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A Lambda Function for streaming and translating flow logs on the fly. This example was used for HP ArcSight. A full writeup can be found on my site
import boto3
import logging
import json
import gzip
import urllib
import time
from StringIO import StringIO
logger = logging.getLogger()
s3 = boto3.client('s3')
def lambda_handler(event, context):
#set the name of the S3 bucket
bucketS3 = 'test-flowlogs'
folderS3 = 'ArcSight'
prefixS3 = 'AW1Logs_'
#capture the CloudWatch log data
outEvent = str(event['awslogs']['data'])
#decode and unzip the log data
outEvent = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=StringIO(outEvent.decode('base64','strict'))).read()
#convert the log data from JSON into a dictionary
cleanEvent = json.loads(outEvent)
#create a temp file
tempFile = open('/tmp/file', 'w+')
#Create the S3 file key
key = folderS3 + '/' + prefixS3 + str(int(time.time())) + ".log"
#loop through the events line by line
for t in cleanEvent['logEvents']:
#Transform the data and store it in the temp file.
tempFile.write("CEF:0|AWS CloudWatch|FlowLogs|1.0|src=" + str(t['extractedFields']['srcaddr']) + "|spt=" + str(t['extractedFields']['srcport']) + "|dst=" + str(t['extractedFields']['dstaddr']) + "|dpt=" + str(t['extractedFields']['dstport'])+ "|proto=" + str(t['extractedFields']['protocol'])+ "|start=" + str(t['extractedFields']['start'])+ "|end=" + str(t['extractedFields']['end'])+ "|out=" + str(t['extractedFields']['bytes'])+"\n")
#close the temp file
#write the files to s3
s3Results = s3.upload_file('/tmp/file', bucketS3, key)
print s3Results
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