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Created September 9, 2014 13:59
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WebApi Default Args Binder
type CustomBinder() =
interface IModelBinder with
member this.BindModel(actionContext:HttpActionContext, bindingContext :ModelBindingContext) =
let qs = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(actionContext.Request.RequestUri.Query)
bindingContext.Model <-
if (qs.AllKeys |> Seq.exists(fun q -> q.ToLower() = bindingContext.ModelName.ToLower())) then
qs.[bindingContext.ModelName] |> Some
type CustomBinderProvider() =
inherit ModelBinderProvider()
override this.GetBinder(configuration: System.Web.Http.HttpConfiguration , modelType: System.Type) =
CustomBinder() :> IModelBinder
type TestController() =
inherit ApiController()
member this.Test([<ModelBinderAttribute(typeof<CustomBinderProvider>)>]?argument: string) =
let arg = defaultArg argument "Hello"
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