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Andrew Seroff aseroff

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aseroff /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:26 — forked from raecoo/
awk/grep commands for Rails log analysis
# Access number
cat production.log | grep "^Processing" | wc | awk '{print $1}'
# Each IP access number
cat production.log | grep “^Processing” | awk ‘{print $4}’ | uniq -c
# Independent IP number
cat production.log | grep "^Processing" | awk '{print $4}' | uniq | wc | awk '{print $1}'
cat production.log | grep “^Processing” | awk ‘{print $4}’ | uniq | wc -l
ls -ls | wc -l

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am aseroff on github.
  • I am aseroff ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is CFE3 14CB 180E A640 BAF7 9ACC CBD2 671B 9D67 371F

To claim this, I am signing this object:

aseroff / gist:36c3c0842d204fd0ea736207d19269b4
Created August 11, 2017 15:16
Rails scope for maintaining order
class Something < ActiveRecrd::Base
scope :for_ids_with_order, ->(ids) {
order = sanitize_sql_array(
["position(id::text in ?)", ids.join(',')]
where(:id => ids).order(order)
def marc_record(textbook)
# Generate a MARC record with a leader
record =
# Leader example:
# *00-04 Record length computed automatically
record.leader[5] = "n"
record.leader[6] = "a"
record.leader[7] = "i"
record.leader[9] = "a"
aseroff / custom gamepad css example.css
Created June 12, 2019 00:19 — forked from mrmcpowned/custom gamepad css example.css
Removed .custom.half as there will be no need for it in a future update, as well as removing margin-left and margin-top from .controller.custom for the same reasons
-How to use Custom CSS for the Gamepad Viewer-
Enabling a custom CSS is as easy as adding &css=[url to css file]
to the end of the url like so:
If you're going to be using custom CSS for the gamepad viewer
to design your own skin, we're assuming you have some sort of
aseroff /
Last active April 27, 2023 18:48
YARD customization for Rails

So you're running a Rails application and want to spruce up your YARD documentation. Here's the guide I wish I had.

Step 0: Plugin

Add yard-activerecord and yard-activesupport-concern to your Gemfile, add --plugin activerecord and --plugin activesupport-concern to your .yardopts flags, and db/schema.rb to the end of your .yardopts sources. Your models' attributes and assocations should now be included in the documentation.

Step 1: CSS/JS

To modify your YARD template, create doc-src/templates/default/fulldoc/html, then add --template-path doc-src/templates to your project's .yardopts. You can now create a doc-src/templates/default/fulldoc/html/css/common.css and the styles will be included (but overwrites need to be !important).

aseroff /
Last active October 18, 2023 19:58
Customizing a SpinaCMS-powered site/blog

For a while, my org was using Wordpress to manage a public-facing website, which was reverse-proxied on my Rails application's server to share its DNS (a fairly common setup). However, the cost of supporting Wordpress and the proxy became too great to justify, and we looked into replacing Wordpress with another CMS option. I came across SpinaCMS, an open-source, Rails-powered CMS, which offered a lot of upside to proxying to a seperate server running a separate application. However, there were several gotchas that took some navigating, that I want to share in one place, considering I believe these would all be common situations to anyone trying to accomplish a similar goal. This guide will assume you have completed the basic setup of gem installation and setup rake tasks.

Using MySQL instead of Postgres

If your application is already running on MySQL, you probably don't want to go through the hurdles of moving to a Postgres database. Fortunately, unless you are using the e-commer

aseroff / exercise_turbo_frame_request_conditional.rb
Last active March 22, 2023 19:43
Testing rails controllers that change behavior based on "if turbo_frame_request?"
# Based on this code:
# the response of turbo_frame_request? is based on the presence of a header named "Turbo-Frame".
# Therefore, you can exercise code behind this conditional in your controller tests by specifying that header in your GET requests.
# example controller action
class DashboardController < ApplicationController
# GET dashboard
def index
if turbo_frame_request?
# frame loading behavior
aseroff /
Last active March 28, 2023 20:52
Creating a selectbox for a form using ancestry SECRET OPTION #5

Options 1-4 seen here

Option 5: Directly writing to the Ancestry string field

  • In the form:
    <%= :ancestry, [['- New Primary Category -', '/']] +{ |category| [, "#{category.ancestry}#{}/"] } %>