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Created July 27, 2016 09:51
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How to predict results from lme4's glmer when fit with scaled data
# We often fit LMM/GLMM's with scaled variables. However, making predictions using those models isn't straightforward (at least to me!)
# It turns out that you have to re-scale your prediction data using the same parameters used to scale your original data frame used to fit the model
# See below, and pay special attention to the section where the new data are rescaled.
reps = 3000
dbh = rexp(reps); dbh = dbh/max(dbh) * 100
census_len = runif(reps, min = 0.8, max = 1.2)
ann_surv_prob = .95 + .01 * dbh/max(dbh)
ann_mort_prob = 1 - ann_surv_prob
obs_surv_prob = 1 - ann_mort_prob^census_len
surv = rbinom(reps, 1, obs_surv_prob)
plot = factor(sample(LETTERS[1:5], reps, replace = T))
mod_df = data.frame(plot = plot, surv = surv, dbh = dbh, census_len = census_len)
# Modeling with scaled parameters - you must rescale the newdata predictors using the center/scale of the predictor data
surv_mod_scale = glmer(surv ~ (1|plot) + scale(dbh) + offset(log(census_len)), data = mod_df, family = binomial(link = "cloglog"))
# predicted annual survival probability for a 10cm DBH tree
surv_prob_manual = cloglog(fixef(surv_mod_scale)[1] + 10 * fixef(surv_mod_scale)[2], inverse = T)
surv_prob_manual # this does not match. must rescale as below.
# This is the key section. Make sure you rescale your new data frame properly! #
dbh_center = attributes(surv_mod_scale@frame$"scale(dbh)")[["scaled:center"]]
dbh_scale = attributes(surv_mod_scale@frame$"scale(dbh)")[["scaled:scale"]]
surv_prob_manual_scale = cloglog(fixef(surv_mod_scale)[1] + scale(10, center = dbh_center, scale = dbh_scale) * fixef(surv_mod_scale)[2], inverse = T)
surv_prob_manual_scale # this matches the predict() output below #######
surv_prob_predict_scale = predict(surv_mod_scale, newdata = data.frame(dbh = 10, census_len = 1), re.form = NA, type = "response")
# Modeling with unscaled parameters - manual & predict() match
surv_mod_noscale = glmer(surv ~ (1|plot) + dbh + offset(log(census_len)), data = mod_df, family = binomial(link = "cloglog"))
# predicted annual survival probability for a 10cm DBH tree
surv_prob_manual_noscale = cloglog(fixef(surv_mod_noscale)[1] + 10 * fixef(surv_mod_noscale)[2], inverse = T)
surv_prob_predict_noscale = predict(surv_mod_noscale, newdata = data.frame(dbh = 10, census_len = 1), re.form = NA, type = "response")
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kaliprescott commented Aug 2, 2023 via email

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ashenkin commented Aug 2, 2023

Oh right, sorry, misread your issue. This does run the model with scaled predictors (see line 21). You just have to be careful how to rescale the data for predictions. I put this together quite a while ago, so please excuse any haziness on my part.

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