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Created April 14, 2011 18:06
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How to connect vnc viewer to a kvm guest over ssh tunnel
amitava@bonjovi:~$ sudo virsh
Welcome to virsh, the virtualization interactive terminal.
Type: 'help' for help with commands
'quit' to quit
virsh # start latticegrid-demo
Domain latticegrid-demo started
virsh # list
Id Name State
2 latticegrid-demo running
virsh # vncdisplay 2
virsh #
# So guest is on vncport :0 (i.e. 5900:0)
# Create ssh tunnel to that port
ashee:~ amitava$ ssh -L 5900: bonjovi
# Now fire up Chicken of the VNC and select the following settings
# Host: locahost
# Display: 0
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diginc commented Feb 25, 2014

Here is an alternative method using ssh config & realVNC's support for SOCKS proxy

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