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ashlux / testing
Created September 28, 2022 01:05
<roblox xmlns:xmime="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="" version="4">
<Meta name="ExplicitAutoJoints">true</Meta>
<Item class="ScreenGui" referent="RBX596A5EA331AB4F3686B3FF4D85054571">
<BinaryString name="AttributesSerialize"></BinaryString>
<bool name="AutoLocalize">true</bool>
<int name="DisplayOrder">0</int>
<bool name="Enabled">true</bool>
ashlux /
Created February 5, 2020 21:10
Single command to stop or start all cloud foundry apps in a given spacej
alias cf-stop-all="for app in $(cf apps | tail -n +5 | awk '{ print $1}') ; do cf stop $app & ; done"
alias cf-start-all="for app in $(cf apps | tail -n +5 | awk '{ print $1}') ; do cf start $app & ; done"
ashlux /
Last active May 1, 2019 22:12
Single line cloud foundry command to rolling restart all CF app instances. Works on OSX with Bash and ZSH. YMMV.
for app in $(cf apps | tail +5 | awk '{ print $1 }') ; do for i in `cf app ${app} | egrep '^#.*$' | awk '{ print $1 }' | sed s/\#//` ; do echo Restarting $app $i && cf restart-app-instance $app $i ; done ; done
ashlux / improve-and-fix-technology-partner-timesheet-entry.user.js
Last active March 15, 2019 23:57
Improve & Fix Technology Partner's Timesheet Entry
// ==UserScript==
// @name Imporve & Fix Technology Partner's Timesheet Entry
// @namespace
// @version 0.1
// @description Technology Partner's timesheet entry a little bit easier. Also fixes the problem when the UI doesn't render after updating your time (at least in Chrome).
// @author Ash Lux
// @updateURL
// @downloadURL
// @match
// @require
while true ; do curl -X POST -d 'question_3618=Yes&question_3619=No&question_3620=Yes&question_3621=Yes&question_3622=No&question_3624=CNN&question_3625=&question_3626=Yes&question_3627=Yes&question_3628=No&question_3629=No+opinion&question_3630=No&question_3631=No&question_3632=No&question_3633=No&question_3634=No&question_3635=No&question_3636=No&question_3638=No&question_3639=No&question_3640=No+opinion&question_3641=No&question_3642=No&question_3643=No&first_name='$RANDOM'&last_name='$RANDOM'&email='$RANDOM'%40'$RANDOM'.com&postal_code='$RANDOM'&ptid=101&utm_source=dp_adwords_display&utm_medium=ad&utm_campaign=20180430__mediaaccountability_djt_tmagac&utm_content=mda_accountability&ad_flight=&autofill_amount=&optimizelyEndUserId=false&ilist=&pgtype=None' && sleep 15 ; done
ashlux / pokecron-go-exclusions.js
Created July 30, 2016 20:45
Pokémon I'm filtering for my home instance of Pokécron Go (
filter: [
10, // Caterpie
11, // Metapod
12, // Butterfree
13, // Weedle
14, // Kakuna
15, // Beedrill
16, // Fucking Pidgey
17, // Pidgeotto
18, // Pidgeot
names: ["roll"],
icon: "",
description: "Roll a die with the given ",
help: "TODO",
author: {name: "Ash Lux", email: ""},
license: "GPL",
homepage: "",
arguments: [{role: 'object', nountype: noun_arb_text}],
preview: function preview(pblock, args) {
/* Firefox Ubiquity Box Office Mojo search command */
names: ["boxofficemojo", "bom", "box office mojo"],
icon: "",
description: "Check out movie details on Box Office Mojo.",
help: "TODO",
author: {name: "Ash Lux", email: ""},
license: "GPL",
homepage: "",
arguments: [{role: 'object', nountype: noun_arb_text}],