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Created August 17, 2013 05:36
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Save ashleyholman/6255449 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This is a proof-of-concept fingerprinting tool for testing Bitcoin issue #2757. It attempts to fingerprint a node with a difficulty-1 block. For up-to-date nodes, a higher difficulty block would be required (but still very feasable to mine even on one GPU machine). See further information on
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use IO::Socket;
use Digest::SHA qw(sha256);
$SIG{ALRM} = sub {print "Timed out waiting for response... no fingerprint detected.\n";exit(1)};
# this is an orphaned difficulty-1 block at height 1001, with a timestamp in
# October 2013. in practice you could generate a unique block for each
# individual peer you wanted to fingerprint. this block will successfully
# fingerprint nodes up until a certain checkpoint (168000 at time of writing),
# at which point you need to generate higher PoW blocks to successfully fingerprint.
# To determine the PoW required to fingerprint an up-to-date node, look at the
# ComputeMinWork function in bitcoin's main.cpp, and pass it the latest
# checkpoint + a current timestamp. Note that the amount of work required drops
# by a factor of 4 every 2 weeks, until a new checkpoint is put in place.
our $FPR_HASH='00000000f8c2fcc533055000181c13406bfb540dec84cd0f09188745669149ff';
our $FPR_BLOCK='0200000009edf646d13d2a7e1da8bdad14d249b037eccd8af23aa704379837c900000000a9a5eeffdd6268b2734ae89dac664f49deb320c28c6981675eb31df8f328f903229e0b52ffff001df3273c5d0101000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000ffffffff0c02e9030101062f503253482fffffffff0100f2052a01000000232102b93b8f4b02c6f4ea0adced4b07887e30a81415df4fcb62727736a1dec9376c90ac00000000';
sub netaddr {
my $addr = shift;
my $port = shift;
my $includeTimestamp = shift;
my $netaddr = '';
if ($includeTimestamp) {
$netaddr .= pack('q', time()); #timestamp
$netaddr .= pack('q', 1); #NODE_NEWORK
$netaddr .= $addr;
$netaddr .= pack('n', $port);
return $netaddr;
sub recvmsg {
our $sock;
#read the message header
my ($header, $body);
$sock->recv($header, 24);
return undef if (!length($header));
my(undef, $command, $length, $checksum) = unpack('VZ12Va4', $header);
# receive the msg body
if ($length > 0) {
my $toread = $length;
my $buf;
while ($toread) {
$sock->recv($buf, $toread);
return undef if (!length($buf));
$toread -= length($buf);
$body .= $buf;
if (length($body) != $length) {
print "Received incomplete message.\n";
# validate the checksum
if (substr(sha256(sha256($body)),0,4) ne $checksum) {
print "Received bad message checksum.. aborting.\n";
print "<= Received message: $command\n";
return ($command, $body);
sub sendmsg {
our $sock;
my $command = shift;
my $payload = shift;
our ($myaddr, $peeraddr, $myport, $peerport);
my $pad = 12 - length($command);
my $msg = pack('V', 0xD9B4BEF9) #magic
. $command . chr(0)x$pad #command
. pack('V', length($payload)) #length
. substr(sha256(sha256($payload)),0,4)#checksum
. $payload; #payload
print "=> Sent message: $command\n";
sub send_version {
our ($peeraddr,$peerport,$myaddr,$myport);
my $payload = pack('V', 70001) #version
.pack('q', 1)#NODE_NEWORK
.pack('q', time())#timestamp
.netaddr($peeraddr,$peerport,0)#remote address
.netaddr($myaddr,$myport,0)#sender address
.substr(sha256(int(rand(2<<32))),0,8) #random nonce
.chr(0) # no user agent
.pack('V', 1001)#our best block height
.chr(0);#don't relay txns
sendmsg('version', $payload);
sub getfpr() {
# send a 'getdata' message, requesting our fingerprint block
my $payload = chr(1) #requesting one object
.pack('V', 2) #MSG_BLOCK
sendmsg('getdata', $payload);
sub hex2uint256 {
my $hexstr = shift;
my $reverse = '';
for (my $i = 62; $i >= 0; $i-=2) {
$reverse .= substr($hexstr,$i,2);
return pack('H64', $reverse);
sub sendinv() {
my $payload = chr(1) # 1 object
.pack('V', 2) #MSG_BLOCK
sendmsg('inv', $payload);
sub checkblock {
my $body = shift;
my $blockheader = substr($body, 0, 80);
my $blockhash = unpack('H*', hex2uint256(unpack('H*', sha256(sha256($blockheader)))));
if ($blockhash eq $FPR_HASH) {
print "Node has fingerprint ($FPR_HASH).\n";
sub sendfpr {
my $block = pack('H*', $FPR_BLOCK);
sendmsg('block', $block);
sub handle_getdata {
my $body = shift;
if (unpack('C', substr($body, 0, 1)) == 1) {
my $reqhash = unpack('H*', hex2uint256(unpack('H64', substr($body,5,32))));
if ($reqhash eq $FPR_HASH) {
print "Fingerprint requested. Sending...\n";
# if we disconnect too soon, the node might not process and accept this block in time.
# i haven't gotten to the bottom of this, but i suspect the message queue
# gets cleared and not processed if the peer disconnects.
print "Fingerprint sent. Re-run this script to check if node accepted it.\n";
if (!@ARGV) {
print STDERR "Usage: $0 <ip-addr> [port]\n";
our $sock = new IO::Socket::INET(
PeerAddr => $ARGV[0],
PeerPort => defined($ARGV[1]) ? $ARGV[1] : 8333,
Proto => 'tcp'
) or die("Couldn't connect to host: $!\n");
# local and remote addresses, in ipv4-mapped ipv6 format
our $myaddr = pack('H*', '00000000000000000000FFFF').$sock->sockaddr();
our $peeraddr = pack('H*', '00000000000000000000FFFF').$sock->peeraddr();
our $myport = $sock->sockport();
our $peerport = $sock->peerport();
#receive msg
my ($command, $body);
while (($command, $body) = recvmsg()) {
if (!defined($command)) {
print "Receive failed (possibly we're banned if previous fingerprint attempt had too low PoW). No fingerprint detected.\n";
if ($command eq 'version') {
print "Peer is version: " . unpack('V', substr($body,0,4)) . "\n";
# send verack
sendmsg('verack', '');
} elsif ($command eq 'block') {
} elsif ($command eq 'getdata') {
} else {
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