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Forked from ryo1kato/bash functrace
Created July 7, 2017 22:01
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Backtrace for bash
set -ue
bash_trace () {
typeset -i i=0
for func in "${FUNCNAME[@]}"
printf '%15s() %s:%d\n' \
"$func" "${BASH_SOURCE[$i]}" "${BASH_LINENO[$i]}"
let i++ || true
trap 'echo "Unexpected error at: line $LINENO"; bash_trace; exit' ERR EXIT
exit () {
trap - ERR EXIT
command exit "$@"
foo () { false; }
bar () { foo; }
baz () { bar; }
# With set -e, you won't reach here
echo Zzz...
sleep 999
exit 0
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