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Created June 21, 2019 12:31
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Add Uniform, Rayleigh, Exponential and Gamma noises to an image
% // Uniform Random Noise in The Range [0, 1] Scaled by k = 0.3. |
% // Rayleigh Noise with its [A = 0, B = 1] Scaled by k = 0.3. |
% // Exponential Noise Scaled By 0.2 Where The Value of A = 1. |
% // Gamma (Erlang) Noise where [A, B ] = [2, 5] and SF 'K' = 0.1. |
% // imnoise2.m File Function Is Called Inside This Program. |
%// Read an Image from The Given Path.
img = imread('input/img.bmp');
% // Extract Red, Green and Blue Channels of Input.
Rframe = img(:, :, 1);
Gframe = img(:, :, 2);
Bframe = img(:, :, 3);
Rframe = double(Rframe);
Gframe = double(Gframe);
Bframe = double(Bframe);
% // Normalized Intensities of Each Channel [0, 1].
Rframe = Rframe - min(Rframe(:));
Rframe = Rframe / max(Rframe(:));
Gframe = Gframe - min(Gframe(:));
Gframe = Gframe / max(Gframe(:));
Bframe = Bframe - min(Bframe(:));
Bframe = Bframe / max(Bframe(:));
% // Generate Uniform Noise Matrices, Scaled Down by 70%.
UN_R = 0.3 * imnoise2('uniform', 512, 512);
UN_G = 0.3 * imnoise2('uniform', 512, 512);
UN_B = 0.3 * imnoise2('uniform', 512, 512);
% // Generate Rayleigh Noise Matrices, Scaled Down by 70%.
RN_R = 0.3 * imnoise2('rayleigh', 512, 512);
RN_G = 0.3 * imnoise2('rayleigh', 512, 512);
RN_B = 0.3 * imnoise2('rayleigh', 512, 512);
% // Generate Exponential Noise Matrices, Scaled Down by 80%.
EN_R = 0.2 * imnoise2('exponential', 512, 512);
EN_G = 0.2 * imnoise2('exponential', 512, 512);
EN_B = 0.2 * imnoise2('exponential', 512, 512);
% // Generate Erlang Noise Matrices, Scaled Down by 90%.
GN_R = 0.1 * imnoise2('erlang', 512, 512);
GN_G = 0.1 * imnoise2('erlang', 512, 512);
GN_B = 0.1 * imnoise2('erlang', 512, 512);
% // Add Uniform Noises to Each Image Channel [R, G, B].
R_UNoisy = Rframe + UN_R;
G_UNoisy = Gframe + UN_G;
B_UNoisy = Bframe + UN_B;
% // Add Rayleigh Noises to Each Image Channel [R, G, B].
R_RNoisy = Rframe + RN_R;
G_RNoisy = Gframe + RN_G;
B_RNoisy = Bframe + RN_B;
% // Add Exponential Noises to Each Image Channel [R, G, B].
R_ENoisy = Rframe + EN_R;
G_ENoisy = Gframe + EN_G;
B_ENoisy = Bframe + EN_B;
% // Add Gamma (Erlang) Noises to Each Image Channel [R, G, B].
R_GNoisy = Rframe + GN_R;
G_GNoisy = Gframe + GN_G;
B_GNoisy = Bframe + GN_B;
% // Construct Noisy Images from The Corresponding Noisy Channels.
Img_UNoisy = cat(3, R_UNoisy, G_UNoisy, B_UNoisy);
Img_RNoisy = cat(3, R_RNoisy, G_RNoisy, B_RNoisy);
Img_ENoisy = cat(3, R_ENoisy, G_ENoisy, B_ENoisy);
Img_GNoisy = cat(3, R_GNoisy, G_GNoisy, B_GNoisy);
% // Display Images
subplot(1, 5, 1), imshow(img), title('Original image')
subplot(1, 5, 2), imshow(Img_UNoisy), title('Noisy image, Noise = Uniform')
subplot(1, 5, 3), imshow(Img_RNoisy), title('Noisy image, Noise = Rayleigh')
subplot(1, 5, 4), imshow(Img_ENoisy), title('Noisy image, Noise = exponential')
subplot(1, 5, 5), imshow(Img_GNoisy), title('Noisy image, Noise = Erlang')
% // Save Images to .bmp files
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