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Created April 18, 2010 17:29
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from random import randrange
def findKMin(arr,k,start=0,end=None):
Find kth minimum element in a array (in-place randomized algorithm, similar to quicksort)
assumption: Input will only contain unique elements'''
if k > len(arr):
raise Exception("k should be less than length of the input array")
if not end: end = len(arr) -1 #Get last index value
pivot_ridx = randrange(start,end) #Get a random array element as pivot value
pivot = arr[pivot_ridx]
pivot_idx = partition(arr,start,end,pivot_ridx) #partition to partition array around the pivot value in place
if pivot_idx+1 == k:
return pivot #Well, there is your answer
elif pivot_idx+1 > k:
return findKMin(arr,k,start,pivot_idx) #lies somewhere in the first partition
return findKMin(arr,k,pivot_idx,end) #lies somewhere in the second Partiton
def partition(arr,start,end,pivot_idx):
Partitions array in-place around the given pivot value
pivot = arr[pivot_idx]
arr[end],arr[pivot_idx] = arr[pivot_idx],arr[end]
inc_idx = start
for i in xrange(start,end):
if arr[i] <= pivot:
arr[inc_idx],arr[i] = arr[i],arr[inc_idx]
arr[end],arr[inc_idx] = arr[inc_idx],arr[end]
return inc_idx
if __name__ == '__main__':
from random import shuffle
test_input = range(100000)
assert findKMin(test_input,50000) == 49999
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