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Created June 2, 2015 10:31
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Simple parser from `Write Yourself a Scheme` in Haskell.
module Main where
import System.Environment
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec hiding (spaces)
import Control.Monad
import Numeric
import Data.Char (digitToInt, toLower)
-- our symbols are defined in here.
-- our word should start from one of these.
symbol :: Parser Char
symbol = oneOf "#!?-%*-+^|&_~:<=>@$"
-- skip all the spaces.
-- this is also a Parser.
spaces :: Parser ()
spaces = skipMany1 space
-- A LispVal can be an Atom, List of itself, DottedList like (a b).c,
-- String, Integer or Bool.
data LispVal = Atom String
| List [LispVal]
| DottedList [LispVal] LispVal
| String String
| Number Integer
| Bool Bool
| Char Char deriving Show
-- char is Parser action that returns everything after looking up
-- first arg from second.
-- Do allow espacing quote and other escpae chars.
parseString :: Parser LispVal
parseString = do char '"'
x <- many (escapedChars <|> (noneOf "\\\""))
char '"'
return $ String x
escapedChars :: Parser Char
escapedChars = do char '\\'
x <- oneOf "\\\"ntrv"
return $ case x of
'\\' -> x
'"' -> x
'n' -> '\n'
't' -> '\t'
'r' -> '\r'
'v' -> '\v'
-- <|> is Choice Parser.
parseAtom :: Parser LispVal
parseAtom = do firstChar <- letter <|> symbol
restChars <- many (letter <|> digit <|> symbol)
let atom = [firstChar] ++ restChars
return $ case atom of
"#t" -> Bool True
"#f" -> Bool False
otherwise -> Atom atom
-- Exercise One : Write parseInteger with do.
parseInteger :: Parser LispVal
parseInteger = parseBasicNumber <|> parseRadixNumber
parseBasicNumber :: Parser LispVal
parseBasicNumber = do digs <- many1 digit
return $ (Number . read) digs
parseRadixNumber :: Parser LispVal
parseRadixNumber = do base <- parseBaseInteger
(case base of
'b' -> parseBinaryNumber
'o' -> parseOctalNumber
'x' -> many (oneOf "0123456789ABCDEF") >>= \x -> return $ Number (fst (head (readHex x)))
otherwise -> parseBasicNumber)
parseOctalNumber :: Parser LispVal
parseOctalNumber = do digs <- many (oneOf "0123456")
return $ Number (fst (head (readOct digs)))
parseBinaryNumber :: Parser LispVal
parseBinaryNumber = do digs <- many (oneOf "01")
return $ Number (fst (head (readInt 2 (`elem` "01") digitToInt digs)))
parseBaseInteger :: Parser Char
parseBaseInteger = do char '#'
x <- (oneOf "bodx")
return x
-- parseChar :: Parser LispVal
-- parseChar = do string "#\\"
-- x <- many1 letter
-- return $ Char (case (map toLower x) of
-- "space" -> ' '
-- "newline" -> '\n'
-- [x] -> x)
-- It was not honouring <|> with below codes.
parseChar :: Parser LispVal
parseChar = liftM Char (parseSpecialCharNotation <|> parseSingleChar)
parseSingleChar :: Parser Char
parseSingleChar = do string "#\\"
x <- letter
return x
parseSpecialCharNotation :: Parser Char
parseSpecialCharNotation = do string "#\\"
x <- (parseSpace <|> parseNewline)
return x
parseSpace :: Parser Char
parseSpace = do char 's'
char 'p'
char 'a'
char 'c'
char 'e'
return ' '
parseNewline :: Parser Char
parseNewline = do char 'n'
char 'e'
char 'w'
char 'l'
char 'i'
char 'n'
char 'e'
return '\n'
-- Exercise Two : Write parseInteger with >>=
parseIntegerPipe :: Parser LispVal
parseIntegerPipe = (many1 digit) >>= return . Number . read
parseExpr :: Parser LispVal
parseExpr = parseChar <|> parseString <|> parseInteger <|> parseAtom
-- Haskell convention :
-- Errors are passed in Left
-- Values in Right.
readExpr :: String -> String
readExpr input = case parse parseExpr "lisp" input of
Left err -> "Parse Error: " ++ show err
Right val -> "Found value: " ++ show val
main :: IO ()
main = do
args <- getArgs
-- Parse first word.
-- Actually it parsed only first char earlier..
putStrLn $ readExpr $ args !! 0
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