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Created May 20, 2009 22:04
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(ns clojure-couchdb
(:use com.ashafa.couchdb
(clojure.contrib [test-is :as test-is])))
(set-couchdb-config! {:language "clojure"})
(def test-doc-1 {:name "John Smith"
:email ""
:score 65})
(def test-doc-2 {:name "Jane Thompson"
:email ""
:score 98})
(def test-doc-3 {:name "Robert Jones"
:email ""
:score 80})
(def test-doc-4 {:name "Sarah Parker"
:email ""
:score 59})
(def names-with-score-over-70-view (with-clj-map-reduce
#(if (> (:score %) 70) [nil (:name %)])))
(def sum-of-all-scores-view (with-clj-map-reduce
(fn [doc] [nil (:score doc)]) ;map
(fn [keys values _] (apply + values)))) ;reduce
(defmacro defdbtest [name & body]
`(deftest ~name
(create-database "test_db")
(with-db "test_db" ~@body)
(delete-database "test_db")))))
(defdbtest create-a-document
(is (contains? (create-doc test-doc-1) :id)))
(defdbtest create-a-document-with-id
(is (= "my_id" (:id (create-doc-with-id "my_id" test-doc-2)))))
(defdbtest get-a-document
(let [doc-meta (create-doc test-doc-3)]
(is (= (test-doc-3 :name) (:name (get-doc (doc-meta :id)))))))
(defdbtest update-a-document
(let [id (:id (create-doc test-doc-4))]
(update-doc (get-doc id) {:email ""})
(is (= "" (:email (get-doc id))))))
(defdbtest update-a-document-with-a-function
(let [id (:id (create-doc test-doc-4))]
(update-doc (get-doc id) (partial + 4) [:score])
(is (= 63 (:score (get-doc id))))))
(defdbtest get-all-documents-meta
(create-doc test-doc-1)
(create-doc test-doc-2)
(create-doc test-doc-3)
(is (= 3 (:total_rows (get-all-docs)))))
(defdbtest get-all-documents-using-query-params
(create-doc-with-id 1 test-doc-1)
(create-doc-with-id 2 test-doc-2)
(create-doc-with-id 3 test-doc-3)
(is (= "Robert Jones" (-> (get-all-docs {:include_docs true :descending true})
:rows first :doc :name))))
(defdbtest create-a-design-view
(let [design-doc-meta (create-view "users" :names-with-score-over-70 names-with-score-over-70-view)]
(is (map? (-> (get-doc (design-doc-meta :id)) :views :names-with-score-over-70)))))
(defdbtest use-a-design-view-with-only-map
(create-doc test-doc-1)
(create-doc test-doc-2)
(create-doc test-doc-3)
(create-doc test-doc-4)
(create-view "users" :names-with-score-over-70 names-with-score-over-70-view)
(is (= #{"Robert Jones" "Jane Thompson"}
(set (map :value (:rows (get-view "users" :names-with-score-over-70)))))))
(defdbtest use-a-design-view-with-both-map-and-reduce
(create-doc test-doc-1)
(create-doc test-doc-2)
(create-doc test-doc-3)
(create-doc test-doc-4)
(create-view "scores" :sum-of-all-scores sum-of-all-scores-view)
(is (= 302 (-> (get-view "scores" :sum-of-all-scores) :rows first :value))))
(defdbtest use-a-tempoary-view
(create-doc test-doc-1)
(create-doc test-doc-2)
(create-doc test-doc-3)
(create-doc test-doc-4)
(is (= #{"" ""}
(set (map :value (:rows (get-tempoary-view
(fn [doc] (if (re-find #"example\.com$" (:email doc))
[nil (:email doc)]))))))))))
(defdbtest use-a-tempoary-view-using-javascript-view-server
(create-doc test-doc-1)
(create-doc test-doc-2)
(create-doc test-doc-3)
(create-doc test-doc-4)
(is (= #{"" ""}
(set (map :value (:rows (get-tempoary-view
{:language "javascript"
:map "function(doc){if('')>0)emit(null,;}"})))))))
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