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Last active February 15, 2021 10:47
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  • Save asheroto/b8c82ea515e8baa569807108d1d9ed0a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Publishes dotnet packages for supported .NET 5 compatible operating systems
Publishes dotnet packages for supported .NET 5 compatible operating systems
Publishes dotnet packages for supported .NET 5 compatible operating systems
Created by : asheroto
Date Coded : 01/26/2020
More info: :
# Change the variables below, then run the script
$DebugOrRelease = "Release" # Debug or Release
$SolutionOrProjectPath = "C:\Projects\Example1\Example1.sln" # Solution or Project file you want to publish
$PublishPath = "C:\output" # The directory you want the published files to go in
$BinaryName = "YourExeNameWithoutDotExe" # Binary name from build, without the .exe extension
$PublishSingleFile = "true" # If true, produces a single file
$SelfContained = "false" # If true, the binary will run without .NET runtime being installed
# Change the variables above, then run the script
function Publish {
param (
[String] $ArchID
# Publish
dotnet publish -r $ArchID -p:PublishSingleFile=$PublishSingleFile --self-contained $SelfContained -c $DebugOrRelease --nologo --output $PublishPath $SolutionOrProjectPath
if ($ArchID.Contains("win-")) {
# If architecture is Windows
$OriginalBinaryName = $BinaryName + ".exe"
$TargetBinaryName = $BinaryName + "_" + $ArchID + ".exe"
} else {
# If architecture not Windows
$OriginalBinaryName = $BinaryName
$TargetBinaryName = $BinaryName + "_" + $ArchID
# Rename original build name to build name + architecture
Rename-Item ($PublishPath + "\" + $OriginalBinaryName) $TargetBinaryName
# Delete existing files in with binary name in publish path
if(Test-Path ($PublishPath)) {
try {
Remove-Item ($PublishPath + "\" + $BinaryName + "*")
} catch {
# Publish binaries
# See runtime identifiers here:
Publish -ArchID win-x64
Publish -ArchID win-x86
Publish -ArchID win-arm64
Publish -ArchID linux-x64
Publish -ArchID linux-arm
Publish -ArchID linux-arm64
Publish -ArchID osx-x64
# Open folder to publish path
Start-Process explorer.exe -ArgumentList $PublishPath
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