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Last active January 29, 2024 19:21
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PowerShell function to install fonts on Windows. Supports both individual and bulk file installations. Offers wildcard and recursive directory searching. TTF and OTF fonts supported by default.
Function Install-Font {
Installs fonts from a specified path on Windows systems.
The Install-Font function supports handling individual font files, directories containing multiple fonts, and wildcard paths. It also supports recursive search for font files in the specified path and all its subdirectories. The function is capable of installing both TTF and OTF font types.
Specifies the path to the font file(s). This can be a path to an individual font file, a directory containing font files, or a wildcard path. The function accepts both relative and absolute paths.
.PARAMETER Recursive
When specified, the function will recursively search for font files in the specified path and all its subdirectories. This is useful for bulk installations from directories with nested subfolders.
Install-Font -Path ".\MyFont.ttf"
This example installs a single font file named 'MyFont.ttf' located in the current directory.
Install-Font -Path ".\MyFont.otf"
This example installs a single font file named 'MyFont.otf' located in the current directory.
Install-Font -Path "C:\Users\User\Downloads\*.ttf"
This example installs all TTF fonts located in the 'Downloads' folder of the 'User' directory.
Install-Font -Path "*.ttf" -Recursive
This example installs all TTF fonts found in the current directory and its subdirectories.
param (
# Get the path to the Fonts folder
$SystemFontsPath = [System.Environment]::GetFolderPath([System.Environment+SpecialFolder]::Fonts)
# Find all font files based on the given path
$fontFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -Recurse:$Recursive -File | Where-Object { $_.Extension -eq '.ttf' -or $_.Extension -eq '.otf' }
foreach ($file in $fontFiles) {
Write-Output "Installing $($file.Name)"
# Construct the path to the font file in the Fonts folder
$FontDestination = Join-Path -Path $SystemFontsPath -ChildPath $file.Name
# Get font name from font file
$ShellFolder = (New-Object -COMObject Shell.Application).Namespace($file.DirectoryName)
$ShellFile = $ShellFolder.ParseName($file.Name)
$FontType = $ShellFolder.GetDetailsOf($ShellFile, 2)
$FontName = $ShellFolder.GetDetailsOf($ShellFile, 21)
# Check if the file is a font file
If (-not ($FontType -Like '*font*')) {
Write-Output " $($file.Name) is not a recognized font file"
# If the font file doesn't exist in the Fonts folder
if (-not (Test-Path -Path $FontDestination)) {
# Copy the font file to the Fonts folder
Copy-Item -Path $file.FullName -Destination $FontDestination
# Register the font in the registry for persistence
$registryPath = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts"
if ($null -ne $FontName) {
$null = Set-ItemProperty -Path $registryPath -Name "$FontName (TrueType)" -Value $file.Name
Write-Output " Installed `"$FontName``"
} else {
Write-Output " `"$FontName`" is already installed"
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