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Last active November 30, 2016 02:47
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(ns fpcontest.expression)
(def Term)
(def Factor)
(def ToMod (int (+ 1000000000 7)))
(def toPrint true)
(defn myprintln [& args]
(if toPrint
(apply println args)))
(defn EulerDivNonMemoized [^long x ^long p]
;; calculates the x ^ p efficiently for large p where p+2 is a prime number.
(let [ToMod (+ p 2)] ;; ToMod is a prime number.
(loop [num (long 1) toPow p localX x]
(if (= 0 toPow)
;; just print out the results before returning num
(do (myprintln " EulerDiv : " num " for " x p)
(let [squaredX (rem (* localX localX) ToMod) ;; square successively
halfToPow (bit-shift-right toPow 1)] ;; half the p successively
(if (odd? toPow) ;; if toPow is odd then we should multiply the num with squared version.
(recur (rem (* num localX) ToMod)
(recur num halfToPow squaredX)))))))
(def EulerDiv (memoize EulerDivNonMemoized))
(defn Expression [lst]
;; Expression = Term | Term [+-] Expression
;; This returns either 1. '(Long) where Long is result or
;; would return a 2. '(Long a b c...) where a b and c are furtur part of list
;; case 2 would happen when we have a brackets ()
(let [term (Term lst) ;; first find the Term
;; some debugging printing information
p (myprintln term " term for exp " lst)
sizeOfTerm (count term)
;; expression used for evaluating Term [+-] Expression
evaluateExpr (fn [opr lst]
;; opr is + or - or binary operator
;; lst is a seq which would be like '(4 + ...)
;; where ... is some calculator to be evaluated sequence.
(let [expr (Expression (drop 2 lst)) ;; evaluate the sequence
;; some debugging info.
p (myprintln expr " expr for Expr " lst " and " opr)
firstOperand (first lst)] ;; take the first operand
;; always take the mod of result
;; and think it like '(4 + 2 * 8 + 2) would be fed to above call to Expression
;; and would return expr <- '(4 + 16 + 2) and we want to return '(20 + 2) back
(cons (rem (opr firstOperand
(first expr)) ;; second operand is (first expr)
(rest expr))))]
;; if there is more to Term when it returned - this means that we need to do Term [+-] Expression
(if (> sizeOfTerm 2)
(if (= (second term) "+")
(evaluateExpr + term)
(if (= (second term) "-")
(evaluateExpr - term)
;; it can come here.. in case of ')'
(if (= (second term) ")")
;; ok we should never come here as after the Term it should be + or - or )
(println "Wrong implementation Expression : " lst))))
(if (and (= sizeOfTerm 2) (not (= (second term) ")")))
(println "Wrong implementation Expressoin : size 2 : " lst)
;; first of term is the answer
(defn Term [lst]
;; Term = Factor | Factor [*/] Term
;; This returns either 1. '(Long) where Long is result or
;; would return a 2. '(Long a b c...) where a b and c are furtur part of list
;; case 2 would happen when we have a brackets ()
(let [factor (Factor lst) ;; First calculate the Factor
;; my debugging information
p (myprintln factor " factor for term " lst)
sizeOfFactor (count factor)
evaluateExpr (fn [opr lst]
;; if you read the comments in Expression then you just have to change the + - to
;; * / only and this should be easy to understand.
(let [term (Term (drop 2 lst))
;; some debugging info
p (myprintln term " term for expr " lst " and " opr)
firstOperand (first lst)]
(cons (rem (opr firstOperand
(first term))
(rest term))))]
(if (> sizeOfFactor 2)
(if (= (second factor) "*")
(evaluateExpr * factor)
(if (= (second factor) "/")
;; in case of division thing got a little turn as we just can not do simple divide.
;; we know by euler that a/b mod p == (a * ((b^(p-2)) mod p)) mod p
(let [expr (Term (drop 2 factor))
fExpr (first expr)]
(cons (rem (* (first factor) (EulerDiv fExpr (- ToMod 2)))
ToMod) (rest expr)))
;; should be * / after Factor or ')'
(if (some #(= (second factor) %) '("+" "-" ")"))
(println "Wrong Implementation Term : " lst))))
(if (and (= sizeOfFactor 2) (not (= (second factor) ")")))
;; we need two operators : after operator and operand should be another operator
(println "Wrong Implementation size 2 Term : " lst)
(defn Factor [lst]
;; Factor = [+-] Number | Number | ( Expression )
(let [firstToken (first lst) ;; judge on the basis of first item of list
p (myprintln " Factor has : " lst)]
(if (= firstToken "+")
;; convert to positive integer
(cons (int (Integer. (second lst))) (rest (rest lst)))
(if (= firstToken "-")
;; convert to nevative integer and return e.g. '(- 2 + 3) -> '(-2 + 3)
;; notice that - and 2 were separate part string tokens list and now first item of list
;; is an int.
(cons (- (int (Integer. (second lst)))) (rest (rest lst)))
(if (= firstToken "(")
;; remove the '(' and evaluate the expression
(let [expr (Expression (rest lst))]
;; returned expession is assumed to be like 3 ) + ...
;; remove ')' also
(cons (first expr) (drop 2 expr))
;; make the first one as integer
(cons (int (Integer. (first lst))) (rest lst))
;;(myprintln "I do not know where i am... " lst)
(defn split-with-delim [d s]
;; splitter that keeps the delimeters
(clojure.string/split s
(re-pattern (str "(?=" d
")|(?<=" d
(defn make-calulator-list [s]
;; given a string like "34+-34" make it as a token of '("34" "+" "-" "34")
(->> s
(split-with-delim #"[\/\+\-\*\(\) ]")
;; remove empty or spaces.
(filter #(not (or (= "" %) (= " " %))))
;; may be this would help in optimization.
(defn StartRun [FuncToCall inputParse outputParse]
(let [lines (line-seq ( *in*))]
(outputParse (FuncToCall (inputParse (first lines)))))
(StartRun Expression
(fn [x] (println (int (mod (first x) ToMod)))))
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