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Last active August 29, 2015 14:07
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;; ------- Euler Functions ---------------
(set! *unchecked-math* true)
(def ToMod (int (+ 1000000000 7)))
(def toPrint false)
(defn myprintln [& args]
(if toPrint
(apply println args)))
(defn ^:static EulerPowNonMemoized ^long [^long x ^long p opr]
;; calculates the x ^ p efficiently for large p where p+2 is a prime number.
(let [startVal (if (= opr +) 0 1)] ;; ASSUMPTION only + * would be passed.
(loop [num (long startVal) toPow p localX x]
(if (= 0 toPow)
;; just print out the results before returning num
(do (myprintln " EulerPow : " num " for " x p)
(let [squaredX (rem (opr localX localX) ToMod) ;; square successively
halfToPow (bit-shift-right toPow 1)] ;; half the p successively
(if (odd? toPow) ;; if toPow is odd then we should perform the opr on num with squared version.
(recur (rem (opr num localX) ToMod)
(recur num halfToPow squaredX)))))))
;; (defn ^:static EulerPow ^long [^long x ^long y opr]
;; ;; memoized version of EulerPow
;; (memoize (EulerPowNonMemoized x y opr)))
(def EulerPow (memoize EulerPowNonMemoized))
;; + means multiplication and
;; * means power in EulerPow
;; (= 10 (EulerPow 2 5 +))
;; (= (* 19 254) (EulerPow 19 254 +))
;; (= 64 (EulerPow 2 6 *))
;; (= 27 (EulerPow 3 3 *))
;; since operands are put on the stack..
;; subtaction and division have second parameter as first operator.
;; does not make any thing different in add or mul.
(defn ^:static ModAdd ^long [^long x ^long y]
(rem (+ x y) ToMod))
(defn ^:static ModSub ^long [^long x ^long y]
(rem (- y x) ToMod))
(defn ^:static ModMul ^long [^long x ^long y]
(if (> 0 y)
(rem (- (EulerPow x (- y) +)) ToMod)
(rem (EulerPow x y +) ToMod)))
;; (defn ModMul [^long x ^long y]
;; (mod (* x y) ToMod))
(defn ^:static ModDiv ^long [^long x ^long y]
(ModMul y (EulerPow x (- ToMod 2) *)))
;; (ModDiv 4 2)
;; ------- splitting input functions ----------------
(defn split-with-delim [d s]
s (re-pattern (str "(?=" d
")|(?<=" d
;; making priorities
(def ^long plus-pri 2)
(def ^long minus-pri 2)
(def ^long mul-pri 4)
(def ^long div-pri 4)
(def ^long open-brac-pri 0) ;; open bracket would not remove anybody
(def ^long close-brac-pri 6) ;; close bracket would keep removing untill encountered close bracket
(def ^long unary-pri 10)
(defn make-calulator-list [s]
(->> s
;; split into chars
(split-with-delim #"[\/\+\-\*\(\) ]")
;; remove empty and spaces
(filter #(not (or (= "" %) (= " " %))))
;; we can not remove unary +/- because ther can be -(((3)))
;; convert the numbers into tokens.
((fn [lst]
(map (fn [x]
(if (= x "+")
[:plus-opr plus-pri ModAdd]
(if (= x "-")
[:minus-opr minus-pri ModSub]
(if (= x "*")
[:mul-opr mul-pri ModMul]
(if (= x "/")
[:div-opr div-pri ModDiv]
(if (= x "(")
[:open-bracket open-brac-pri]
(if (= x ")")
[:close-bracket close-brac-pri]
;; this is just going to be a number not a vector
[:number (long (Long. x))])
((fn [l]
(let [fOpr (first (first l))]
(if (= fOpr :plus-opr)
(conj (rest l) [:unary-plus unary-pri ModAdd])
(if (= fOpr :minus-opr)
;; convert into unary minus sign
(conj (rest l) [:unary-minus unary-pri ModSub])
;; unary plus or minus
;; ++++2
;; ++--2
;; *+-2
;; *++2
;; (+
;; plus or minus
;; 2+
;; )+
((fn [l]
(loop [lst (rest l) lastToken (first l) returnLst (list lastToken)]
(do (myprintln lst lastToken returnLst)
(if-not (first lst)
(reverse returnLst)
(let [lastOpr (first lastToken)
thisOpr (first (first lst))]
(if (or (= thisOpr :minus-opr) (= thisOpr :plus-opr))
(if-not (or (= lastOpr :close-bracket) (= lastOpr :number))
;; this is unary plus or minus
(if (= thisOpr :minus-opr) ;; if i thought i was minus opr
(recur (rest lst) [:unary-minus unary-pri ModSub] (conj returnLst [:unary-minus unary-pri ModSub]))
;; not adding + as it is of no use
(recur (rest lst) [:unary-plus unary-pri ModAdd] returnLst))
;; this is normal
(recur (rest lst) (first lst) (conj returnLst (first lst))))
;; this is normal
(recur (rest lst) (first lst) (conj returnLst (first lst)))
(defn MakeRemoveAndProcessArray [F S]
(loop [numStack F oprStack S m []]
(let [fFirst (first numStack)
sFirst (first oprStack)
opr (first sFirst)]
(if-not (and fFirst sFirst)
(do (myprintln "\n** RemoveAnd Process Array : " m " For " S)
(if sFirst
(if (= opr :unary-minus)
(conj m [0 sFirst])
(if (= opr :unary-minus)
(recur numStack (rest oprStack) (conj m [0 sFirst]))
(recur (rest numStack) (rest oprStack) (conj m [fFirst sFirst])))))))
(defn ProcessNums [val oprAndVal]
;; val is last processed value of reduction
;; oprAndVal contains next operation and right side value to process.
;; oprAndVal is like [second-operand [operator-keyword operation-priority operation]
(do (myprintln "ProcessNums " val oprAndVal)
(if (and val (second oprAndVal))
(let [opr (nth (second oprAndVal) 2)
oprKeyword (first (second oprAndVal))
secOperand (first oprAndVal)]
(do (myprintln "ProcessNums" val secOperand opr oprKeyword)
(if (= oprKeyword :unary-minus)
(opr val 0)
(opr val secOperand))))
;; Now only optimization remaining is that of using unary operators and not doing n^2 in above algorithm of AddCloseBracketImmediately
(defn InfixToPrefix [infix*]
(loop [numStack '() oprStack '() infix infix*]
(do (myprintln "Num: " numStack "Opr: " oprStack "Infix: " infix)
(if-not (first infix)
(reduce ProcessNums
(first numStack)
;; execute the whole num and opr stacks
(MakeRemoveAndProcessArray (rest numStack) oprStack))
(let [sym (first (first infix))
pri (second (first infix))]
(if (= sym :number)
;; pri is number in this case
(recur (conj numStack pri) oprStack (rest infix))
(if (= sym :open-bracket)
(recur numStack (conj oprStack (first infix)) (rest infix))
(if (= sym :close-bracket)
;; remove and process elements untill open brackets come
(let [nextOprStack (rest (drop-while
;; drop untill we find open bracket
#(not (.equals :open-bracket (first %)))
nextOprSize (count nextOprStack)
oprInitialSize (count oprStack)
removeAndProcessArray (MakeRemoveAndProcessArray
(rest numStack)
(take (- (- oprInitialSize nextOprSize) 1) oprStack))
;; calculate the value
calculatedVal (reduce ProcessNums
(first numStack)
;; count the number of unary operations performed
noUnaryOpr (reduce #(+ %1 (if (= (first (second %2)) :unary-minus)
0 removeAndProcessArray)]
(recur (conj (drop
;; n+1 should be dropped
;; -1 for neglecting open bracket
;; + noUnaryOpr for number of unary operations
(- (- oprInitialSize nextOprSize) noUnaryOpr)
(rest infix)))
;; for all other than number open close bracket
;; now we should remove and process untill we have
;; somebody smaller than us.
(let [oprInitialSize (count oprStack)
;; the next operator stack by removing operators untill someone with smaller
;; precedence comes up.
nextOprStack (drop-while #(< pri (second %)) oprStack)
nextOprSize (count nextOprStack)
removeAndProcessArray (MakeRemoveAndProcessArray
(rest numStack)
(take (- oprInitialSize nextOprSize) oprStack))
calculatedVal (reduce ProcessNums
(first numStack)
;; count the number of unary operations performed
noUnaryOpr (reduce #(+ %1 (if (= (first (second %2)) :unary-minus)
0 removeAndProcessArray)]
;; since ProcessNum would return the top value if no coputation happens.
;; just pop push the same value
;; but it can pass nil if there is nothing in numStack
(if calculatedVal
(let [nextNumStack (conj (drop (+ (- oprInitialSize nextOprSize) (- 1 noUnaryOpr)) numStack) calculatedVal)]
(recur nextNumStack (conj nextOprStack (first infix))
(rest infix)))
(recur numStack (conj nextOprStack (first infix))
(rest infix))))))))))))
(defn ComputeExpression [lst]
(mod (InfixToPrefix (make-calulator-list lst)) ToMod))
(defn StartRun [FuncToCall inputParse outputParse]
(let [lines (line-seq ( *in*))]
(outputParse (FuncToCall (inputParse (first lines)))))
(StartRun InfixToPrefix
(fn [x] (println (mod x ToMod))))
(defn BasicTests []
(= 1717 (ComputeExpression " 22 * 79 - 21"))
(= 12 (ComputeExpression " 4/2/2 + 8"))
(= 999998605 (ComputeExpression "55+3-45*33-25"))
(= 22 (ComputeExpression "11*(2/2)*2"))
(= 11 (ComputeExpression "22*2/2*2"))
(= 23 (ComputeExpression "+23"))
(= 6 (ComputeExpression "(-(+(-2 * 3)))"))
(= 0 (ComputeExpression "+0"))
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