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Created August 25, 2013 13:11
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Install Cloud9 IDE locally on you machine in easy steps
# _______ _ _______ ______ _____ _________ ______ _______ #
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#Step 1: Update system for latest packages
$package_manager -y update
#Step 2: Install dependencies
$package_manager -y install libssl-dev git-core pkg-config pkgconfig build-essential curl gcc g++ libxml2-dev
#Step 3: Install nvm (Node version manager) and node v0.6.19
git clone git:// ~/.nvm
echo '. ~/.nvm/' >> ~/.bashrc && . ~/.bashrc
nvm install v0.6.19
nvm use v0.6.19
#Step 4: Clone CLoud9 repo
git clone git:// ~/.cloud9
#Step 5: Add alias to .bashrc
echo 'alias cloud9=~/.nvm/v0.6.19/bin/node ~/.cloud9/server.js -w' >> ~/.bashrc && . ~/.bashrc
#Step 6: Install, if any, missing node modules
`cd ~/.cloud9 && npm install`
function detect_package_manager {
if [ $((`which yum | wc -l`)) -gt 0 ]; then
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