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Last active April 19, 2020 13:05
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╰─$ nix-build release.nix 1 ↵
error: attribute 'motion-detect-camera' missing, at /home/ashesh/code/homebot/rpi/motion-detect-camera/release.nix:94:26
(use '--show-trace' to show detailed location information)
# The following lists specify which overrides need to be applied for which
# packages.
# Create a list per override, and add the names of packages in it as strings
# (using quotes). Do not use the derivations, but the package names.
# The overrides are applied using `makeOverrides` below.
# Disable tests for these packages
dontCheckPackages = [
# Jailbreak these packages
doJailbreakPackages = [ "opaleye-trans" "hpio" ];
# Disable haddocks for these packages
dontHaddockPackages =
[ "opaleye-trans" "composite-opaleye" ];
# Unmark these packages as broken
unmarkBrokenPackages = [
# amazonka is marked as broken (19.09 - 07.01.2020)
# This function creates overrides
makeOverrides = function: names: haskellPackagesNew: haskellPackagesOld:
toPackage = name: {
inherit name;
value = function haskellPackagesOld.${name};
in builtins.listToAttrs (map toPackage names);
composeExtensionsList = pkgs.lib.fold pkgs.lib.composeExtensions (_: _: { });
genOverlay = self: super: {
motion-detect-camera =
self.callCabal2nix "motion-detect-camera" ./. { };
# Call a custom derivation for a dependency
# For example:
# - use other version than that in nixpkgs
# - use a specific git commit
# - use a fork
postgresql-simple =
self.callHackage "postgresql-simple" "" { };
# TODO: 16.01.2020: opaleye-trans 0.5.1 doesn't show up yet in cabal2nix, so a
# manual run is needed
# opaleye-trans = haskellPackagesOld.callHackage "opaleye-trans" "0.5.1" {};
opaleye-trans = self.callPackage nix/opaleye-trans.nix { };
# phone-numbers = self.callPackage nix/phone-numbers.nix {
# phonenumber = self.libphonenumber;
# protobuf = self.protobuf;
# };
otherOverlay = self: super:
(with oldPkgs.haskell.lib;
(composeExtensionsList [
(makeOverrides dontCheck dontCheckPackages)
(makeOverrides doJailbreak doJailbreakPackages)
(makeOverrides dontHaddock dontHaddockPackages)
(makeOverrides unmarkBroken unmarkBrokenPackages)
]) self super);
overlay = self: super: {
haskellPackages = super.haskellPackages.override {
overrides =
(self: super: (genOverlay self super) // (otherOverlay self super));
# import nixpkgs
channel = "nixos-19.09";
pkg-src = builtins.fetchTarball "${channel}/nixexprs.tar.xz";
oldPkgs = import pkg-src { };
servantOverlays = (import ./nix/servant2.nix oldPkgs).overlays;
pkgs = import pkg-src { overlays = [ overlay ] ++ servantOverlays ; };
in {
motion-detect-camera = pkgs.haskellPackages.motion-detect-camera;
inherit pkgs;
servantsrc = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "haskell-servant";
repo = "servant";
rev = "9eb57a6119f9c9045dbd49050bed6f1282611d99";
sha256 = "0kqglih3rv12nmkzxvalhfaaafk4b2irvv9x5xmc48i1ns71y23l";
servantCookiesrc = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "zohl";
repo = "servant-auth-cookie";
rev = "a87aaca613ebc8e4ca213684055d4b1af6f3ca55";
sha256 = "0cv930kv61ffib49dhinks6i64qrsyayk7bx0h444qf366x1jrp7";
haskellOverlay = hlib: self: super: {
servant = hlib.dontCheck (hlib.doJailbreak (self.callCabal2nix "servant" "${servantsrc}/servant" {}));
servant-server = hlib.dontCheck (hlib.doJailbreak (self.callCabal2nix "servant-server" "${servantsrc}/servant-server" {}));
servant-auth-cookie =
# turn of the build examples flag
let noExamples = hlib.disableCabalFlag (hlib.doJailbreak (self.callCabal2nix "servant-auth-cookie" /home/ashesh/code/asheshambasta/servant-auth-cookie { })) "build-examples";
# servant-auth-cookie has strict version bounds, and this causes breakages of all kinds.
# ideally this repository should be forked.
# the following patch removes all of these bounds, but this now causes compile errors.
removeBounds = old: { postPatch = old.postPatch or ""
+ '' substituteInPlace servant-auth-cookie.cabal --replace "servant <0.9" "servant -any"
substituteInPlace servant-auth-cookie.cabal --replace "bytestring-conversion >=0.3.1 && <0.4" "bytestring-conversion -any"
substituteInPlace servant-auth-cookie.cabal --replace "http-api-data ==0.3.*" "http-api-data -any"
in noExamples.overrideAttrs removeBounds;
overlays = [
self: super: {
haskellPackages = super.haskellPackages.override {
overrides = haskellOverlay self.haskell.lib;
in {
inherit overlays;
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