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Last active October 11, 2024 00:29
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Estimate the accuracy of `rsqrt` approximations in Arm NEON
// This script estimates the maximum errors of `rsqrt` approximation for
// ARM NEON, SSE, AVX2, and AVX-512.
// Compile with Clang or GCC:
// $ gcc rsqrt.c -o rsqrt -std=c99 -lm -march=native -O3 && time ./rsqrt
// $ gcc rsqrt.c -o rsqrt -std=c99 -lm -march=skylake-avx512 -O3 && time ./rsqrt
// $ gcc rsqrt.c -o rsqrt -std=c99 -lm -march=haswell -O3 && time ./rsqrt
// $ gcc rsqrt.c -o rsqrt -std=c99 -lm -march=westmere -O3 && time ./rsqrt
// It may take around 10 seconds on a CPU with ~2 GHz clock speed and also depends
// on which ISA is used. AVX-512 instructions are clearly the heaviest.
#include <float.h> // `FLT_MIN`
#include <math.h> // `sqrtf`
#include <stdint.h> // `uint32_t`
#include <stdio.h> // `printf`
#if defined(__ARM_NEON)
#include <arm_neon.h> // ARM NEON
#elif defined(__AVX512F__)
#include <immintrin.h> // AVX-512
#elif defined(__AVX2__)
#include <immintrin.h> // AVX2
#elif defined(__SSE__)
#include <xmmintrin.h> // SSE
// Macro for computing the rsqrt approximation depending on the platform
#if defined(__ARM_NEON)
// Consider performing one Newton-Raphson iteration
// vy = vmul_f32(vrsqrts_f32(vmul_f32(vx, vy), vy), vy);
// It can have a massive impact on the accuracy of the result. Without it:
// - Maximum absolute error: 2.532945e+16
// - Maximum relative error: 3.276857e-03
// With one iteration:
// - Maximum absolute error: 1.077521e+14
// - Maximum relative error: 1.621436e-05
// With two iterations:
// - Maximum absolute error: 1.649267e+12
// - Maximum relative error: 2.051842e-07
float rsqrt_approx(float x) {
float32x2_t vx = vdup_n_f32(x);
float32x2_t vy = vrsqrte_f32(vx);
vy = vmul_f32(vrsqrts_f32(vmul_f32(vx, vy), vy), vy); // Newton-Raphson iteration 1
vy = vmul_f32(vrsqrts_f32(vmul_f32(vx, vy), vy), vy); // Newton-Raphson iteration 2
return vget_lane_f32(vy, 0);
#elif defined(__AVX512F__)
// Expected result:
// - Maximum absolute error: 5.151212e+14
// - Maximum relative error: 6.000695e-05
float rsqrt_approx(float x) {
__m512 vx = _mm512_set1_ps(x);
__m512 vy = _mm512_rsqrt14_ps(vx);
return _mm512_cvtss_f32(vy);
#elif defined(__AVX2__)
// Expected result:
// - Maximum absolute error: 2.738334e+15
// - Maximum relative error: 3.261936e-04
float rsqrt_approx(float x) {
__m256 vx = _mm256_set1_ps(x);
__m256 vy = _mm256_rsqrt_ps(vx);
return _mm256_cvtss_f32(vy);
#elif defined(__SSE__)
float rsqrt_approx(float x) {
__m128 vx = _mm_set_ps1(x);
__m128 vy = _mm_rsqrt_ps(vx);
return _mm_cvtss_f32(vy);
float rsqrt_approx(float x) {
// Fallback: use the standard library `sqrtf`
return 1.0f / sqrtf(x);
int main() {
double max_abs_err = 0.0, max_rel_err = 0.0;
union {
uint32_t u;
float f;
} u;
printf("Starting `rsqrt` error estimate...\n");
for (uint32_t i = 0;; i++) {
u.u = i;
float x = u.f;
if (i == UINT32_MAX)
// Only process positive, finite, non-zero values
if (x <= FLT_MIN || !isfinite(x))
// Compute reciprocal square root using platform-specific intrinsic
float y = rsqrt_approx(x);
// Accurate computation using single-precision sqrtf
float accurate_y = 1.0f / sqrtf(x);
// Compute errors in double-precision
double abs_err = fabs((double)y - (double)accurate_y);
double rel_err = fabs(abs_err / (double)accurate_y);
if (abs_err > max_abs_err)
max_abs_err = abs_err;
if (rel_err > max_rel_err)
max_rel_err = rel_err;
printf("Maximum absolute error: %e\n", max_abs_err);
printf("Maximum relative error: %e\n", max_rel_err);
return 0;
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