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Last active June 15, 2023 16:23
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Rank minimization using Nuclear norm optimization for python3 using CVXOPT

This is a small modification of [] for Python3 & CVXOPT. As the comment says, this program was originally written by Z. Liu and L. Vandenberghe, and it distributed under GPL.

Interior-point code for nuclear norm minimization
# Version 1.0. Copyright 2009 Z. Liu and L. Vandenberghe.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
from cvxopt import matrix, spmatrix, sqrt, sparse, mul
from cvxopt import base, blas, lapack, solvers, misc
__all__ = [ 'nrmapp' ]
def nrmapp(A, B, C = None, d = None, G = None, h = None):
Solves the regularized nuclear norm approximation problem
minimize || A(x) + B ||_* + 1/2 x'*C*x + d'*x
subject to G*x <= h
and its dual
maximize -h'*z + tr(B'*Z) - 1/2 v'*C*v
subject to d + G'*z + A'(Z) = C*v
z >= 0
|| Z || <= 1.
A(x) is a linear mapping that maps n-vectors x to (p x q)-matrices A(x).
||.||_* is the nuclear norm (sum of singular values).
A'(Z) is the adjoint mapping of A(x).
||.|| is the maximum singular value norm.
A real dense or sparse matrix of size (p*q, n). Its columns are
the coefficients A_i of the mapping
A: reals^n --> reals^pxq, A(x) = sum_i=1^n x_i * A_i,
stored in column-major order, as p*q-vectors.
B real dense or sparse matrix of size (p, q), with p >= q.
C real symmetric positive semidefinite dense or sparse matrix of
order n. Only the lower triangular part of C is accessed.
The default value is a zero matrix.
d real dense matrix of size (n, 1). The default value is a zero
G real dense or sparse matrix of size (m, n), with m >= 0.
The default value is a matrix of size (0, n).
h real dense matrix of size (m, 1). The default value is a
matrix of size (0, 1).
status 'optimal', 'primal infeasible', or 'unknown'.
x 'd' matrix of size (n, 1) if status is 'optimal';
None otherwise.
z 'd' matrix of size (m, 1) if status is 'optimal' or 'primal
infeasible'; None otherwise.
Z 'd' matrix of size (p, q) if status is 'optimal' or 'primal
infeasible'; None otherwise.
If status is 'optimal', then x, z, Z are approximate solutions of the
optimality conditions
C * x + G' * z + A'(Z) + d = 0
G * x <= h
z >= 0, || Z || < = 1
z' * (h - G*x) = 0
tr (Z' * (A(x) + B)) = || A(x) + B ||_*.
The last (complementary slackness) condition can be replaced by the
following. If the singular value decomposition of A(x) + B is
A(x) + B = [ U1 U2 ] * diag(s, 0) * [ V1 V2 ]',
with s > 0, then
Z = U1 * V1' + U2 * W * V2', || W || <= 1.
If status is 'primal infeasible', then Z = 0 and z is a certificate of
infeasibility for the inequalities G * x <= h, i.e., a vector that
h' * z = 1, G' * z = 0, z >= 0.
if type(B) not in (matrix, spmatrix) or B.typecode is not 'd':
raise TypeError("B must be a real dense or sparse matrix")
p, q = B.size
if p < q:
raise ValueError("row dimension of B must be greater than or "\
"equal to column dimension")
if type(A) not in (matrix, spmatrix) or A.typecode is not 'd' or \
A.size[0] != p*q:
raise TypeError("A must be a real dense or sparse matrix with "\
"p*q rows if B has size (p, q)")
n = A.size[1]
if G is None: G = spmatrix([], [], [], (0, n))
if h is None: h = matrix(0.0, (0, 1))
if type(h) is not matrix or h.typecode is not 'd' or h.size[1] != 1:
raise TypeError("h must be a real dense matrix with one column")
m = h.size[0]
if type(G) not in (matrix, spmatrix) or G.typecode is not 'd' or \
G.size != (m, n):
raise TypeError("G must be a real dense matrix or sparse matrix "\
"of size (m, n) if h has length m and A has n columns")
if C is None: C = spmatrix(0.0, [], [], (n,n))
if d is None: d = matrix(0.0, (n, 1))
if type(C) not in (matrix, spmatrix) or C.typecode is not 'd' or \
C.size != (n,n):
raise TypeError("C must be real dense or sparse matrix of size "\
"(n, n) if A has n columns")
if type(d) is not matrix or d.typecode is not 'd' or d.size != (n,1):
raise TypeError("d must be a real matrix of size (n, 1) if A has "\
"n columns")
# The problem is solved as a cone program
# minimize (1/2) * x'*C*x + d'*x + (1/2) * (tr X1 + tr X2)
# subject to G*x <= h
# [ X1 (A(x) + B)' ]
# [ A(x) + B X2 ] >= 0.
# The primal variable is stored as a list [ x, X1, X2 ].
def xnewcopy(u):
return [ matrix(u[0]), matrix(u[1]), matrix(u[2]) ]
def xdot(u,v):
return[0], v[0]) + misc.sdot2(u[1], v[1]) + \
misc.sdot2(u[2], v[2])
def xscal(alpha, u):
blas.scal(alpha, u[0])
blas.scal(alpha, u[1])
blas.scal(alpha, u[2])
def xaxpy(u, v, alpha = 1.0):
blas.axpy(u[0], v[0], alpha)
blas.axpy(u[1], v[1], alpha)
blas.axpy(u[2], v[2], alpha)
def Pf(u, v, alpha = 1.0, beta = 0.0):
base.symv(C, u[0], v[0], alpha = alpha, beta = beta)
blas.scal(beta, v[1])
blas.scal(beta, v[2])
c = [ d, matrix(0.0, (q,q)), matrix(0.0, (p,p)) ]
c[1][::q+1] = 0.5
c[2][::p+1] = 0.5
# If V is a p+q x p+q matrix
# [ V11 V12 ]
# V = [ ]
# [ V21 V22 ]
# with V11 q x q, V21 p x q, V12 q x p, and V22 p x p, then I11, I21,
# I22 are the index sets defined by
# V[I11] = V11[:], V[I21] = V21[:], V[I22] = V22[:].
I11 = matrix([ i + j*(p+q) for j in range(q) for i in range(q) ])
I21 = matrix([ q + i + j*(p+q) for j in range(q) for i in range(p) ])
I22 = matrix([ (p+q)*q + q + i + j*(p+q) for j in range(p) for
i in range(p) ])
dims = {'l': m, 'q': [], 's': [p+q]}
hh = matrix(0.0, (m + (p+q)**2, 1))
hh[:m] = h
hh[m + I21] = B[:]
def Gf(u, v, alpha = 1.0, beta = 0.0, trans = 'N'):
if trans == 'N':
# v[:m] := alpha * G * u[0] + beta * v[:m]
base.gemv(G, u[0], v, alpha = alpha, beta = beta)
# v[m:] := alpha * [-u[1], -A(u[0])'; -A(u[0]), -u[2]]
# + beta * v[m:]
blas.scal(beta, v, offset = m)
v[m + I11] -= alpha * u[1][:]
v[m + I21] -= alpha * A * u[0]
v[m + I22] -= alpha * u[2][:]
# v[0] := alpha * ( G.T * u[:m] - 2.0 * A.T * u[m + I21] )
# + beta v[1]
base.gemv(G, u, v[0], trans = 'T', alpha = alpha, beta = beta)
base.gemv(A, u[m + I21], v[0], trans = 'T', alpha = -2.0*alpha,
beta = 1.0)
# v[1] := -alpha * u[m + I11] + beta * v[1]
blas.scal(beta, v[1])
blas.axpy(u[m + I11], v[1], alpha = -alpha)
# v[2] := -alpha * u[m + I22] + beta * v[2]
blas.scal(beta, v[2])
blas.axpy(u[m + I22], v[2], alpha = -alpha)
def Af(u, v, alpha = 1.0, beta = 0.0, trans = 'N'):
if trans == 'N':
blas.scal(beta, v[0])
blas.scal(beta, v[1])
blas.scal(beta, v[2])
L1 = matrix(0.0, (q, q))
L2 = matrix(0.0, (p, p))
T21 = matrix(0.0, (p, q))
s = matrix(0.0, (q, 1))
SS = matrix(0.0, (q, q))
V1 = matrix(0.0, (q, q))
V2 = matrix(0.0, (p, p))
As = matrix(0.0, (p*q, n))
As2 = matrix(0.0, (p*q, n))
tmp = matrix(0.0, (p, q))
a = matrix(0.0, (p+q, p+q))
H = matrix(0.0, (n,n))
Gs = matrix(0.0, (m, n))
Q1 = matrix(0.0, (q, p+q))
Q2 = matrix(0.0, (p, p+q))
tau1 = matrix(0.0, (q,1))
tau2 = matrix(0.0, (p,1))
bz11 = matrix(0.0, (q,q))
bz22 = matrix(0.0, (p,p))
bz21 = matrix(0.0, (p,q))
# Suppose V = [V1; V2] is p x q with V1 q x q. If v = V[:] then
# v[Itriu] are the strict upper triangular entries of V1 stored
# columnwise.
Itriu = [ i + j*p for j in range(1,q) for i in range(j) ]
# v[Itril] are the strict lower triangular entries of V1 stored rowwise.
Itril = [ j + i*p for j in range(1,q) for i in range(j) ]
# v[Idiag] are the diagonal entries of V1.
Idiag = [ i*(p+1) for i in range(q) ]
# v[Itriu2] are the upper triangular entries of V1, with the diagonal
# entries stored first, followed by the strict upper triangular entries
# stored columnwise.
Itriu2 = Idiag + Itriu
# If V is a q x q matrix and v = V[:], then v[Itril2] are the strict
# lower triangular entries of V stored columnwise and v[Itril3] are
# the strict lower triangular entries stored rowwise.
Itril2 = [ i + j*q for j in range(q) for i in range(j+1,q) ]
Itril3 = [ i + j*q for i in range(q) for j in range(i) ]
P = spmatrix(0.0, Itriu, Itril, (p*q, p*q))
D = spmatrix(1.0, range(p*q), range(p*q))
DV = matrix(1.0, (p*q, 1))
def F(W):
Create a solver for the linear equations
C * ux + G' * uzl - 2*A'(uzs21) = bx
-uzs11 = bX1
-uzs22 = bX2
G * ux - Dl^2 * uzl = bzl
[ -uX1 -A(ux)' ] [ uzs11 uzs21' ]
[ ] - r*r' * [ ] * r*r' = bzs
[ -A(ux) -uX2 ] [ uzs21 uzs22 ]
where Dl = diag(W['l']), r = W['r'][0].
On entry, x = (bx, bX1, bX2) and z = [ bzl; bzs[:] ].
On exit, x = (ux, uX1, uX2) and z = [ Dl*uzl; (r'*uzs*r)[:] ].
1. Compute matrices V1, V2 such that (with T = r*r')
[ V1 0 ] [ T11 T21' ] [ V1' 0 ] [ I S' ]
[ ] [ ] [ ] = [ ]
[ 0 V2' ] [ T21 T22 ] [ 0 V2 ] [ S I ]
and S = [ diag(s); 0 ], s a positive q-vector.
2. Factor the mapping X -> X + S * X' * S:
X + S * X' * S = L( L'( X )).
3. Compute scaled mappings: a matrix As with as its columns the
coefficients of the scaled mapping
L^-1( V2' * A() * V1' )
and the matrix Gs = Dl^-1 * G.
4. Cholesky factorization of H = C + Gs'*Gs + 2*As'*As.
# 1. Compute V1, V2, s.
r = W['r'][0]
# LQ factorization R[:q, :] = L1 * Q1.
lapack.lacpy(r, Q1, m = q)
lapack.gelqf(Q1, tau1)
lapack.lacpy(Q1, L1, n = q, uplo = 'L')
lapack.orglq(Q1, tau1)
# LQ factorization R[q:, :] = L2 * Q2.
lapack.lacpy(r, Q2, m = p, offsetA = q)
lapack.gelqf(Q2, tau2)
lapack.lacpy(Q2, L2, n = p, uplo = 'L')
lapack.orglq(Q2, tau2)
# V2, V1, s are computed from an SVD: if
# Q2 * Q1' = U * diag(s) * V',
# then V1 = V' * L1^-1 and V2 = L2^-T * U.
# T21 = Q2 * Q1.T
blas.gemm(Q2, Q1, T21, transB = 'T')
# SVD T21 = U * diag(s) * V'. Store U in V2 and V' in V1.
lapack.gesvd(T21, s, jobu = 'A', jobvt = 'A', U = V2, Vt = V1)
# # Q2 := Q2 * Q1' without extracting Q1; store T21 in Q2
# this will requires lapack.ormlq or lapack.unmlq
# V2 = L2^-T * U
blas.trsm(L2, V2, transA = 'T')
# V1 = V' * L1^-1
blas.trsm(L1, V1, side = 'R')
# 2. Factorization X + S * X' * S = L( L'( X )).
# The factor L is stored as a diagonal matrix D and a sparse lower
# triangular matrix P, such that
# L(X)[:] = D**-1 * (I + P) * X[:]
# L^-1(X)[:] = D * (I - P) * X[:].
# SS is q x q with SS[i,j] = si*sj.
blas.scal(0.0, SS)
blas.syr(s, SS)
# For a p x q matrix X, P*X[:] is Y[:] where
# Yij = si * sj * Xji if i < j
# = 0 otherwise.
P.V = SS[Itril2]
# For a p x q matrix X, D*X[:] is Y[:] where
# Yij = Xij / sqrt( 1 - si^2 * sj^2 ) if i < j
# = Xii / sqrt( 1 + si^2 ) if i = j
# = Xij otherwise.
DV[Idiag] = sqrt(1.0 + SS[::q+1])
DV[Itriu] = sqrt(1.0 - SS[Itril3]**2)
D.V = DV**-1
# 3. Scaled linear mappings
# Ask := V2' * Ask * V1'
blas.scal(0.0, As)
base.axpy(A, As)
for i in range(n):
# tmp := V2' * As[i, :]
blas.gemm(V2, As, tmp, transA = 'T', m = p, n = q, k = p,
ldB = p, offsetB = i*p*q)
# As[:,i] := tmp * V1'
blas.gemm(tmp, V1, As, transB = 'T', m = p, n = q, k = q,
ldC = p, offsetC = i*p*q)
# As := D * (I - P) * As
# = L^-1 * As.
blas.copy(As, As2)
base.gemm(P, As, As2, alpha = -1.0, beta = 1.0)
base.gemm(D, As2, As)
# Gs := Dl^-1 * G
blas.scal(0.0, Gs)
base.axpy(G, Gs)
for k in range(n):
blas.tbmv(W['di'], Gs, n = m, k = 0, ldA = 1, offsetx = k*m)
# 4. Cholesky factorization of H = C + Gs' * Gs + 2 * As' * As.
blas.syrk(As, H, trans = 'T', alpha = 2.0)
blas.syrk(Gs, H, trans = 'T', beta = 1.0)
base.axpy(C, H)
def f(x, y, z):
C * ux + G' * uzl - 2*A'(uzs21) = bx
-uzs11 = bX1
-uzs22 = bX2
G * ux - D^2 * uzl = bzl
[ -uX1 -A(ux)' ] [ uzs11 uzs21' ]
[ ] - T * [ ] * T = bzs.
[ -A(ux) -uX2 ] [ uzs21 uzs22 ]
On entry, x = (bx, bX1, bX2) and z = [ bzl; bzs[:] ].
On exit, x = (ux, uX1, uX2) and z = [ D*uzl; (r'*uzs*r)[:] ].
Define X = uzs21, Z = T * uzs * T:
C * ux + G' * uzl - 2*A'(X) = bx
[ 0 X' ] [ bX1 0 ]
T * [ ] * T - Z = T * [ ] * T
[ X 0 ] [ 0 bX2 ]
G * ux - D^2 * uzl = bzl
[ -uX1 -A(ux)' ] [ Z11 Z21' ]
[ ] - [ ] = bzs
[ -A(ux) -uX2 ] [ Z21 Z22 ]
Return x = (ux, uX1, uX2), z = [ D*uzl; (rti'*Z*rti)[:] ].
We use the congruence transformation
[ V1 0 ] [ T11 T21' ] [ V1' 0 ] [ I S' ]
[ ] [ ] [ ] = [ ]
[ 0 V2' ] [ T21 T22 ] [ 0 V2 ] [ S I ]
and the factorization
X + S * X' * S = L( L'(X) )
to write this as
C * ux + G' * uzl - 2*A'(X) = bx
L'(V2^-1 * X * V1^-1) - L^-1(V2' * Z21 * V1') = bX
G * ux - D^2 * uzl = bzl
[ -uX1 -A(ux)' ] [ Z11 Z21' ]
[ ] - [ ] = bzs,
[ -A(ux) -uX2 ] [ Z21 Z22 ]
C * ux + Gs' * uuzl - 2*As'(XX) = bx
XX - ZZ21 = bX
Gs * ux - uuzl = D^-1 * bzl
-As(ux) - ZZ21 = bbzs_21
-uX1 - Z11 = bzs_11
-uX2 - Z22 = bzs_22
if we introduce scaled variables
uuzl = D * uzl
XX = L'(V2^-1 * X * V1^-1)
= L'(V2^-1 * uzs21 * V1^-1)
ZZ21 = L^-1(V2' * Z21 * V1')
and define
bbzs_21 = L^-1(V2' * bzs_21 * V1')
[ bX1 0 ]
bX = L^-1( V2' * (T * [ ] * T)_21 * V1').
[ 0 bX2 ]
Eliminating Z21 gives
C * ux + Gs' * uuzl - 2*As'(XX) = bx
Gs * ux - uuzl = D^-1 * bzl
-As(ux) - XX = bbzs_21 - bX
-uX1 - Z11 = bzs_11
-uX2 - Z22 = bzs_22
and eliminating uuzl and XX gives
H * ux = bx + Gs' * D^-1 * bzl + 2*As'(bX - bbzs_21)
Gs * ux - uuzl = D^-1 * bzl
-As(ux) - XX = bbzs_21 - bX
-uX1 - Z11 = bzs_11
-uX2 - Z22 = bzs_22.
In summary, we can use the following algorithm:
1. bXX := bX - bbzs21
[ bX1 0 ]
= L^-1( V2' * ((T * [ ] * T)_21 - bzs_21) * V1')
[ 0 bX2 ]
2. Solve H * ux = bx + Gs' * D^-1 * bzl + 2*As'(bXX).
3. From ux, compute
uuzl = Gs*ux - D^-1 * bzl and
X = V2 * L^-T(-As(ux) + bXX) * V1.
4. Return ux, uuzl,
rti' * Z * rti = r' * [ -bX1, X'; X, -bX2 ] * r
and uX1 = -Z11 - bzs_11, uX2 = -Z22 - bzs_22.
# Save bzs_11, bzs_22, bzs_21.
lapack.lacpy(z, bz11, uplo = 'L', m = q, n = q, ldA = p+q,
offsetA = m)
lapack.lacpy(z, bz21, m = p, n = q, ldA = p+q, offsetA = m+q)
lapack.lacpy(z, bz22, uplo = 'L', m = p, n = p, ldA = p+q,
offsetA = m + (p+q+1)*q)
# zl := D^-1 * zl
# = D^-1 * bzl
blas.tbmv(W['di'], z, n = m, k = 0, ldA = 1)
# zs := r' * [ bX1, 0; 0, bX2 ] * r.
# zs := [ bX1, 0; 0, bX2 ]
blas.scal(0.0, z, offset = m)
lapack.lacpy(x[1], z, uplo = 'L', m = q, n = q, ldB = p+q,
offsetB = m)
lapack.lacpy(x[2], z, uplo = 'L', m = p, n = p, ldB = p+q,
offsetB = m + (p+q+1)*q)
# scale diagonal of zs by 1/2
blas.scal(0.5, z, inc = p+q+1, offset = m)
# a := tril(zs)*r
blas.copy(r, a)
blas.trmm(z, a, side = 'L', m = p+q, n = p+q, ldA = p+q, ldB =
p+q, offsetA = m)
# zs := a'*r + r'*a
blas.syr2k(r, a, z, trans = 'T', n = p+q, k = p+q, ldB = p+q,
ldC = p+q, offsetC = m)
# bz21 := L^-1( V2' * ((r * zs * r')_21 - bz21) * V1')
# [ bX1 0 ]
# = L^-1( V2' * ((T * [ ] * T)_21 - bz21) * V1').
# [ 0 bX2 ]
# a = [ r21 r22 ] * z
# = [ r21 r22 ] * r' * [ bX1, 0; 0, bX2 ] * r
# = [ T21 T22 ] * [ bX1, 0; 0, bX2 ] * r
blas.symm(z, r, a, side = 'R', m = p, n = p+q, ldA = p+q,
ldC = p+q, offsetB = q)
# bz21 := -bz21 + a * [ r11, r12 ]'
# = -bz21 + (T * [ bX1, 0; 0, bX2 ] * T)_21
blas.gemm(a, r, bz21, transB = 'T', m = p, n = q, k = p+q,
beta = -1.0, ldA = p+q, ldC = p)
# bz21 := V2' * bz21 * V1'
# = V2' * (-bz21 + (T*[bX1, 0; 0, bX2]*T)_21) * V1'
blas.gemm(V2, bz21, tmp, transA = 'T', m = p, n = q, k = p,
ldB = p)
blas.gemm(tmp, V1, bz21, transB = 'T', m = p, n = q, k = q,
ldC = p)
# bz21[:] := D * (I-P) * bz21[:]
# = L^-1 * bz21[:]
# = bXX[:]
blas.copy(bz21, tmp)
base.gemv(P, bz21, tmp, alpha = -1.0, beta = 1.0)
base.gemv(D, tmp, bz21)
# Solve H * ux = bx + Gs' * D^-1 * bzl + 2*As'(bXX).
# x[0] := x[0] + Gs'*zl + 2*As'(bz21)
# = bx + G' * D^-1 * bzl + 2 * As'(bXX)
blas.gemv(Gs, z, x[0], trans = 'T', alpha = 1.0, beta = 1.0)
blas.gemv(As, bz21, x[0], trans = 'T', alpha = 2.0, beta = 1.0)
# x[0] := H \ x[0]
# = ux
lapack.potrs(H, x[0])
# uuzl = Gs*ux - D^-1 * bzl
blas.gemv(Gs, x[0], z, alpha = 1.0, beta = -1.0)
# bz21 := V2 * L^-T(-As(ux) + bz21) * V1
# = X
blas.gemv(As, x[0], bz21, alpha = -1.0, beta = 1.0)
blas.tbsv(DV, bz21, n = p*q, k = 0, ldA = 1)
blas.copy(bz21, tmp)
base.gemv(P, tmp, bz21, alpha = -1.0, beta = 1.0, trans = 'T')
blas.gemm(V2, bz21, tmp)
blas.gemm(tmp, V1, bz21)
# zs := -zs + r' * [ 0, X'; X, 0 ] * r
# = r' * [ -bX1, X'; X, -bX2 ] * r.
# a := bz21 * [ r11, r12 ]
# = X * [ r11, r12 ]
blas.gemm(bz21, r, a, m = p, n = p+q, k = q, ldA = p, ldC = p+q)
# z := -z + [ r21, r22 ]' * a + a' * [ r21, r22 ]
# = rti' * uzs * rti
blas.syr2k(r, a, z, trans = 'T', beta = -1.0, n = p+q, k = p,
offsetA = q, offsetC = m, ldB = p+q, ldC = p+q)
# uX1 = -Z11 - bzs_11
# = -(r*zs*r')_11 - bzs_11
# uX2 = -Z22 - bzs_22
# = -(r*zs*r')_22 - bzs_22
blas.copy(bz11, x[1])
blas.copy(bz22, x[2])
# scale diagonal of zs by 1/2
blas.scal(0.5, z, inc = p+q+1, offset = m)
# a := r*tril(zs)
blas.copy(r, a)
blas.trmm(z, a, side = 'R', m = p+q, n = p+q, ldA = p+q, ldB =
p+q, offsetA = m)
# x[1] := -x[1] - a[:q,:] * r[:q, :]' - r[:q,:] * a[:q,:]'
# = -bzs_11 - (r*zs*r')_11
blas.syr2k(a, r, x[1], n = q, alpha = -1.0, beta = -1.0)
# x[2] := -x[2] - a[q:,:] * r[q:, :]' - r[q:,:] * a[q:,:]'
# = -bzs_22 - (r*zs*r')_22
blas.syr2k(a, r, x[2], n = p, alpha = -1.0, beta = -1.0,
offsetA = q, offsetB = q)
# scale diagonal of zs by 1/2
blas.scal(2.0, z, inc = p+q+1, offset = m)
return f
if C:
sol = solvers.coneqp(Pf, c, Gf, hh, dims, Af, kktsolver = F,
xnewcopy = xnewcopy, xdot = xdot, xaxpy = xaxpy, xscal = xscal)
sol = solvers.conelp(c, Gf, hh, dims, Af, kktsolver = F,
xnewcopy = xnewcopy, xdot = xdot, xaxpy = xaxpy, xscal = xscal)
if sol['status'] is 'optimal':
x = sol['x'][0]
z = sol['z'][:m]
Z = sol['z'][m:]
Z.size = (p + q, p + q)
Z = -2.0 * Z[-p:, :q]
elif sol['status'] is 'primal infeasible':
x = None
z = sol['z'][:m]
Z = sol['z'][m:]
Z.size = (p + q, p + q)
Z = -2.0 * Z[-p:, :q]
x, z, Z = None, None, None
return {'status': sol['status'], 'x': x, 'z': z, 'Z': Z }
def checksol(sol, A, B, C = None, d = None, G = None, h = None):
Check optimality conditions
C * x + G' * z + A'(Z) + d = 0
G * x <= h
z >= 0, || Z || < = 1
z' * (h - G*x) = 0
tr (Z' * (A(x) + B)) = || A(x) + B ||_*.
p, q = B.size
n = A.size[1]
if G is None: G = spmatrix([], [], [], (0, n))
if h is None: h = matrix(0.0, (0, 1))
m = h.size[0]
if C is None: C = spmatrix(0.0, [], [], (n,n))
if d is None: d = matrix(0.0, (n, 1))
if sol['status'] is 'optimal':
res = +d
base.symv(C, sol['x'], res, beta = 1.0)
base.gemv(G, sol['z'], res, beta = 1.0, trans = 'T')
base.gemv(A, sol['Z'], res, beta = 1.0, trans = 'T')
print("Dual residual: %e" %blas.nrm2(res))
if m:
print("Minimum primal slack (scalar inequalities): %e" \
%min(h - G*sol['x']))
print("Minimum dual slack (scalar inequalities): %e" \
if p:
s = matrix(0.0, (p,1))
X = matrix(A*sol['x'], (p, q)) + B
lapack.gesvd(+X, s)
nrmX = sum(s)
lapack.gesvd(+sol['Z'], s)
nrmZ = max(s)
print("Norm of Z: %e" %nrmZ)
print("Nuclear norm of A(x) + B: %e" %nrmX)
print("Inner product of Z and A(x) + B: %e" \['Z'], X))
elif sol['status'] is 'primal infeasible':
res = matrix(0.0, (n,1))
base.gemv(G, sol['z'], res, beta = 1.0, trans = 'T')
print("Dual residual: %e" %blas.nrm2(res))
print("h' * z = %e", sol['z']))
print("Minimum dual slack (scalar inequalities): %e" \
import cvxopt
import sys
from nucnrm import nucnrm
import numpy as np
G = np.array(([[0.0]*4 for i in range(8)]))
G[0, 0] = 1
G[1, 0] = -1
G[2, 1] = 1
G[3, 1] = -1
G[4, 2] = 1
G[5, 2] = -1
G[6, 3] = 1
G[7, 3] = -1
A = np.eye(4)
B = np.zeros((2, 2))
h = np.array([[1., -0, 1, -0, 2, -1, 3, -2]]).transpose()
res = nucnrm.nrmapp(cvxopt.matrix(A), cvxopt.matrix(B), G=cvxopt.matrix(G), h=cvxopt.matrix(h))
x = res["x"]
X = x.reshape((2, 2))
print(np.linalg.matrix_rank(X, tol = 1e-5))
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