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Last active August 29, 2015 14:19
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Simple Logical gates : forward and backward pass in neuron function (x, y) = sigmoid(a*x + b*y + c)
;; a single unit has forward value and backward gradient.
(defrecord Unit
[value gradient])
(defrecord Gate
[^:Unit input-a ^:Unit input-b])
(defprotocol GateOps
(forward [this])
(backward [this back-grad]))
(extend-protocol GateOps
(forward [this]
(-> this :value))
(backward [this back-grad]
({this back-grad})))
(defrecord MultiplyGate [input-a input-b]
(forward [this]
(* (forward (-> this :input-a)) (forward (:input-b this))))
(backward [this back-grad]
(let [val-a (forward (-> this :input-a))
val-b (forward (-> this :input-b))
input-a (:input-a this)
input-b (:input-b this)]
(merge-with + (backward input-a (* val-b back-grad))
(backward input-b (* val-a back-grad))))))
(defrecord AddGate [input-a input-b]
(forward [this]
(+ (forward (:input-a this)) (forward (:input-b this))))
(backward [this back-grad]
(let [val-a (forward (-> this :input-a))
val-b (forward (-> this :input-b))
input-a (:input-a this)
input-b (:input-b this)]
(merge-with + (backward input-a (* 1.0 back-grad))
(backward input-b (* 1.0 back-grad))))))
(defn sig [x]
(/ 1 (+ 1 (Math/pow Math/E (- x)))))
(defrecord SigmoidGate [gate]
(forward [this]
(sig (forward (:gate this))))
(backward [this back-grad]
(let [s (forward (:gate this))
ds (* s (- 1 s))]
(backward (:gate this) ds))))
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Getting error in backward
user> (neurals.core/forward neurals.core/sigaxcby)

user> (neurals.core/backward neurals.core/sigaxcby)
CompilerException java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No single method: backward of interface: neurals.core.GateOps found for function: backward of protocol: GateOps, compiling:(C:\xxx\AppData\Local\Temp\form-init8132866244624247216.clj:1:1)

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should have written

user> (neurals.core/backward neurals.core/sigaxcby 1.0)

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