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Created December 7, 2018 01:31
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Reproducing issue #12 in pyshacl
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from pyshacl import validate
shacl_file_text = """
@prefix hei: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix sh: <> .
@prefix xml: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
hei:HeiAddressShape a sh:NodeShape ;
sh:property [ rdfs:comment "Street constraint" ;
sh:datatype xsd:string ;
sh:minLength 30 ;
sh:path hei:Ship_to_street ] ;
sh:targetClass hei:Hei_customer .
data_file_text = """
@prefix hei: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
hei:hei_cust_1281 a hei:Hei_customer ;
rdfs:label "XYZHorecagroothandel" ;
hei:Klant_nummer 1281 ;
hei:Ship_to_City "Middenmeer" ;
hei:Ship_to_postcode "1799 AB" ;
hei:Ship_to_street "Industrieweg" .
def test_012_text():
res = validate(data_file_text, shacl_graph=shacl_file_text,
data_graph_format='turtle', shacl_graph_format='turtle',
inference='both', debug=True)
conforms, graph, string = res
assert not conforms
def test_012_graph():
from rdflib import Graph
g = Graph()
g.parse(data=data_file_text, format='turtle')
sg = Graph()
sg.parse(data=shacl_file_text, format='turtle')
res = validate(g, shacl_graph=sg, inference='both', debug=True)
conforms, graph, string = res
assert not conforms
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