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Last active February 1, 2019 04:49
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Save ashunigion/e27d073a461740ef686a2204dc4413ab to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# dont forget to import "pprint"
reuters_corpus = read_corpus()
pprint.pprint(reuters_corpus[:3], compact=True, width=100)
# first three document from the corpus
# [['<START>', 'japan', 'to', 'revise', 'long', '-', 'term', 'energy', 'demand', 'downwards', 'the',
# 'ministry', 'of', 'international', 'trade', 'and', 'industry', '(', 'miti', ')', 'will', 'revise',
# 'its', 'long', '-', 'term', 'energy', 'supply', '/', 'demand', 'outlook', 'by', 'august', 'to',
# 'meet', 'a', 'forecast', 'downtrend', 'in', 'japanese', 'energy', 'demand', ',', 'ministry',
# 'officials', 'said', '.', 'miti', 'is', 'expected', 'to', 'lower', 'the', 'projection', 'for',
# 'primary', 'energy', 'supplies', 'in', 'the', 'year', '2000', 'to', '550', 'mln', 'kilolitres',
# '(', 'kl', ')', 'from', '600', 'mln', ',', 'they', 'said', '.', 'the', 'decision', 'follows',
# 'the', 'emergence', 'of', 'structural', 'changes', 'in', 'japanese', 'industry', 'following',
# 'the', 'rise', 'in', 'the', 'value', 'of', 'the', 'yen', 'and', 'a', 'decline', 'in', 'domestic',
# 'electric', 'power', 'demand', '.', 'miti', 'is', 'planning', 'to', 'work', 'out', 'a', 'revised',
# 'energy', 'supply', '/', 'demand', 'outlook', 'through', 'deliberations', 'of', 'committee',
# 'meetings', 'of', 'the', 'agency', 'of', 'natural', 'resources', 'and', 'energy', ',', 'the',
# 'officials', 'said', '.', 'they', 'said', 'miti', 'will', 'also', 'review', 'the', 'breakdown',
# 'of', 'energy', 'supply', 'sources', ',', 'including', 'oil', ',', 'nuclear', ',', 'coal', 'and',
# 'natural', 'gas', '.', 'nuclear', 'energy', 'provided', 'the', 'bulk', 'of', 'japan', "'", 's',
# 'electric', 'power', 'in', 'the', 'fiscal', 'year', 'ended', 'march', '31', ',', 'supplying',
# 'an', 'estimated', '27', 'pct', 'on', 'a', 'kilowatt', '/', 'hour', 'basis', ',', 'followed',
# 'by', 'oil', '(', '23', 'pct', ')', 'and', 'liquefied', 'natural', 'gas', '(', '21', 'pct', '),',
# 'they', 'noted', '.', '<END>'],
# ['<START>', 'energy', '/', 'u', '.', 's', '.', 'petrochemical', 'industry', 'cheap', 'oil',
# ...
# '<END>'],
# ['<START>', 'turkey', 'calls', 'for', 'dialogue', 'to', 'solve', 'dispute', 'turkey', 'said',
# ...
# 'the', 'contents', 'of', 'the', 'message', 'were', 'not', 'disclosed', '.', '<END>']]
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