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Created August 9, 2017 11:31
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D3 scatterplot chart with scales and axes
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<script type="text/javascript" src="d3/d3.v4.min.js"></script>
<title>Graph With Axes</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
/*------ Public variables that are needed to be shared bw the functions ------*/
var svgHeight = 500;
var svgWidth = 800;
var paddingH = 50;
var paddingV = 50;
var dataset = undefined;
var maxX, xScale, yScale, radiusScale, colorXScale, colorYScale;
/*----- Working with the D3 rendering -----*/
var svg ='body')
.attr('width', svgWidth)
.attr('height', svgHeight);
d3.json('points.json', function ( error, data ) {
if(error == null || error == undefined) {
dataset = data;
} else {
window.alert('Something wrong happened while loading the data from JSON file. Try again.');
function renderTheGraph() {
var circles = svg.selectAll('circle')
circles.attr('cx', function ( d ) {
console.log("The x - " + xScale(d.x));
return xScale(d.x);
.attr('cy', function ( d ) {
console.log("The y - " + d.y);
return yScale(d.y);
.attr('r', function ( d ) {
console.log("The radius - " + d.weight);
return radiusScale(d.weight);
.attr('fill', 'orange')
.attr('stroke', function (d) {
return 'rgba(' + (colorXScale(d.x) + colorYScale(d.y)) / 2+ "," + 0 + "," + 0 + ', '+ d.weight+')';
.attr('stroke-width' , function ( d ) {
console.log("The stroke-width - " + d.weight);
return radiusScale(d.weight) /2 ;
.text(function( d ) {
return "(" + d.x + "," + d.y + ")";
.attr('x', function ( d ) {
console.log("The x - " + xScale(d.x));
return xScale(d.x);
.attr('y', function ( d ) {
console.log("The y - " + d.y);
return yScale(d.y + (d.weight * 50));
.attr('text-anchor', 'middle')
.attr('font-size', 11);
function setScales ( ) {
xScale = d3.scaleLinear()
.domain( [ 0, 50 + d3.max( dataset, function( d ) { return d.x }) ] )
.range( [ paddingH, svgWidth - paddingH ] );
yScale = d3.scaleLinear()
.domain( [ 0, 50 + d3.max( dataset, function( d ) { return d.y }) ] )
.range( [ svgHeight - (paddingV * 2), paddingV ] );
radiusScale = d3.scaleLinear()
.domain( [0, d3.max( dataset, function ( d ) { return d.weight })] )
.range( [ 5, 15] );
colorXScale = d3.scaleLinear()
.domain( [ 0, d3.max( dataset, function( d ) { return d.x }) ] )
.range( [ 100, 255 ] );
colorYScale = d3.scaleLinear()
.domain( [ 0, d3.max( dataset, function( d ) { return d.y }) ] )
.range( [ 100, 255 ] );
function renderAxes() {
.attr('transform', 'translate(' + 0 + ', '+ (svgHeight - paddingV * 2) + ')')
.attr("transform", "translate( "+ paddingV+', '+ 0 + ')')
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