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Forked from shuhblam/plusone.js
Last active November 23, 2023 04:33
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// unminifed version of
// see
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go: f('go'),
render: f('render')
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a = decodeURIComponent(b[2])
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O("Invalid hint " + b[2])
return a
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g == p ? (j = c.shift(), j = (j.indexOf(ba) ? aa + "/" : "") + j) : j = c.shift();
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k = i && c.shift() || ca,
c = i && c.shift();
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else return O("Unknown hint type " + g), "";
if (!h) return "";
h += a;
a = h;
f = d;
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else {
g = f[V];
if (d && g) {
if (!/^[0-9a-zA-Z.-]+$/.test(d)) {
b = !1;
break b
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f = 0;
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b = !0;
break b
b = !1
b || N("Invalid URI", a);
return h
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c && (a[b] = a[b] || []).push(c)
y = function (a) {
a[o] && 0 < a[o].length && (window.gapi.load || T).apply(null, a[o].shift())
r = function (a) {
if (a) try {
} catch (b) {
return b
return null
m = window.gapi,
la = function () {
if (m[u]) return m[u];
var a;
if ((a = Object.create) && /\[native code\]/.test(a)) a = a(null);
else {
a = {};
for (var b in a) a[b] = void 0
return m[u] = a
ma = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
var f = e[G] = e[G] || [],
g = e[F] = e[F] || {};
f.push([a, b, d]);
m[c] = function (b) {
m[c] = void 0;
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g[a] = b;
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z(l[2], i);
d[l[0]].call(window, la());
d[l[0]] = !0;
(l = r(l[1])) && !k && (k = l)
i[n] = void 0;
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x(b, W, c);
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m.config ? m.config.update(c) : x(b, X, c)
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a[s] || (a[s] = 0);
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T = function (a, b) {
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"function" !== typeof b ? (d = b || {}, c = d[ga]) : c = b;
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f = ja(e,, window.location.hash),
g = f && !! f.match(/\/gapi\/|ms=gapi/);
if (e[n]) x(e, o, [a, b]);
else {
f || N("No hint present", "");
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j = h[0] == q || h[0] == L,
f = [],
i = [];
e[t] && "function" === typeof e[t] ? (f = e[t](a), d[w] = 1) : (f = a.split(":"), d[w] || P(f), i = e[D] = e[D] || [], P(i));
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if (!Q(f, i) && (g = na(e), h = S(f, i, h, e, d, g))) {
e[n] = f;
ma(h, c, g, d, e);
i.push.apply(i, f);
R(d, h);
z(d, e);
if (c) var k = r(c)
} else {
z(d, e);
if (!Q(f, i)) {
var l = j ? Z : Y;
if (h = S(f, i, h, e, d, null)) {
e[n] = f;
e[$] = 1;
e[l] = function () {
e[n] = void 0;
e[l] = void 0;
var a = r(c);
if (a) throw a;
i.push.apply(i, f);
R(d, h);
k = r(c)
if (k) throw k;
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load: T
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'callback': window['__bsld']
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