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Created May 10, 2017 08:50
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Update ACS k8s API server to run with OIDC based-auth
ensure_kube_apiserver_config() {
local dry_run="$2"
# If we want to make changes to the apiserver manifest we do it via an
# Azure CustomLinuxCommand extension
# which will run the
# command for us without having to log in. The down side to this is that it
# takes a while to "deploy" the extension, which is espeically a pain if
# the config is already correct.
# To speed it up and only deploy the extension if something is changed we
# look at the spec of the API server using `kubectl`.
local client_id
client_id="$(jq -r -e '.parameters.authOIDCClientId.value' "$customization_params_file")" || {
info "Skipping APIServer config: no authOIDCClientId.value found in customization file"
"--oidc-client-id" "$client_id"
"--oidc-issuer-url" "<creds>/v2.0"
"--oidc-username-claim" "preferred_username"
"--oidc-groups-claim" "groups"
info "Checking kube-apiserver config..."
local current_config master_vms
list_deployment_vms --master-only --names <<<"$1"
master_vms=$(list_deployment_vms --master-only --names <<<"$1") || {
err "Error getting master VMs."
exit 1
for vm_id in $master_vms
# There might not be a kube-apiserver running (yet) on that node, so we
# can't pipe the output directly into filter_spec_command_flags.
current_config="$(kubectl --namespace=kube-system get "pods/kube-apiserver-$(tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' <<<"$vm_id")" -o json)" || true
local status=${PIPESTATUS[0]}
if [[ $status != 0 ]] || <<<"$current_config" filter_spec_command_flags --are-changes-needed -- "${desired_args[@]}"; then
[[ -n "$dry_run" ]] && {
info "API Server config on $vm_id needs updating (dry run)"
info "Updating API Server config on $vm_id"
az vm extension set \
-g "$rg_name" \
--vm-name "$vm_id" \
--publisher Microsoft.Azure.Extensions \
-n CustomScript \
--protected-settings "$(extension_json_params "${desired_args[@]}")"
extension_json_params() {
# Build the json parameters we feed into the custom extension. We could
# upload a file to an azure storage blob to make this nicer, but we haven't
# done that anywhere else so for now it's a big-massive-log bash -c ''
# command.
# NOTE: This uses wildducktheories/y2j. If any environment blocks pulling
# images from the docker hub this might fail!
echo '#!/bin/bash
set -ex -o pipefail
# Now include the function body, and the flags we want
# `type` will tell us what it is, and print the definition. We want just the definition
type filter_spec_command_flags | tail -n +2
echo "desired_args=("
printf " %q" "$@"
echo ")"
# Then the rest of our script
# shellcheck disable=SC1004
echo '
apiserver_manifest="$(</etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-apiserver.yaml docker run --rm -i wildducktheories/y2j y2j)"
if filter_spec_command_flags --are-changes-needed -- "${desired_args[@]}" <<<"${apiserver_manifest}"; then
echo "Changes needed in kube-apiserver.yaml"
filter_spec_command_flags -- "${desired_args[@]}" <<<"${apiserver_manifest}" \
| docker run --rm -i wildducktheories/y2j j2y > $tmpfile
mv $tmpfile /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-apiserver.yaml
echo "Restarting kubelet"
service kubelet restart
echo "No change needed in kube-apiserver.yaml"
} | jq --slurp -R '{
commandToExecute: "/bin/bash -c \(. | @sh)"
# Expects as input on stdin a pod spec IN JSON (not the default Yaml) and takes
# arguments of the list of options we want to see in the command line. Returns
# the new pod spec also in JSON.
filter_spec_command_flags() {
# Check for cmd flags first
# Save stdout so we can re-open it later
exec 3>&1
local final_filter="" filters="" jq_args=()
while [[ "$#" -gt 0 ]]; do
case "${1:-}" in
# Exit with 0 exit code if the command needs to be updated
filters='. as $orig | '
final_filter=' | . != $orig'
# We won't want any output from this function
exec >/dev/null
>&2 echo "Unknown mode to filter_spec_command_flags: \"$1\""
exit 2
[[ $(($# % 2)) -eq 0 ]] || {
echo >&2 "filter_spec_command_flags needs an even number of remaining arguments!"
return 1
while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do
filters+=".spec.containers[].command |= update_or_append(\"$1\"; \"$2\") | "
# Trim off the " | " from the end using bash parameter substitution.
filters="${filters% | }"
jq "${jq_args[@]}" '
def update_or_append($flag;$value):
# Do we already have a setting of this value, or do we need to add a new one
if any(startswith("\($flag)=")) then
if startswith($flag) then
. + ["\($flag)=\($value)"]
local status=$?
exec 1>&3 3>&-
return $status
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