_truncate(struct lwp *, const struct sys_truncate_args *, register_t *);
int sys_ftruncate(struct lwp *, const struct sys_ftruncate_args *, register_t *);
int sys___sysctl(struct lwp *, const struct sys___sysctl_args *, register_t *);
int sys_mlock(struct lwp *, const struct sys_mlock_args *, register_t *);
int sys_munlock(struct lwp *, const struct sys_munlock_args *, register_t *);
int sys_undelete(struct lwp *, const struct sys_undelete_args *, register_t *);
int compat_50_sys_futimes(struct lwp *, const struct compat_50_sys_futimes_args *, register_t *);
int sys_getpgid(struct lwp *, const struct sys_getpgid_args *, register_t *);
int sys_reboot(struct lwp *, const struct sys_reboot_args *, register_t *);
int sys_poll(struct lwp *, const struct sys_poll_args *, register_t *);
int sys_afssys(struct lwp *, const struct sys_afssys_args *, register_t *);
int compat_14_sys___semctl(struct lwp *, const struct compat_14_sys___semctl_args *, register_t *);
int sys_semget(struct lwp *, const struct sys_semget_args *, register_t *);
int sys_semop(struct lwp *, const struct sys_semop_args *, register_t *);
int sys_semconfig(struct lwp *, const struct sys_semconfig_args *, register_t *);
int compat_14_sys_msgctl(struct lwp *, const struct compat_14_sys_msgctl_args *, register_t *);
int sys_msgget(struct lwp *, const struct sys_msgget_args *, register_t *);
int sys_msgsnd(struct lwp *, const struct sys_msgsnd_args *, register_t *);
int sys_msgrcv(struct lwp *, const struct sys_msgrcv_args *, register_t *);
int sys_shmat(struct lwp *, const struct sys_shmat_args *, register_t *);
int compat_14_sys_shmctl(struct lwp *, const struct compat_14_sys_shmctl_args *, register_t *);
int sys_shmdt(struct lwp *, const struct sys_shmdt_args *, register_t *);
int sys_shmget(struct lwp *, const struct sys_shmget_args *, register_t *);
int compat_50_sys_clock_gettime(struct lwp *, const struct compat_50_sys_clock_gettime_args *, register_t *);
int compat_50_sys_clock_settime(struct lwp *, const struct compat_50_sys_clock_settime_args *, register_t *);
int compat_50_sys_clock_getres(struct lwp *, const struct compat_50_sys_clock_getres_args *, register_t *);
int sys_timer_create(struct lwp *, const struct sys_timer_create_args *, register_t *);
int sys_timer_delete(struct lwp *, const struct sys_timer_delete_args *, register_t *);
int compat_50_sys_timer_settime(struct lwp *, const struct compat_50_sys_timer_settime_args *, register_t *);
int compat_50_sys_timer_gettime(struct lwp *, const struct compat_50_sys_timer_gettime_args *, register_t *);
int sys_timer_getoverrun(struct lwp *, const struct sys_timer_getoverrun_args *, register_t *);
int compat_50_sys_nanosleep(struct lwp *, const struct compat_50_sys_nanosleep_args *, register_t *);
int sys_fdatasync(struct lwp *, const struct sys_fdatasync_args *, register_t *);
int sys_mlockall(struct lwp *, const struct sys_mlockall_args *, register_t *);
int sys_munlockall(struct lwp *, const void *, register_t *);
int compat_50_sys___sigtimedwait(struct lwp *, const struct compat_50_sys___sigtimedwait_args *, register_t *);
int sys_sigqueueinfo(struct lwp *, const struct sys_sigqueueinfo_args *, register_t *);
int sys_modctl(struct lwp *, const struct sys_modctl_args *, register_t *);
int sys__ksem_init(struct lwp *, const struct sys__ksem_init_args *, register_t *);
int sys__ksem_open(struct lwp *, const struct sys__ksem_open_args *, register_t *);
int sys__ksem_unlink(struct lwp *, const struct sys__ksem_unlink_args *, register_t *);
int sys__ksem_close(struct lwp *, const struct sys__ksem_close_args *, register_t *);
int sys__ksem_post(struct lwp *, const struct sys__ksem_post_args *, register_t *);
int sys__ksem_wait(struct lwp *, const struct sys__ksem_wait_args *, register_t *);
int sys__ksem_trywait(struct lwp *, const struct sys__ksem_trywait_args *, register_t *);
int sys__ksem_getvalue(struct lwp *, const struct sys__ksem_getvalue_args *, register_t *);
int sys__ksem_destroy(struct lwp *, const struct sys__ksem_destroy_args *, register_t *);
int sys__ksem_timedwait(struct lwp *, const struct sys__ksem_timedwait_args *, register_t *);
int sys_mq_open(struct lwp *, const struct sys_mq_open_args *, register_t *);
int sys_mq_close(struct lwp *, const struct sys_mq_close_args *, register_t *);
int sys_mq_unlink(struct lwp *, const struct sys_mq_unlink_args *, register_t *);
int sys_mq_getattr(struct lwp *, const struct sys_mq_getattr_args *, register_t *);
int sys_mq_setattr(struct lwp *, const struct sys_mq_setattr_args *, register_t *);
int sys_mq_notify(struct lwp *, const struct sys_mq_notify_args *, register_t *);
int sys_mq_send(struct lwp *, const struct sys_mq_send_args *, register_t *);
int sys_mq_receive(struct lwp *, const struct sys_mq_receive_args *, register_t *);
int compat_50_sys_mq_timedsend(struct lwp *, const struct compat_50_sys_mq_timedsend_args *, register_t *);
int compat_50_sys_mq_timedreceive(struct lwp *, const struct compat_50_sys_mq_timedreceive_args *, register_t *);
int sys___posix_rename(struct lwp *, const struct sys___posix_rename_args *, register_t *);
int sys_swapctl(struct lwp *, const struct sys_swapctl_args *, register_t *);
int compat_30_sys_getdents(struct lwp *, const struct compat_30_sys_getdents_args *, register_t *);
int sys_minherit(struct lwp *, const struct sys_minherit_args *, register_t *);
int sys_lchmod(struct lwp *, const struct sys_lchmod_args *, register_t *);
int sys_lchown(struct lwp *, const struct sys_lchown_args *, register_t *);
int compat_50_sys_lutimes(struct lwp *, const struct compat_50_sys_lutimes_args *, register_t *);
int sys___msync13(struct lwp *, const struct sys___msync13_args *, register_t *);
int compat_30_sys___stat13(struct lwp *, const struct compat_30_sys___stat13_args *, register_t *);
int compat_30_sys___fstat13(struct lwp *, const struct compat_30_sys___fstat13_args *, register_t *);
int compat_30_sys___lstat13(struct lwp *, const struct compat_30_sys___lstat13_args *, register_t *);
int sys___sigaltstack14(struct lwp *, const struct sys___sigaltstack14_args *, register_t *);
int sys___vfork14(struct lwp *, const void *, register_t *);
int sys___posix_chown(struct lwp *, const struct sys___posix_chown_args *, register_t *);
int sys___posix_fchown(struct lwp *, const struct sys___posix_fchown_args *, register_t *);
int sys___posix_lchown(struct lwp *, const struct sys___posix_lchown_args *, register_t *);
int sys_getsid(struct lwp *, const struct sys_getsid_args *, register_t *);
int sys___clone(struct lwp *, const struct sys___clone_args *, register_t *);
int sys_fktrace(struct lwp *, const struct sys_fktrace_args *, register_t *);
int sys_preadv(struct lwp *, const struct sys_preadv_args *, register_t *);
int sys_pwritev(struct lwp *, const struct sys_pwritev_args *, register_t *);
int compat_16_sys___sigaction14(struct lwp *, const struct compat_16_sys___sigaction14_args *, register_t *);
int sys___sigpending14(struct lwp *, const struct sys___sigpending14_args *, register_t *);
int sys___sigprocmask14(struct lwp *, const struct sys___sigprocmask14_args *, register_t *);
int sys___sigsuspend14(struct lwp *, const struct sys___sigsuspend14_args *, register_t *);
int compat_16_sys___sigreturn14(struct lwp *, const struct compat_16_sys___sigreturn14_args *, register_t *);
int sys___getcwd(struct lwp *, const struct sys___getcwd_args *, register_t *);
int sys_fchroot(struct lwp *, const struct sys_fchroot_args *, register_t *);
int compat_30_sys_fhopen(struct lwp *, const struct compat_30_sys_fhopen_args *, register_t *);
int compat_30_sys_fhstat(struct lwp *, const struct compat_30_sys_fhstat_args *, register_t *);
int compat_20_sys_fhstatfs(struct lwp *, const struct compat_20_sys_fhstatfs_args *, register_t *);
int compat_50_sys_____semctl13(struct lwp *, const struct compat_50_sys_____semctl13_args *, register_t *);
int compat_50_sys___msgctl13(struct lwp *, const struct compat_50_sys___msgctl13_args *, register_t *);
int compat_50_sys___shmctl13(struct lwp *, const struct compat_50_sys___shmctl13_args *, register_t *);
int sys_lchflags(struct lwp *, const struct sys_lchflags_args *, register_t *);
int sys_issetugid(struct lwp *, const void *, register_t *);
int sys_utrace(struct lwp *, const struct sys_utrace_args *, register_t *);
int sys_getcontext(struct lwp *, const struct sys_getcontext_args *, register_t *);
int sys_setcontext(struct lwp *, const struct sys_setcontext_args *, register_t *);
int sys__lwp_create(struct lwp *, const struct sys__lwp_create_args *, register_t *);
int sys__lwp_exit(struct lwp *, const void *, register_t *);
int sys__lwp_self(struct lwp *, const void *, register_t *);
int sys__lwp_wait(struct lwp *, const struct sys__lwp_wait_args *, register_t *);
int sys__lwp_suspend(struct lwp *, const struct sys__lwp_suspend_args *, register_t *);
int sys__lwp_continue(struct lwp *, const struct sys__lwp_continue_args *, register_t *);
int sys__lwp_wakeup(struct lwp *, const struct sys__lwp_wakeup_args *, register_t *);
int sys__lwp_getprivate(struct lwp *, const void *, register_t *);
int sys__lwp_setprivate(struct lwp *, const struct sys__lwp_setprivate_args *, register_t *);
int sys__lwp_kill(struct lwp *, const struct sys__lwp_kill_args *, register_t *);
int sys__lwp_detach(struct lwp *, const struct sys__lwp_detach_args *, register_t *);
int compat_50_sys__lwp_park(struct lwp *, const struct compat_50_sys__lwp_park_args *, register_t *);
int sys__lwp_unpark(struct lwp *, const struct sys__lwp_unpark_args *, register_t *);
int sys__lwp_unpark_all(struct lwp *, const struct sys__lwp_unpark_all_args *, register_t *);
int sys__lwp_setname(struct lwp *, const struct sys__lwp_setname_args *, register_t *);
int sys__lwp_getname(struct lwp *, const struct sys__lwp_getname_args *, register_t *);
int sys__lwp_ctl(struct lwp *, const struct sys__lwp_ctl_args *, register_t *);
int compat_60_sys_sa_register(struct lwp *, const struct compat_60_sys_sa_register_args *, register_t *);
int compat_60_sys_sa_stacks(struct lwp *, const struct compat_60_sys_sa_stacks_args *, register_t *);
int compat_60_sys_sa_enable(struct lwp *, const void *, register_t *);
int compat_60_sys_sa_setconcurrency(struct lwp *, const struct compat_60_sys_sa_setconcurrency_args *, register_t *);
int compat_60_sys_sa_yield(struct lwp *, const void *, register_t *);
int compat_60_sys_sa_preempt(struct lwp *, const struct compat_60_sys_sa_preempt_args *, register_t *);
int sys___sigaction_sigtramp(struct lwp *, const struct sys___sigaction_sigtramp_args *, register_t *);
int sys_pmc_get_info(struct lwp *, const struct sys_pmc_get_info_args *, register_t *);
int sys_pmc_control(struct lwp *, const struct sys_pmc_control_args *, register_t *);
int sys_rasctl(struct lwp *, const struct sys_rasctl_args *, register_t *);
int sys_kqueue(struct lwp *, const void *, register_t *);
int compat_50_sys_kevent(struct lwp *, const struct compat_50_sys_kevent_args *, register_t *);
int sys__sched_setparam(struct lwp *, const struct sys__sched_setparam_args *, register_t *);
int sys__sched_getparam(struct lwp *, const struct sys__sched_getparam_args *, register_t *);
int sys__sched_setaffinity(struct lwp *, const struct sys__sched_setaffinity_args *, register_t *);
int sys__sched_getaffinity(struct lwp *, const struct sys__sched_getaffinity_args *, register_t *);
int sys_sched_yield(struct lwp *, const void *, register_t *);
int sys_fsync_range(struct lwp *, const struct sys_fsync_range_args *, register_t *);
int sys_uuidgen(struct lwp *, const struct sys_uuidgen_args *, register_t *);
int sys_getvfsstat(struct lwp *, const struct sys_getvfsstat_args *, register_t *);
int sys_statvfs1(struct lwp *, const struct sys_statvfs1_args *, register_t *);
int sys_fstatvfs1(struct lwp *, const struct sys_fstatvfs1_args *, register_t *);
int compat_30_sys_fhstatvfs1(struct lwp *, const struct compat_30_sys_fhstatvfs1_args *, register_t *);
int sys_extattrctl(struct lwp *, const struct sys_extattrctl_args *, register_t *);
int sys_extattr_set_file(struct lwp *, const struct sys_extattr_set_file_args *, register_t *);
int sys_extattr_get_file(struct lwp *, const struct sys_extattr_get_file_args *, register_t *);
int sys_extattr_delete_file(struct lwp *, const struct sys_extattr_delete_file_args *, register_t *);
int sys_extattr_set_fd(struct lwp *, const struct sys_extattr_set_fd_args *, register_t *);
int sys_extattr_get_fd(struct lwp *, const struct sys_extattr_get_fd_args *, register_t *);
int sys_extattr_delete_fd(struct lwp *, const struct sys_extattr_delete_fd_args *, register_t *);
int sys_extattr_set_link(struct lwp *, const struct sys_extattr_set_link_args *, register_t *);
int sys_extattr_get_link(struct lwp *, const struct sys_extattr_get_link_args *, register_t *);
int sys_extattr_delete_link(struct lwp *, const struct sys_extattr_delete_link_args *, register_t *);
int sys_extattr_list_fd(struct lwp *, const struct sys_extattr_list_fd_args *, register_t *);
int sys_extattr_list_file(struct lwp *, const struct sys_extattr_list_file_args *, register_t *);
int sys_extattr_list_link(struct lwp *, const struct sys_extattr_list_link_args *, register_t *);
int compat_50_sys_pselect(struct lwp *, const struct compat_50_sys_pselect_args *, register_t *);
int compat_50_sys_pollts(struct lwp *, const struct compat_50_sys_pollts_args *, register_t *);
int sys_setxattr(struct lwp *, const struct sys_setxattr_args *, register_t *);
int sys_lsetxattr(struct lwp *, const struct sys_lsetxattr_args *, register_t *);
int sys_fsetxattr(struct lwp *, const struct sys_fsetxattr_args *, register_t *);
int sys_getxattr(struct lwp *, const struct sys_getxattr_args *, register_t *);
int sys_lgetxattr(struct lwp *, const struct sys_lgetxattr_args *, register_t *);
int sys_fgetxattr(struct lwp *, const struct sys_fgetxattr_args *, register_t *);
int sys_listxattr(struct lwp *, const struct sys_listxattr_args *, register_t *);
int sys_llistxattr(struct lwp *, const struct sys_llistxattr_args *, register_t *);
int sys_flistxattr(struct lwp *, const struct sys_flistxattr_args *, register_t *);
int sys_removexattr(struct lwp *, const struct sys_removexattr_args *, register_t *);
int sys_lremovexattr(struct lwp *, const struct sys_lremovexattr_args *, register_t *);
int sys_fremovexattr(struct lwp *, const struct sys_fremovexattr_args *, register_t *);
int compat_50_sys___stat30(struct lwp *, const struct compat_50_sys___stat30_args *, register_t *);
int compat_50_sys___fstat30(struct lwp *, const struct compat_50_sys___fstat30_args *, register_t *);
int compat_50_sys___lstat30(struct lwp *, const struct compat_50_sys___lstat30_args *, register_t *);
int sys___getdents30(struct lwp *, const struct sys___getdents30_args *, register_t *);
int compat_30_sys___fhstat30(struct lwp *, const struct compat_30_sys___fhstat30_args *, register_t *);
int compat_50_sys___ntp_gettime30(struct lwp *, const struct compat_50_sys___ntp_gettime30_args *, register_t *);
int sys___socket30(struct lwp *, const struct sys___socket30_args *, register_t *);
int sys___getfh30(struct lwp *, const struct sys___getfh30_args *, register_t *);
int sys___fhopen40(struct lwp *, const struct sys___fhopen40_args *, register_t *);
int sys___fhstatvfs140(struct lwp *, const struct sys___fhstatvfs140_args *, register_t *);
int compat_50_sys___fhstat40(struct lwp *, const struct compat_50_sys___fhstat40_args *, register_t *);
int sys_aio_cancel(struct lwp *, const struct sys_aio_cancel_args *, register_t *);
int sys_aio_error(struct lwp *, const struct sys_aio_error_args *, register_t *);
int sys_aio_fsync(struct lwp *, const struct sys_aio_fsync_args *, register_t *);
int sys_aio_read(struct lwp *, const struct sys_aio_read_args *, register_t *);
int sys_aio_return(struct lwp *, const struct sys_aio_return_args *, register_t *);
int compat_50_sys_aio_suspend(struct lwp *, const struct compat_50_sys_aio_suspend_args *, register_t *);
int sys_aio_write(struct lwp *, const struct sys_aio_write_args *, register_t *);
int sys_lio_listio(struct lwp *, const struct sys_lio_listio_args *, register_t *);
int sys___mount50(struct lwp *, const struct sys___mount50_args *, register_t *);
int sys_mremap(struct lwp *, const struct sys_mremap_args *, register_t *);
int sys_pset_create(struct lwp *, const struct sys_pset_create_args *, register_t *);
int sys_pset_destroy(struct lwp *, const struct sys_pset_destroy_args *, register_t *);
int sys_pset_assign(struct lwp *, const struct sys_pset_assign_args *, register_t *);
int sys__pset_bind(struct lwp *, const struct sys__pset_bind_args *, register_t *);
int sys___posix_fadvise50(struct lwp *, const struct sys___posix_fadvise50_args *, register_t *);
int sys___select50(struct lwp *, const struct sys___select50_args *, register_t *);
int sys___gettimeofday50(struct lwp *, const struct sys___gettimeofday50_args *, register_t *);
int sys___settimeofday50(struct lwp *, const struct sys___settimeofday50_args *, register_t *);
int sys___utimes50(struct lwp *, const struct sys___utimes50_args *, register_t *);
int sys___adjtime50(struct lwp *, const struct sys___adjtime50_args *, register_t *);
int sys___lfs_segwait50(struct lwp *, const struct sys___lfs_segwait50_args *, register_t *);
int sys___futimes50(struct lwp *, const struct sys___futimes50_args *, register_t *);
int sys___lutimes50(struct lwp *, const struct sys___lutimes50_args *, register_t *);
int sys___setitimer50(struct lwp *, const struct sys___setitimer50_args *, register_t *);
int sys___getitimer50(struct lwp *, const struct sys___getitimer50_args *, register_t *);
int sys___clock_gettime50(struct lwp *, const struct sys___clock_gettime50_args *, register_t *);
int sys___clock_settime50(struct lwp *, const struct sys___clock_settime50_args *, register_t *);
int sys___clock_getres50(struct lwp *, const struct sys___clock_getres50_args *, register_t *);
int sys___nanosleep50(struct lwp *, const struct sys___nanosleep50_args *, register_t *);
int sys_____sigtimedwait50(struct lwp *, const struct sys_____sigtimedwait50_args *, register_t *);
int sys___mq_timedsend50(struct lwp *, const struct sys___mq_timedsend50_args *, register_t *);
int sys___mq_timedreceive50(struct lwp *, const struct sys___mq_timedreceive50_args *, register_t *);
int compat_60_sys__lwp_park(struct lwp *, const struct compat_60_sys__lwp_park_args *, register_t *);
int sys___kevent50(struct lwp *, const struct sys___kevent50_args *, register_t *);
int sys___pselect50(struct lwp *, const struct sys___pselect50_args *, register_t *);
int sys___pollts50(struct lwp *, const struct sys___pollts50_args *, register_t *);
int sys___aio_suspend50(struct lwp *, const struct sys___aio_suspend50_args *, register_t *);
int sys___stat50(struct lwp *, const struct sys___stat50_args *, register_t *);
int sys___fstat50(struct lwp *, const struct sys___fstat50_args *, register_t *);
int sys___lstat50(struct lwp *, const struct sys___lstat50_args *, register_t *);
int sys_____semctl50(struct lwp *, const struct sys_____semctl50_args *, register_t *);
int sys___shmctl50(struct lwp *, const struct sys___shmctl50_args *, register_t *);
int sys___msgctl50(struct lwp *, const struct sys___msgctl50_args *, register_t *);
int sys___getrusage50(struct lwp *, const struct sys___getrusage50_args *, register_t *);
int sys___timer_settime50(struct lwp *, const struct sys___timer_settime50_args *, register_t *);
int sys___timer_gettime50(struct lwp *, const struct sys___timer_gettime50_args *, register_t *);
int sys___ntp_gettime50(struct lwp *, const struct sys___ntp_gettime50_args *, register_t *);
int sys___wait450(struct lwp *, const struct sys___wait450_args *, register_t *);
int sys___mknod50(struct lwp *, const struct sys___mknod50_args *, register_t *);
int sys___fhstat50(struct lwp *, const struct sys___fhstat50_args *, register_t *);
int sys_pipe2(struct lwp *, const struct sys_pipe2_args *, register_t *);
int sys_dup3(struct lwp *, const struct sys_dup3_args *, register_t *);
int sys_kqueue1(struct lwp *, const struct sys_kqueue1_args *, register_t *);
int sys_paccept(struct lwp *, const struct sys_paccept_args *, register_t *);
int sys_linkat(struct lwp *, const struct sys_linkat_args *, register_t *);
int sys_renameat(struct lwp *, const struct sys_renameat_args *, register_t *);
int sys_mkfifoat(struct lwp *, const struct sys_mkfifoat_args *, register_t *);
int sys_mknodat(struct lwp *, const struct sys_mknodat_args *, register_t *);
int sys_mkdirat(struct lwp *, const struct sys_mkdirat_args *, register_t *);
int sys_faccessat(struct lwp *, const struct sys_faccessat_args *, register_t *);
int sys_fchmodat(struct lwp *, const struct sys_fchmodat_args *, register_t *);
int sys_fchownat(struct lwp *, const struct sys_fchownat_args *, register_t *);
int sys_fexecve(struct lwp *, const struct sys_fexecve_args *, register_t *);
int sys_fstatat(struct lwp *, const struct sys_fstatat_args *, register_t *);
int sys_utimensat(struct lwp *, const struct sys_utimensat_args *, register_t *);
int sys_openat(struct lwp *, const struct sys_openat_args *, register_t *);
int sys_readlinkat(struct lwp *, const struct sys_readlinkat_args *, register_t *);
int sys_symlinkat(struct lwp *, const struct sys_symlinkat_args *, register_t *);
int sys_unlinkat(struct lwp *, const struct sys_unlinkat_args *, register_t *);
int sys_futimens(struct lwp *, const struct sys_futimens_args *, register_t *);
int sys___quotactl(struct lwp *, const struct sys___quotactl_args *, register_t *);
int sys_posix_spawn(struct lwp *, const struct sys_posix_spawn_args *, register_t *);
int sys_recvmmsg(struct lwp *, const struct sys_recvmmsg_args *, register_t *);
int sys_sendmmsg(struct lwp *, const struct sys_sendmmsg_args *, register_t *);
int sys_clock_nanosleep(struct lwp *, const struct sys_clock_nanosleep_args *, register_t *);
int sys____lwp_park60(struct lwp *, const struct sys____lwp_park60_args *, register_t *);
# 94 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 38 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct cpu_info;
# 59 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
void cpu_need_resched(struct cpu_info *, int);
# 77 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
void cpu_offline_md(void);
struct lwp *cpu_switchto(struct lwp *, struct lwp *, _Bool);
struct cpu_info *cpu_lookup(u_int);
int cpu_setstate(struct cpu_info *, _Bool);
int cpu_setintr(struct cpu_info *, _Bool);
_Bool cpu_intr_p(void);
_Bool cpu_softintr_p(void);
_Bool cpu_kpreempt_enter(__uintptr_t, int);
void cpu_kpreempt_exit(__uintptr_t);
_Bool cpu_kpreempt_disabled(void);
int cpu_lwp_setprivate(struct lwp *, void *);
void cpu_intr_redistribute(void);
u_int cpu_intr_count(struct cpu_info *);
struct cpuqueue { struct cpu_info *cqh_first; struct cpu_info *cqh_last; };
extern kmutex_t cpu_lock;
extern u_int maxcpus;
extern struct cpuqueue cpu_queue;
extern kcpuset_t *kcpuset_attached;
extern kcpuset_t *kcpuset_running;
static inline u_int
cpu_index(struct cpu_info *ci)
return ci->ci_data.cpu_index;
static inline char *
cpu_name(struct cpu_info *ci)
return ci->ci_data.cpu_name;
# 95 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 71 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 39 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct vm_page;
struct pglist { struct vm_page *tqh_first; struct vm_page * *tqh_last; };
struct pgflist { struct vm_page *lh_first; };
# 51 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct pgflbucket {
struct pgflist pgfl_queues[2];
struct pgfreelist {
struct pgflbucket *pgfl_buckets;
# 72 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 34 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 44 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 44 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
#pragma GCC visibility push(default)
# 44 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
typedef struct rb_node {
struct rb_node *rb_nodes[2];
# 59 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
__uintptr_t rb_info;
# 101 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
} rb_node_t;
# 140 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
typedef signed int (*rbto_compare_nodes_fn)(void *, const void *, const void *);
typedef signed int (*rbto_compare_key_fn)(void *, const void *, const void *);
typedef struct {
rbto_compare_nodes_fn rbto_compare_nodes;
rbto_compare_key_fn rbto_compare_key;
size_t rbto_node_offset;
void *rbto_context;
} rb_tree_ops_t;
typedef struct rb_tree {
struct rb_node *rbt_root;
const rb_tree_ops_t *rbt_ops;
struct rb_node *rbt_minmax[2];
# 166 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
} rb_tree_t;
# 176 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
void rb_tree_init(rb_tree_t *, const rb_tree_ops_t *);
void * rb_tree_insert_node(rb_tree_t *, void *);
void * rb_tree_find_node(rb_tree_t *, const void *);
void * rb_tree_find_node_geq(rb_tree_t *, const void *);
void * rb_tree_find_node_leq(rb_tree_t *, const void *);
void rb_tree_remove_node(rb_tree_t *, void *);
void * rb_tree_iterate(rb_tree_t *, void *, const unsigned int);
# 190 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
#pragma GCC visibility pop
# 190 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 35 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 56 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct uvm_object {
kmutex_t * vmobjlock;
const struct uvm_pagerops *pgops;
struct pglist memq;
int uo_npages;
unsigned uo_refs;
struct rb_tree rb_tree;
struct { struct ubc_map *lh_first; } uo_ubc;
# 85 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
extern const struct uvm_pagerops uvm_vnodeops;
extern const struct uvm_pagerops uvm_deviceops;
extern const struct uvm_pagerops ubc_pager;
extern const struct uvm_pagerops aobj_pager;
# 115 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
extern const rb_tree_ops_t uvm_page_tree_ops;
# 73 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 223 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct buf;
struct core;
struct loadavg;
struct mount;
struct pglist;
struct proc;
struct uio;
struct uvm_object;
struct vm_anon;
struct vmspace;
struct pmap;
struct vnode;
struct simplelock;
struct vm_map_entry;
struct vm_map;
struct vm_page;
struct vmtotal;
# 249 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct uvm_pctparam {
int pct_pct;
int pct_scaled;
int (*pct_check)(struct uvm_pctparam *, int);
struct uvmexp {
int pagesize;
int pagemask;
int pageshift;
int npages;
int free;
int paging;
int wired;
int ncolors;
int colormask;
int zeropages;
int reserve_pagedaemon;
int reserve_kernel;
unsigned anonpages;
unsigned filepages;
unsigned execpages;
int freemin;
int freetarg;
int wiredmax;
int nswapdev;
int swpages;
int swpgavail;
int swpginuse;
int swpgonly;
int nswget;
int _unused_faults;
int _unused_traps;
int _unused_intrs;
int _unused_swtch;
int _unused_softs;
int _unused_syscalls;
int pageins;
int _unused1;
int _unused2;
int pgswapin;
int pgswapout;
int forks;
int forks_ppwait;
int forks_sharevm;
int pga_zerohit;
int pga_zeromiss;
int zeroaborts;
int colorhit;
int colormiss;
int cpuhit;
int cpumiss;
int fltnoram;
int fltnoanon;
int fltpgwait;
int fltpgrele;
int fltrelck;
int fltrelckok;
int fltanget;
int fltanretry;
int fltamcopy;
int fltnamap;
int fltnomap;
int fltlget;
int fltget;
int flt_anon;
int flt_acow;
int flt_obj;
int flt_prcopy;
int flt_przero;
int pdwoke;
int pdrevs;
int _unused3;
int pdfreed;
int pdscans;
int pdanscan;
int pdobscan;
int pdreact;
int pdbusy;
int pdpageouts;
int pdpending;
int pddeact;
int pdreanon;
int pdrefile;
int pdreexec;
struct uvmexp_sysctl {
__int64_t pagesize;
__int64_t pagemask;
__int64_t pageshift;
__int64_t npages;
__int64_t free;
__int64_t active;
__int64_t inactive;
__int64_t paging;
__int64_t wired;
__int64_t zeropages;
__int64_t reserve_pagedaemon;
__int64_t reserve_kernel;
__int64_t freemin;
__int64_t freetarg;
__int64_t inactarg;
__int64_t wiredmax;
__int64_t nswapdev;
__int64_t swpages;
__int64_t swpginuse;
__int64_t swpgonly;
__int64_t nswget;
__int64_t unused1;
__int64_t cpuhit;
__int64_t cpumiss;
__int64_t faults;
__int64_t traps;
__int64_t intrs;
__int64_t swtch;
__int64_t softs;
__int64_t syscalls;
__int64_t pageins;
__int64_t swapins;
__int64_t swapouts;
__int64_t pgswapin;
__int64_t pgswapout;
__int64_t forks;
__int64_t forks_ppwait;
__int64_t forks_sharevm;
__int64_t pga_zerohit;
__int64_t pga_zeromiss;
__int64_t zeroaborts;
__int64_t fltnoram;
__int64_t fltnoanon;
__int64_t fltpgwait;
__int64_t fltpgrele;
__int64_t fltrelck;
__int64_t fltrelckok;
__int64_t fltanget;
__int64_t fltanretry;
__int64_t fltamcopy;
__int64_t fltnamap;
__int64_t fltnomap;
__int64_t fltlget;
__int64_t fltget;
__int64_t flt_anon;
__int64_t flt_acow;
__int64_t flt_obj;
__int64_t flt_prcopy;
__int64_t flt_przero;
__int64_t pdwoke;
__int64_t pdrevs;
__int64_t unused4;
__int64_t pdfreed;
__int64_t pdscans;
__int64_t pdanscan;
__int64_t pdobscan;
__int64_t pdreact;
__int64_t pdbusy;
__int64_t pdpageouts;
__int64_t pdpending;
__int64_t pddeact;
__int64_t anonpages;
__int64_t filepages;
__int64_t execpages;
__int64_t colorhit;
__int64_t colormiss;
__int64_t ncolors;
extern struct uvmexp uvmexp;
extern _Bool vm_page_zero_enable;
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 38 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct vmtotal
__int16_t t_rq;
__int16_t t_dw;
__int16_t t_pw;
__int16_t t_sl;
__int16_t _reserved1;
__int32_t t_vm;
__int32_t t_avm;
__int32_t t_rm;
__int32_t t_arm;
__int32_t t_vmshr;
__int32_t t_avmshr;
__int32_t t_rmshr;
__int32_t t_armshr;
__int32_t t_free;
# 461 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 74 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 1 "./machine/lock.h" 1
# 1 "./x86/lock.h" 1
# 41 "./x86/lock.h"
static __inline int
__SIMPLELOCK_LOCKED_P(__cpu_simple_lock_t *__ptr)
return *__ptr == 1;
static __inline int
__SIMPLELOCK_UNLOCKED_P(__cpu_simple_lock_t *__ptr)
return *__ptr == 0;
static __inline void
__cpu_simple_lock_set(__cpu_simple_lock_t *__ptr)
*__ptr = 1;
static __inline void
__cpu_simple_lock_clear(__cpu_simple_lock_t *__ptr)
*__ptr = 0;
# 80 "./x86/lock.h"
static __inline __attribute__((__unused__)) void __cpu_simple_lock_init(__cpu_simple_lock_t *);
static __inline __attribute__((__unused__)) void __cpu_simple_lock(__cpu_simple_lock_t *);
static __inline __attribute__((__unused__)) int __cpu_simple_lock_try(__cpu_simple_lock_t *);
static __inline __attribute__((__unused__)) void __cpu_simple_unlock(__cpu_simple_lock_t *);
static __inline __attribute__((__unused__)) void
__cpu_simple_lock_init(__cpu_simple_lock_t *lockp)
*lockp = 0;
__asm volatile("":::"memory");
static __inline __attribute__((__unused__)) int
__cpu_simple_lock_try(__cpu_simple_lock_t *lockp)
__uint8_t val;
val = 1;
__asm volatile ("xchgb %0,(%2)" :
"=qQ" (val)
:"0" (val), "r" (lockp));
__asm volatile("":::"memory");
return val == 0;
static __inline __attribute__((__unused__)) void
__cpu_simple_lock(__cpu_simple_lock_t *lockp)
while (!__cpu_simple_lock_try(lockp))
__asm volatile("":::"memory");
# 168 "./x86/lock.h"
static __inline __attribute__((__unused__)) void
__cpu_simple_unlock(__cpu_simple_lock_t *lockp)
__asm volatile("":::"memory");
*lockp = 0;
# 3 "./machine/lock.h" 2
# 75 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 112 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
extern __cpu_simple_lock_t kernel_lock[];
# 463 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 39 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
typedef struct vmem vmem_t;
typedef unsigned int vm_flag_t;
typedef __uintptr_t vmem_addr_t;
typedef size_t vmem_size_t;
typedef int (vmem_import_t)(vmem_t *, vmem_size_t, vm_flag_t, vmem_addr_t *);
typedef void (vmem_release_t)(vmem_t *, vmem_addr_t, vmem_size_t);
typedef int (vmem_ximport_t)(vmem_t *, vmem_size_t, vmem_size_t *,
vm_flag_t, vmem_addr_t *);
extern vmem_t *kmem_arena;
extern vmem_t *kmem_meta_arena;
extern vmem_t *kmem_va_arena;
void vmem_subsystem_init(vmem_t *vm);
vmem_t *vmem_create(const char *, vmem_addr_t, vmem_size_t, vmem_size_t,
vmem_import_t *, vmem_release_t *, vmem_t *, vmem_size_t,
vm_flag_t, int);
vmem_t *vmem_xcreate(const char *, vmem_addr_t, vmem_size_t, vmem_size_t,
vmem_ximport_t *, vmem_release_t *, vmem_t *, vmem_size_t,
vm_flag_t, int);
vmem_t *vmem_init(vmem_t *, const char *, vmem_addr_t, vmem_size_t, vmem_size_t,
vmem_import_t *, vmem_release_t *, vmem_t *, vmem_size_t,
vm_flag_t, int);
void vmem_destroy(vmem_t *);
int vmem_alloc(vmem_t *, vmem_size_t, vm_flag_t, vmem_addr_t *);
void vmem_free(vmem_t *, vmem_addr_t, vmem_size_t);
int vmem_xalloc(vmem_t *, vmem_size_t, vmem_size_t, vmem_size_t,
vmem_size_t, vmem_addr_t, vmem_addr_t, vm_flag_t, vmem_addr_t *);
void vmem_xfree(vmem_t *, vmem_addr_t, vmem_size_t);
int vmem_add(vmem_t *, vmem_addr_t, vmem_size_t, vm_flag_t);
vmem_size_t vmem_roundup_size(vmem_t *, vmem_size_t);
vmem_size_t vmem_size(vmem_t *, int typemask);
void vmem_rehash_start(void);
void vmem_whatis(__uintptr_t, void (*)(const char *, ...) __attribute__((__format__ (__printf__, 1, 2))));
void vmem_print(__uintptr_t, const char *, void (*)(const char *, ...)
__attribute__((__format__ (__printf__, 1, 2))));
void vmem_printall(const char *, void (*)(const char *, ...)
__attribute__((__format__ (__printf__, 1, 2))));
# 465 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 76 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
typedef int vm_prot_t;
# 468 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 71 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct lwp;
struct pmap;
typedef struct pmap *pmap_t;
struct pmap_statistics {
long resident_count;
long wired_count;
typedef struct pmap_statistics *pmap_statistics_t;
extern struct pmap *const kernel_pmap_ptr;
# 115 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 1 "./machine/pmap.h" 1
# 77 "./machine/pmap.h"
# 1 "./machine/cpufunc.h" 1
# 1 "./x86/cpufunc.h" 1
# 43 "./x86/cpufunc.h"
# 1 "./machine/specialreg.h" 1
# 1 "./x86/specialreg.h" 1
# 3 "./machine/specialreg.h" 2
# 44 "./x86/cpufunc.h" 2
void x86_pause(void);
void x86_lfence(void);
void x86_sfence(void);
void x86_mfence(void);
void x86_flush(void);
void x86_patch(_Bool);
void invlpg(vaddr_t);
void lidt(struct region_descriptor *);
void lldt(u_short);
void ltr(u_short);
void lcr0(u_long);
u_long rcr0(void);
void lcr2(vaddr_t);
vaddr_t rcr2(void);
void lcr3(vaddr_t);
vaddr_t rcr3(void);
void lcr4(vaddr_t);
vaddr_t rcr4(void);
void lcr8(vaddr_t);
vaddr_t rcr8(void);
void tlbflush(void);
void tlbflushg(void);
void dr0(void *, __uint32_t, __uint32_t, __uint32_t);
vaddr_t rdr6(void);
void ldr6(vaddr_t);
void wbinvd(void);
void breakpoint(void);
void x86_hlt(void);
void x86_stihlt(void);
u_int x86_getss(void);
void fldcw(void *);
void fnclex(void);
void fninit(void);
void fnsave(void *);
void fnstcw(void *);
void fnstsw(void *);
void fp_divide_by_0(void);
void frstor(void *);
void fwait(void);
void clts(void);
void stts(void);
void fldummy(const double *);
void fxsave(void *);
void fxrstor(void *);
void x86_monitor(const void *, __uint32_t, __uint32_t);
void x86_mwait(__uint32_t, __uint32_t);
void x86_ldmxcsr(void *);
void x86_cpuid2(unsigned, unsigned, unsigned *);
void x86_disable_intr(void);
void x86_enable_intr(void);
u_long x86_read_psl(void);
void x86_write_psl(u_long);
u_long x86_read_flags(void);
void x86_write_flags(u_long);
void x86_reset(void);
# 119 "./x86/cpufunc.h"
__uint64_t rdmsr(u_int);
__uint64_t rdmsr_locked(u_int, u_int);
int rdmsr_safe(u_int, __uint64_t *);
__uint64_t rdtsc(void);
__uint64_t rdpmc(u_int);
void wrmsr(u_int, __uint64_t);
void wrmsr_locked(u_int, u_int, __uint64_t);
void setfs(int);
void setusergs(int);
# 3 "./machine/cpufunc.h" 2
# 78 "./machine/pmap.h" 2
# 233 "./machine/pmap.h"
# 1 "./x86/pmap.h" 1
# 121 "./x86/pmap.h"
struct pmap_head { struct pmap *lh_first; };
extern struct pmap_head pmaps;
extern kmutex_t pmaps_lock;
extern struct pool_cache pmap_pdp_cache;
# 148 "./x86/pmap.h"
struct pmap {
struct uvm_object pm_obj[4 -1];
kmutex_t pm_obj_lock[4 -1];
struct { struct pmap *le_next; struct pmap **le_prev; } pm_list;
pd_entry_t *pm_pdir;
paddr_t pm_pdirpa[1];
struct vm_page *pm_ptphint[4 -1];
struct pmap_statistics pm_stats;
int pm_flags;
union descriptor *pm_ldt;
size_t pm_ldt_len;
int pm_ldt_sel;
kcpuset_t *pm_cpus;
kcpuset_t *pm_kernel_cpus;
kcpuset_t *pm_xen_ptp_cpus;
__uint64_t pm_ncsw;
struct vm_page *pm_gc_ptp;
# 211 "./x86/pmap.h"
extern u_long PDPpaddr;
extern int pmap_pg_g;
extern long nkptp[4];
# 246 "./x86/pmap.h"
void pmap_activate(struct lwp *);
void pmap_bootstrap(vaddr_t);
_Bool pmap_clear_attrs(struct vm_page *, unsigned);
void pmap_deactivate(struct lwp *);
void pmap_page_remove (struct vm_page *);
void pmap_remove(struct pmap *, vaddr_t, vaddr_t);
_Bool pmap_test_attrs(struct vm_page *, unsigned);
void pmap_write_protect(struct pmap *, vaddr_t, vaddr_t, vm_prot_t);
void pmap_load(void);
paddr_t pmap_init_tmp_pgtbl(paddr_t);
void pmap_remove_all(struct pmap *);
void pmap_ldt_sync(struct pmap *);
void pmap_kremove_local(vaddr_t, vsize_t);
void pmap_emap_enter(vaddr_t, paddr_t, vm_prot_t);
void pmap_emap_remove(vaddr_t, vsize_t);
void pmap_emap_sync(_Bool);
void pmap_map_ptes(struct pmap *, struct pmap **, pd_entry_t **,
pd_entry_t * const **);
void pmap_unmap_ptes(struct pmap *, struct pmap *);
int pmap_pdes_invalid(vaddr_t, pd_entry_t * const *, pd_entry_t *);
u_int x86_mmap_flags(paddr_t);
_Bool pmap_is_curpmap(struct pmap *);
vaddr_t reserve_dumppages(vaddr_t);
typedef enum tlbwhy {
} tlbwhy_t;
void pmap_tlb_init(void);
void pmap_tlb_cpu_init(struct cpu_info *);
void pmap_tlb_shootdown(pmap_t, vaddr_t, pt_entry_t, tlbwhy_t);
void pmap_tlb_shootnow(void);
void pmap_tlb_intr(void);
# 308 "./x86/pmap.h"
_Bool pmap_pageidlezero(paddr_t);
__inline static _Bool __attribute__((__unused__))
pmap_pdes_valid(vaddr_t va, pd_entry_t * const *pdes, pd_entry_t *lastpde)
return pmap_pdes_invalid(va, pdes, lastpde) == 0;
__inline static void __attribute__((__unused__))
pmap_update_pg(vaddr_t va)
__inline static void __attribute__((__unused__))
pmap_update_2pg(vaddr_t va, vaddr_t vb)
# 352 "./x86/pmap.h"
__inline static void __attribute__((__unused__))
pmap_page_protect(struct vm_page *pg, vm_prot_t prot)
if ((prot & ((vm_prot_t) 0x02)) == 0) {
if (prot & (((vm_prot_t) 0x01)|((vm_prot_t) 0x04))) {
(void) pmap_clear_attrs(pg, 0x0000000000000002);
} else {
# 372 "./x86/pmap.h"
__inline static void __attribute__((__unused__))
pmap_protect(struct pmap *pmap, vaddr_t sva, vaddr_t eva, vm_prot_t prot)
if ((prot & ((vm_prot_t) 0x02)) == 0) {
if (prot & (((vm_prot_t) 0x01)|((vm_prot_t) 0x04))) {
pmap_write_protect(pmap, sva, eva, prot);
} else {
pmap_remove(pmap, sva, eva);
# 395 "./x86/pmap.h"
static __inline pt_entry_t * __attribute__((__unused__))
vtopte(vaddr_t va)
(__builtin_expect(((va < 0xffff800000000000)) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "va < VM_MIN_KERNEL_ADDRESS", "./x86/pmap.h", 399));
return (((pt_entry_t *) (255 * (1UL << 39))) + (((((va) & ~0xffff000000000000)) & (((0x0000ff8000000000|0x0000007fc0000000)|0x000000003fe00000)|0x00000000001ff000)) >> 12));
static __inline pt_entry_t * __attribute__((__unused__))
kvtopte(vaddr_t va)
pd_entry_t *pde;
(__builtin_expect(((va >= 0xffff800000000000)) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "va >= VM_MIN_KERNEL_ADDRESS", "./x86/pmap.h", 409));
pde = ((pd_entry_t *)((char *)((pt_entry_t *) (255 * (1UL << 39))) + 255 * (1UL << 30))) + (((((va) & ~0xffff000000000000)) & ((0x0000ff8000000000|0x0000007fc0000000)|0x000000003fe00000)) >> 21);
if (*pde & 0x0000000000000080)
return ((pt_entry_t *)pde);
return (((pt_entry_t *) (255 * (1UL << 39))) + (((((va) & ~0xffff000000000000)) & (((0x0000ff8000000000|0x0000007fc0000000)|0x000000003fe00000)|0x00000000001ff000)) >> 12));
paddr_t vtophys(vaddr_t);
vaddr_t pmap_map(vaddr_t, paddr_t, paddr_t, vm_prot_t);
void pmap_cpu_init_late(struct cpu_info *);
_Bool sse2_idlezero_page(void *);
# 457 "./x86/pmap.h"
void pmap_kenter_ma(vaddr_t, paddr_t, vm_prot_t, u_int);
int pmap_enter_ma(struct pmap *, vaddr_t, paddr_t, paddr_t,
vm_prot_t, u_int, int);
_Bool pmap_extract_ma(pmap_t, vaddr_t, paddr_t *);
# 234 "./machine/pmap.h" 2
# 327 "./machine/pmap.h"
void pmap_prealloc_lowmem_ptps(void);
void pmap_changeprot_local(vaddr_t, vm_prot_t);
# 1 "./x86/pmap_pv.h" 1
# 35 "./x86/pmap_pv.h"
struct vm_page;
# 47 "./x86/pmap_pv.h"
struct pv_pte {
struct vm_page *pte_ptp;
vaddr_t pte_va;
struct pv_entry {
struct pv_pte pve_pte;
struct { struct pv_entry *le_next; struct pv_entry **le_prev; } pve_list;
struct { struct pv_entry *sle_next; } pve_hash;
struct pmap_page {
union {
struct pv_pte u_pte;
struct pv_head {
struct { struct pv_entry *lh_first; } pvh_list;
} u_head;
struct vm_page *u_link;
} pp_u;
__uint8_t pp_flags;
__uint8_t pp_attrs;
# 331 "./machine/pmap.h" 2
struct vm_page_md {
struct pmap_page mp_pp;
# 116 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 140 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
void pmap_activate(struct lwp *);
void pmap_deactivate(struct lwp *);
void pmap_unwire(pmap_t, vaddr_t);
# 155 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
void pmap_copy_page(paddr_t, paddr_t);
struct pmap *pmap_create(void);
void pmap_destroy(pmap_t);
int pmap_enter(pmap_t, vaddr_t, paddr_t, vm_prot_t, u_int);
_Bool pmap_extract(pmap_t, vaddr_t, paddr_t *);
vaddr_t pmap_growkernel(vaddr_t);
void pmap_init(void);
void pmap_kenter_pa(vaddr_t, paddr_t, vm_prot_t, u_int);
void pmap_kremove(vaddr_t, vsize_t);
void pmap_page_protect(struct vm_page *, vm_prot_t);
void pmap_protect(pmap_t, vaddr_t, vaddr_t, vm_prot_t);
void pmap_reference(pmap_t);
void pmap_remove(pmap_t, vaddr_t, vaddr_t);
void pmap_remove_all(struct pmap *);
void pmap_update(pmap_t);
# 204 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
void pmap_zero_page(paddr_t);
void pmap_virtual_space(vaddr_t *, vaddr_t *);
void pmap_fork(pmap_t, pmap_t);
# 469 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 120 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 47 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct vm_anon {
kmutex_t *an_lock;
union {
__uintptr_t au_ref;
struct vm_anon *au_link;
} an_u;
struct vm_page *an_page;
int an_swslot;
# 86 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct vm_aref {
int ar_pageoff;
struct vm_amap *ar_amap;
# 102 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct vm_anon *uvm_analloc(void);
void uvm_anon_free(struct vm_anon *);
void uvm_anon_freelst(struct vm_amap *, struct vm_anon *);
void uvm_anon_init(void);
struct vm_page *uvm_anon_lockloanpg(struct vm_anon *);
void uvm_anon_release(struct vm_anon *);
_Bool uvm_anon_pagein(struct vm_amap *, struct vm_anon *);
# 121 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
struct vm_map_entry {
struct rb_node rb_node;
vsize_t gap;
vsize_t maxgap;
struct vm_map_entry *prev;
struct vm_map_entry *next;
vaddr_t start;
vaddr_t end;
union {
struct uvm_object *uvm_obj;
struct vm_map *sub_map;
} object;
voff_t offset;
int etype;
vm_prot_t protection;
vm_prot_t max_protection;
vm_inherit_t inheritance;
int wired_count;
struct vm_aref aref;
int advice;
__uint32_t map_attrib;
u_int8_t flags;
# 208 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct vm_map {
struct pmap * pmap;
krwlock_t lock;
struct lwp * busy;
kmutex_t misc_lock;
kcondvar_t cv;
int flags;
struct rb_tree rb_tree;
struct vm_map_entry header;
int nentries;
vsize_t size;
int ref_count;
struct vm_map_entry * hint;
struct vm_map_entry * first_free;
unsigned int timestamp;
# 241 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct uvm_map_args {
struct vm_map_entry *uma_prev;
vaddr_t uma_start;
vsize_t uma_size;
struct uvm_object *uma_uobj;
voff_t uma_uoffset;
uvm_flag_t uma_flags;
# 263 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
extern vaddr_t uvm_maxkaddr;
void uvm_map_deallocate(struct vm_map *);
int uvm_map_willneed(struct vm_map *, vaddr_t, vaddr_t);
int uvm_map_clean(struct vm_map *, vaddr_t, vaddr_t, int);
void uvm_map_clip_start(struct vm_map *, struct vm_map_entry *,
void uvm_map_clip_end(struct vm_map *, struct vm_map_entry *,
int uvm_map_extract(struct vm_map *, vaddr_t, vsize_t,
struct vm_map *, vaddr_t *, int);
struct vm_map_entry *
uvm_map_findspace(struct vm_map *, vaddr_t, vsize_t,
vaddr_t *, struct uvm_object *, voff_t, vsize_t, int);
int uvm_map_inherit(struct vm_map *, vaddr_t, vaddr_t,
int uvm_map_advice(struct vm_map *, vaddr_t, vaddr_t, int);
void uvm_map_init(void);
void uvm_map_init_caches(void);
_Bool uvm_map_lookup_entry(struct vm_map *, vaddr_t,
struct vm_map_entry **);
void uvm_map_reference(struct vm_map *);
int uvm_map_reserve(struct vm_map *, vsize_t, vaddr_t, vsize_t,
vaddr_t *, uvm_flag_t);
void uvm_map_setup(struct vm_map *, vaddr_t, vaddr_t, int);
int uvm_map_submap(struct vm_map *, vaddr_t, vaddr_t,
struct vm_map *);
void uvm_unmap1(struct vm_map *, vaddr_t, vaddr_t, int);
void uvm_unmap_detach(struct vm_map_entry *,int);
void uvm_unmap_remove(struct vm_map *, vaddr_t, vaddr_t,
struct vm_map_entry **, int);
int uvm_map_prepare(struct vm_map *, vaddr_t, vsize_t,
struct uvm_object *, voff_t, vsize_t, uvm_flag_t,
struct uvm_map_args *);
int uvm_map_enter(struct vm_map *, const struct uvm_map_args *,
struct vm_map_entry *);
int uvm_mapent_trymerge(struct vm_map *,
struct vm_map_entry *, int);
_Bool vm_map_starved_p(struct vm_map *);
_Bool vm_map_lock_try(struct vm_map *);
void vm_map_lock(struct vm_map *);
void vm_map_unlock(struct vm_map *);
void vm_map_unbusy(struct vm_map *);
void vm_map_lock_read(struct vm_map *);
void vm_map_unlock_read(struct vm_map *);
void vm_map_busy(struct vm_map *);
_Bool vm_map_locked_p(struct vm_map *);
void uvm_map_lock_entry(struct vm_map_entry *);
void uvm_map_unlock_entry(struct vm_map_entry *);
# 470 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 110 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct uvm_faultinfo;
struct uvm_pagerops {
void (*pgo_init)(void);
void (*pgo_reference)(struct uvm_object *);
void (*pgo_detach)(struct uvm_object *);
int (*pgo_fault)(struct uvm_faultinfo *, vaddr_t, struct vm_page **,
int, int, vm_prot_t, int);
int (*pgo_get)(struct uvm_object *, voff_t, struct vm_page **,
int *, int, vm_prot_t, int, int);
int (*pgo_put)(struct uvm_object *, voff_t, voff_t, int);
# 168 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
void uvm_pager_init(void);
void uvm_pager_realloc_emerg(void);
struct vm_page *uvm_pageratop(vaddr_t);
vaddr_t uvm_pagermapin(struct vm_page **, int, int);
void uvm_pagermapout(vaddr_t, int);
extern size_t pager_map_size;
# 471 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 487 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct vmspace {
struct vm_map vm_map;
int vm_refcnt;
void * vm_shm;
segsz_t vm_rssize;
segsz_t vm_swrss;
segsz_t vm_tsize;
segsz_t vm_dsize;
segsz_t vm_ssize;
segsz_t vm_issize;
void * vm_taddr;
void * vm_daddr;
void *vm_maxsaddr;
void *vm_minsaddr;
size_t vm_aslr_delta_mmap;
struct uvm_coredump_state {
void *cookie;
vaddr_t start;
vaddr_t realend;
vaddr_t end;
vm_prot_t prot;
int flags;
extern struct vm_map *kernel_map;
extern struct vm_map *phys_map;
# 538 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
int vmapbuf(struct buf *, vsize_t);
void vunmapbuf(struct buf *, vsize_t);
struct uvm_object *uao_create(vsize_t, int);
void uao_detach(struct uvm_object *);
void uao_reference(struct uvm_object *);
void ubc_init(void);
void * ubc_alloc(struct uvm_object *, voff_t, vsize_t *, int,
void ubc_release(void *, int);
int ubc_uiomove(struct uvm_object *, struct uio *, vsize_t,
int, int);
void ubc_zerorange(struct uvm_object *, __off_t, size_t, int);
void ubc_purge(struct uvm_object *);
void uvm_emap_sysinit(void);
void uvm_emap_switch(lwp_t *);
u_int uvm_emap_gen_return(void);
void uvm_emap_update(u_int);
vaddr_t uvm_emap_alloc(vsize_t, _Bool);
void uvm_emap_free(vaddr_t, size_t);
void uvm_emap_enter(vaddr_t, struct vm_page **, u_int);
void uvm_emap_remove(vaddr_t, vsize_t);
void uvm_emap_consume(u_int);
u_int uvm_emap_produce(void);
int uvm_fault_internal(struct vm_map *, vaddr_t, vm_prot_t, int);
void uvm_proc_fork(struct proc *, struct proc *, _Bool);
void uvm_lwp_fork(struct lwp *, struct lwp *,
void *, size_t, void (*)(void *), void *);
int uvm_coredump_walkmap(struct proc *,
void *,
int (*)(struct proc *, void *,
struct uvm_coredump_state *), void *);
void uvm_proc_exit(struct proc *);
void uvm_lwp_exit(struct lwp *);
void uvm_init_limits(struct proc *);
_Bool uvm_kernacc(void *, size_t, vm_prot_t);
__attribute__((__noreturn__)) void uvm_scheduler(void);
vaddr_t uvm_uarea_alloc(void);
void uvm_uarea_free(vaddr_t);
vaddr_t uvm_uarea_system_alloc(struct cpu_info *);
void uvm_uarea_system_free(vaddr_t);
vaddr_t uvm_lwp_getuarea(lwp_t *);
void uvm_lwp_setuarea(lwp_t *, vaddr_t);
int uvm_vslock(struct vmspace *, void *, size_t, vm_prot_t);
void uvm_vsunlock(struct vmspace *, void *, size_t);
void uvm_cpu_attach(struct cpu_info *);
void uvm_init(void);
int uvm_io(struct vm_map *, struct uio *);
vaddr_t uvm_km_alloc(struct vm_map *, vsize_t, vsize_t,
void uvm_km_free(struct vm_map *, vaddr_t, vsize_t,
struct vm_map *uvm_km_suballoc(struct vm_map *, vaddr_t *,
vaddr_t *, vsize_t, int, _Bool,
struct vm_map *);
int uvm_km_kmem_alloc(vmem_t *, vmem_size_t, vm_flag_t,
vmem_addr_t *);
void uvm_km_kmem_free(vmem_t *, vmem_addr_t, vmem_size_t);
_Bool uvm_km_va_starved_p(void);
int uvm_map(struct vm_map *, vaddr_t *, vsize_t,
struct uvm_object *, voff_t, vsize_t,
int uvm_map_pageable(struct vm_map *, vaddr_t,
vaddr_t, _Bool, int);
int uvm_map_pageable_all(struct vm_map *, int, vsize_t);
_Bool uvm_map_checkprot(struct vm_map *, vaddr_t,
vaddr_t, vm_prot_t);
int uvm_map_protect(struct vm_map *, vaddr_t,
vaddr_t, vm_prot_t, _Bool);
struct vmspace *uvmspace_alloc(vaddr_t, vaddr_t);
void uvmspace_init(struct vmspace *, struct pmap *,
vaddr_t, vaddr_t);
void uvmspace_exec(struct lwp *, vaddr_t, vaddr_t);
void uvmspace_spawn(struct lwp *, vaddr_t, vaddr_t);
struct vmspace *uvmspace_fork(struct vmspace *);
void uvmspace_addref(struct vmspace *);
void uvmspace_free(struct vmspace *);
void uvmspace_share(struct proc *, struct proc *);
void uvmspace_unshare(struct lwp *);
void uvm_whatis(__uintptr_t, void (*)(const char *, ...));
int uvm_sysctl(int *, u_int, void *, size_t *,
void *, size_t, struct proc *);
int uvm_pctparam_check(struct uvm_pctparam *, int);
void uvm_pctparam_set(struct uvm_pctparam *, int);
int uvm_pctparam_get(struct uvm_pctparam *);
void uvm_pctparam_init(struct uvm_pctparam *, int,
int (*)(struct uvm_pctparam *, int));
int uvm_pctparam_createsysctlnode(struct uvm_pctparam *,
const char *, const char *);
int uvm_mmap(struct vm_map *, vaddr_t *, vsize_t,
vm_prot_t, vm_prot_t, int,
void *, voff_t, vsize_t);
vaddr_t uvm_default_mapaddr(struct proc *, vaddr_t, vsize_t);
int uvm_mremap(struct vm_map *, vaddr_t, vsize_t,
struct vm_map *, vaddr_t *, vsize_t,
struct proc *, int);
void uvm_obj_init(struct uvm_object *,
const struct uvm_pagerops *, _Bool, u_int);
void uvm_obj_setlock(struct uvm_object *, kmutex_t *);
void uvm_obj_destroy(struct uvm_object *, _Bool);
int uvm_obj_wirepages(struct uvm_object *, __off_t, __off_t,
struct pglist *);
void uvm_obj_unwirepages(struct uvm_object *, __off_t, __off_t);
struct vm_page *uvm_pagealloc_strat(struct uvm_object *,
voff_t, struct vm_anon *, int, int, int);
void uvm_pagereplace(struct vm_page *,
struct vm_page *);
void uvm_pagerealloc(struct vm_page *,
struct uvm_object *, voff_t);
void uvm_page_physload(paddr_t, paddr_t, paddr_t,
paddr_t, int);
void uvm_setpagesize(void);
void uvm_aio_biodone(struct buf *);
void uvm_aio_aiodone(struct buf *);
void uvm_aio_aiodone_pages(struct vm_page **, int, _Bool,
void uvm_pageout(void *);
struct work;
void uvm_aiodone_worker(struct work *, void *);
void uvm_pageout_start(int);
void uvm_pageout_done(int);
void uvm_estimatepageable(int *, int *);
int uvm_pglistalloc(psize_t, paddr_t, paddr_t,
paddr_t, paddr_t, struct pglist *, int, int);
void uvm_pglistfree(struct pglist *);
void uvm_swap_init(void);
int uvm_grow(struct proc *, vaddr_t);
void uvm_deallocate(struct vm_map *, vaddr_t, vsize_t);
void uvm_vnp_setsize(struct vnode *, voff_t);
void uvm_vnp_setwritesize(struct vnode *, voff_t);
int uvn_findpages(struct uvm_object *, voff_t,
int *, struct vm_page **, int);
_Bool uvn_text_p(struct uvm_object *);
_Bool uvn_clean_p(struct uvm_object *);
_Bool uvn_needs_writefault_p(struct uvm_object *);
void kmeminit_nkmempages(void);
void kmeminit(void);
extern int nkmempages;
# 74 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
struct namecache;
struct uvm_ractx;
# 87 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 97 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
enum vtagtype {
# 114 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct vnode;
struct buf;
struct buflists { struct buf *lh_first; };
struct vnodelst { struct vnode *tqh_first; struct vnode * *tqh_last; };
# 137 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct vnode {
struct uvm_object v_uobj;
kcondvar_t v_cv;
voff_t v_size;
voff_t v_writesize;
int v_iflag;
int v_vflag;
int v_uflag;
int v_numoutput;
int v_writecount;
int v_holdcnt;
int v_synclist_slot;
struct mount *v_mount;
int (**v_op)(void *);
struct { struct vnode *tqe_next; struct vnode * *tqe_prev; } v_freelist;
struct vnodelst *v_freelisthd;
struct { struct vnode *tqe_next; struct vnode * *tqe_prev; } v_mntvnodes;
struct buflists v_cleanblkhd;
struct buflists v_dirtyblkhd;
struct { struct vnode *tqe_next; struct vnode * *tqe_prev; } v_synclist;
struct { struct namecache *lh_first; } v_dnclist;
struct { struct namecache *lh_first; } v_nclist;
union {
struct mount *vu_mountedhere;
struct socket *vu_socket;
struct specnode *vu_specnode;
struct fifoinfo *vu_fifoinfo;
struct uvm_ractx *vu_ractx;
} v_un;
enum vtype v_type;
enum vtagtype v_tag;
krwlock_t v_lock;
void *v_data;
struct klist v_klist;
# 180 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
typedef struct vnodelst vnodelst_t;
typedef struct vnode vnode_t;
# 243 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct vattr {
enum vtype va_type;
__mode_t va_mode;
nlink_t va_nlink;
__uid_t va_uid;
__gid_t va_gid;
dev_t va_fsid;
ino_t va_fileid;
u_quad_t va_size;
long va_blocksize;
struct timespec va_atime;
struct timespec va_mtime;
struct timespec va_ctime;
struct timespec va_birthtime;
u_long va_gen;
u_long va_flags;
dev_t va_rdev;
u_quad_t va_bytes;
u_quad_t va_filerev;
u_int va_vaflags;
long va_spare;
# 310 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
extern const enum vtype iftovt_tab[];
extern const int vttoif_tab[];
# 341 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
void holdrelel(struct vnode *);
void vholdl(struct vnode *);
void vref(struct vnode *);
static __inline void holdrele(struct vnode *) __attribute__((__unused__));
static __inline void vhold(struct vnode *) __attribute__((__unused__));
static __inline void
holdrele(struct vnode *vp)
static __inline void
vhold(struct vnode *vp)
static __inline _Bool
vismarker(struct vnode *vp)
return (vp->v_iflag & 0x00008000) != 0;
static __inline void
VN_KNOTE(struct vnode *vp, long hint)
if (!((&vp->v_klist)->slh_first == ((void *)0))) knote(&vp->v_klist, hint);
extern struct vnode *rootvnode;
extern int desiredvnodes;
extern u_int numvnodes;
# 437 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct vnodeop_desc {
int vdesc_offset;
const char *vdesc_name;
int vdesc_flags;
const int *vdesc_vp_offsets;
int vdesc_vpp_offset;
int vdesc_cred_offset;
int vdesc_componentname_offset;
extern kmutex_t mntvnode_lock;
extern int (*vn_union_readdir_hook) (struct vnode **, struct file *, struct lwp *);
# 475 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct vnodeopv_entry_desc {
const struct vnodeop_desc *opve_op;
int (*opve_impl)(void *);
struct vnodeopv_desc {
int (***opv_desc_vector_p)(void *);
const struct vnodeopv_entry_desc *opv_desc_ops;
int vn_default_error(void *);
struct vop_generic_args {
struct vnodeop_desc *a_desc;
# 524 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 45 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
extern const struct vnodeop_desc vop_default_desc;
struct buf;
struct vop_bwrite_args {
const struct vnodeop_desc *a_desc;
struct vnode *a_vp;
struct buf *a_bp;
extern const struct vnodeop_desc vop_bwrite_desc;
int VOP_BWRITE(struct vnode *, struct buf *);
struct vop_lookup_args {
const struct vnodeop_desc *a_desc;
struct vnode *a_dvp;
struct vnode **a_vpp;
struct componentname *a_cnp;
extern const struct vnodeop_desc vop_lookup_desc;
int VOP_LOOKUP(struct vnode *, struct vnode **, struct componentname *);
struct vop_create_args {
const struct vnodeop_desc *a_desc;
struct vnode *a_dvp;
struct vnode **a_vpp;
struct componentname *a_cnp;
struct vattr *a_vap;
extern const struct vnodeop_desc vop_create_desc;
int VOP_CREATE(struct vnode *, struct vnode **, struct componentname *,
struct vattr *);
struct vop_mknod_args {
const struct vnodeop_desc *a_desc;
struct vnode *a_dvp;
struct vnode **a_vpp;
struct componentname *a_cnp;
struct vattr *a_vap;
extern const struct vnodeop_desc vop_mknod_desc;
int VOP_MKNOD(struct vnode *, struct vnode **, struct componentname *,
struct vattr *);
struct vop_open_args {
const struct vnodeop_desc *a_desc;
struct vnode *a_vp;
int a_mode;
kauth_cred_t a_cred;
extern const struct vnodeop_desc vop_open_desc;
int VOP_OPEN(struct vnode *, int, kauth_cred_t);
struct vop_close_args {
const struct vnodeop_desc *a_desc;
struct vnode *a_vp;
int a_fflag;
kauth_cred_t a_cred;
extern const struct vnodeop_desc vop_close_desc;
int VOP_CLOSE(struct vnode *, int, kauth_cred_t);
struct vop_access_args {
const struct vnodeop_desc *a_desc;
struct vnode *a_vp;
int a_mode;
kauth_cred_t a_cred;
extern const struct vnodeop_desc vop_access_desc;
int VOP_ACCESS(struct vnode *, int, kauth_cred_t);
struct vop_getattr_args {
const struct vnodeop_desc *a_desc;
struct vnode *a_vp;
struct vattr *a_vap;
kauth_cred_t a_cred;
extern const struct vnodeop_desc vop_getattr_desc;
int VOP_GETATTR(struct vnode *, struct vattr *, kauth_cred_t);
struct vop_setattr_args {
const struct vnodeop_desc *a_desc;
struct vnode *a_vp;
struct vattr *a_vap;
kauth_cred_t a_cred;
extern const struct vnodeop_desc vop_setattr_desc;
int VOP_SETATTR(struct vnode *, struct vattr *, kauth_cred_t);
struct vop_read_args {
const struct vnodeop_desc *a_desc;
struct vnode *a_vp;
struct uio *a_uio;
int a_ioflag;
kauth_cred_t a_cred;
extern const struct vnodeop_desc vop_read_desc;
int VOP_READ(struct vnode *, struct uio *, int, kauth_cred_t);
struct vop_write_args {
const struct vnodeop_desc *a_desc;
struct vnode *a_vp;
struct uio *a_uio;
int a_ioflag;
kauth_cred_t a_cred;
extern const struct vnodeop_desc vop_write_desc;
int VOP_WRITE(struct vnode *, struct uio *, int, kauth_cred_t);
struct vop_ioctl_args {
const struct vnodeop_desc *a_desc;
struct vnode *a_vp;
u_long a_command;
void *a_data;
int a_fflag;
kauth_cred_t a_cred;
extern const struct vnodeop_desc vop_ioctl_desc;
int VOP_IOCTL(struct vnode *, u_long, void *, int, kauth_cred_t);
struct vop_fcntl_args {
const struct vnodeop_desc *a_desc;
struct vnode *a_vp;
u_int a_command;
void *a_data;
int a_fflag;
kauth_cred_t a_cred;
extern const struct vnodeop_desc vop_fcntl_desc;
int VOP_FCNTL(struct vnode *, u_int, void *, int, kauth_cred_t);
struct vop_poll_args {
const struct vnodeop_desc *a_desc;
struct vnode *a_vp;
int a_events;
extern const struct vnodeop_desc vop_poll_desc;
int VOP_POLL(struct vnode *, int);
struct vop_kqfilter_args {
const struct vnodeop_desc *a_desc;
struct vnode *a_vp;
struct knote *a_kn;
extern const struct vnodeop_desc vop_kqfilter_desc;
int VOP_KQFILTER(struct vnode *, struct knote *);
struct vop_revoke_args {
const struct vnodeop_desc *a_desc;
struct vnode *a_vp;
int a_flags;
extern const struct vnodeop_desc vop_revoke_desc;
int VOP_REVOKE(struct vnode *, int);
struct vop_mmap_args {
const struct vnodeop_desc *a_desc;
struct vnode *a_vp;
vm_prot_t a_prot;
kauth_cred_t a_cred;
extern const struct vnodeop_desc vop_mmap_desc;
int VOP_MMAP(struct vnode *, vm_prot_t, kauth_cred_t);
struct vop_fsync_args {
const struct vnodeop_desc *a_desc;
struct vnode *a_vp;
kauth_cred_t a_cred;
int a_flags;
__off_t a_offlo;
__off_t a_offhi;
extern const struct vnodeop_desc vop_fsync_desc;
int VOP_FSYNC(struct vnode *, kauth_cred_t, int, __off_t, __off_t);
struct vop_seek_args {
const struct vnodeop_desc *a_desc;
struct vnode *a_vp;
__off_t a_oldoff;
__off_t a_newoff;
kauth_cred_t a_cred;
extern const struct vnodeop_desc vop_seek_desc;
int VOP_SEEK(struct vnode *, __off_t, __off_t, kauth_cred_t);
struct vop_remove_args {
const struct vnodeop_desc *a_desc;
struct vnode *a_dvp;
struct vnode *a_vp;
struct componentname *a_cnp;
extern const struct vnodeop_desc vop_remove_desc;
int VOP_REMOVE(struct vnode *, struct vnode *, struct componentname *);
struct vop_link_args {
const struct vnodeop_desc *a_desc;
struct vnode *a_dvp;
struct vnode *a_vp;
struct componentname *a_cnp;
extern const struct vnodeop_desc vop_link_desc;
int VOP_LINK(struct vnode *, struct vnode *, struct componentname *);
struct vop_rename_args {
const struct vnodeop_desc *a_desc;
struct vnode *a_fdvp;
struct vnode *a_fvp;
struct componentname *a_fcnp;
struct vnode *a_tdvp;
struct vnode *a_tvp;
struct componentname *a_tcnp;
extern const struct vnodeop_desc vop_rename_desc;
int VOP_RENAME(struct vnode *, struct vnode *, struct componentname *,
struct vnode *, struct vnode *, struct componentname *);
struct vop_mkdir_args {
const struct vnodeop_desc *a_desc;
struct vnode *a_dvp;
struct vnode **a_vpp;
struct componentname *a_cnp;
struct vattr *a_vap;
extern const struct vnodeop_desc vop_mkdir_desc;
int VOP_MKDIR(struct vnode *, struct vnode **, struct componentname *,
struct vattr *);
struct vop_rmdir_args {
const struct vnodeop_desc *a_desc;
struct vnode *a_dvp;
struct vnode *a_vp;
struct componentname *a_cnp;
extern const struct vnodeop_desc vop_rmdir_desc;
int VOP_RMDIR(struct vnode *, struct vnode *, struct componentname *);
struct vop_symlink_args {
const struct vnodeop_desc *a_desc;
struct vnode *a_dvp;
struct vnode **a_vpp;
struct componentname *a_cnp;
struct vattr *a_vap;
char *a_target;
extern const struct vnodeop_desc vop_symlink_desc;
int VOP_SYMLINK(struct vnode *, struct vnode **, struct componentname *,
struct vattr *, char *);
struct vop_readdir_args {
const struct vnodeop_desc *a_desc;
struct vnode *a_vp;
struct uio *a_uio;
kauth_cred_t a_cred;
int *a_eofflag;
__off_t **a_cookies;
int *a_ncookies;
extern const struct vnodeop_desc vop_readdir_desc;
int VOP_READDIR(struct vnode *, struct uio *, kauth_cred_t, int *, __off_t **,
int *);
struct vop_readlink_args {
const struct vnodeop_desc *a_desc;
struct vnode *a_vp;
struct uio *a_uio;
kauth_cred_t a_cred;
extern const struct vnodeop_desc vop_readlink_desc;
int VOP_READLINK(struct vnode *, struct uio *, kauth_cred_t);
struct vop_abortop_args {
const struct vnodeop_desc *a_desc;
struct vnode *a_dvp;
struct componentname *a_cnp;
extern const struct vnodeop_desc vop_abortop_desc;
int VOP_ABORTOP(struct vnode *, struct componentname *);
struct vop_inactive_args {
const struct vnodeop_desc *a_desc;
struct vnode *a_vp;
_Bool *a_recycle;
extern const struct vnodeop_desc vop_inactive_desc;
int VOP_INACTIVE(struct vnode *, _Bool *);
struct vop_reclaim_args {
const struct vnodeop_desc *a_desc;
struct vnode *a_vp;
extern const struct vnodeop_desc vop_reclaim_desc;
int VOP_RECLAIM(struct vnode *);
struct vop_lock_args {
const struct vnodeop_desc *a_desc;
struct vnode *a_vp;
int a_flags;
extern const struct vnodeop_desc vop_lock_desc;
int VOP_LOCK(struct vnode *, int);
struct vop_unlock_args {
const struct vnodeop_desc *a_desc;
struct vnode *a_vp;
extern const struct vnodeop_desc vop_unlock_desc;
int VOP_UNLOCK(struct vnode *);
struct vop_bmap_args {
const struct vnodeop_desc *a_desc;
struct vnode *a_vp;
daddr_t a_bn;
struct vnode **a_vpp;
daddr_t *a_bnp;
int *a_runp;
extern const struct vnodeop_desc vop_bmap_desc;
int VOP_BMAP(struct vnode *, daddr_t, struct vnode **, daddr_t *, int *);
struct vop_strategy_args {
const struct vnodeop_desc *a_desc;
struct vnode *a_vp;
struct buf *a_bp;
extern const struct vnodeop_desc vop_strategy_desc;
int VOP_STRATEGY(struct vnode *, struct buf *);
struct vop_print_args {
const struct vnodeop_desc *a_desc;
struct vnode *a_vp;
extern const struct vnodeop_desc vop_print_desc;
int VOP_PRINT(struct vnode *);
struct vop_islocked_args {
const struct vnodeop_desc *a_desc;
struct vnode *a_vp;
extern const struct vnodeop_desc vop_islocked_desc;
int VOP_ISLOCKED(struct vnode *);
struct vop_pathconf_args {
const struct vnodeop_desc *a_desc;
struct vnode *a_vp;
int a_name;
register_t *a_retval;
extern const struct vnodeop_desc vop_pathconf_desc;
int VOP_PATHCONF(struct vnode *, int, register_t *);
struct vop_advlock_args {
const struct vnodeop_desc *a_desc;
struct vnode *a_vp;
void *a_id;
int a_op;
struct flock *a_fl;
int a_flags;
extern const struct vnodeop_desc vop_advlock_desc;
int VOP_ADVLOCK(struct vnode *, void *, int, struct flock *, int);
struct vop_whiteout_args {
const struct vnodeop_desc *a_desc;
struct vnode *a_dvp;
struct componentname *a_cnp;
int a_flags;
extern const struct vnodeop_desc vop_whiteout_desc;
int VOP_WHITEOUT(struct vnode *, struct componentname *, int);
struct vop_getpages_args {
const struct vnodeop_desc *a_desc;
struct vnode *a_vp;
voff_t a_offset;
struct vm_page **a_m;
int *a_count;
int a_centeridx;
vm_prot_t a_access_type;
int a_advice;
int a_flags;
extern const struct vnodeop_desc vop_getpages_desc;
int VOP_GETPAGES(struct vnode *, voff_t, struct vm_page **, int *, int,
vm_prot_t, int, int);
struct vop_putpages_args {
const struct vnodeop_desc *a_desc;
struct vnode *a_vp;
voff_t a_offlo;
voff_t a_offhi;
int a_flags;
extern const struct vnodeop_desc vop_putpages_desc;
int VOP_PUTPAGES(struct vnode *, voff_t, voff_t, int);
struct vop_closeextattr_args {
const struct vnodeop_desc *a_desc;
struct vnode *a_vp;
int a_commit;
kauth_cred_t a_cred;
extern const struct vnodeop_desc vop_closeextattr_desc;
int VOP_CLOSEEXTATTR(struct vnode *, int, kauth_cred_t);
struct vop_getextattr_args {
const struct vnodeop_desc *a_desc;
struct vnode *a_vp;
int a_attrnamespace;
const char *a_name;
struct uio *a_uio;
size_t *a_size;
kauth_cred_t a_cred;
extern const struct vnodeop_desc vop_getextattr_desc;
int VOP_GETEXTATTR(struct vnode *, int, const char *, struct uio *,
size_t *, kauth_cred_t);
struct vop_listextattr_args {
const struct vnodeop_desc *a_desc;
struct vnode *a_vp;
int a_attrnamespace;
struct uio *a_uio;
size_t *a_size;
int a_flag;
kauth_cred_t a_cred;
extern const struct vnodeop_desc vop_listextattr_desc;
int VOP_LISTEXTATTR(struct vnode *, int, struct uio *, size_t *, int,
struct vop_openextattr_args {
const struct vnodeop_desc *a_desc;
struct vnode *a_vp;
kauth_cred_t a_cred;
extern const struct vnodeop_desc vop_openextattr_desc;
int VOP_OPENEXTATTR(struct vnode *, kauth_cred_t);
struct vop_deleteextattr_args {
const struct vnodeop_desc *a_desc;
struct vnode *a_vp;
int a_attrnamespace;
const char *a_name;
kauth_cred_t a_cred;
extern const struct vnodeop_desc vop_deleteextattr_desc;
int VOP_DELETEEXTATTR(struct vnode *, int, const char *, kauth_cred_t);
struct vop_setextattr_args {
const struct vnodeop_desc *a_desc;
struct vnode *a_vp;
int a_attrnamespace;
const char *a_name;
struct uio *a_uio;
kauth_cred_t a_cred;
extern const struct vnodeop_desc vop_setextattr_desc;
int VOP_SETEXTATTR(struct vnode *, int, const char *, struct uio *,
# 525 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
struct file;
struct filedesc;
struct nameidata;
struct proc;
struct stat;
struct uio;
struct vattr;
struct vnode;
void vfs_vnode_sysinit(void);
int bdevvp(dev_t, struct vnode **);
int cdevvp(dev_t, struct vnode **);
int getnewvnode(enum vtagtype, struct mount *, int (**)(void *),
kmutex_t *, struct vnode **);
void ungetnewvnode(struct vnode *);
int vaccess(enum vtype, __mode_t, __uid_t, __gid_t, __mode_t, kauth_cred_t);
void vattr_null(struct vattr *);
void vdevgone(int, int, int, enum vtype);
int vfinddev(dev_t, enum vtype, struct vnode **);
int vflush(struct mount *, struct vnode *, int);
int vflushbuf(struct vnode *, int);
int vget(struct vnode *, int);
_Bool vtryget(struct vnode *);
void vgone(struct vnode *);
int vinvalbuf(struct vnode *, int, kauth_cred_t, struct lwp *, _Bool, int);
void vprint(const char *, struct vnode *);
void vput(struct vnode *);
int vrecycle(struct vnode *, kmutex_t *, struct lwp *);
void vrele(struct vnode *);
void vrele_async(struct vnode *);
void vrele_flush(void);
int vtruncbuf(struct vnode *, daddr_t, _Bool, int);
void vwakeup(struct buf *);
void vwait(struct vnode *, int);
void vclean(struct vnode *, int);
void vrevoke(struct vnode *);
void vrelel(struct vnode *, int);
struct vnode *
vnalloc(struct mount *);
void vnfree(struct vnode *);
void vmark(struct vnode *, struct vnode *);
struct vnode *
vunmark(struct vnode *);
void vremfree(struct vnode *);
int vn_bwrite(void *);
int vn_close(struct vnode *, int, kauth_cred_t);
int vn_isunder(struct vnode *, struct vnode *, struct lwp *);
int vn_lock(struct vnode *, int);
void vn_markexec(struct vnode *);
int vn_marktext(struct vnode *);
int vn_open(struct nameidata *, int, int);
int vn_rdwr(enum uio_rw, struct vnode *, void *, int, __off_t, enum uio_seg,
int, kauth_cred_t, size_t *, struct lwp *);
int vn_readdir(struct file *, char *, int, u_int, int *, struct lwp *,
__off_t **, int *);
int vn_stat(struct vnode *, struct stat *);
int vn_kqfilter(struct file *, struct knote *);
int vn_writechk(struct vnode *);
int vn_openchk(struct vnode *, kauth_cred_t, int);
int vn_extattr_get(struct vnode *, int, int, const char *, size_t *,
void *, struct lwp *);
int vn_extattr_set(struct vnode *, int, int, const char *, size_t,
const void *, struct lwp *);
int vn_extattr_rm(struct vnode *, int, int, const char *, struct lwp *);
void vn_ra_allocctx(struct vnode *);
int vn_fifo_bypass(void *);
void vntblinit(void);
void vn_syncer_add_to_worklist(struct vnode *, int);
void vn_syncer_remove_from_worklist(struct vnode *);
int speedup_syncer(void);
int dorevoke(struct vnode *, kauth_cred_t);
int rawdev_mounted(struct vnode *, struct vnode **);
__uint8_t vtype2dt(enum vtype);
void vfs_getnewfsid(struct mount *);
int vfs_drainvnodes(long);
void vfs_timestamp(struct timespec *);
void vfs_vnode_print(struct vnode *, int, void (*)(const char *, ...)
__attribute__((__format__ (__printf__, 1, 2))));
void vfs_mount_print(struct mount *, int, void (*)(const char *, ...)
__attribute__((__format__ (__printf__, 1, 2))));
# 97 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 77 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct sysctlnode;
# 92 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct ctlname {
const char *ctl_name;
int ctl_type;
# 376 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct clockinfo {
int hz;
int tick;
int tickadj;
int stathz;
int profhz;
# 403 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct ki_pcred {
void *p_pad;
__uid_t p_ruid;
__uid_t p_svuid;
__gid_t p_rgid;
__gid_t p_svgid;
int p_refcnt;
struct ki_ucred {
__uint32_t cr_ref;
__uid_t cr_uid;
__gid_t cr_gid;
__uint32_t cr_ngroups;
__gid_t cr_groups[16];
struct kinfo_proc {
struct proc kp_proc;
struct eproc {
struct proc *e_paddr;
struct session *e_sess;
struct ki_pcred e_pcred;
struct ki_ucred e_ucred;
struct vmspace e_vm;
__pid_t e_ppid;
__pid_t e_pgid;
short e_jobc;
__uint32_t e_tdev;
__pid_t e_tpgid;
struct session *e_tsess;
char e_wmesg[8];
segsz_t e_xsize;
short e_xrssize;
short e_xccount;
short e_xswrss;
long e_flag;
char e_login[(17 - 1)];
__pid_t e_sid;
long e_spare[3];
} kp_eproc;
# 475 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
typedef struct {
__uint32_t __bits[4];
} ki_sigset_t;
struct kinfo_proc2 {
__uint64_t p_forw;
__uint64_t p_back;
__uint64_t p_paddr;
__uint64_t p_addr;
__uint64_t p_fd;
__uint64_t p_cwdi;
__uint64_t p_stats;
__uint64_t p_limit;
__uint64_t p_vmspace;
__uint64_t p_sigacts;
__uint64_t p_sess;
__uint64_t p_tsess;
__uint64_t p_ru;
__int32_t p_eflag;
__int32_t p_exitsig;
__int32_t p_flag;
__int32_t p_pid;
__int32_t p_ppid;
__int32_t p_sid;
__int32_t p__pgid;
__int32_t p_tpgid;
__uint32_t p_uid;
__uint32_t p_ruid;
__uint32_t p_gid;
__uint32_t p_rgid;
__uint32_t p_groups[16];
__int16_t p_ngroups;
__int16_t p_jobc;
__uint32_t p_tdev;
__uint32_t p_estcpu;
__uint32_t p_rtime_sec;
__uint32_t p_rtime_usec;
__int32_t p_cpticks;
__uint32_t p_pctcpu;
__uint32_t p_swtime;
__uint32_t p_slptime;
__int32_t p_schedflags;
__uint64_t p_uticks;
__uint64_t p_sticks;
__uint64_t p_iticks;
__uint64_t p_tracep;
__int32_t p_traceflag;
__int32_t p_holdcnt;
ki_sigset_t p_siglist;
ki_sigset_t p_sigmask;
ki_sigset_t p_sigignore;
ki_sigset_t p_sigcatch;
__int8_t p_stat;
__uint8_t p_priority;
__uint8_t p_usrpri;
__uint8_t p_nice;
__uint16_t p_xstat;
__uint16_t p_acflag;
char p_comm[24];
char p_wmesg[8];
__uint64_t p_wchan;
char p_login[24];
__int32_t p_vm_rssize;
__int32_t p_vm_tsize;
__int32_t p_vm_dsize;
__int32_t p_vm_ssize;
__int64_t p_uvalid;
__uint32_t p_ustart_sec;
__uint32_t p_ustart_usec;
__uint32_t p_uutime_sec;
__uint32_t p_uutime_usec;
__uint32_t p_ustime_sec;
__uint32_t p_ustime_usec;
__uint64_t p_uru_maxrss;
__uint64_t p_uru_ixrss;
__uint64_t p_uru_idrss;
__uint64_t p_uru_isrss;
__uint64_t p_uru_minflt;
__uint64_t p_uru_majflt;
__uint64_t p_uru_nswap;
__uint64_t p_uru_inblock;
__uint64_t p_uru_oublock;
__uint64_t p_uru_msgsnd;
__uint64_t p_uru_msgrcv;
__uint64_t p_uru_nsignals;
__uint64_t p_uru_nvcsw;
__uint64_t p_uru_nivcsw;
__uint32_t p_uctime_sec;
__uint32_t p_uctime_usec;
__uint64_t p_cpuid;
__uint64_t p_realflag;
__uint64_t p_nlwps;
__uint64_t p_nrlwps;
__uint64_t p_realstat;
__uint32_t p_svuid;
__uint32_t p_svgid;
char p_ename[16];
__int64_t p_vm_vsize;
__int64_t p_vm_msize;
# 649 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct kinfo_lwp {
__uint64_t l_forw;
__uint64_t l_back;
__uint64_t l_laddr;
__uint64_t l_addr;
__int32_t l_lid;
__int32_t l_flag;
__uint32_t l_swtime;
__uint32_t l_slptime;
__int32_t l_schedflags;
__int32_t l_holdcnt;
__uint8_t l_priority;
__uint8_t l_usrpri;
__int8_t l_stat;
__int8_t l_pad1;
__int32_t l_pad2;
char l_wmesg[8];
__uint64_t l_wchan;
__uint64_t l_cpuid;
__uint32_t l_rtime_sec;
__uint32_t l_rtime_usec;
__uint32_t l_cpticks;
__uint32_t l_pctcpu;
__uint32_t l_pid;
char l_name[20];
# 728 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct kinfo_drivers {
__devmajor_t d_cmajor;
__devmajor_t d_bmajor;
char d_name[24];
# 749 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct buf_sysctl {
__uint32_t b_flags;
__int32_t b_error;
__int32_t b_prio;
__uint32_t b_dev;
__uint64_t b_bufsize;
__uint64_t b_bcount;
__uint64_t b_resid;
__uint64_t b_addr;
__uint64_t b_blkno;
__uint64_t b_rawblkno;
__uint64_t b_iodone;
__uint64_t b_proc;
__uint64_t b_vp;
__uint64_t b_saveaddr;
__uint64_t b_lblkno;
# 775 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct kinfo_file {
__uint64_t ki_fileaddr;
__uint32_t ki_flag;
__uint32_t ki_iflags;
__uint32_t ki_ftype;
__uint32_t ki_count;
__uint32_t ki_msgcount;
__uint32_t ki_usecount;
__uint64_t ki_fucred;
__uint32_t ki_fuid;
__uint32_t ki_fgid;
__uint64_t ki_fops;
__uint64_t ki_foffset;
__uint64_t ki_fdata;
__uint64_t ki_vun;
__uint64_t ki_vsize;
__uint32_t ki_vtype;
__uint32_t ki_vtag;
__uint64_t ki_vdata;
__uint32_t ki_pid;
__int32_t ki_fd;
__uint32_t ki_ofileflags;
__uint32_t _ki_padto64bits;
# 814 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct evcnt_sysctl {
__uint64_t ev_count;
__uint64_t ev_addr;
__uint64_t ev_parent;
__uint8_t ev_type;
__uint8_t ev_grouplen;
__uint8_t ev_namelen;
__uint8_t ev_len;
char ev_strings[0];
# 1041 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
extern struct sysctlnode sysctl_root;
# 1051 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct sysctllog;
# 1069 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct ctldebug {
const char *debugname;
int *debugvar;
# 1144 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
typedef int (*sysctlfn)(const int *, u_int, void *, size_t *, const void *, size_t, const int *, struct lwp *, const struct sysctlnode *);
void fill_eproc(struct proc *, struct eproc *, _Bool);
void sysctl_init(void);
void sysctl_finalize(void);
void sysctl_lock(_Bool);
int sysctl_dispatch(const int *, u_int, void *, size_t *, const void *, size_t, const int *, struct lwp *, const struct sysctlnode *);
void sysctl_unlock(void);
void sysctl_relock(void);
int sysctl_locate(struct lwp *, const int *, u_int,
const struct sysctlnode **, int *);
int sysctl_query(const int *, u_int, void *, size_t *, const void *, size_t, const int *, struct lwp *, const struct sysctlnode *);
int sysctl_create(const int *, u_int, void *, size_t *, const void *, size_t, const int *, struct lwp *, const struct sysctlnode *);
int sysctl_destroy(const int *, u_int, void *, size_t *, const void *, size_t, const int *, struct lwp *, const struct sysctlnode *);
int sysctl_lookup(const int *, u_int, void *, size_t *, const void *, size_t, const int *, struct lwp *, const struct sysctlnode *);
int sysctl_describe(const int *, u_int, void *, size_t *, const void *, size_t, const int *, struct lwp *, const struct sysctlnode *);
int sysctl_createv(struct sysctllog **, int,
const struct sysctlnode **, const struct sysctlnode **,
int, int, const char *, const char *,
sysctlfn, u_quad_t, void *, size_t, ...);
int sysctl_destroyv(struct sysctlnode *, ...);
# 1192 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
__attribute__((__always_inline__)) static __inline void * __sysctl_verify_CTLTYPE_NODE_arg(struct sysctlnode *arg) { return arg; };
__attribute__((__always_inline__)) static __inline void * __sysctl_verify_CTLTYPE_INT_arg(int *arg) { return arg; };
__attribute__((__always_inline__)) static __inline void * __sysctl_verify_CTLTYPE_STRING_arg(char *arg) { return arg; };
__attribute__((__always_inline__)) static __inline void * __sysctl_verify_CTLTYPE_QUAD_arg(__int64_t *arg) { return arg; };
__attribute__((__always_inline__)) static __inline void * __sysctl_verify_CTLTYPE_STRUCT_arg(void *arg) { return arg; };
__attribute__((__always_inline__)) static __inline void * __sysctl_verify_CTLTYPE_BOOL_arg(_Bool *arg) { return arg; };
__attribute__((__always_inline__)) static __inline void * __sysctl_verify_CTLTYPE_LONG_arg(long *arg) { return arg; };
# 1208 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
void sysctl_dump(const struct sysctlnode *);
void sysctl_free(struct sysctlnode *);
void sysctl_teardown(struct sysctllog **);
void sysctl_log_print(const struct sysctllog *);
# 1222 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
int old_sysctl(int *, u_int, void *, size_t *, void *, size_t, struct lwp *);
int sysctl_hw_tapenames(const int *, u_int, void *, size_t *, const void *, size_t, const int *, struct lwp *, const struct sysctlnode *);
int sysctl_hw_tapestats(const int *, u_int, void *, size_t *, const void *, size_t, const int *, struct lwp *, const struct sysctlnode *);
int sysctl_kern_vnode(const int *, u_int, void *, size_t *, const void *, size_t, const int *, struct lwp *, const struct sysctlnode *);
int sysctl_net_inet_ip_ports(const int *, u_int, void *, size_t *, const void *, size_t, const int *, struct lwp *, const struct sysctlnode *);
int sysctl_consdev(const int *, u_int, void *, size_t *, const void *, size_t, const int *, struct lwp *, const struct sysctlnode *);
int sysctl_root_device(const int *, u_int, void *, size_t *, const void *, size_t, const int *, struct lwp *, const struct sysctlnode *);
int sysctl_vfs_generic_fstypes(const int *, u_int, void *, size_t *, const void *, size_t, const int *, struct lwp *, const struct sysctlnode *);
int sysctl_needfunc(const int *, u_int, void *, size_t *, const void *, size_t, const int *, struct lwp *, const struct sysctlnode *);
int sysctl_notavail(const int *, u_int, void *, size_t *, const void *, size_t, const int *, struct lwp *, const struct sysctlnode *);
int sysctl_null(const int *, u_int, void *, size_t *, const void *, size_t, const int *, struct lwp *, const struct sysctlnode *);
int sysctl_copyin(struct lwp *, const void *, void *, size_t);
int sysctl_copyout(struct lwp *, const void *, void *, size_t);
int sysctl_copyinstr(struct lwp *, const void *, void *, size_t, size_t *);
u_int sysctl_map_flags(const u_int *, u_int);
static struct malloc_type *const __attribute__((__unused__)) M_SYSCTLNODE = 0;
static struct malloc_type *const __attribute__((__unused__)) M_SYSCTLDATA = 0;
extern const u_int sysctl_lwpflagmap[];
# 1301 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct sysctlnode {
__uint32_t sysctl_flags;
__int32_t sysctl_num;
char sysctl_name[32];
__uint32_t sysctl_ver;
__uint32_t __rsvd;
union {
struct {
__uint32_t suc_csize;
__uint32_t suc_clen;
union { __uint64_t __sysc_upad; struct { struct sysctlnode* __sysc_sdatum; } __sysc_ustr; } _suc_child;
} scu_child;
struct {
union { __uint64_t __sysc_upad; struct { void* __sysc_sdatum; } __sysc_ustr; } _sud_data;
union { __uint64_t __sysc_upad; struct { size_t __sysc_sdatum; } __sysc_ustr; } _sud_offset;
} scu_data;
__int32_t scu_alias;
__int32_t scu_idata;
u_quad_t scu_qdata;
_Bool scu_bdata;
} sysctl_un;
union { __uint64_t __sysc_upad; struct { size_t __sysc_sdatum; } __sysc_ustr; } _sysctl_size;
union { __uint64_t __sysc_upad; struct { sysctlfn __sysc_sdatum; } __sysc_ustr; } _sysctl_func;
union { __uint64_t __sysc_upad; struct { struct sysctlnode* __sysc_sdatum; } __sysc_ustr; } _sysctl_parent;
union { __uint64_t __sysc_upad; struct { const char * __sysc_sdatum; } __sysc_ustr; } _sysctl_desc;
# 1361 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct sysctldesc {
__int32_t descr_num;
__uint32_t descr_ver;
__uint32_t descr_len;
char descr_str[1];
# 1375 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
static __inline const struct sysctlnode *
sysctl_rootof(const struct sysctlnode *n)
while (n->_sysctl_parent.__sysc_ustr.__sysc_sdatum != ((void *)0))
n = n->_sysctl_parent.__sysc_ustr.__sysc_sdatum;
return (n);
# 98 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
# 1 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 1
# 55 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct ktr_header {
int ktr_len;
short ktr_type;
short ktr_version;
__pid_t ktr_pid;
char ktr_comm[16 +1];
union {
struct {
struct {
__int32_t tv_sec;
long tv_usec;
} _tv;
const void *_buf;
} _v0;
struct {
struct {
__int32_t tv_sec;
long tv_nsec;
} _ts;
lwpid_t _lid;
} _v1;
struct {
struct timespec _ts;
lwpid_t _lid;
} _v2;
} _v;
# 112 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct ktr_syscall {
int ktr_code;
int ktr_argsize;
struct ktr_sysret {
short ktr_code;
short ktr_eosys;
int ktr_error;
register_t ktr_retval;
register_t ktr_retval_1;
# 142 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct ktr_genio {
int ktr_fd;
enum uio_rw ktr_rw;
struct ktr_psig {
int signo;
sig_t action;
sigset_t mask;
int code;
struct ktr_csw {
int out;
int user;
# 185 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct ktr_user {
char ktr_id[20];
# 205 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct ktr_saupcall {
int ktr_type;
int ktr_nevent;
int ktr_nint;
void *ktr_sas;
void *ktr_ap;
# 226 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
struct ktr_execfd {
int ktr_fd;
u_int ktr_dtype;
# 275 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
void ktrinit(void);
void ktrderef(struct proc *);
void ktradref(struct proc *);
extern kmutex_t ktrace_lock;
extern int ktrace_on;
int ktruser(const char *, void *, size_t, int);
_Bool ktr_point(int);
void ktr_csw(int, int);
void ktr_emul(void);
void ktr_geniov(int, enum uio_rw, struct iovec *, size_t, int);
void ktr_genio(int, enum uio_rw, const void *, size_t, int);
void ktr_mibio(int, enum uio_rw, const void *, size_t, int);
void ktr_namei(const char *, size_t);
void ktr_namei2(const char *, size_t, const char *, size_t);
void ktr_psig(int, sig_t, const sigset_t *, const ksiginfo_t *);
void ktr_syscall(register_t, const register_t [], int);
void ktr_sysret(register_t, int, register_t *);
void ktr_kuser(const char *, void *, size_t);
void ktr_mib(const int *a , u_int b);
void ktr_execarg(const void *, size_t);
void ktr_execenv(const void *, size_t);
void ktr_execfd(int, u_int);
static inline _Bool
ktrpoint(int fac)
return __builtin_expect((ktrace_on) != 0, 0) && __builtin_expect((ktr_point(1 << fac)) != 0, 0);
static inline void
ktrcsw(int a, int b)
if (__builtin_expect((ktrace_on) != 0, 0))
ktr_csw(a, b);
static inline void
if (__builtin_expect((ktrace_on) != 0, 0))
static inline void
ktrgenio(int a, enum uio_rw b, const void *c, size_t d, int e)
if (__builtin_expect((ktrace_on) != 0, 0))
ktr_genio(a, b, c, d, e);
static inline void
ktrgeniov(int a, enum uio_rw b, struct iovec *c, int d, int e)
if (__builtin_expect((ktrace_on) != 0, 0))
ktr_geniov(a, b, c, d, e);
static inline void
ktrmibio(int a, enum uio_rw b, const void *c, size_t d, int e)
if (__builtin_expect((ktrace_on) != 0, 0))
ktr_mibio(a, b, c, d, e);
static inline void
ktrnamei(const char *a, size_t b)
if (__builtin_expect((ktrace_on) != 0, 0))
ktr_namei(a, b);
static inline void
ktrnamei2(const char *a, size_t b, const char *c, size_t d)
if (__builtin_expect((ktrace_on) != 0, 0))
ktr_namei2(a, b, c, d);
static inline void
ktrpsig(int a, sig_t b, const sigset_t *c, const ksiginfo_t * d)
if (__builtin_expect((ktrace_on) != 0, 0))
ktr_psig(a, b, c, d);
static inline void
ktrsyscall(register_t code, const register_t args[], int narg)
if (__builtin_expect((ktrace_on) != 0, 0))
ktr_syscall(code, args, narg);
static inline void
ktrsysret(register_t a, int b, register_t *c)
if (__builtin_expect((ktrace_on) != 0, 0))
ktr_sysret(a, b, c);
static inline void
ktrkuser(const char *a, void *b, size_t c)
if (__builtin_expect((ktrace_on) != 0, 0))
ktr_kuser(a, b, c);
static inline void
ktrmib(const int *a , u_int b)
if (__builtin_expect((ktrace_on) != 0, 0))
ktr_mib(a, b);
static inline void
ktrexecarg(const void *a, size_t b)
if (__builtin_expect((ktrace_on) != 0, 0))
ktr_execarg(a, b);
static inline void
ktrexecenv(const void *a, size_t b)
if (__builtin_expect((ktrace_on) != 0, 0))
ktr_execenv(a, b);
static inline void
ktrexecfd(int fd, u_int dtype)
if (__builtin_expect((ktrace_on) != 0, 0))
ktr_execfd(fd, dtype);
# 99 "/home/alessio/Desktop/" 2
struct filelist filehead __attribute__((__aligned__(64), __section__(".data.cacheline_aligned")));
static u_int nfiles __attribute__((__aligned__(64), __section__(".data.cacheline_aligned")));
kmutex_t filelist_lock __attribute__((__aligned__(64), __section__(".data.cacheline_aligned")));
static pool_cache_t filedesc_cache __attribute__((__section__(".data.read_mostly")));
static pool_cache_t file_cache __attribute__((__section__(".data.read_mostly")));
static pool_cache_t fdfile_cache __attribute__((__section__(".data.read_mostly")));
static int file_ctor(void *, void *, int);
static void file_dtor(void *, void *);
static int fdfile_ctor(void *, void *, int);
static void fdfile_dtor(void *, void *);
static int filedesc_ctor(void *, void *, int);
static void filedesc_dtor(void *, void *);
static int filedescopen(dev_t, int, int, lwp_t *);
static int sysctl_kern_file(const int *, u_int, void *, size_t *, const void *, size_t, const int *, struct lwp *, const struct sysctlnode *);
static int sysctl_kern_file2(const int *, u_int, void *, size_t *, const void *, size_t, const int *, struct lwp *, const struct sysctlnode *);
static void fill_file(struct kinfo_file *, const file_t *, const fdfile_t *,
int, __pid_t);
const struct cdevsw filedesc_cdevsw = {
filedescopen, ((int (*) (dev_t, int, int, struct lwp *))enodev), ((int (*) (dev_t, struct uio *, int))enodev), ((int (*) (dev_t, struct uio *, int))enodev), ((int (*) (dev_t, u_long, void *, int, struct lwp *))enodev),
((void (*) (struct tty *, int))enodev), ((void *)0), seltrue, ((paddr_t (*) (dev_t, __off_t, int))enodev), seltrue_kqfilter, 0x0000 | 0x0100,
__asm(".global " "fd_putvnode" "\n" "fd_putvnode" " = " "fd_putfile");
__asm(".global " "fd_putsock" "\n" "fd_putsock" " = " "fd_putfile");
static struct sysctllog *clog;
mutex_init(&filelist_lock, MUTEX_DEFAULT, 0x0);
file_cache = pool_cache_init(sizeof(file_t), coherency_unit, 0,
0, "file", ((void *)0), 0x0, file_ctor, file_dtor, ((void *)0));
(__builtin_expect(((file_cache != ((void *)0))) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "file_cache != NULL", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 145));
fdfile_cache = pool_cache_init(sizeof(fdfile_t), coherency_unit, 0,
0x1000, "fdfile", ((void *)0), 0x0, fdfile_ctor, fdfile_dtor,
((void *)0));
(__builtin_expect(((fdfile_cache != ((void *)0))) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "fdfile_cache != NULL", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 150));
filedesc_cache = pool_cache_init(sizeof(filedesc_t), coherency_unit,
0, 0, "filedesc", ((void *)0), 0x0, filedesc_ctor, filedesc_dtor,
((void *)0));
(__builtin_expect(((filedesc_cache != ((void *)0))) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "filedesc_cache != NULL", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 155));
sysctl_createv(&clog, 0, ((void *)0), ((void *)0), 0x00000200, 1, "kern", ((void *)0), ((void *)0), 0, __sysctl_verify_CTLTYPE_NODE_arg(((void *)0)), 0, 1, -1)
sysctl_createv(&clog, 0, ((void *)0), ((void *)0), 0x00000200, 5, "file", ((void *)0), sysctl_kern_file, 0, __sysctl_verify_CTLTYPE_STRUCT_arg(((void *)0)), 0, 1, 15, -1)
sysctl_createv(&clog, 0, ((void *)0), ((void *)0), 0x00000200, 5, "file2", ((void *)0), sysctl_kern_file2, 0, __sysctl_verify_CTLTYPE_STRUCT_arg(((void *)0)), 0, 1, 77, -1)
static _Bool
fd_isused(filedesc_t *fdp, unsigned fd)
u_int off = fd >> 5;
(__builtin_expect(((fd < fdp->fd_dt->dt_nfiles)) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "fd < fdp->fd_dt->dt_nfiles", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 179));
return (fdp->fd_lomap[off] & (1 << (fd & (32 - 1)))) != 0;
static inline void
fd_checkmaps(filedesc_t *fdp)
# 213 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
static int
fd_next_zero(filedesc_t *fdp, __uint32_t *bitmap, int want, u_int bits)
int i, off, maxoff;
__uint32_t sub;
(__builtin_expect(((mutex_owned(&fdp->fd_lock))) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "mutex_owned(&fdp->fd_lock)", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 221));
if (want > bits)
return -1;
off = want >> 5;
i = want & (32 - 1);
if (i) {
sub = bitmap[off] | ((u_int)~0 >> (32 - i));
if (sub != ~0)
goto found;
maxoff = (((bits) + 32 - 1) >> 5);
while (off < maxoff) {
if ((sub = bitmap[off]) != ~0)
goto found;
return -1;
return (off << 5) + __builtin_ffs(~sub) - 1;
static int
fd_last_set(filedesc_t *fd, int last)
int off, i;
fdfile_t **ff = fd->fd_dt->dt_ff;
__uint32_t *bitmap = fd->fd_lomap;
(__builtin_expect(((mutex_owned(&fd->fd_lock))) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "mutex_owned(&fd->fd_lock)", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 257));
off = (last - 1) >> 5;
while (off >= 0 && !bitmap[off])
if (off < 0)
return -1;
i = ((off + 1) << 5) - 1;
if (i >= last)
i = last - 1;
while (i > 0 && (ff[i] == ((void *)0) || !ff[i]->ff_allocated))
return i;
static inline void
fd_used(filedesc_t *fdp, unsigned fd)
u_int off = fd >> 5;
fdfile_t *ff;
ff = fdp->fd_dt->dt_ff[fd];
(__builtin_expect(((mutex_owned(&fdp->fd_lock))) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "mutex_owned(&fdp->fd_lock)", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 288));
(__builtin_expect((((fdp->fd_lomap[off] & (1 << (fd & (32 - 1)))) == 0)) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "(fdp->fd_lomap[off] & (1 << (fd & NDENTRYMASK))) == 0", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 289));
(__builtin_expect(((ff != ((void *)0))) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "ff != NULL", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 290));
(__builtin_expect(((ff->ff_file == ((void *)0))) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "ff->ff_file == NULL", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 291));
(__builtin_expect(((!ff->ff_allocated)) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "!ff->ff_allocated", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 292));
ff->ff_allocated = 1;
fdp->fd_lomap[off] |= 1 << (fd & (32 - 1));
if (__builtin_expect((fdp->fd_lomap[off] == ~0) != 0, 0)) {
(__builtin_expect((((fdp->fd_himap[off >> 5] & (1 << (off & (32 - 1)))) == 0)) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "(fdp->fd_himap[off >> NDENTRYSHIFT] & (1 << (off & NDENTRYMASK))) == 0",
# 297 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 297 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
fdp->fd_himap[off >> 5] |= 1 << (off & (32 - 1));
if ((int)fd > fdp->fd_lastfile) {
fdp->fd_lastfile = fd;
static inline void
fd_unused(filedesc_t *fdp, unsigned fd)
u_int off = fd >> 5;
fdfile_t *ff;
ff = fdp->fd_dt->dt_ff[fd];
# 324 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
(__builtin_expect(((ff != ((void *)0))) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "ff != NULL", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 324));
(__builtin_expect(((ff->ff_file == ((void *)0))) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "ff->ff_file == NULL", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 325));
(__builtin_expect(((ff->ff_allocated)) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "ff->ff_allocated", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 326));
if (fd < fdp->fd_freefile) {
fdp->fd_freefile = fd;
if (fdp->fd_lomap[off] == ~0) {
(__builtin_expect((((fdp->fd_himap[off >> 5] & (1 << (off & (32 - 1)))) != 0)) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "(fdp->fd_himap[off >> NDENTRYSHIFT] & (1 << (off & NDENTRYMASK))) != 0",
# 333 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 333 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
fdp->fd_himap[off >> 5] &=
~(1 << (off & (32 - 1)));
(__builtin_expect((((fdp->fd_lomap[off] & (1 << (fd & (32 - 1)))) != 0)) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "(fdp->fd_lomap[off] & (1 << (fd & NDENTRYMASK))) != 0", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 338));
fdp->fd_lomap[off] &= ~(1 << (fd & (32 - 1)));
ff->ff_allocated = 0;
(__builtin_expect(((fd <= fdp->fd_lastfile)) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "fd <= fdp->fd_lastfile", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 342));
if (fd == fdp->fd_lastfile) {
fdp->fd_lastfile = fd_last_set(fdp, fd);
file_t *
fd_getfile(unsigned fd)
filedesc_t *fdp;
fdfile_t *ff;
file_t *fp;
fdtab_t *dt;
fdp = x86_curlwp()->l_fd;
dt = fdp->fd_dt;
if (__builtin_expect((fd >= dt->dt_nfiles) != 0, 0)) {
return ((void *)0);
ff = dt->dt_ff[fd];
(__builtin_expect(((fd >= 6 || ff == (fdfile_t *)fdp->fd_dfdfile[fd])) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "fd >= NDFDFILE || ff == (fdfile_t *)fdp->fd_dfdfile[fd]", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 371));
if (__builtin_expect((ff == ((void *)0)) != 0, 0)) {
return ((void *)0);
if (fdp->fd_refcnt == 1) {
} else {
fp = ff->ff_file;
if (__builtin_expect((fp != ((void *)0)) != 0, 1)) {
return fp;
return ((void *)0);
fd_putfile(unsigned fd)
filedesc_t *fdp;
fdfile_t *ff;
u_int u, v;
fdp = x86_curlwp()->l_fd;
ff = fdp->fd_dt->dt_ff[fd];
(__builtin_expect(((fd < fdp->fd_dt->dt_nfiles)) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "fd < fdp->fd_dt->dt_nfiles", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 421));
(__builtin_expect(((ff != ((void *)0))) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "ff != NULL", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 422));
(__builtin_expect((((ff->ff_refcnt & (~(0x80000000))) > 0)) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "(ff->ff_refcnt & FR_MASK) > 0", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 423));
(__builtin_expect(((fd >= 6 || ff == (fdfile_t *)fdp->fd_dfdfile[fd])) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "fd >= NDFDFILE || ff == (fdfile_t *)fdp->fd_dfdfile[fd]", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 424));
if (fdp->fd_refcnt == 1) {
if (__builtin_expect(((ff->ff_refcnt & (0x80000000)) != 0) != 0, 0)) {
# 456 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
for (u = ff->ff_refcnt & (~(0x80000000));; u = v) {
v = atomic_cas_uint(&ff->ff_refcnt, u, u - 1);
if (__builtin_expect((u == v) != 0, 1)) {
if (__builtin_expect(((v & (0x80000000)) != 0) != 0, 0)) {
fd_getvnode(unsigned fd, file_t **fpp)
vnode_t *vp;
file_t *fp;
fp = fd_getfile(fd);
if (__builtin_expect((fp == ((void *)0)) != 0, 0)) {
return 9;
if (__builtin_expect((fp->f_type != 1) != 0, 0)) {
return 22;
vp = fp->f_data;
if (__builtin_expect((vp->v_type == VBAD) != 0, 0)) {
return 9;
*fpp = fp;
return 0;
fd_getsock1(unsigned fd, struct socket **sop, file_t **fp)
*fp = fd_getfile(fd);
if (__builtin_expect((*fp == ((void *)0)) != 0, 0)) {
return 9;
if (__builtin_expect(((*fp)->f_type != 2) != 0, 0)) {
return 38;
*sop = (*fp)->f_data;
return 0;
fd_getsock(unsigned fd, struct socket **sop)
file_t *fp;
return fd_getsock1(fd, sop, &fp);
# 535 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
file_t *
fd_getfile2(proc_t *p, unsigned fd)
filedesc_t *fdp;
fdfile_t *ff;
file_t *fp;
fdtab_t *dt;
fdp = p->p_fd;
dt = fdp->fd_dt;
if (fd >= dt->dt_nfiles) {
return ((void *)0);
if ((ff = dt->dt_ff[fd]) == ((void *)0)) {
return ((void *)0);
if ((fp = ff->ff_file) == ((void *)0)) {
return ((void *)0);
return fp;
fd_close(unsigned fd)
struct flock lf;
filedesc_t *fdp;
fdfile_t *ff;
file_t *fp;
proc_t *p;
lwp_t *l;
u_int refcnt;
l = x86_curlwp();
p = l->l_proc;
fdp = l->l_fd;
ff = fdp->fd_dt->dt_ff[fd];
(__builtin_expect(((fd >= 6 || ff == (fdfile_t *)fdp->fd_dfdfile[fd])) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "fd >= NDFDFILE || ff == (fdfile_t *)fdp->fd_dfdfile[fd]", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 588));
(__builtin_expect((((ff->ff_refcnt & (~(0x80000000))) > 0)) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "(ff->ff_refcnt & FR_MASK) > 0", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 591));
if (__builtin_expect((ff->ff_file == ((void *)0)) != 0, 0)) {
return (9);
(__builtin_expect((((ff->ff_refcnt & (0x80000000)) == 0)) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "(ff->ff_refcnt & FR_CLOSING) == 0", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 609));
fp = ff->ff_file;
ff->ff_file = ((void *)0);
ff->ff_exclose = 0;
# 628 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
if (fdp->fd_refcnt == 1) {
refcnt = --(ff->ff_refcnt);
} else {
refcnt = atomic_dec_uint_nv(&ff->ff_refcnt);
if (__builtin_expect((refcnt != 0) != 0, 0)) {
atomic_or_uint(&ff->ff_refcnt, (0x80000000));
if (!((&ff->ff_knlist)->slh_first == ((void *)0))) {
# 665 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 676 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
while ((ff->ff_refcnt & (~(0x80000000))) != 0) {
cv_wait(&ff->ff_closing, &fdp->fd_lock);
atomic_and_uint(&ff->ff_refcnt, ~(0x80000000));
} else {
(__builtin_expect(((((&ff->ff_knlist)->slh_first == ((void *)0)))) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "SLIST_EMPTY(&ff->ff_knlist)", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 682));
# 693 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
if (__builtin_expect(((p->p_flag & 0x00000001) != 0 && fp->f_type == 1) != 0, 0)
) {
lf.l_whence = 0;
lf.l_start = 0;
lf.l_len = 0;
lf.l_type = 2;
(void)VOP_ADVLOCK(fp->f_data, p, 2, &lf, 0x040);
fd_unused(fdp, fd);
return closef(fp);
fd_dup(file_t *fp, int minfd, int *newp, _Bool exclose)
proc_t *p = (x86_curlwp()->l_proc);
int error;
while ((error = fd_alloc(p, minfd, newp)) != 0) {
if (error != 28) {
return error;
x86_curlwp()->l_fd->fd_dt->dt_ff[*newp]->ff_exclose = exclose;
fd_affix(p, fp, *newp);
return 0;
fd_dup2(file_t *fp, unsigned new, int flags)
filedesc_t *fdp = x86_curlwp()->l_fd;
fdfile_t *ff;
fdtab_t *dt;
if (flags & ~(0x00400000|0x00000004))
return 22;
while (new >= fdp->fd_dt->dt_nfiles) {
ff = pool_cache_get_paddr((fdfile_cache), (0x01), ((void *)0));
while (fd_isused(fdp, new)) {
if (fd_getfile(new) != ((void *)0)) {
} else {
kpause("dup2", 0, 1, ((void *)0));
dt = fdp->fd_dt;
if (dt->dt_ff[new] == ((void *)0)) {
(__builtin_expect(((new >= 6)) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "new >= NDFDFILE", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 776));
dt->dt_ff[new] = ff;
ff = ((void *)0);
fd_used(fdp, new);
dt->dt_ff[new]->ff_exclose = (flags & 0x00400000) != 0;
fp->f_flag |= flags & 0x00000004;
fd_affix((x86_curlwp()->l_proc), fp, new);
if (ff != ((void *)0)) {
pool_cache_put_paddr((fdfile_cache), (ff), ((paddr_t) -1));
return 0;
closef(file_t *fp)
struct flock lf;
int error;
(__builtin_expect(((fp->f_count > 0)) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "fp->f_count > 0", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 807));
if (--fp->f_count > 0) {
return 0;
(__builtin_expect(((fp->f_count == 0)) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "fp->f_count == 0", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 812));
if ((fp->f_flag & 0x00004000) && fp->f_type == 1) {
lf.l_whence = 0;
lf.l_start = 0;
lf.l_len = 0;
lf.l_type = 2;
(void)VOP_ADVLOCK(fp->f_data, fp, 2, &lf, 0x020);
if (fp->f_ops != ((void *)0)) {
error = (*fp->f_ops->fo_close)(fp);
} else {
error = 0;
(__builtin_expect(((fp->f_count == 0)) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "fp->f_count == 0", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 828));
(__builtin_expect(((fp->f_cred != ((void *)0))) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "fp->f_cred != NULL", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 829));
pool_cache_put_paddr((file_cache), (fp), ((paddr_t) -1));
return error;
fd_alloc(proc_t *p, int want, int *result)
filedesc_t *fdp = p->p_fd;
int i, lim, last, error;
u_int off, new;
fdtab_t *dt;
(__builtin_expect(((p == (x86_curlwp()->l_proc) || p == &proc0)) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "p == curproc || p == &proc0", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 846));
dt = fdp->fd_dt;
(__builtin_expect(((dt->dt_ff[0] == (fdfile_t *)fdp->fd_dfdfile[0])) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "dt->dt_ff[0] == (fdfile_t *)fdp->fd_dfdfile[0]", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 855));
lim = min((int)p->p_limit->pl_rlimit[8].rlim_cur, maxfiles);
last = min(dt->dt_nfiles, lim);
for (;;) {
if ((i = want) < fdp->fd_freefile)
i = fdp->fd_freefile;
off = i >> 5;
new = fd_next_zero(fdp, fdp->fd_himap, off,
(last + 32 - 1) >> 5);
if (new == -1)
i = fd_next_zero(fdp, &fdp->fd_lomap[new],
new > off ? 0 : i & (32 - 1), 32);
if (i == -1) {
want = (new + 1) << 5;
i += (new << 5);
if (i >= last) {
if (dt->dt_ff[i] == ((void *)0)) {
(__builtin_expect(((i >= 6)) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "i >= NDFDFILE", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 881));
dt->dt_ff[i] = pool_cache_get_paddr((fdfile_cache), (0x01), ((void *)0));
(__builtin_expect(((dt->dt_ff[i]->ff_file == ((void *)0))) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "dt->dt_ff[i]->ff_file == NULL", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 884));
fd_used(fdp, i);
if (want <= fdp->fd_freefile) {
fdp->fd_freefile = i;
*result = i;
(__builtin_expect(((i >= 6 || dt->dt_ff[i] == (fdfile_t *)fdp->fd_dfdfile[i])) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "i >= NDFDFILE || dt->dt_ff[i] == (fdfile_t *)fdp->fd_dfdfile[i]",
# 890 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 890 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
return 0;
error = (dt->dt_nfiles >= lim) ? 24 : 28;
return error;
static fdtab_t *
fd_dtab_alloc(int n)
fdtab_t *dt;
size_t sz;
(__builtin_expect(((n > 20)) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "n > NDFILE", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 912));
sz = sizeof(*dt) + (n - 20) * sizeof(dt->dt_ff[0]);
dt = kmem_alloc(sz, 0x00000001);
__builtin_memset(dt, 0xff, sz);
dt->dt_nfiles = n;
dt->dt_link = ((void *)0);
return dt;
static void
fd_dtab_free(fdtab_t *dt)
fdtab_t *next;
size_t sz;
do {
next = dt->dt_link;
(__builtin_expect(((dt->dt_nfiles > 20)) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "dt->dt_nfiles > NDFILE", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 935));
sz = sizeof(*dt) +
(dt->dt_nfiles - 20) * sizeof(dt->dt_ff[0]);
__builtin_memset(dt, 0xff, sz);
kmem_free(dt, sz);
dt = next;
} while (dt != ((void *)0));
static void
fd_map_alloc(int n, __uint32_t **lo, __uint32_t **hi)
__uint8_t *ptr;
size_t szlo, szhi;
(__builtin_expect(((n > 32)) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "n > NDENTRIES", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 955));
szlo = (((n) + 32 - 1) >> 5) * sizeof(__uint32_t);
szhi = (((((n) + 32 - 1) >> 5) + 32 - 1) >> 5) * sizeof(__uint32_t);
ptr = kmem_alloc(szlo + szhi, 0x00000001);
*lo = (__uint32_t *)ptr;
*hi = (__uint32_t *)(ptr + szlo);
static void
fd_map_free(int n, __uint32_t *lo, __uint32_t *hi)
size_t szlo, szhi;
(__builtin_expect(((n > 32)) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "n > NDENTRIES", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 972));
szlo = (((n) + 32 - 1) >> 5) * sizeof(__uint32_t);
szhi = (((((n) + 32 - 1) >> 5) + 32 - 1) >> 5) * sizeof(__uint32_t);
(__builtin_expect(((hi == (__uint32_t *)((__uint8_t *)lo + szlo))) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "hi == (uint32_t *)((uint8_t *)lo + szlo)", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 976));
kmem_free(lo, szlo + szhi);
fd_tryexpand(proc_t *p)
filedesc_t *fdp;
int i, numfiles, oldnfiles;
fdtab_t *newdt, *dt;
__uint32_t *newhimap, *newlomap;
(__builtin_expect(((p == (x86_curlwp()->l_proc) || p == &proc0)) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "p == curproc || p == &proc0", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 991));
fdp = p->p_fd;
newhimap = ((void *)0);
newlomap = ((void *)0);
oldnfiles = fdp->fd_dt->dt_nfiles;
if (oldnfiles < 50)
numfiles = 50;
numfiles = 2 * oldnfiles;
newdt = fd_dtab_alloc(numfiles);
if ((((((numfiles) + 32 - 1) >> 5) + 32 - 1) >> 5) > (((((oldnfiles) + 32 - 1) >> 5) + 32 - 1) >> 5)) {
fd_map_alloc(numfiles, &newlomap, &newhimap);
dt = fdp->fd_dt;
(__builtin_expect(((dt->dt_ff[0] == (fdfile_t *)fdp->fd_dfdfile[0])) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "dt->dt_ff[0] == (fdfile_t *)fdp->fd_dfdfile[0]", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 1010));
if (dt->dt_nfiles != oldnfiles) {
if ((((((numfiles) + 32 - 1) >> 5) + 32 - 1) >> 5) > (((((oldnfiles) + 32 - 1) >> 5) + 32 - 1) >> 5)) {
fd_map_free(numfiles, newlomap, newhimap);
i = sizeof(fdfile_t *) * oldnfiles;
__builtin_memcpy(newdt->dt_ff, dt->dt_ff, i);
__builtin_memset((__uint8_t *)newdt->dt_ff + i, 0, numfiles * sizeof(fdfile_t *) - i)
if (oldnfiles > 20) {
if (fdp->fd_refcnt > 1) {
newdt->dt_link = dt;
} else {
if ((((((numfiles) + 32 - 1) >> 5) + 32 - 1) >> 5) > (((((oldnfiles) + 32 - 1) >> 5) + 32 - 1) >> 5)) {
i = (((((oldnfiles) + 32 - 1) >> 5) + 32 - 1) >> 5) * sizeof(__uint32_t);
__builtin_memcpy(newhimap, fdp->fd_himap, i);
__builtin_memset((__uint8_t *)newhimap + i, 0, (((((numfiles) + 32 - 1) >> 5) + 32 - 1) >> 5) * sizeof(__uint32_t) - i)
i = (((oldnfiles) + 32 - 1) >> 5) * sizeof(__uint32_t);
__builtin_memcpy(newlomap, fdp->fd_lomap, i);
__builtin_memset((__uint8_t *)newlomap + i, 0, (((numfiles) + 32 - 1) >> 5) * sizeof(__uint32_t) - i)
if ((((((oldnfiles) + 32 - 1) >> 5) + 32 - 1) >> 5) > (((((20) + 32 - 1) >> 5) + 32 - 1) >> 5)) {
fd_map_free(oldnfiles, fdp->fd_lomap, fdp->fd_himap);
fdp->fd_himap = newhimap;
fdp->fd_lomap = newlomap;
fdp->fd_dt = newdt;
(__builtin_expect(((newdt->dt_ff[0] == (fdfile_t *)fdp->fd_dfdfile[0])) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "newdt->dt_ff[0] == (fdfile_t *)fdp->fd_dfdfile[0]", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 1065));
fd_allocfile(file_t **resultfp, int *resultfd)
proc_t *p = (x86_curlwp()->l_proc);
kauth_cred_t cred;
file_t *fp;
int error;
while ((error = fd_alloc(p, 0, resultfd)) != 0) {
if (error != 28) {
return error;
fp = pool_cache_get_paddr((file_cache), (0x01), ((void *)0));
if (fp == ((void *)0)) {
fd_abort(p, ((void *)0), *resultfd);
return 23;
(__builtin_expect(((fp->f_count == 0)) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "fp->f_count == 0", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 1094));
(__builtin_expect(((fp->f_msgcount == 0)) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "fp->f_msgcount == 0", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 1095));
(__builtin_expect(((fp->f_unpcount == 0)) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "fp->f_unpcount == 0", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 1096));
cred = x86_curlwp()->l_cred;
if (__builtin_expect((cred != fp->f_cred) != 0, 0)) {
fp->f_cred = cred;
if (__builtin_expect(((fp->f_flag & 0x00100000) != 0) != 0, 0)) {
atomic_and_uint(&fp->f_flag, ~0x00100000);
fp->f_advice = 0;
fp->f_offset = 0;
*resultfp = fp;
return 0;
fd_affix(proc_t *p, file_t *fp, unsigned fd)
fdfile_t *ff;
filedesc_t *fdp;
(__builtin_expect(((p == (x86_curlwp()->l_proc) || p == &proc0)) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "p == curproc || p == &proc0", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 1132));
# 1147 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
fdp = p->p_fd;
ff = fdp->fd_dt->dt_ff[fd];
(__builtin_expect(((ff != ((void *)0))) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "ff != NULL", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 1150));
(__builtin_expect(((ff->ff_file == ((void *)0))) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "ff->ff_file == NULL", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 1151));
(__builtin_expect(((ff->ff_allocated)) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "ff->ff_allocated", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 1152));
(__builtin_expect(((fd_isused(fdp, fd))) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "fd_isused(fdp, fd)", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 1153));
(__builtin_expect(((fd >= 6 || ff == (fdfile_t *)fdp->fd_dfdfile[fd])) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "fd >= NDFDFILE || ff == (fdfile_t *)fdp->fd_dfdfile[fd]", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 1154));
ff->ff_file = fp;
fd_abort(proc_t *p, file_t *fp, unsigned fd)
filedesc_t *fdp;
fdfile_t *ff;
(__builtin_expect(((p == (x86_curlwp()->l_proc) || p == &proc0)) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "p == curproc || p == &proc0", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 1169));
fdp = p->p_fd;
ff = fdp->fd_dt->dt_ff[fd];
(__builtin_expect(((fd >= 6 || ff == (fdfile_t *)fdp->fd_dfdfile[fd])) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "fd >= NDFDFILE || ff == (fdfile_t *)fdp->fd_dfdfile[fd]", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 1174));
(__builtin_expect(((fd_isused(fdp, fd))) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "fd_isused(fdp, fd)", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 1177));
fd_unused(fdp, fd);
if (fp != ((void *)0)) {
(__builtin_expect(((fp->f_count == 0)) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "fp->f_count == 0", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 1182));
(__builtin_expect(((fp->f_cred != ((void *)0))) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "fp->f_cred != NULL", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 1183));
pool_cache_put_paddr((file_cache), (fp), ((paddr_t) -1));
static int
file_ctor(void *arg, void *obj, int flags)
file_t *fp = obj;
__builtin_memset(fp, 0, sizeof(*fp));
if (__builtin_expect((nfiles >= maxfiles) != 0, 0)) {
tablefull("file", "increase kern.maxfiles or MAXFILES");
return 23;
do { if (((fp)->f_list.le_next = (&filehead)->lh_first) != ((void *)0)) (&filehead)->lh_first->f_list.le_prev = &(fp)->f_list.le_next; (&filehead)->lh_first = (fp); (fp)->f_list.le_prev = &(&filehead)->lh_first; } while ( 0);
mutex_init(&fp->f_lock, MUTEX_DEFAULT, 0x0);
fp->f_cred = x86_curlwp()->l_cred;
return 0;
static void
file_dtor(void *arg, void *obj)
file_t *fp = obj;
do { if ((fp)->f_list.le_next != ((void *)0)) (fp)->f_list.le_next->f_list.le_prev = (fp)->f_list.le_prev; *(fp)->f_list.le_prev = (fp)->f_list.le_next; } while ( 0);
static int
fdfile_ctor(void *arg, void *obj, int flags)
fdfile_t *ff = obj;
__builtin_memset(ff, 0, sizeof(*ff));
cv_init(&ff->ff_closing, "fdclose");
return 0;
static void
fdfile_dtor(void *arg, void *obj)
fdfile_t *ff = obj;
file_t *
file_t *fp;
fp = kmem_zalloc(sizeof(*fp), 0x00000001);
if (fp != ((void *)0)) {
mutex_init(&fp->f_lock, MUTEX_DEFAULT, 0x0);
return fp;
fputdummy(file_t *fp)
kmem_free(fp, sizeof(*fp));
filedesc_t *
fd_init(filedesc_t *fdp)
unsigned fd;
if (__builtin_expect((fdp == ((void *)0)) != 0, 1)) {
fdp = pool_cache_get_paddr((filedesc_cache), (0x01), ((void *)0));
} else {
(__builtin_expect(((fdp == &filedesc0)) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "fdp == &filedesc0", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 1277));
filedesc_ctor(((void *)0), fdp, 0x01);
(__builtin_expect(((fdp->fd_lastfile == -1)) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "fdp->fd_lastfile == -1", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 1282));
(__builtin_expect(((fdp->fd_lastkqfile == -1)) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "fdp->fd_lastkqfile == -1", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 1283));
(__builtin_expect(((fdp->fd_knhash == ((void *)0))) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "fdp->fd_knhash == NULL", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 1284));
(__builtin_expect(((fdp->fd_freefile == 0)) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "fdp->fd_freefile == 0", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 1285));
(__builtin_expect(((fdp->fd_exclose == 0)) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "fdp->fd_exclose == false", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 1286));
(__builtin_expect(((fdp->fd_dt == &fdp->fd_dtbuiltin)) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "fdp->fd_dt == &fdp->fd_dtbuiltin", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 1287));
(__builtin_expect(((fdp->fd_dtbuiltin.dt_nfiles == 20)) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "fdp->fd_dtbuiltin.dt_nfiles == NDFILE", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 1288));
for (fd = 0; fd < 6; fd++) {
(__builtin_expect(((fdp->fd_dtbuiltin.dt_ff[fd] == (fdfile_t *)fdp->fd_dfdfile[fd])) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "fdp->fd_dtbuiltin.dt_ff[fd] == (fdfile_t *)fdp->fd_dfdfile[fd]",
# 1290 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 1290 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
for (fd = 6; fd < 20; fd++) {
(__builtin_expect(((fdp->fd_dtbuiltin.dt_ff[fd] == ((void *)0))) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "fdp->fd_dtbuiltin.dt_ff[fd] == NULL", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 1294));
(__builtin_expect(((fdp->fd_himap == fdp->fd_dhimap)) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "fdp->fd_himap == fdp->fd_dhimap", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 1296));
(__builtin_expect(((fdp->fd_lomap == fdp->fd_dlomap)) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "fdp->fd_lomap == fdp->fd_dlomap", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 1297));
fdp->fd_refcnt = 1;
return fdp;
static int
filedesc_ctor(void *arg, void *obj, int flag)
filedesc_t *fdp = obj;
fdfile_t **ffp;
int i;
__builtin_memset(fdp, 0, sizeof(*fdp));
mutex_init(&fdp->fd_lock, MUTEX_DEFAULT, 0x0);
fdp->fd_lastfile = -1;
fdp->fd_lastkqfile = -1;
fdp->fd_dt = &fdp->fd_dtbuiltin;
fdp->fd_dtbuiltin.dt_nfiles = 20;
fdp->fd_himap = fdp->fd_dhimap;
fdp->fd_lomap = fdp->fd_dlomap;
typedef char __ctassert2[ (sizeof(fdp->fd_dfdfile[0]) >= sizeof(fdfile_t)) ? 1 : -1];
for (i = 0, ffp = fdp->fd_dt->dt_ff; i < 6; i++, ffp++) {
*ffp = (fdfile_t *)fdp->fd_dfdfile[i];
(void)fdfile_ctor(((void *)0), fdp->fd_dfdfile[i], 0x01);
return 0;
static void
filedesc_dtor(void *arg, void *obj)
filedesc_t *fdp = obj;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
fdfile_dtor(((void *)0), fdp->fd_dfdfile[i]);
fd_share(struct proc *p)
filedesc_t *fdp;
fdp = x86_curlwp()->l_fd;
p->p_fd = fdp;
fd_hold(lwp_t *l)
filedesc_t *fdp = l->l_fd;
filedesc_t *
filedesc_t *newfdp, *fdp;
fdfile_t *ff, **ffp, **nffp, *ff2;
int i, j, numfiles, lastfile, newlast;
file_t *fp;
fdtab_t *newdt;
fdp = (x86_curlwp()->l_proc)->p_fd;
newfdp = pool_cache_get_paddr((filedesc_cache), (0x01), ((void *)0));
newfdp->fd_refcnt = 1;
(__builtin_expect(((newfdp->fd_lastfile == -1)) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "newfdp->fd_lastfile == -1", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 1388));
(__builtin_expect(((newfdp->fd_lastkqfile == -1)) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "newfdp->fd_lastkqfile == -1", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 1389));
(__builtin_expect(((newfdp->fd_knhash == ((void *)0))) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "newfdp->fd_knhash == NULL", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 1390));
(__builtin_expect(((newfdp->fd_freefile == 0)) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "newfdp->fd_freefile == 0", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 1391));
(__builtin_expect(((newfdp->fd_exclose == 0)) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "newfdp->fd_exclose == false", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 1392));
(__builtin_expect(((newfdp->fd_dt == &newfdp->fd_dtbuiltin)) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "newfdp->fd_dt == &newfdp->fd_dtbuiltin", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 1393));
(__builtin_expect(((newfdp->fd_dtbuiltin.dt_nfiles == 20)) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "newfdp->fd_dtbuiltin.dt_nfiles == NDFILE", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 1394));
for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
(__builtin_expect(((newfdp->fd_dtbuiltin.dt_ff[i] == (fdfile_t *)&newfdp->fd_dfdfile[i])) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "newfdp->fd_dtbuiltin.dt_ff[i] == (fdfile_t *)&newfdp->fd_dfdfile[i]",
# 1396 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 1396 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
for (i = 6; i < 20; i++) {
(__builtin_expect(((newfdp->fd_dtbuiltin.dt_ff[i] == ((void *)0))) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "newfdp->fd_dtbuiltin.dt_ff[i] == NULL", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 1400));
numfiles = fdp->fd_dt->dt_nfiles;
lastfile = fdp->fd_lastfile;
if (lastfile < 20) {
i = 20;
newdt = newfdp->fd_dt;
(__builtin_expect(((newfdp->fd_dt == &newfdp->fd_dtbuiltin)) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "newfdp->fd_dt == &newfdp->fd_dtbuiltin", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 1418));
} else {
i = numfiles;
while (i >= 2 * 50 && i > lastfile * 2) {
i /= 2;
(__builtin_expect(((i > 20)) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "i > NDFILE", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 1429));
newdt = fd_dtab_alloc(i);
newfdp->fd_dt = newdt;
__builtin_memcpy(newdt->dt_ff, newfdp->fd_dtbuiltin.dt_ff, 6 * sizeof(fdfile_t **))
__builtin_memset(newdt->dt_ff + 6, 0, (i - 6) * sizeof(fdfile_t **))
if ((((((i) + 32 - 1) >> 5) + 32 - 1) >> 5) <= (((((20) + 32 - 1) >> 5) + 32 - 1) >> 5)) {
newfdp->fd_himap = newfdp->fd_dhimap;
newfdp->fd_lomap = newfdp->fd_dlomap;
} else {
fd_map_alloc(i, &newfdp->fd_lomap, &newfdp->fd_himap);
(__builtin_expect(((i >= 32 * 32)) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "i >= NDENTRIES * NDENTRIES", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 1442));
__builtin_memset(newfdp->fd_himap, 0, (((((i) + 32 - 1) >> 5) + 32 - 1) >> 5)*sizeof(__uint32_t));
__builtin_memset(newfdp->fd_lomap, 0, (((i) + 32 - 1) >> 5)*sizeof(__uint32_t));
newfdp->fd_freefile = fdp->fd_freefile;
newfdp->fd_exclose = fdp->fd_exclose;
ffp = fdp->fd_dt->dt_ff;
nffp = newdt->dt_ff;
newlast = -1;
for (i = 0; i <= (int)lastfile; i++, ffp++, nffp++) {
(__builtin_expect(((i >= 6 || *nffp == (fdfile_t *)newfdp->fd_dfdfile[i])) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "i >= NDFDFILE || *nffp == (fdfile_t *)newfdp->fd_dfdfile[i]",
# 1453 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 1453 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
ff = *ffp;
if (ff == ((void *)0) || (fp = ff->ff_file) == ((void *)0)) {
(__builtin_expect(((!fd_isused(newfdp, i))) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "!fd_isused(newfdp, i)", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 1458));
if (__builtin_expect((fp->f_type == 4) != 0, 0)) {
if (i < newfdp->fd_freefile) {
newfdp->fd_freefile = i;
if (i >= 6) {
ff2 = pool_cache_get_paddr((fdfile_cache), (0x01), ((void *)0));
*nffp = ff2;
} else {
ff2 = newdt->dt_ff[i];
ff2->ff_file = fp;
ff2->ff_exclose = ff->ff_exclose;
ff2->ff_allocated = 1;
j = i >> 5;
(__builtin_expect((((newfdp->fd_lomap[j] & (1 << (i & (32 - 1)))) == 0)) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "(newfdp->fd_lomap[j] & (1 << (i & NDENTRYMASK))) == 0", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 1486));
newfdp->fd_lomap[j] |= 1 << (i & (32 - 1));
if (__builtin_expect((newfdp->fd_lomap[j] == ~0) != 0, 0)) {
(__builtin_expect((((newfdp->fd_himap[j >> 5] & (1 << (j & (32 - 1)))) == 0)) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "(newfdp->fd_himap[j >> NDENTRYSHIFT] & (1 << (j & NDENTRYMASK))) == 0",
# 1489 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 1489 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
newfdp->fd_himap[j >> 5] |=
1 << (j & (32 - 1));
newlast = i;
(__builtin_expect(((newdt->dt_ff[0] == (fdfile_t *)newfdp->fd_dfdfile[0])) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "newdt->dt_ff[0] == (fdfile_t *)newfdp->fd_dfdfile[0]", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 1496));
newfdp->fd_lastfile = newlast;
return newfdp;
fdfile_t *ff;
file_t *fp;
int fd, nf;
fdtab_t *dt;
lwp_t * const l = x86_curlwp();
filedesc_t * const fdp = l->l_fd;
const _Bool noadvlock = (l->l_proc->p_flag & 0x00000001) == 0;
(__builtin_expect(((fdp->fd_dt->dt_ff[0] == (fdfile_t *)fdp->fd_dfdfile[0])) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "fdp->fd_dt->dt_ff[0] == (fdfile_t *)fdp->fd_dfdfile[0]", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 1518));
(__builtin_expect(((fdp->fd_dtbuiltin.dt_nfiles == 20)) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "fdp->fd_dtbuiltin.dt_nfiles == NDFILE", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 1519));
(__builtin_expect(((fdp->fd_dtbuiltin.dt_link == ((void *)0))) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "fdp->fd_dtbuiltin.dt_link == NULL", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 1520));
if (atomic_dec_uint_nv(&fdp->fd_refcnt) > 0)
dt = fdp->fd_dt;
for (fd = 0, nf = dt->dt_nfiles; fd < nf; fd++) {
ff = dt->dt_ff[fd];
(__builtin_expect(((fd >= 6 || ff == (fdfile_t *)fdp->fd_dfdfile[fd])) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "fd >= NDFDFILE || ff == (fdfile_t *)fdp->fd_dfdfile[fd]",
# 1538 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 1538 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
if (ff == ((void *)0))
if ((fp = ff->ff_file) != ((void *)0)) {
if (__builtin_expect((ff->ff_refcnt == 0) != 0, 1) &&
(noadvlock || fp->f_type != 1)) {
ff->ff_file = ((void *)0);
ff->ff_exclose = 0;
ff->ff_allocated = 0;
} else {
(__builtin_expect(((ff->ff_refcnt == 0)) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "ff->ff_refcnt == 0", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 1559));
(__builtin_expect(((ff->ff_file == ((void *)0))) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "ff->ff_file == NULL", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 1560));
(__builtin_expect(((!ff->ff_exclose)) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "!ff->ff_exclose", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 1561));
(__builtin_expect(((!ff->ff_allocated)) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "!ff->ff_allocated", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 1562));
if (fd >= 6) {
pool_cache_put_paddr((fdfile_cache), (ff), ((paddr_t) -1));
dt->dt_ff[fd] = ((void *)0);
if (__builtin_expect((dt != &fdp->fd_dtbuiltin) != 0, 0)) {
__builtin_memset(&fdp->fd_dtbuiltin.dt_ff[6], 0, (20 - 6) * sizeof(fdp->fd_dtbuiltin.dt_ff[0]))
fdp->fd_dt = &fdp->fd_dtbuiltin;
if (__builtin_expect(((((((nf) + 32 - 1) >> 5) + 32 - 1) >> 5) > (((((20) + 32 - 1) >> 5) + 32 - 1) >> 5)) != 0, 0)) {
(__builtin_expect(((fdp->fd_himap != fdp->fd_dhimap)) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "fdp->fd_himap != fdp->fd_dhimap", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 1581));
(__builtin_expect(((fdp->fd_lomap != fdp->fd_dlomap)) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "fdp->fd_lomap != fdp->fd_dlomap", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 1582));
fd_map_free(nf, fdp->fd_lomap, fdp->fd_himap);
if (__builtin_expect((fdp->fd_knhash != ((void *)0)) != 0, 0)) {
hashdone(fdp->fd_knhash, HASH_LIST, fdp->fd_knhashmask);
fdp->fd_knhash = ((void *)0);
fdp->fd_knhashmask = 0;
} else {
(__builtin_expect(((fdp->fd_knhashmask == 0)) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "fdp->fd_knhashmask == 0", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 1590));
fdp->fd_dt = &fdp->fd_dtbuiltin;
fdp->fd_lastkqfile = -1;
fdp->fd_lastfile = -1;
fdp->fd_freefile = 0;
fdp->fd_exclose = 0;
__builtin_memset(&fdp->fd_dhimap, 0, sizeof(*fdp) - __builtin_offsetof(filedesc_t, fd_dhimap))
fdp->fd_himap = fdp->fd_dhimap;
fdp->fd_lomap = fdp->fd_dlomap;
(__builtin_expect(((fdp->fd_dtbuiltin.dt_nfiles == 20)) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "fdp->fd_dtbuiltin.dt_nfiles == NDFILE", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 1601));
(__builtin_expect(((fdp->fd_dtbuiltin.dt_link == ((void *)0))) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "fdp->fd_dtbuiltin.dt_link == NULL", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 1602));
(__builtin_expect(((fdp->fd_dt == &fdp->fd_dtbuiltin)) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "fdp->fd_dt == &fdp->fd_dtbuiltin", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 1603));
pool_cache_put_paddr((filedesc_cache), (fdp), ((paddr_t) -1));
# 1619 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
static int
filedescopen(dev_t dev, int mode, int type, lwp_t *l)
# 1631 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
l->l_dupfd = ((__devminor_t)((((__uint32_t)(dev) & 0xfff00000) >> 12) | (((__uint32_t)(dev) & 0x000000ff) >> 0)));
return -5;
fd_dupopen(int old, int *new, int mode, int error)
filedesc_t *fdp;
fdfile_t *ff;
file_t *fp;
fdtab_t *dt;
if ((fp = fd_getfile(old)) == ((void *)0)) {
return 9;
fdp = x86_curlwp()->l_fd;
dt = fdp->fd_dt;
ff = dt->dt_ff[old];
# 1665 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
switch (error) {
case -5:
if (((mode & (0x00000001|0x00000002)) | fp->f_flag) != fp->f_flag) {
error = 13;
error = fd_dup(fp, 0, new, ff->ff_exclose);
case -6:
error = fd_dup(fp, 0, new, ff->ff_exclose);
if (error != 0) {
return 0;
return error;
proc_t *p;
filedesc_t *fdp;
fdfile_t *ff;
lwp_t *l;
fdtab_t *dt;
int fd;
l = x86_curlwp();
p = l->l_proc;
fdp = p->p_fd;
if (fdp->fd_refcnt > 1) {
fdp = fd_copy();
p->p_fd = fdp;
l->l_fd = fdp;
if (!fdp->fd_exclose) {
fdp->fd_exclose = 0;
dt = fdp->fd_dt;
for (fd = 0; fd <= fdp->fd_lastfile; fd++) {
if ((ff = dt->dt_ff[fd]) == ((void *)0)) {
(__builtin_expect(((fd >= 6)) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "fd >= NDFDFILE", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 1727));
(__builtin_expect(((fd >= 6 || ff == (fdfile_t *)fdp->fd_dfdfile[fd])) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "fd >= NDFDFILE || ff == (fdfile_t *)fdp->fd_dfdfile[fd]",
# 1730 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
# 1730 "/home/alessio/Desktop/"
if (ff->ff_file == ((void *)0))
if (ff->ff_exclose) {
(__builtin_expect((((ff->ff_refcnt & (0x80000000)) == 0)) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "(ff->ff_refcnt & FR_CLOSING) == 0", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 1740));
fsetown(__pid_t *pgid, u_long cmd, const void *data)
__pid_t id = *(const __pid_t *)data;
int error;
switch (cmd) {
case (((unsigned long)0x80000000) | (((sizeof(int)) & 0x1fff) << 16) | ((('t')) << 8) | ((118))):
if (id < 0)
return 22;
id = -id;
if (id > 0) {
error = proc_find(id) ? 0 : 3;
} else if (id < 0) {
error = pgid_in_session((x86_curlwp()->l_proc), -id);
} else {
error = 0;
if (!error) {
*pgid = id;
return error;
fd_set_exclose(struct lwp *l, int fd, _Bool exclose)
filedesc_t *fdp = l->l_fd;
fdfile_t *ff = fdp->fd_dt->dt_ff[fd];
ff->ff_exclose = exclose;
if (exclose)
fdp->fd_exclose = 1;
fgetown(__pid_t pgid, u_long cmd, void *data)
switch (cmd) {
case (((unsigned long)0x40000000) | (((sizeof(int)) & 0x1fff) << 16) | ((('t')) << 8) | ((119))):
*(int *)data = -pgid;
*(int *)data = pgid;
return 0;
fownsignal(__pid_t pgid, int signo, int code, int band, void *fdescdata)
ksiginfo_t ksi;
(__builtin_expect(((!cpu_intr_p())) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "!cpu_intr_p()", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 1821));
if (pgid == 0) {
do { __builtin_memset((&ksi), 0, sizeof(*(&ksi))); } while ( 0);
ksi.ksi_info._signo = signo;
ksi.ksi_info._code = code;
ksi.ksi_info._reason._poll._band = band;
if (pgid > 0) {
struct proc *p1;
p1 = proc_find(pgid);
if (p1 != ((void *)0)) {
kpsignal(p1, &ksi, fdescdata);
} else {
struct pgrp *pgrp;
(__builtin_expect(((pgid < 0)) != 0, 1) ? (void)0 : kern_assert("kernel %sassertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d ", "diagnostic ", "pgid < 0", "/home/alessio/Desktop/", 1843));
pgrp = pgrp_find(-pgid);
if (pgrp != ((void *)0)) {
kpgsignal(pgrp, &ksi, fdescdata, 0);
fd_clone(file_t *fp, unsigned fd, int flag, const struct fileops *fops,
void *data)
fp->f_flag = flag;
fp->f_type = 5;
fp->f_ops = fops;
fp->f_data = data;
x86_curlwp()->l_dupfd = fd;
fd_affix((x86_curlwp()->l_proc), fp, fd);
return -6;
fnullop_fcntl(file_t *fp, u_int cmd, void *data)
if (cmd == 4)
return 0;
return 45;
fnullop_poll(file_t *fp, int which)
return 0;
fnullop_kqfilter(file_t *fp, struct knote *kn)
return 45;
fnullop_restart(file_t *fp)
fbadop_read(file_t *fp, __off_t *offset, struct uio *uio,
kauth_cred_t cred, int flags)
return 45;
fbadop_write(file_t *fp, __off_t *offset, struct uio *uio,
kauth_cred_t cred, int flags)
return 45;
fbadop_ioctl(file_t *fp, u_long com, void *data)
return 45;
fbadop_stat(file_t *fp, struct stat *sb)
return 45;
fbadop_close(file_t *fp)
return 45;
extern kmutex_t sysctl_file_marker_lock;
static u_int sysctl_file_marker = 1;
static void
struct proc *p;
for ((p) = ((&allproc)->lh_first); ((p) = _proclist_skipmarker(p)) != ((void *)0); (p) = ((p)->p_list.le_next)) {
struct filedesc *fd = p->p_fd;
fdtab_t *dt;
u_int i;
dt = fd->fd_dt;
for (i = 0; i < dt->dt_nfiles; i++) {
struct file *fp;
fdfile_t *ff;
if ((ff = dt->dt_ff[i]) == ((void *)0)) {
if ((fp = ff->ff_file) == ((void *)0)) {
fp->f_marker = 0;
static int
sysctl_kern_file(const int *name, u_int namelen, void *oldp, size_t *oldlenp, const void *newp, size_t newlen, const int *oname, struct lwp *l, const struct sysctlnode *rnode)
int error;
size_t buflen;
struct file *fp, fbuf;
char *start, *where;
struct proc *p;
start = where = oldp;
buflen = *oldlenp;
if (where == ((void *)0)) {
*oldlenp = sizeof(filehead) + (nfiles + 10) *
sizeof(struct file);
return 0;
if (buflen < sizeof(filehead)) {
*oldlenp = 0;
return 0;
error = sysctl_copyout(l, &filehead, where, sizeof(filehead));
if (error) {
return error;
buflen -= sizeof(filehead);
where += sizeof(filehead);
for ((p) = ((&allproc)->lh_first); ((p) = _proclist_skipmarker(p)) != ((void *)0); (p) = ((p)->p_list.le_next)) {
struct filedesc *fd;
fdtab_t *dt;
u_int i;
if (p->p_stat == 1) {
error = kauth_authorize_process(l->l_cred,
((void *)(unsigned long)(KAUTH_REQ_PROCESS_CANSEE_OPENFILES)),
((void *)0), ((void *)0));
if (error != 0) {
error = 0;
if (!rw_tryenter(&p->p_reflock, RW_READER)) {
fd = p->p_fd;
dt = fd->fd_dt;
for (i = 0; i < dt->dt_nfiles; i++) {
fdfile_t *ff;
if ((ff = dt->dt_ff[i]) == ((void *)0)) {
if ((fp = ff->ff_file) == ((void *)0)) {
if ((fp->f_count == 0) ||
(fp->f_marker == sysctl_file_marker)) {
if (buflen < sizeof(struct file)) {
*oldlenp = where - start;
error = 12;
__builtin_memcpy(&fbuf, fp, sizeof(fbuf));
error = sysctl_copyout(l, &fbuf, where, sizeof(fbuf));
if (error) {
buflen -= sizeof(struct file);
where += sizeof(struct file);
fp->f_marker = sysctl_file_marker;
if (error)
if (sysctl_file_marker == 0) {
*oldlenp = where - start;
return error;
static int
sysctl_kern_file2(const int *name, u_int namelen, void *oldp, size_t *oldlenp, const void *newp, size_t newlen, const int *oname, struct lwp *l, const struct sysctlnode *rnode)
struct proc *p;
struct file *fp;
struct filedesc *fd;
struct kinfo_file kf;
char *dp;
u_int i, op;
size_t len, needed, elem_size, out_size;
int error, arg, elem_count;
fdfile_t *ff;
fdtab_t *dt;
if (namelen == 1 && name[0] == -2)
return sysctl_query(name, namelen, oldp, oldlenp, newp, newlen, oname, l, rnode);
if (namelen != 4)
return 22;
error = 0;
dp = oldp;
len = (oldp != ((void *)0)) ? *oldlenp : 0;
op = name[0];
arg = name[1];
elem_size = name[2];
elem_count = name[3];
out_size = (( (sizeof(kf))<(elem_size))?(sizeof(kf)):(elem_size));
needed = 0;
if (elem_size < 1 || elem_count < 0)
return 22;
switch (op) {
case 1:
case 2:
if ((op == 1) && (arg != 0))
return 22;
if ((op == 2) && (arg < -1))
return 22;
if (op == 1)
for ((p) = ((&allproc)->lh_first); ((p) = _proclist_skipmarker(p)) != ((void *)0); (p) = ((p)->p_list.le_next)) {
if (p->p_stat == 1) {
if (arg > 0 && p->p_pid != arg) {
error = kauth_authorize_process(l->l_cred,
((void *)(unsigned long)(KAUTH_REQ_PROCESS_CANSEE_OPENFILES)),
((void *)0), ((void *)0));
if (error != 0) {
error = 0;
if (!rw_tryenter(&p->p_reflock, RW_READER)) {
fd = p->p_fd;
dt = fd->fd_dt;
for (i = 0; i < dt->dt_nfiles; i++) {
if ((ff = dt->dt_ff[i]) == ((void *)0)) {
if ((fp = ff->ff_file) == ((void *)0)) {
if ((op == 1) &&
(fp->f_marker == sysctl_file_marker)) {
if (len >= elem_size && elem_count > 0) {
fill_file(&kf, fp, ff, i, p->p_pid);
error = sysctl_copyout(l,
&kf, dp, out_size);
if (error)
dp += elem_size;
len -= elem_size;
if (op == 1)
fp->f_marker = sysctl_file_marker;
needed += elem_size;
if (elem_count > 0 && elem_count != 0x7fffffff)
if (op == 1) {
if (sysctl_file_marker == 0) {
if (op == 1)
return 22;
if (oldp == ((void *)0))
needed += 10 * elem_size;
*oldlenp = needed;
return error;
static void
fill_file(struct kinfo_file *kp, const file_t *fp, const fdfile_t *ff,
int i, __pid_t pid)
__builtin_memset(kp, 0, sizeof(*kp));
kp->ki_fileaddr = ((__uint64_t)(__uintptr_t)(fp));
kp->ki_flag = fp->f_flag;
kp->ki_iflags = 0;
kp->ki_ftype = fp->f_type;
kp->ki_count = fp->f_count;
kp->ki_msgcount = fp->f_msgcount;
kp->ki_fucred = ((__uint64_t)(__uintptr_t)(fp->f_cred));
kp->ki_fuid = kauth_cred_geteuid(fp->f_cred);
kp->ki_fgid = kauth_cred_getegid(fp->f_cred);
kp->ki_fops = ((__uint64_t)(__uintptr_t)(fp->f_ops));
kp->ki_foffset = fp->f_offset;
kp->ki_fdata = ((__uint64_t)(__uintptr_t)(fp->f_data));
if (fp->f_type == 1) {
struct vnode *vp = (struct vnode *)fp->f_data;
kp->ki_vun = ((__uint64_t)(__uintptr_t)(vp->v_un.vu_socket));
kp->ki_vsize = vp->v_size;
kp->ki_vtype = vp->v_type;
kp->ki_vtag = vp->v_tag;
kp->ki_vdata = ((__uint64_t)(__uintptr_t)(vp->v_data));
if (ff != ((void *)0)) {
kp->ki_pid = pid;
kp->ki_fd = i;
kp->ki_ofileflags = ff->ff_exclose;
kp->ki_usecount = ff->ff_refcnt;
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